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Times -Advocate, February 13, 1985
The 12th time
Sportsmen's dinner proves successful
"Weare fortunate to live in a coun-
try that allows us to help others. Be
persistent in whatever you do and you
will be successful."
Those were the comments of
Detroit Lions quarterback Gary
Danielson at Tuesday's 12th annual
Exeter Lions Sportsmen's Dinner.
Danielson headed a lineup of i(Lpro-
fessional and amateur athletes from
both sides oT the U.S -Canadian
He outlined his football career from
high school through university to two
professional leagues. Danielson said,
"When i went to the University of
Purdue I got a rude awakening. There
were six other all -state quarterbacks
His pro tour to date has included
stops with the Calgary Stampeders
and three or four World Football
league teams before getting a tryout
with his present club the Detroit Lions
through persistent letter writing.
He is currently very' involved in
crippled children activities in the
United States as president of the na-
tional Easter Seals Sports Council and
added, "We can learn more from
Timmy than in winning any football
The Timmy representing area
I crippled children at the dinner this
year was Allan Bullock, a student at
Usborne Central School. He was ac-
companied by Easter Seals' nurse
Gaie Haydon.
Peer Arnett brought greetings
from the Ontario Crippled Children
and Easter Seals Society. He said,
"We owe our success tonight not on-
ly to the celthrities, but, to ekeryone
in attendance. Tonight can't be mean-
ingful without your support."
The female aspect of sports was
well represented by long distance
swimmer Cindy Nicholas and golfer
Sandra Post.
Nicholas said at one time a single
crossing -of the English Channell was
DONATION TO TREATMENT CENTRE — The Exeter Lions and Lioness
dub have made a recent donation to the Thames Valley Treatment
Centre. Allan Bullock who is the local Timmy accepts the cheque from
Lions president Mike. Williamson and Lioness past -president Beth
considered an unbelievable feat. She Palmateer thrilled a large number
did it 19 times and accomplished the of young houseleague hockey players
Lake Ontario crossing in record time. who were at the South Huron Rec
Nicholas who is now a Toronto area Centre for practice by signing
lawyer started swimming at the age autographs and in addition, going out
of two and began competitive swim- on the ice and letting them shoot
ming at five years. pucks at him and he did let some
Sandra Post now working as a score.
sports and newscaster with an Detroit Tigers ace pitcher Jack
Oakville radio station started her Morris who pitched a no -hit game in
golfing career at the age of five years 1984 said concentration is the most
and won her first tourney wl ien only important ingredient for any pitcher.
nine years old. When asked about Detroit manager
Post at the age of 18 went 1. for a Sparky Anderson, Morris jokingly
to further her golfing career. This was replied, "Sparky's the greatest just
before golfing scholarships at U.S. ask him."
universities. She was a winner of London Knights Brian Bradley and
many LPGA tourneys and was second Jim Sandlak who were on the Cana -
highest money winner in 1979 to Nan- dian team at the world's junior cham-
cy Lopez with $178,750. The same year pionships in Finland said winning the
she won the Lou Marsh trophy as gold medals was a real thrill. They
Canada's female athlete of the year. agreed, "Anytime you beat a
Sport7 fisherman Bob Izume who Russian team it has to be a big
now has an outdoors television pro- thrill."
gram on the Windsor CBC station and Champion Canadian auto race
CKCO Kitchener each week told driver Jacques Villeneuve's trip to
about his endeavours. His program is Exeter was sponsored by Canadian
called the Reel Fishing Slow. Tire and Exeter CTC dealer Gerry
Izume who participates in eight Walker.
hour fishing tourneys says he has Hoss Maxwell of St. Thomas was a
never been bored fishing. In most very capable master of ceremonies
tourneys, the winner is the one with . and Grace was said by Captain
the six largest fish. They are kept R.G. Barnetson of the Salvation Ar -
carefully in air containers until of- my. Mayor Bruce Shaw brought
ficially weighed for the contest and greetings from the town of Exeter and
then returned to the water. guests were welcomed by dinner
Mike Palmateer, formerly of the chairman Jim Barnetson.
Toronto Maple Leafs said the 1984-85 The national anthems of the United
season is a write-off for himself, but;,, States and Canada were sung by Anne
hopes to catch on with an NHL club Marie Hoffman with Mary Moffatt at
for next year. the piano.
Mohawks dre ready
for WOAA playoffs
The Exeter Mohawks won their 19th The Mohawks now meet the
game of the Western Ontario Athletic Wingham Royals and the Teeswater
Association season by a score of 11-6 Falcons in the WOAA Inermediate
over the St. Clements Saints arui are "A" round robin quarter -final
ready for the •la offs. playoffs.
Their first action this week is on the
road with trips to Brussels tonight,
Wednesday to meet Wingham and -
Friday night to Teeswater.
The first playoff home games for
the Mohawks are Thursday,
February 21 Shen they meet
Wingham at the Hensall arena and
Sunday, February 24 at the South
Huron Rec Centre with Teeswater
supplying the opposition.
Sunday night, the Mohawks took a
3-1 first period lead, increased it to 6-3
after 40 minutes of play and scored
five unanswered goals, one in the last
13 minutes of the third period to
secure the win.
In the first period, Mark Cronyn
converted a pass from Pete Tuckey
GOALIE ATTENDS DINNER — Former Toronto Maple Leaf goalie Mike Palmateer was a guest at Tues-
day's Exeter Lions Sportsmen's Dinner. He is shown above with Bob McDonald, Jim Pfaff and Wayne
Pearce, members of the Exeter Molting Hawks. T -A . hoto
quick succession Terry Caldwell
scored from Jamie Caldwell and Tom
Ryan hit on a three-way passing ef-
fort with Dave Atthill and Pete
Second period Exeter markers
were chalked up by Randy Kraul,
Marty Wraith and Brian Mercer with
assists going to Dave Atthill and Ran-
dy Kraul.
After St. Clements had tied the
score at 7:44 of the third period, the
Mohawks opened up their scoring
barrage. Marty Wraith fired what
proved to bee winning goal at 12:41
on passes 1r6m Jamie and Terry
Caldwell and only seven seconds
later, Mark Cronyn hit the St.
Clements net on passes from Pete
Tuckey and Tom Ryan.
In the remaining minutes, Randy
Kraul notched a -pair of goals to run
his game total to three and Brian
Mercer registered his second of the
night. Getting assists were Ken
Varley, Dave Atthill, Jamie Caldwell,
Mark Cronyn and Bryan Baker.
Rick Brick was the top marksman
for St. Clements with a hat trick per-
formance. Jim McDermott checked
WIN BONSPIEL — The annual 8 Valentine bonspiel was staged at the local curl- •• in with a pair of successful shots and
ing rink over the weekend. Manager Joyce Black, centre, hands out the prizes to the winning rink Dennis Koebel scored in single
members, Gerry and Bonnie Upshall, left, and Lorne and Pat Ballantyne, ri • ht. A rink com . osed of Don fashion.
and Shirley Mousseau and Keith and Lois Lindsay placed second.
For Complete
Car Care
Jim Nixon Motors
Oil change, grease 8 from filter
..S13.90 (tax included)
Hand wash and interior
vacuum $18.00 cars $22.00 vans
Mechanical work $18.00 per hour
Oil uncercoating and interior panel $30.00 cars
- Complete tuneups for full size gas cars and trucks
all makes and models
We also do tire changing and balancing of our regular low prices.
There is a 4 wheel drive tow truck of your service
from 8 a.m 8 p.m. for your convenience
Bus.2 -
"We care about You
Jim Nixon Motors
Exeter Main St., North 235-2758
A FISHING WE WILL GO — Sport fisherman Bob Izume was a guest
at Tuesday's Exeter Lions Sportsmen's Dinner and is shown talking
with Eric Kints and Dave Morrissey. T -A photo
Broncos advance in
second round OMHA
The Exeter Broncos defeated St.
Marys in two straight games to ad-
vance to the sectRyl round in Ontario
Minor Hockey Association atom divi-
sion playoff.
TheBroncos blanked St. Marys 3-0
Saturday in Exeter and completed the
best -of -three series sweep with a close
3-2 decision in Sb Marys, Sunday.
The next opposition for the Broncos
will come from the winner of a
similar series between Lambeth and
Stellar goal tending by Richard
Phillips allowed the Exeter club to
windup the series Sunday. He stopped
two breakaways in the final five
All of Sunday's scoring came in the
third period. At 1.53 of the final ses-
sion Jason Heywood of the Broncos
opened the scoring on an unassisted
In the next four minutes, Kevin
Seguin scored two quick SL Marys
goals to put his team ahead 2-1.
A minute later, Fred Godbolt tied
the score on a pass from Steve Far-
quhar and with four minutes to go
Mark Brintnell registered the winner
on a three-way passing combination
with Scott Parsons and Ryan
In the opening game at home Satur-
day, the Broncos scored one goal in
each period and Richard Phillips kept
the opposition off the scoresheet.
Paul Charrette was the first period
marksman with Jason Heywood and
Ryan Lindenfield providing the
In the middle frame, Lindenfield
converted a pass from Heywood and
in the final stanza it was Jason
Heywood hitting the St. Marys net on
a pass from Jeff Lingard.
In the opening game the Exeter
defence of Jason Heywood, Joel
Smith, Fred Steciuk and Ryan Stuart
were particularly strong.
HOW — Car racing
golf swing for Sandra Post
Jacques Velleneuve demonstrates
Tuesday's Sportsmen's Dinner.
, _y
STARS OF THE DINNER — Former champion golfer Sandra Post and
long distance swimmer Cindy Nicholas are shown with local Timmy
Allan Bullock at Tuesday's Exeter Lions Sportsmen's Dinner.
Spray Bomb Do-it-yourself
Exeter Motors Ltd.
Main St.. North. Exeter
Crunchers in
Byron tourney
The Exeter Crunchers participated
in an atom houseleage tournament in
London on the weekend sponsored by
the Byron Optimists.
Playing at the Argyle arena, the
local Crunchers were trounced 11-0 by
Wingham before blanking Byron 3-0.
In the consolation final, the Crun-
chers lost 2-0 to Kincardine.
Exeter goal scorers it the 3-0 win
over Byron were Mark McDonald,
Jeremy Brock and Tony Armstrong.
The John Deere 8 H.P. 26" cut snow blower is heavy
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from the extra large tires, differential lock, fully
enclosed auger gear case, these are well balanced
snow blowers and easy to operate. The John Deere
826 is not a home owner special when it comes to
Before you buy a walk behind snow blower take a
look at a John Deere.
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