HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-13, Page 8Times -Advocate, February 13, 1985
WIN LADIES BONSPIEL — A rink skipped by Julie Rottray won
Wednesday's ladies curling bonspiel at the Exeter dub. From the left
are Julie Rottray, Julianne Smith, Pauline Ingram and Dianne Stuck.
H.P Presbyterial
well attended
The 18th annual meeting of Huron- Church in Society - Margaret Elliott,
Perth Presbyerial of United Church RR 1 Zurich, Jean Taylor, RR 3
Women was held recently in Bayfield and Mary Dow, Mitchell;
World Outreach - Anna Keys, RR 1
Varna, Doris Miller, Stratford and
Lois McGill, Goderich; Communica-
tions - Edith Schneider, Sebringville,
Leila Finkbeiner, Exeter, Mary
Broughton, RR 2 Atwood, Susan
Howson, Blyth and Florence Skinner,
RR 1, Mitchell; Nominations - Grace
Pym, RR 1 Centralia; Archives -
Helen Anderson, RR 2 Tavistock.
Regional Presidents
Huron North: Helen Underwood,
RR 1, Wingham and Jackie Gowdy,
Gorrie._ • . _
Huron South: Donna Grab, RR 3,
Zurich and Marjorie Johns, RR 3,
Huron East: Ruth Axtmann, RR 4,
Walton and Joan Campbell, RR 1,
Huron West: Hazel McMichael,
Goderich and June Peck, RR 3, Blyth.
Perth North: Trudie Ball, Milver-
ton and Carolyn Hoshel, RR 1,
Perth East' Laimi Mickelson, Strat-
ford and Anne Hiemstra, Stratford.
Perth South-West: Mary F. Dow,
Mitchell and Assistant Donna
Paynter, RR 1, St. Marys.
Courtesty remarks were given by
Marion Wreford and an inspiring wor-
ship was presented by ladies from
East Huron -- Joan Whyte, Betty
%Hulley, Brenda Radford with Gail
Lear at the piano. They asked the
questions "what do we have to adver-
tise in our church?" and "Are we tru-
ly alive to God's possibilities for our
Wingham United Church, with an at-
tendance of about 200 ladies.
The theme was "God, who is rich in
mercy hath made us alive with
Christ". We opened with a sing -song
led by Jacqueline Gowdy. Greetings
were .given by Muriel Coultes,
Presbyterial President; Marlene
Leedham, Wingham U.C.W. presi-
dent and Agnes King, London Con-.
ference president.
Anna Keys and Mrs. Margaret
Elliott demonstrated baking a "hap- •
piness cake" and comittee reports
were presented as radio commercials
during the skit.
• Grace Pym gave the report of
nominating committee and Agnes
King presided for election of officers.
The following officers were installed
by Myrtle Walkom, Chairpkrson of
Presbytery for the United Church of
President Muriel Coultes, RR 5
Brussels, Vice-presidents - Alma
Langford, Exeter and Helen Ander-
son, RR 2, Tavistock, Rec. Sec. -
Eleanor Grainger, RR 2, Wroxeter,
Assistant - Jean Ratcliffe, RR 1, St.
Marys, Corr. Sec. - Hilda Grant,
Wingham and Treasurer - Grace
Drummond, Exeter; Stewardship
and Finance - Wignifred Dow, RR 2
Staffa and Mildred Merrill, Bayfield
and Grace Drummond; Christian
Development - Alma Godbolt, Exeter,
Mrs. Hilda Grant, Margaret
Engeland, RR 4, Stratford; Leader-
ship Development - Yvonne Vanslyke,
Seaforth, Phyllis Cox, Goderich and
Mary Helen Clifford, Stratford;
has just arrived
Largest selection of beads,
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That Special Person
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Grateful for won derfv l friends
I never cease to be thankful for my
friends; those wonderful people, of all
ages and from many walks of life,
who have accepted me and supported
me over the.years.
We have a saying in our family,
"You can't choose your relatives, but
you can pick your friends!" It's true,
but sometimes. if you're lucky, some
of your relatives can become your
Seniors enioy
pot luck dinner
Exeter Senior Citizens enjoyed a
pot luck dinner February 4 to
celebrate their 31it birthday, follow-
ed by the business meeting opened by
president Ruby Beaver.
She read a birthday poem. Commit-
tee reports were read. Receipts from
Family and Children's Services for
$100 and donation to Heart Fund for
$10 were received. Visiting commit-
tee reported three cards sent.
A letter from Blyth Theatre Centre
was, read regarding a matinee on
April 8 for senior citizens and plans
are being made for a bus load if that
many seats are available. Three bir-
thdays and one50thanniversary were
reported and congratulated.
Spring projects are planned to raise
money for a donation to anything that
may be needed when the new nursing
home is built. Please save Zehrs tapes
for one of our projects.
The executive officers arranged the
programme which was well received.
An improvised orchestra provided
some music. An action number in
song was presented by Pat Skinner
and Olive Ostland "A bicycle built for
Several song numbers were en-
joyed with all joining in the singing.
Some jokes and a bird dance follow-
ed. All enjoyed the programme and
Rebekahs attend
Clinton banquet
A bus load of Pride of Huron
Rebekahs travelled to Clinton
February 4 for a banquet in Ontario
Street United Church honoring Sister
Violet Darch, vice-president of the
Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. !Vide
of Huron Rebekah Lodge performed
the opening and closing ceremonies in
the meeting which followed in the
Clinton Lodge Hall.
February 6, N.G. Marie Broom
presided over the regular meeting.
V.G. Marie Fydenchuk reported visits
to Helen Brown and the Skinner
It was decided to donate money to
the R.E. Pooley Legion for a Remem-
brance Day wreath.
Next I.O.O.F. euchre will_ be
Janet t' taro asked for help and
donations of food for the I.O.O.F.curl-
ing bonspeil March 2. Invitations
were received from Rujth Rebekah
Lodge 2, Stratford, to attend Paisley
Rebekah Lodge, Ilderton, asking for
two Rebekah Brothers to assist in the
opening and closing ceremonies on
their Brother's Night.
Huronic Rebekah Lodge, Clinton
asked if they could bring th Travell-'
ing Gavel to the meeting February 20.
That meeting is also our Friendship
Night when members will each bring
a Rebekah friend to the meeting.
The Lodge will be Draping the
Charter March 6. Some members
have been visiting shut-in members
to give them each a Sunshine box. We
hope to visit these'sisters every month
and expect to Confer the Degree on
new members in the near future.
Mildred Thomson conducted a quiz on
the Early years of Pride of Huron
friends. There's nothing so satisfying,
I think, as when your children grow
up and become your friends instead
of your adversaries. There's another
saying, "God makes brothers but
man makes friends", which also im-
plies that we play an active responsi-
youngest or the oldest sister, nor the
tallest or the shortest brother, but as
a 'chosen' companion, taken for what
we are, with all our weaknesses and
strengths. And therein lies the secret
of friendship When we do notaccept
the weaknesses and strengths, when
It Seems to me...
ble role in making and choosing
In family relationships, there are
inequalities and differences: a
younger child is spared, an older
brother has special privileges, a
mother overlooks faults, and a father
may pretend to lose a wrestling
match. But with friends, all is fair and
Friendship gives us a sense if in-
dividuality, not as a mother's son, but
as a husband's wife, not as the
by Gwyn Whilsmith
we demand more than a person can
give or are jealous of his or per
strengths, he/she will soon cease to be
our friend.
In friendship, also, we find the
jubilance of having someone who
shares our special capacities and in-
terests, be it digging side by -side in
the sandbox, hiking through the
woods, sharing a trip with someone,
or playing a game of chess.
In each of us is born the need for so-
meone to meet and accept us on equal
Exeter UCW meets
Marie Brunzlow welcomed
everyone to the February meeting of
the Exeter U.C.W., Evening Unit and
introduced guest speaker, Diane
Gerstenkorn from "The Flower
Basket" in Hensall.
Diane, who works with both silk and
real flowers displayed items she had
decorated. She demonstrated how to
decorate a straw wreath for Easter
and also how to make a bow. Marie
Brunzlow thanked her.
The worship service was opened by
Marie Brunzlow reading "Theme
Love". Fran Mickle read the scrip-
tures. All the passages described
love. Gladys McDonald read "Make
Love, Not War". •
A reading, by Margaret Truemner,
entitled, "Love in the World" told of
ways to show love and charity in the
Flora Doerr read "Take a Journey
of Love This selection outlined a six
week plan of ways to show love by
praying, visiting, sharing, giving,
meditating and celebrating. She clos-
ed the worship by asking everyone to
make a private covenant unto
themselves to do their best to do all
these things.
Marion Frayne, assistant leader,
chaired the business in the absence of
unit leader, Audrey MacGregor. The
treasurer's report was given by Mar-
jorie Tuckey for the treasurer, Mavis
Atthill who was away. Marion
Kerslake read the minutes for
secretary, Helen Coates, who was
Marion Frayne asked if anyone'
would like to help quilt as the ladies
would appreciate any help given. She
also announced that Ada Dinney is
replacing Barbara McLelland, who
has moved, as the U.C.W. board
Margaret Truemner distributed the
February "Mandate", a mission
Nancy Rooth reminded members
that they will be called for donations
of pie and for help for the banquet on
February 23.
Flora Doerr spoke about making
banners for a "Special Celebration"
which is the United Church's 60th an-
niversary this year. She announced
that the new library book shelves will
be ready for the end of February.
Three new program books are
"Come Children, Praise and Pray",
"Celebrate the Season with Children"
and "God Gave Women Talents",
"Emotions - Can You Trust Them"
New Arrivals
Spring and Summer
Lounge wear
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Centre Mall, Exeter
and "Being - The Christian Story."
Flora closed her report by reading
a poem "Life Owes Me Nothing"
which had been written by her aunt
when she was 90 years old.
Melva Ecker's group is in charge of
the March meeting and Ada Dinney's
group will serve lunch. Marion
Dougall, General U.C.W. President,
invited everyone to join the Bible
Study group. She also asked for
quilting volunteers and suggested
beginners could work on a crib quilt.
Marion also announced that Ada
Dinney has been chosen as the new
chairperson for the Church Board. As
well, the U.C.W. is donating $200 to
the' Sunday Schoo? to buy books for
their curriculum.
Maxine Sereda reminded everyone
of the World Day of Prayer, March 1.
She asked for singers for a small choir
she is organizing for that day. In ad-
dition, Maxine suggested some at-
tractive decorating ideas for the
bazaar's tea room.
Marion Frayne closed the meeting
with a prayer.
terms. Someone with whom there are
no barriers, who is not shocked by our
mistakes, who sustains us through our
trials, whose laughter breaks out at
our achievements. We need someone
to whom we can confess our fears,
and our hopes, and who will
sometimes even share our anger and
Perhaps the most wonderful thing
about friendship is that we can con-
tinue to be friends all our lives. Within
the last few years I have made a
friend of a lady who has lived in a nur-
sing home for almost 15 years. Our
meeting was by chance, yet in just a
few moments, we both knew we were
kindred spirits. I treasure my visits
with her, and although she can no
longer write letters, I am,
nonetheless, always aware of her sup-
port and encouragement, that seems
to flow around me like a protective
mantle, whenever I think of her.
Of course, with friendship comes,
as someone has said, "an awful
responsibility". It is not a one-way
street, and we owe to our friends a
mighty allegiance. Since they are
among our choicest possessions we
must expend the greatest possible
care in preserving them.
It seems to me that the man or
woman who has no friends has made
a terrible mistake somewhere along
life's road.
Many years ago, my father hand-
ed me this little poem, which be
became my prayer:
Worthy of My Friends
If I could have but just one plea.
I think that that one prayer would be,
With all that such a prayer portends -
"Lord, make me worthy of my
Help me to be the kind of man
That loyal friends believe I am.
Help me to be true and fine
As they believe - these friends of
Give me the courage under stress
That they expect me to possess;
And when they smile and look at me,
Oh, let me be, Lord, what they see!
Help me all pretense to torego,
And simply, without pomp or show,
Repay with true sincerity
The loyal faith they have in me.
And if, sometimes, I may have erred,
In any thought or deed' or word,
Then help me, Lord, to make amends -
Lord, make me worthy of my
Helen Lowrie Marshall
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