HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-03-06, Page 5HOW CAN THERE BE PEACE? — Women from the Kirkton-Woodham United Church asked this question at the World Day of Prayer Service on Friday. Left to right are Roberta Vardy, Donna Paynter, Ethel Urquhart, Mary Tufts and Joan Robinson. T -A photo World Pay of Prayer well attended services World Day of Prayer was celebrated all over this area Friday. with songs, poetry and music at organized church services. The theme was "Peace Through Prayer and Action", and the Woman's Inter -Church Council distributed service guides prepared by the women of India. The prepared service, used with variations at chur- ches throughout the area, stressed the difficulties in forming real peace when there is so much injustice in society. The Indian origin of the readings came through with references to dowry -motivated bride burnings and discrimination between castes. But most of the problems cited by the In- dian women apply to Canada as well. Unemployment, wife battering and child abuse, the arms race. discrimination in wages against women, poverty...these are worldwide problems. At the Kirkton-Woodham United Church, guest speaker Rev. Wilena Brown of Varna Goshen Church spoke on how Christ is stronger than hate, how many kinds of people can come together in Christ, and about what prayer really is. She called the au- dience to action, to open their eyes to prayers are very queer concoctions people suffering right around them. sometimes". She read a "prayer" by Abused women and homeless people someone really more concerned in city shelters were ex . m 111 oi_abouL those who could use direct tate-to- face help as well as donations to ap- propriate agencies. Rev. Brown also talked about the U.N. International Woman's Decade now coming to an end. She recounted some of the successes of the period, and some of the work That is still undone. Violinist Marjorie Loft and pianist Ethel Stephen added to the service with classical religious music. The service was followed by a potluck lunch. In Exeter, the service in the United Church was attended by women from all the town churches. The choir was there to add richness to the hymns and songs. There was a "passing of peace" where everyone clasped hands and then passed the clasp to their neighbour, and a "passing of light" where candles were lit, one from the other around the church. Alma Langford spoke about getting knowledge, wisdom , and understan- ding and the importance of understanding other countries and religions. She used the metaphor of building bridges with human stones, stones of understanding, charity and tolerance. Langford went on to say, "our • iffirCANDLE CEREMONY Part of World Day of Prayer at Exeter United Church was "the passing of the light" Shown here are Mrs. Marjorie Adams and Mrs. Jean Pooley. COUNT ON THE COMFORT Naturalizer knows how important comfort is when you're on your feet all day. And this lightweight is specially designed to give you the great fit and comfort you need. In white, with a flexible unit bottom — and a soft socklining to cushion every step. It's yours at a great price, too. NATU RAL1 ZER COMFORT 1SY t)t:SI(JN $54 Light grey. tan or black SORORITY Smyth's MIST SHOE STORE LTD. MAIN ST. EXETER PHONE 235-1933 God's work, one she felt would come close to home for many people. In it, requests are made for lower taxes,.to help the needy "without asking me", to keep all people of different races, "off the street where they may lower my property values", and so on. Langford suggested that, "God says, why ask me to send peace, when you're sweating to earn enough to build more nuclear bombs". The service was followed by refreshments. World Day of Prayer was a good time to take a break from the every- day routine, and consider how we might emulate the example of St. Francis of Assissi, who asked God to "make me a channel for your peace". Times -Advocate, Morch 6, 1985 Page 5 Rueger case discussed MP responds to concerns Ed. note - The following letter recently appeared in the St. Marys Journal -Argus and is reprinted due to the amount of interest in the case in the Exeter area, where relatives of the victim have circulated petitions regarding the court ruling which has reduced the conviction of Raymond Rueger from first degree murder to manslaughter. I have received hundreds of letters from the citizens of St. Marys and area concerning the December 24, 1981 murder of Marilyn Arthur by Raymond Reuger. This concern was touched off by the November 29 ruling of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of On- tario, that the first degree murder conviction of Mr. Rueger be set aside and that he be convicted of manslaughter. The fear of each of the letter writers is that Mr. Rueger will become eligible for parole at a much earlier date, that is, at 10 years for the manslaughter conviction as com- pared to 25 years in the case of first degree murder. I have contacted the Honourable John Crosbie; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. I in- clude, for you, a quote from his letter concerning parole eligibility: "However, parole eligibility does not ensure release. The Parole Board makes a thorough review of the per- son's case and situation before con- sidering parole; individuals convicted of murder are rarely released at the earliest eligibility date. When releas- ed, the person may be subjected to certain conditions and is under super- vision. The individual remains on parole for life, continuing to serve the life sentence and liable to be return- ed to prison for breaching the parole CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER THE LAYING OUT AND ESTABLISHING OF JOHN STREET EAST BETWEEN EDWARD STREET AND PRYDE BOULEVARD. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 29$ of the_ ••. • :1, ap er 1 t at t e Couricit o the Corporation of the Town of Exeter proposes to pass a By-law tolay out and establish a rood allowance known as John Street East located between Edward Street and Pryde Boulevard. The parcel in question is approximately 774 feet in length and 66 feet in width, consisting of an area of approximately 51,084 square feet os set out in the diagram below. The proposed plan, by-law and descripton showing the lands affected may be viewed in the Clerk's Department, at the Municipal Office, 406 Main Street, Exeter. On Monday, March 18, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 406 Main Street, Exeter, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter will hear in person or by Counsel, Solicitor, or agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudically affected by the said By-law, and who applies to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as possible, make application to: Elizabeth Bell, AMCT, CMO Clerk -Treasurer TOWN of Exeter, 406 Main Street, NOM 1S0 1141 . 1145 1•r2' , Oki M! 1' 101 1,1? 1111 Ni - •11 1111re . JOHN ST.E. "-PROPOSED OPENING JOHN ST. 66' SANDE/S sky' b 0 O 2 w 515. 411. Mf' H1f terns. If he or she commits even a minor offence while on parole, the person can be returned to prison to serve the balance of the outstanding sentence and is then required to make another application for parole." Mr. Crosbie went on to say that while Mr. Rueger is convicted under a federal law, the Attorney General of Ontario has direct control and perhaps it would be better that pro- tests be directed to that gentleman. Of course, you are aware of the changes in that role at the present time. The new sentence for Mr. Rueger will be handed down on or about March 4, 1985. I have decided to wait until that moment before making any more public comment on this matter. I have chosen the route of an open let- ter because many of the people who on o„ P` e1 es a 0 . S 1227 n « 1.3, ;12 _l___.. .2:L. - au. 1225 1211 1227 1232 1221 1 1231 124, T 1274 12� 1231 1241 111 41241 111 JAMES ST. ( 1260 1261 ` AS al Al' .1 4 S CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER THE PROPOSED STOPPING UP. CLOSING AND SELLING OF MUNICIPAL ROAD ALLOWANCE KNOWN AS "WELLINGTON STREET" BETWEEN LOTS 1158, 1196 and 1159, 1195, PLAN 376, TOWN OF EXETER IN THE COUNTY OF HURON and being located between Sanders Street East and the John Street East propos- ed opening. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 298 of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter proposes to pass a by-law to stop -up, close and sell a rood allowance known as Wellington Street running south from Sanders Street East to John Street East in the Town of Exeter. The parcel in question is approx- imately 54.4 feet by 329 feet more particularly described as Wellington Street less rood widenings at Sanders Street and John Street and consisting of 17,930.5 square feet. Please refer to diagram above. The proposed plan, by-law and description showing the lands affected may be viewed in the Clerk's Depart- ment at the Municipal Building, 406 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario. On Monday, March 18th, 1985 of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 406 Main Street South, Exeter, the Council of the Town of Exeter will hear, in person, or by Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudically affected by the said By -Law and who applies to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as possible, make application to: Elizabeth Bell, AMCT, CMO Clerk -Treasurer Town of Exeter 406 Main Street South EXETER, Ontario NOM 1 SO )83Quonsmoo iatnoT.Q o 2ou ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC orri�5 omuth Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 have corresponded with me have not included their full address. You can all rest assured of my con- tinued interest in this case. Yours sincerely harry Brightwell, M.P. Perth See next week's T -A for details about our WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: 1 1— 1.1. • CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED ‘;10013112 AL. ACCOUNTANT TEL , 6I e-496-111*ON THE OLD TOWN HALL 151120 MAIN 14TREET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM 100 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 664-01133 666-1167 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginlon RR 2 Luton. Ont. (319) 227.4410 J.G. "Bud" Mclver RR 2, Licari, Ontario (519)227-4111 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan love R R 3 Parkhill, Ontorio NOM ?KO Phone Grand Bend 2382644 REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free Estimates ' 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Dave Centro Ltd. 149OownieSt.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271.9 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Effkient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Coiled 235.1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236.4414 Aint lonoor John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton Specializing in ON FARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 WEDDINGS Let us help you with your wedding invitations T1 = t Advocate 235-1331