HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-27, Page 161 Page 4A Times -Advocate, Februar 27, 1985 OVER THE TOP --- Panthers Scott Lovie (35) manages to get o shot over a leaping No. 43 for the Central Huron Redmen as the locals scored a win in their quarter -final match. Other SHDHS players in the action include Rob Tait (15), Stephen Merner and to the right. Mike Clarke. PUSH-UP Dave Gratton goes all out to snare a loose ball in last week's quarter -final basketball action between SHDHS and Central Huron. Watching are Rob Tait and Stephen Merner of the Panthers. Show well at WOSSA • SH boys reach Huron -Perth semi.fhials pressed with South Huron's play. The season had it's ups and downs for the senior Panthers but they have nothing to be disappointed about. The Panthers have an excellent nucleus for next season. Stephen Merner is the only senior graduating and not returning. Scott Lovie won the annual free- throw competition Monday. Lovie sank nine of 10 shots to beat Merner by one hoop. The seniors complete their season tonight (Wednesday+ 1. The locals travel to Strathroy for an exhibition match at 7:00. South Huron's senior boys basket- semi-finalist, Goderich, opted to at - ball team all but complete their tend the Double A tournament, along season this weekend but not before with Stratford Central. Seaforth, the advancing to the Huron Perth semi- other conference finalist will compete finals and showing well at the WOSSA tn the single A tournament this Triple A tournament in London- weekend. The Panthers gained a birth in the The Panthers were matched conference semi-finals, defeating against Ranting in the opening match Clinton 67-49 on home court. of the tournament. Banting outscored The locals took it right to the the locals by 18 points in the first visiting Redmen, opening a 16 point quarter and most considered the lead before Clinton got on the board. game to be over at this point. •The Panthers never allowed their The match was far from over. The visitors to get within 10 points of the Panthers outscored Banting in every lead and controlled play throughout one of the final three quarters but. that the match. was not quite enough. The game erid Rob Tait was the big roan for South Huron, scoring a season high of 27 points and dominating the boards with 15 rebounds. Stephen Merner and Scot Mer- rylo;es scored 12 and' nine points respectively while Scott Lovie added seven points and nine rebounds. The 18 point win over Clinton ad- vanced the Panthers to' the semi- finals where they met Stratford Central. Central opened a big lead early, leading by 14 points at one point, but the locals cut that lead to four points before the half. The Stratford club came back strong after the half-time rest to leave the game at 58-50 in their favour. Tait and Merner were the high scor- ing locals with 1 I points each. Scott Miller picked tip eight points and Scott Lovie and Mike Clarke each added seven as the Panthers'hopes of regaining the Ifurop Perth title were crushed by a strong Stratford team. The loss to Stratford did not mean the end of the season for the Panthers. it meant the locals had the opportuni- ty to compete in the WOSSA Triple A tournament held in Western's Alum- ni Hall. In previous years, the WOSSA Tri- ple A tournament was attended by 'mostly London schools. This year the tourney was opened up and each con- ference was allowed to send one representative.• South Huron became the Huron Perth representative when the other. TAKE MIXED BONSPIEL John Bancroft presents the Kongskilde mixed curling trophy to Frank McNeil, Jeanne and Bruce Heighway and Charlotte McNeil. T -A photo ed with the locals on the short side of a 58.441 score South l luron played one of their bet: ter games of the season. The Pan- thers out rebounded Ranting who led the London conference in rebounding this season. it does serve as some con- solat that the Panthers were beaten by the school who ended up winning the WOSSA tournament. The Panthers showed themselves and many spectators that they can play with the best schools around. The it, ais received an invitation to the Ito% Burger King Allstar tournament by Me coach of Beal who was very im- 9 GRUDGE MATCH — A feature of Friday's 25th anniversary of the Exeter curling dub was o grudge game. Above, Roy Lamport, Ken Ottewelt, Les Parker and Gerry Finnen accept the challenge trophy from present curling club president Gerry Smith. - T -A photo .Locals race Brian Eickmeier of the Hully Gul- ly Racing .team travelled this weekend to Crysler in the Ottawa Valley to compete in the World Series of Drag Racing. The sun was shining, the temperature cold 'and the com- petition tough. ' Saturday Brian entered A,B and C stock and was eliminated in the first heat of all three -classes. Some ad- justments were made and Sunday morning we restudded the track in hopes of gaining traction at the star- ting line of the 750 foot solidice track. Brian entered the same three classes Sunday and fared alot better making it to the second heat in B and C stock while still being eliminated in the first heat of A stock by some real- ly stiff competitors. Scott Savelle, Stratford took along Bantams wun- covet Lucan 11-5 at Ottawa his 1979 TX 340 Polaris to enter in D and C stock. He finished third, Satur- day and second, Sunday in D stock, the class his sled is categorized in. Cathy Regier, Kirkton raced Scott's Polaris in the Women's I -Stock D class to finish first for the weekend in that category. A really busy weekend is coming up with the World Series of Oval Racing and sno-cross at Owen Sound and Kin- cardine has a winter carnival. The winter carnival has drag racing Saturday and a sno-cross competition Sunday afternoon. PINK SNOW!? Are 'Ou getting.- pink notA, in your coior pictures?? Our years of experience tell us that when your eyes don't see pink snow neither does your camera. FOR QUALITY FILM developing without pink snow bring your films to The Exeter bantam house league team played two games during the week, losing an exhibition game to St. Marys 3-1, Tuesday, and defeating Lucan 11-5 in a league game, Saturday. In the loss to St. Marys, the Exeter team dominated play for the first two periods, but were unable to score. With less than a minute left in the game and with St. Marys leading 3-0, Frank Woodward scored with David Josephson getting the only assist. in the game against'Lucan, Henri Delruyn and David Josephson led the way each with three goals and three assists. Jeff Rowe also had a good game, with two goals and two assists. Tom Rolph, Jeff Playfoot and Rob McKnight also scored for the Exeter team. Picking up two assists each were Scott Wedlake and Laurie Chalmers, with single points going to Jason MCFaIIs, Tom Rolph, Peter Leriko's. Graham Arthur and Frank Mattucci. Goal scorers for Lucan were Bob Aldridge and Greg Hayter, each with two, and Troy Edginton one. The game was extremely clippy. with both teams being penalized heavily in the second and third periods, and then usually for retaliation. WINS 8 OF M TROPHY — An Exeter rink won the first draw of Wednesday's Bank of Montreal ladies curling bonspiel.Above, Exeter branch manager 'Mike Cregan presents the trophy to Heather Beattie, Gail Skinner, Sandra Tryon and Didi Von Dyken. T -A photo. What Every Family Should Know ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION SHALL BEDTIME PRAYERS BE MODIFIED? The traditional bedtime proyer most .of us said as children can do more harm than good in certain family situations, such as after the death of a grandparent who "died in his sleep." Consider the fear of death -during -sleep which on impressionable child might have after nightly recitation of the line "... and if die before I wake..." Of course, os we, ourselves, have survived the violence found even in Mother Goose tales. so, too. will our children survive their fears at bedtime. If, however, you'd like on alternate rhyme more on the positive side, you may wish to substitute these for the traditional lines: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. In the morning when I wake, 1 pray the lord a good day to make. While on the subject. the questions children ask about death deserve honest answers and on their own level of understan- ding. It may help if you con relate a person's or pet's death to that of a flower, o plant or a t-ee... that the flower grew, bloom- ed, faded and finally died, all in o natural order of events. We'II be glad to discuss these subjects with you in greater detail. Your area Ontario Funeral Service Members are T. tatkEff atth ion FUNERAL HOME 223 Main St. Lucan 227-421 1 RINK REUNITED --- At Friday's 25th anniversary celebration at the Exeter curling club, an original challenge rink was reunited. Renew ing acquaintances are Bill MacLean, Dick Jermvn, Dick Roleofson and Art Cann. T -A photo Huron Cuges Sundayp ('RC Productions of Clinton and tinily Gully Sports of Varna are both proud to present "The 1185 Iluron Cup ATV and Snowmobile Snowc'ross Races" to he held al Holly Gully this Sunday, March 3. This race was originally scheduled for January 20. hut was stormed out. There are many riders pre -entered for this event. which is the last of a Oldtimers win The Exeter Moiling Ilawks scored a decisive 7-2 win over London intra City in oldtimers hockey. Monday night. .Lim Russell, Bill ('hipchase and Bob McDonald each scored two goals to pace the Molting Hawks. Scoring in single fashion was Frank Boyle. Keith, Ahrens led the playmakers with a pair of assists. Helping on one goal apiece were fete McFa1Is. Bob McDonald, Jim Russell and Jim Maci)onald series of five races. The Huron ('uiI will he given to the top ATV or • snowmobile rider. with the highest points. The test three classes in either division will count. There are also many series awards to be given away from our sponsors, Honda, Di-Jer, Tri Max and Nican. Local area rider turnout will be very high in both ATV and Snowmobile divisions so local spec- tators are urged to come out and cheer on your local racers. The local snowmobile club will hold a pancake breakfast from 10 noon. CRUNCHERS WIN The Exeter ('ranchers scored a 5 I victory over Zurich in a recent atom houseleague hockey game. Jeremy Brock notched two goals for The Crunchers. Scoring in single fashion were Brent Miran. Tim Hoer man and Shawn Webster. A WINNER — Bruce Eickmeir of the Hully Gully Circus racing team wan at the recent Western Fair sports show. in Exeter (next to Mac's Milk) Clinton (3 doors from town hall) Seaforth (3 doors from the lights) or MAIL Direct to Clinton Photo Service Box 1200 Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO THINKING ABOUT RETIREMENT PLANNING? WE CAN 13ROVIDE: (1) RRSP's - Guaranteed funds with competitive interest rates. - Equity based funds - Market funds which combine the best of the Stock market, Bond market and Treasury Bill market. (2) ADVICE On financial and tax matters as they pertain to retire- ment income. (3) PAYOUT ANNUITIES As required for your needs from (presently) over 30 companies WHY NOT LET US PUT IT ALL TOGETHER CALL TODAY. (235-2740) George A. Godbolt, . CLU Devon Building, Exeter, Ontario OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday (9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) For after -hour or Saturday appointments please call 235-2740 "Licensed with the Mutual Life of Canada" glik161 Coming soon to Anstett's The crazy new wave in Swiss Watches •Avallahle in different fashion colours and designs •Ouar?z technology *Shock Resistant. water resistant 10 100 toot depth *One Year Warranty One IOW pr ice on;? $ 4 5 °°^,, ANSTETT JEWELLERS 8 Alherl SI CLINTON 284 Main St EXETER 26 Ma,n St South SEAFORTH 135 Queen SI E ST. MARYS 203,Oufham St E WALKERTON •