HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-13, Page 1900 OFF I OPOM,IMMRs I,• 7.61 Varna Seniors crown Valentine Queen By MARY CHESSELL Mary Brown of RR 5, Clinton was the lovely Valentine Queen for the Stan -Lee Seniors' Valentine party and potluck supper. She was crowned by the president's wife, Norene Hayter. Wilfred Chuter won a prize for hav- ing the lucky dinner plate and Grace McClinchey was the only one present with a birthday in the Valentine month. She only gets to celebrate it every fourth year, being born on the 29th in the Leap Year. Following a delicious meal, a business meeting was- held with Elmer Hayter presiding. A decision was made to join the United Senior Citizens of Ontario, an organization which has had considerable success in securing benefits for seniors. A committee was appointed to purchase a suitable clock for the hall. Two new members have joined and the membership is now around eighty. There were 36 present at this meeting. Euchre, bridge and shuffleboard were played. The next meeting is on March 5. Helen Taylor was the hostess for the February meeting of Varna U.C.W. on Thursday evening. Ivan McClymont spoke on the work being done to prepare a history of Stanley Township, including Bayfield, which • will hopefully be ready early next year. Since 1986 is the sesquicenten- nial of Stanley Township, dating from the time a clerk was first appointed ..r in 1836, a decision was made to publish an atlas. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Complex, open to all who are in- terested in providing information or helping with research. Help is urgent- ly needed to do research, especially to react microfilm of old newspapers. Different topics have been assigned to certain people. Ivan is doing the chapter on chur- ches. Missionaries were sent out from London and Goderich, some of them the saddlebag type of preacher, and when enough people were involved, an advocacy was established, with meetings in homes or schools. Ivan found there was a lot of competition between the many denominations for members. The Methodists built many churches, but the Presbyterians built more durable buildings. Church unions were frequent, there being many changes over the years. The Parr Line was named after John Parr who in 1842 leased two lots, the present McClymont and Ostrom farms. Most farm deeds are dated from the time the land was paid for, First meeting of year for Hurondale WI Hurondale W.I. held their first meeting of the year January 30 begin- ning with dessert at 1 p.m. in Caven Presbyterian Church. Institute grace was sung by all. President Fern Dougall opened the meeting with Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes of the last meeting were given by assistant secretary Marjorie Oke. The district annual will be May 16. Information on the farm princess con- test was given by Margaret Strang. The theme of the Exeter Fall Fair will be "Focus on Fowl." Ila Love made a motion to carry on. Puoo101 cup PINI111.a0 COCONUT . Coir+ DELMONTE PUDDING CUPS 20 oz. CTN. the get "cracking" class for children which was seconded by Olive Hicks. Gifts for the Erland Lee Home will be an apron by Ila Love, knitted socks by Lena Kirkland, crochet work by M. Oke. Program convener was Connie Kernick who gave the motto. Special guest Sherrie Seldon from the Sugar and Spice shop was very in- teresting talking on the making of chocolates and passing out samples. she also showed some collectors plates and frames and beautiful dolls which are all sold in her shop. The February and March meetings will also be held at the same location and same time. often ten years or,more after they were leased. The committee has ar- ranged with the Registry Office for free access to information for anyone researching his farm history. There is a section for family histories too. "Let Us Take Time for All Things" was the topic of worship presented by Helen Taylor, Margaret McClymont and Maureen Hayter. Mary Chessell presided for business. A large donation was made to the Survival Through Friendship organization which provides safe homes and counselling, etc. for physically abused women and children. Volunteer help is needed, too. The World Day of Prayer service in March will be held at our regular meeting. Deb Hathwell was asked to, contact young women to work on the Dessert Euchre committee. One quilt has been completed at Eleanor McAsh's and another is be- ing set up at Ruth Johnston's for Barb Consitt. Helen read "When 1 Have Time" to close the meeting and her committee served a delicious lunch. Attendance at Varna church was down on Sunday because several peo- ple were ill, including Rev. Brown. Mrs. Eric (Shirley) Luther of Hensall took the services in Varna and Goshen and preached a good sermon. Organist Marjorie Hayter and pianist Julie Webster played several duets. Times -Advocate, February 13, 1905 Page 7A VALENTINE QUEEN - Mary Brown, RR 5 Clinton, was crowned Valentine Queen of the Stan -Lee Seniors by Norene Hayter, wife of president Elmer Hayter. Mrs. Leila Becker returned home last Sunday after spending three weeks with her daughter and family in Clinton, Elva and Ralph Otten, and babysitting Mark while mom was in the hospital with her baby Pamela Margaret, born January 16 at Clinton Public Hospital. Sunday visitors and supper guests with Helen, Patrick and Colleen Overholt were Bruce and Janet, Steve FRUIT COCKTAIL, PEACHES OR PEARS DELMONTE FANCY LIGHT TASTE FRUIT 14 oz. TIN99 FANCY QUALITY DELMONTE STEWED TOMATOES 19 oz. 9 6 POPULAR VARIETIES DELMONTE JUICES .3's 750 mL TOTAL CHOICE CR CORN, PEAS, PEAS & CARROTS AYLMER VEGETABLES TOMATO, VEGETABLE, CHICKEN. NOODLE OR CR. OF MUSHROOM AYLMER SOUPS S FOR 10 oz. TINS CUT WAX OR GR. BEANS 19 oz. TINS AYLMER BRAND CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES 28 oz 99 AYLMER FANCY WHOLE 19 Oz. ROSEBUD BEETS 79' PIECES AND STEMS MEADOWGLEN MUSHROOMS 10 oz. TIN 69` FLAKES OF TURKEY 1.39MAPLE LEAF 184 g MAPLE LEAF 184 g FLAKES OF HAM 1.39 QUAKER CHEWY 3 VARIETIES GRANOLA BARS 2259 1.69 SURTEC to s GARBAGE BAGS 1.39 PLASTIC HANDIWRAP Som 1.89 HOSTESS ASSORTED POTATO CHIPS 200 39 ALL PURPOSE io kg ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 1.99 McNAIR FINE QUALITY WALNUT PIECES ,m.179 McNAIR SULTANA RAISINS 750 91.99 AMAIN SEMI -SWEET CHOC. CHIPS 350 g 1.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES son 9 DARE COOKIES 1.99 4 VARIETIES Soo ml KRAFT DRESSINGS 2.1 PREGO PLAIN OR MUSHROOM` SPAGHETTI SAUCE 3:18-991' ORAL B TOOTHBRUSHES EA 1.19 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED BAN ROLL -0N15 m1Z.19 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED 225 mL FINAL NET ULTRA 2.9 100% PURE VEGETABLE CRISCO OIL ONE LITRE DOZEN 3 VARIETIES PUMP ACTION COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 100 mL 9 SIRLOIN TIP, BREAST OF CHICKEN BEEF BURGUNDY, SALISBURY STEAK KNOTTY PINE DINNERS SUPREME 311 9 . PKGS. SEE COUPON BELOW VALUABLE COUPON. I WITH THIS COUPON AT TEHRS OR CORDONS 4 CHOICES SAVE KNOTTY PINE DINNERS ,,,g PKG oM COl►('MM ►UMC,..S. SHROVE SPECIALS AUNT AMA 3 FLAVOURS PANCAKE SYRUP AUNT JEMINA 2 VARIETIES PANCAKE MIXES 750 mL ' BOTTLES • 1 kg PKG. SPECIAL 3 VARIETIES EGGO WAFFLES 312 g PKGS. v tecourotd - - MMI% N1 OM.., TI,.% M 60•00.1 Ili. f,t WITH THIS COUPON SAVE NABOB TRADITIONS o PSG COFFEE OM, co,.OM MM ft/,CM.SI SPECIAL NABOB NABOB 3 GRINDS "TRADITION' GROUND COFFEE VALIUIE COUPON jirimmi w oo..., OM, ., Fr .% r. f.MOM,S M,..,,S WITH THIS COUPON SAVF • NABOB TRADITION PMG COFFEE COIPOM nM t (...S. C OUP'OM E I►W, S I I. 11 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO IEASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS J CARNATION HASHBROWN POTATOES 1.5 kg 1.39 SAVARIN BEEF. TURKEY, CHICKEN MEAT PIES NEILSONS SUPREME 5 VARIETIES ICE CREAM SCHNEIDERS THIN CHEESE FOOD SLICES 3.29PROCESSED 5O0g 8 or 69' ,(.1442.69 NEILSONS ICE CREAM BARS 6e 1.89 S VARIETIES 500 g DELISLE YOGURT 1.39 ZEHRS 5 VARIETIES 3 40 Ib RANDOM CHEESE 7.49. WESTONS FIBRE GOODNESS 89 WHITE BREAD 80AF WESTONS HAMBURG OR WIENER BUNS PACK 99' WESTONS NOT CROSS BUNS 8.. 1.19 FLAKY JAM OR CHOCOLATE SWISS VACHON ROLLS PKG1.89 PARCHMENT STYLE 1 Ib. VILLAGE MARGARINE 89' GOOD HOST SLIM 'W TRIM HOT CHOC. 1.89 1.49 120 g ROBIN HOOD PIE CRUST MIX 540 REG. OR DIET SPRITE OR COCA-COLA 750 ml 49' DE P PLUS BOSTON BLUEFISH 100 9 PKG BLUEWATER OR FISH IN31 39 FISH STICKS BATTER THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER MONDAY, TUISDAY i WIIDNISDAY VS P.M. THURSDAY II FRIDAY VIM D.M. SATURDAY •:30 4 P.M. and Rene Rock of Moncton, and Ralph, Elva, Mark and baby Pamela Otten of Clinton. Also Mrs. Leila Becker, Zurich. Little Jillian Nicole Koehler, daughter of Brenda and Gary Koehler, Hensall, was baptized on Sunday, February 10 at St. Boniface Church by. Father Mooney with god- parents being Miss Beth Gelinas, Lon- don and Mrs. Brenda Schilbe, Zurich. Fifteen couples from Zurich Men- nonite Church enjoyed making a - "Married Couples' Retreat" from last Friday to Sunday whichwas held at Hidden Acres near Stratford. Thursday, February 7 was the mon- thly meeting of the G.M.S.A. group. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Quillan of Ottawa and Lionel and Bernadette Cyr, RR 1 Dashwood arrived back home last week after a two-week vacation in Florida. They visited with Bern's parents and helped her dad Maurice to celebrate his birthday. ' Ivan Willert of Ladysmith, V.C. recently visited for 10 days in town with relatives and friends, also his mother, Mrs. Arletta Hess at the Blue Water Rest Home. Jennifer MacKnight of Barrie tak- ing part in the local Katimavik pro- gram, spent the last two weeks in Zurich and while in town stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Redick and attend- ed several activities at the public school and saw other places of in- terest while here. She will be return- ing to her home in March. Hope you all have a nice "Valen- '. --Da- -',.-tomo ow, Thursday, February 14. This weather is somewhat frustrating to the staff here, and f sup- pose to other places as well. Thanks to the dedication of our staff, they make themselves available to fill in the vacant spots on the shifts when necessary. Films were shown on Monday even- ing, "Canada 'l'oday" and "Season of the Elks". Happy birthday was sung for Mr. Risi by the residents and refreshments were served. The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary was held on Tuesday even- ing, commencing with a program consisting of accordian music by George Mathonia and piano solos by Grace Martin. Refreshements were served and the Auxiliary members then adjourned to the Board Room for the business part of the meeting. We regret that Mrs. Hilda Shapton is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. The Auxiliary ladies are planning towards the Bean Festival, and have their quilting frames up in the recrea- tion room of the apartments. Quilting has been progressing rather slowly, no doubt because of the weather along with other commitments they may have. Groupdiscussions, cookie baking, sing time, shuffle board and other games are still very much a part of the weekly activities here. Due to the uncertainty of the weather, bingo was played on Friday afternoon. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. John Camp- bell, Church of God, Grand Bend. Mid -Winter Specials! Hot Cross Buns 6P 1.49 6 varieties Muffins 6P1.19 /III/I,re, 411111111. Canadian Swiss or Danish Dill Havarti Cheese $2.99 lb. Over 40 varieties of Donuts astyNu Bakery ( Cheese House < EXETER VI 1111 ZURICH t 23603322364912