HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-13, Page 18Page 6A Times -Advocate, February 13, 1985 Learning for Lent series bogins February 21 This year ..the Learning for Lent series al Zurich United Church will be on Thursdays for three weeks. Again there will be some interesting speakers and crafts. Bible study will be conducted by Rev. Barbara Laing for all three sessions. The topic will be Women: Who are We? Special Events: February 21, Pat- ty Robertson will share What's New in Decorating. Feb. 28 Rosemarie Ferguson will show how to make and decorate chocoldle Easter eggs. March 7 Linda Finkbeiner will ex- plain and demonstrate the art of scarf -tying. Babysitting will be provided for preschoolers. Cost'is!/5 For all three sessions, or $2 per session. Time: 8:15 to 11:15 a.m. All ladies of the community are cor- dially invited to take part in the fellowship of these Lenten programs. Zurich WI Thirteen members and two visitors attended the February W.I. meeting. Gertie Fleischauer was pianist for sing time. In the absence of the Tweedsmuir. history committee, Edith Rohner and Vera Thiel, the highlights of the Zurich WI during the last 10 years compiled by Vera were read by Joan Smith and Ina Neeb. The March meeting will 'be a quilting one. Ladies Auxiliary Last Tuesday, February 5 the ladies auxiliary held their monthly meeting at the rest home with a very good attendance in -spite of the weather. A nice musical program started off the evening with Mrs. Grace Martin playing the piano (very beautifully). George Mathonia also favoured us with some -lovely tunes on Ag Society says Fair successful his accordion. A delicious lunch was served of cup- cakes decorated for Valentines. Thirty ladies attended the business meeting which followed in the board room. A $10.00 memorial donation was made to the late Nap Corriveau in appreciation for all Laurene's help to us. The new programs were handed out for the year. President Marie Gelinas read the constitution and bylaws. The bean festival quilt was set up in the apartment's common room and is coming along nicely. Another reminder of the St. Boniface PTA skating party and cards at the arena on Sunday, February 17 from 1:30-3:30. Ski trip A very nice, three-day ski trip to Blue Mountain resort in Collingwood was had from last Wednesday to Fri- day by some students attending the SHDHS in Exeter I two chartered buses full). While there they stayed --7. The $500.00 jackpot was split seven at the Highwayman Inn. ways. Ten lucky people received Everyone enjoyed all the terrific skiing on the slopes and the nice weather for it, as well. Those going from Zurich were: Beth Sweeney, Mary -Ann Hendrick, sisters, Colleen and Sheila Regier and cousin Janet Regier. Social evening The high school-age youth of St. Boniface enjoyed a social evening in the gym Sunday evening which began with a brief meeting. Programs were handed out and schedules of the up- coming events. This was followed by refreshments and games. Next meeting will be on March 24. New business Good luck to Kenny Overholt on his recent endeavor in opening up a video store in the former Earl Oesch barber shop on Main Street. Bfhgo A good turn -out attended the Zurich bingo a : ain last Thursda , February boxes of Valentine chocolates as door prizes. Next bingo is on February 21. Money raiser The students from St. Boniface School are presently selling "Pay what you pull" tickets to raise some funds, sponsored by the P.T.A.. Winner The lucky winner of the "fire ex- tinguisher" from the free draw at Westlake's Insurance Brokers' (through the special coupon offer) was made on Friday, and P.aul Steckle, Warden of Huron County, won. Birthdays Happy Birthday to Joe Risi, and to Urban Pfile who will be celebrating his 85th birthday on Saturday, February 16. .anniversary Congratulations to Lee and Rose Regier who celebrated their 35th wed- ding anniversary on Monday, February 11. A family get-together was held at the home of their son Peter and Bonnie Regier and family in London, along with Louise Regier and Therese and Steven Stark. Also attending were Dave and Carolyn Stark and girls of Windsor ( who were also celebrating their 12th anniversary ). A beautiful bouquet of flowers and telephone call were received from son Richard and Janet Regier in Calgary. Tl MUNICIPAL CORNER - Taking port in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters celebrity bowlathon at the Town and Countrilanes, Zurich were (left) Zurich reeve Isidore LaPorte, Stephen deputy reeve Ralph Weber, Huron County Warden Paul Steckle, Usborne councillor Brian Hardeman, Stephen reeve Alan Wolper, Knights of Columbus representative Mozart Gelinas and MPP Jack Riddell. CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF TENDER & LEAN SIRLO1N STEAKS The Zurich Agricultural Society held its annual meeting with presi- dent Norm Eckel presiding. Due to the weather conditions and previous postponement there was a small at- tendance but a great deal of interest was shown about ways to sponsor a better fair in 1985. The president thanked the directors And members who worked hard for a very successful and interesting fair in 1984. Ile also thanked the members of the Zurich Lions Club for operating the "Lions Den" on Fair days. During the discussion of committee reports, members agreed that changes in the Friday night program with the Waterloo Regional Police Choir providing the entertainment,-_ ------- YthW1918got`ot`f to an excellent start. The directors wish to see more interest id the Fair Queen Contest, and would like to have 'the co- operation of local businesses and organizations to participate in this ac- tivity and in the parade. John Geiger, representing the Ex- eter Horse and Rider Club, reported that they hope to have more members in their club who will display their horsemanship skills and riding abili- ty in the Saddle and Western Horse Show. Special children's events, especial- ly the mini tractor pull, proved to be very popular along with the baby show and the arm wrestling competitions. The financial statement showed that receipts for the year were up slightly from the previous year, but with the large number of horse entries the prize money was up also. To improve the buildings and pro- perty (he roofs of the sheds had been painted in 1984. The 1985 fair date was set for July 26, 27 the fourth weekend in July. The annual convention of the On- tario Association of Agricultural Societies will be held in Toronto. February 20 and 21, with each socie- ty sending five delegates. " Thanks was expressed to Mrs. Irene Steinbach who resigned as a director. She has been associated with the fair for many years and has acted as the director in charge of (he sew- ing department. The following officers and directors for 1985 were elected: president, Norm Eckel: first v/p. Gerald Shantz: second v/p, Leo Hoffman. Other directors are: Claire Reichert, Paul Klopp, Ted Lansbergen, James Love. Gerald Thiel, Keith Westlake, Mrs. Anne Flaxbard, Mrs. Irene Hoff- man and Mrs. Diane Thiel. Soles it Service Authorized Dealer for General Instrument 4 fine markets... of rine foods FRESH PORK SHOULDER BUTT' ROAST NEW ZEALAND SHOULDER LAMBCH- ,ERQZEN 2.84/kg t29b. 4.39/kg MAPLE LEAF PORK SHOULDER SMOKED PICNIC 3.26/kg 1.41Ib. MAPLE LEAF SWT. PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL 4.39/kg 1.991b. MAPLE LEAF SLICED - 4 VAR. BOLOGNA 500 g PKG. 179 DEVON PORK & BEEF LINK SAUSAGE 3.26/kg 1•48Ib. PROVIMI VEAL SMOULDER CHOPS OR 5.93/kg NUMMI VEAL RIB CHOPS PROVIMI BONELESS STEWING VEAL 5.49/k9 FAST FRY THIN CUT BEEF WING STEAKS 9.24/kg 4• Mb SHOULDER ROAST 2.69, 8.58/kg 3.89b. 2.49.. ONTARIO PORK FRESH PICNIC SHOULDER ROAST 1.94/kg iet SUPER -SPECIAL Mane rear MAPLE LEAF - 3 VAR. HOT DOG 1 SUPER SPECIAL 1 CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF T-BONE., WING 1 SUPER SPECIAL FRESH PORK SHOULDER SUPER SPECIAL Maete tear MAPLE LEAF - 3 VAR SLICED SIDE BACON DELI DEPT. SPECIALS AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES MAPLE LEAF EXTRA LEAN COOKED HAM 6.15/k9 MAPLE LEAF KOLBOSSA COIL 7.69/k. 3.491.,. MAPLE LEAF PARA OR VISKING BOLOGNA 3.28/k91.49.. WV BRAN BEERWURST, JA6DWURST, SALAMI OR HEADCHEESE 6.1/k9 1 79b r ALL SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT ROM 9 A.M. WEO. FEB. 13 UNTIL CLOSING SAT. FEB. 16/85 MAPLE LEAF COOKED - 1 VARIETIES MEAT STICKS 250g 1.79 MAPLE LEAF VEAL STEAKETTES OR BEEF BURGERS 750 g 13.79 MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED HAM 175 g MAPLE LEAF HAM STEAK MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED CORNED BEEF 175 9 179 179 2 S W COOKED • 3 VARIETIES MEAT CHUNKS 5.49/kg2�49b 2.84/kg /2R COUNTRY COLD SLICED SALAMI 175 99? SUPER SPECIAL CHICKEN BREASTS f03 10.56 /59 HAMBURG OR PLAIN, FRUIT OR CHEESE FRESH BAKED Country HOT DOG TEA WHITE Oven ROLLS BISCUITS BREAD PKG OF 8PKG OF 6 675 g LOAF Bakeshop Specials 1.39 SUPER SPECIAL CANADA NO. 1 P.E.I. POTATOES 10 Ib. RAG `P.E.i. POTATOES 8 G ,3.99 SUPER SPECIAL , PROD. OF U.S.A. \ t , SIZE 113 1 NAVEL ORANGES I SUPER SPECIAL. PRODUCT OF WA; ONTARIO FRESH WHITE MUSHROOMS IT'S THE CHINESE NEW YEAR PRODUCT OF CANADA ONTARIO GROWN BEAN SPROUTS Ib. ►R00. OF U.S.A. CAN. N0. 1 1 30/kg PRODUCT Of ONTARIO 1 08/kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA BUNCH CALIFORNIA NEW CROP CANADA FANCY TENDER YOUNG WHITE POTATOES S9¢ MUTSU APPLES 49b CARROTS 89" moo. of U.S.A. CAN. N0. 1 1 30/kg norno* NEw CR01 RED POTATOES 594 PROD. Of MEI. CAN. 1/0. 1 306/kg SWEET GREEN PEPPERS 1.39b PRM. OF U.S.A. TEXAS 1 30/kg CAN. NO. 1 ORAN SPANISH ONIONS 59# P1100. Of U.S.A. - CALIF. KIWI FRUIT 1 Ib PROD. Of U.S.A. 1 96/kg PROD. OF ONTARIO CALWORNIACANADA NO 1 GRADE BRUSSEL SPROUTS 894 PARSNIPS 1.49 PRODUCT Of CHILE 1 96/kg PR000CT Of ONTARIO SWEET JUICY A& NECTARINES 894 APPLE"CANADA FANCYSA A "ED 2 Ib PRODUCT OF U.S.A CALIFORNIA CANADA No. 1 GRADE TRISH TAUT 179 LEMONS E A PRODUCT Of U S.A. CALIFORNIA CAULIFLOWER 129 HANGING FERN 1n 8.99 PRIMULA T FA I.S9 5/99? 1.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA BOK CHOY 1 30/kg 59� PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA NAPPA PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA SNO PEAS PRODUCT OF CANADA, ONTARIO TO FU 1 30/kg 59! 5 49/kg 2.49. 450 q 99? 4 39/kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A. GINGER ROOT 1.99, 1