HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-13, Page 27soGi@aO£s'g J UCW meets at Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY The UCW of the United Church met in the church basement February 7. Lois Wilson presided and opened with prayer. Final plans were made for the World Day of Prayer to be held at Centralia United Church, February 28 at 8 p.m. in charge of the program for the evening were Lois Wilson, Doreen Lines, Phyllis Tomes and Ellen Brown. Lois read an article entitled "Be My Valentine" and gave an in- teresting report on the recent visit of two Korean women to many United Churches across Canada. Doreen gave a poem "Steward- ship". They all took part in a skit "Bloom Where You Are". A delicious lunch was served by Iva Blair and Marion Abbott. The -sympathy of the community is extended to Rev. Robert and Mrs. Degraw and family in the death of Bob's father, the late Mr. Neil Degraw, Port Stanley. The regular Monday night euchre in the Community centre was held February 4 with 14 tableslplaying, con- vened by Harry and Marian Noels, Helen MacDonald and Jack Dickens. . Prize winners were high scores Il- ene Pullman and Ed Armstrong, lone hands Mary ,Kooy and Charlie Roll- ings, low score Lydia Regier and George Cunningham. The next euchre February 18 will be convened by Charlie and Freda Roll- ings and Joe and Margaret Carter. Ben Riley travelled by bus with Cook's Mill Saturday to a hockey match in Detroit. Clyde Kooy, Huron Park spent the weekend with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keller, London were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel. CWL DONATES DISHES — The Exeter Precious Blood Catholic Women's League recently presented dishes valued at $300 to the school from the proceeds of a recent penny sale. Offering a cup of coffee to prin- cipal Laurie Kraftcheck are CWL president Doreen Adams, Anna Marie Cook, Linda Wilhelm and presi- dent Barbaro Sheeler. T -A photo At Thames Road Plan number of diurch nieetings By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE The February meeting of the United Church Women was held Mon- day evening with 33 ladies present. Mrs. Gerry Morgan welcomed everyone and gave the Call to Wor- ship on Friendship and Love. The Scripture Lesson was all about love and was read by Mrs. Lorne Ballan- tyne, and she also led in prayer. Mrs. READY TO SKI — Tammy Richardson on • Lisa Milos get help from Beth Williams as they prepare for Sunday's ski rally at the Kirkton- Woodham Winter Carnival. T -A photo Fire chief speaks to Institute at Staffs By MRS. .1. TEMPLEMAN Mrs. George Vivian hosted the Safety meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute at her home in Mitchell, January 30, with 16 members present. Mrs. Ross McPhail, vice-president opened the meeting with the Ode and Collect and read a Robbie Burns favourite "Flow Gently Sweet Often". Members answered the roll call by giving a practical measure of self defence. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mitchell fire chief, Floyd Wassmann, who told those present about the fire area that his depart- ment services. There are 21 fire fighters in Mit- chell. Ile also showed a very good film on wood stoves. A question and answer period followed. Floyd was in- troduced and thanked by Mrs. McPhail. Mrs. Charles Douglas gave a safe- ty hint on using and caring for knives. The president Mrs. Kay Smale presid- ed for the business portion with Mrs. Wm. Mahon recording secretary. A letter was read from the Rural Organizations Specialist, Mrs. Nancy Ross, regarding the upcoming 4-11 projects and announcing a senior pro- ject on Home Decor Planning to be of- fered in March. Mrs. Charles Douglas and Mrs. George Vivian volunteered to attend the training school. Announcement was made regar- ding the 39th annual music festival in - Mitchell with Staffa WI continuing their sponsorship. An invitation was accepted to attend a dessert euchre at Russeldale Hall on February 11 with Glen Gowrie W.I. hosting. After discussion a motion was made to hold a dessert euchre in Staf- fa Hall on March 6 with the proceeds to go to Water for All and the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead. Mrs. George Vivian gave the treasurer's report. Following the singing of the Institute Grace refreshments were served by Mrs. Vivian, Mrs. Bob Parsons and Mrs. John Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daynard have returned home from a enjoyable visit with their family Gavin and Heather Quincy and boys, near Victoria, British Columbia. An excellent and enthusiastic crowd participated in the South Hib- bert Athletic Societies Annual Poker Run on Sunday in the township. On the spot 2 hour financing Rick Etherington gave a reading en- titled "Friendship". Mrs. Paul Passmore gave a reading entitled "Love". A humorous reading entitled "Housecleaning" by Mrs. Ballantyne. Mrs. Lee Webber read about Korean Church Customs and also U.C.W. Power Saves. The offering was received by Mrs. Gerry Morgan and Mrs. Rick Etherington with prayer by Mrs. Webber. Mrs. Ballantyne called on Mrs. Don Bray who showed pictures of her re- cent trip to New Zealand. The pic- tures and commentary were real in- terestirfg. She was thanked and given a gift by Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Webber, the president opened the business part of the meeting with a poem "This Winter". The roll call was answered with "What Makes A Good Chris- tian." Several cards of thanks were read. Members are to meet at Exeter United Church on March 1 at 2 p.m. for the World Day of Prayer Service. The treasurer's report and the secretary reports were received. The meeting closed with prayer and a reading on Friendship by Mrs. Ether- ington. Lunch was served by Group C under the leadership of the Group Leaders;_Mrs. Cunnington-and Mrs: Pym. Church Service Rev. Robert Matheson was in charge of the church service which was the Fifth Sunday After Epiphany. Rev. Matheson told the children a story entitled "Down Day For A Friend". The Scripture Lesson was read from Job 7:1-7, I Corinthians 9:16-23, Mark 1:29-39 and the sermon was entitled "All In A Day at H.Q." The Fellowship Group will meet Sunday, February 24 at 8 p.m. in Thames Road Church. The Official Board meeting will be held Monday, February 25 at 8 p.m., also in Thames Road Church. The Thames Road ball park meeting will be held in Thames Road Church, Tuesday, February 19 at 8 p.m. Personals Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert on the birth of their grand daughter Jeanne Christine Bern born, Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Herne Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rowe were guests at a surprise birthday party for their sister Ann Marie, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rennie, Sarnia. Lindsay and Miranda Knight, Hen- sall spent the week -end with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Blundell, Mark and Craig, London were Synday sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson and family.' Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rohde, Karen and Kathy, Exeter visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde. We're axing prices: • 1952 OMC S15 Pickup. V6 automatic PS, PB, radio. 56000 km. rear bumper. $6495 i ii • Dadge 1979 Chevette 4 door, 4 cyle automatic, radio,cloth int. 5300 km. like brand new. 1 owner car. $3893. 1953 OMC S15 pickup. V6 automatic PS, PB, radio, chrome pkg. rear bumper. 44000 km. Like new throughout. $749 EXETER PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. 136 Mein St. North Eseter, Ont.rlo 235.1325 Formerly Mothers Motors Open 0:30 . 9 Mon. thru. Thurs.: Fridley till 4; Soles Set. till 4 Solos CHA1SLEf1, Col Wein Bob lommle "We're changing daily to serve you better" • i Howard Cunnington is a patient in University Hospital, London after having fractured his heel last week. Get well wishes are extended. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ellis, Kitchener visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Alan. Mrs. Mary Hodgert, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Grant and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Alan, Miss Michelle Riehl, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Parker and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cann were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Cann. The occasion being Mrs. Mary Hodgert's birthday. Many people from this community attended Open House for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper at Elimville United Church, Sunday afternoon. Congratulations Floyd andShirley on the occasion of your 25th wedding anniversary. The flowers in the church Sunday were placed there in memory of the late Everard Miller. Youth Bowl Twelve young people and their leaders Rev. Robert and Mrs. Matheson and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym went bowling to Lucan Sunday afternoon returning to ie home of Mr. and Mrs. Pym, for a pot luck sup- per, a film and business which brought an enjoyable afternoon and evening to a close. Family night for Kippen WI By MARGARET HOGGARTH On Wednesday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hensall Presbyterian Church, the Kippen East Women's In- stitute will hold their family night. Guest speaker will be Mr. Bruce Lobb, and roll call to be answered by giving a farm safety tip. Kippen East were saddened to hear of the death of their first president, Mrs. Carrie Graham who served when the group was started in 1934. Kippen United Church Rev. Jim Bechtel presided in the pulpit on Sunday, February 10 at St. Andrew's, Kippen, in the absence of Pastor Moffat. Mrs. Mary Moffatt ac- companied the hymns at the organ, which is in need of repairs at this pre- sent moment. The Ministry of Music was presented by the Kippen Choir sing- ing, "There's a Sweet, Sweet Presence". Rev. Bechtnel entitled his sermon "A Life of high privilege." Personals Steve McGregor and Lyle Kinsman have returned from a, trip to Caribbean. Mrs. Sophia McGregor was taken into Exeter Hospital on Friday mor- ning, February 8, we hope she will soon be feeling better. Kippen area residents were sadden- ed to hear of the death of two former Kippen residents. Mike Connolly passed,away on Thursday, February 7, and Mrs. Carrie Graham died on Sunday, February 10. The sympathy of the communty goes out to those left to mourn. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Service at St. Patrick's Church Sun- day was conducted by Rev. Peter Derrick. Readers were Paul Bedell and Rev. Derrick and Mary Davis played for the hymns. The childrens' Focus was on our choice in many things in life including our right to worship and Rev. Derrick stressed the fact that we shouldn't think we have the only right way, no matter what demonination we belong to. Service next Sunday will be at 8:45 p.m. depending on weather and roads. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Car- roll's mother, Mrs. Ford Dyer in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. John MacGillivray called on their son Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and Courtney, Lucan. Misses Deb and Palm Greenlee spent Friday and Saturday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Greenlee. Times -Advocate, February '13, 1985 Page 15A -CO DISCOUNT ListerInint 625 ml 2.39 Nee Citrus A la's 2.29 "Ain" Toothpaste 100 ml .89 Slayer Aspirin 24's ' .89 Garbage tags heavy duty 10's '79 Pine's° Shampoo or Conditioner 300 ml 2.49 Lady Speedstiek 50 g 1.69 complete . Valentine Selection 433 Main St., Exeter, 235-1661 Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.Sun.: 12 noon - 6 p.m. g3c% ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC orris omuth Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690. 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 .Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPII F. DARLING CERTIVIZD ,.ENZIRAL ACCOUNTANT TE1., e t 0-1196-*RON THS OLD TOWN HALL. 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"Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucarl, Ontario (319)227.4111 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Lova R.R. 3 Parkhill, Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238-2644 • REPAIRS Sewing Mashie* Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Do,y Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centro Ltd. 149Downl,St.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 1.9 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE Ws give complete sale service PROFIT ST EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 135.1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - JF Anywhere JF FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton Speciin ONFARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 WEDDINGS Let us help you with your wedding invitations c/.."111dvoc-atei 235-1331