HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-06, Page 21Times -Advocate, February 6, 1985 Page 5A Parish skating party rescheduled for February 17 The St. Boniface Parish PTA skating party will now be held on Sun- day, February 17 at the arena from 1:30-3:30. Everyone welcome, $4.00 per family. Cards and games in the auditorium. Golden Agers The exercise classes at the Town Hall will be Tuesday afternoon February 12 at 1:30 instead of Mon- day, February 11. Tuesday evening January 29, Eileen Consitt was hostess to a birth- day party for the Card Ladies, in honour of Annie Finkbeiner, Freida Moore and Gertie Fleischauer's bir- thdays. Games of euchre were en- joyed by all, after which Eileen serv- ed a delicious lunch. Zurich Golden Agers will be BEST INTEREST ttl)( ` Guaranteed Investment Certificates * subject to change Registered Retirement Savings Plan 1 13/8 Gaiser .Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc. Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 482.9747 Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 524-2118 1 meeting Monday afternoon February Danielle Hartman, daugnter of Steve 11 at 2 p.m. in the Town Hall. and Marg Hartman in Stratford on Lutheran Ladies Sunday, February 3 at St. Joseph's The ladies of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Also attending were grand - Church are reminded of their annual parents Ray and Janice Hartman and "Work-a-thon" (quilting etc.) that family, RR 3 Zurich. will take place downstairs in the Miss Angela Fleming of Mt. Carmel parish hall on Tuesday, February 12 spent a few days this week with her beginning at noon. Everyone is to grandmother Theresa Hartman. bring along a favourite dish for a Mrs. Luciene Denomme of London potluck supper which will be follow- is spending some time this past week ed by a short business meeting. visiting with her mother, Mrs. Personals Juliette Denomme and relatives in Mrs. Theresa Hartman was the area. honoured to attend the baptismal of Several ladies were out last week to her reat- : randdau _ hter Krista help Sister Florian get her quilt read su , , r. for the next bazaar for the missions. Larry and Debbie Denomme and two boys have moved on the weekend from town to the farm of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Tony Denomme Sr. at RR 2 Zurich. Danny Denomme is presently spen- ding a couple of weeks with his grand- parents, Tony and Adeline Denomme at their new home in Zurich white his parents are away on vacation. Last Wednesday a good turn -out was had for the annual meeting of the Lutheran Church members. All pre- sent enjoyed a delicious potluck SPECIAL PLAQUE — Zurich Women's Institute recently received their provincial plaque marking their 70th anniversary. Shown with the plaques are (back left) Verlyn Fisher, Ethel Gabel, Annie Finkbeiner, Eileen Consitt, Josephine Dietrich, Agnes Regie( and (front) Dorothy Breakey, Margaret Hess, presi- dent Joan Smith, v/p Kay Hay, secretary Ina Neeb, Mildred Klapp, Freda Moore. Missing: treasurer Vera Thiel, district director Edith Hohner, 2nd v/p Margaret Westlake and members Belle Merner, Geraldine Cane and Lydia Regier. Charter member Marie Hesse still resides in Zurich. Helen Geiger along with her sister, Betty Haist of Grand Bend, returned home recently from a nice two-week trip to Florida. John and Bernadette Denomme of RR 2 Zurich returned home on the weekend after a month's holiday in Seminole, Florida (near Tampa). They were visited for a week while there by her sister, Mrs. Theresa Stark who enjoyed seeing various things and going to Cyprus Gardens. They also visited with Bot and Orland Durand in Florida. A family get-together and joint bir- thday supper was held on Sunday at the home of Linda and Bob Earl in In honor of her parents' bir- tN ys, Herb and Donna Klopp. Also attending were Martha, Paul and Heather Klopp, Zurich. Peter Corriveau, California and his brother, Doug Corriveau of Calgary have returned to their homes after at- tending the funeral of their dad, Nap Corriveau, last week, and spending some time with their mother, Laurene and other family members. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mary Lou Erb in Victoria Hospital, and Harold Smith in Exeter hospital. A very nice time was had by all at a family got -together and birthday supper on Sunday at the home of Elaine and George Keller in Dashwood, celebrating their son Chris' eighth birthday and nephew Brian Denoome's seventh. Attending were his parents, Larry and Debbie I SUPER SPECIAL CAMPBELLS VEGETABLE SOUPS S 10 oz. TINS NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT KAM LUNCHEON MEAT KLIK 450 g to PERP ' CLOVER LEAF FLAKED LIGHT TUNA 340 g 1.89 LLI'IBBMMYS ALPHAGETTI OR TOY 340 9• MTN. DEW. 7 UP OR ALL VARIETIES PEPSI COLA PLUS 30( DEP. 750 mL 49 ORANGE PEKOE 220 9 LIPTON TEA BAGS 100.. 3.49 LARGE SIZE AYLMER KETCHUP 1 LITRE 119 SUPER SPECIAL i LITRE 2All kg TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT OUR REG. 55.39 ri-U-PER SPECIAL LIQUID STYLE OLD DUTCH BLEACH STOKELY 2 VARIETIES KIDNEY BEANS BEEF PET FOOD GAINESBURGERS TOP CHOICE BURGER BEEF , kg 14 oz. 1 kg 6f° 2.19 2.19 �suPER SPECIAI. 48 oz. TIN PORE, CHOICE. ALLENS APPLE JUICE (SUPER SPECIAL 7 VARIETIES BETTY CROCKER "SUPER MOIST" CAKE MIXES CARNATION REG. (210 g) OR UTE (120 g) HOT CHOCOLATE CTN Of IO FABRIC SOFTENER DOWNY UPTON'S COUNTRY STYLE VARIETIES CUP -A -SOUP 3 LITRE 5.19189 64 BETTY CROCKER CREAMY 4 VARIETIES DELUXE FROSTING 050 91.89 McCORMICKS "WHY PAY MORE" CRACKERS McCORMICKS (SEE COUPON) 3 VARIETIES WAGON WHEELS 350 g 1.59 SUPER SPECIALS SOREST MIMES 400 g MILK CHOC. TURTLES 47.99 99' 45U1.59 SUPER SPECIAL WHITE, YEU.OW, BEIGE WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUE 200 SHEETS WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON SAVE ON McCORMICKS WAGON WHEELS CARAMEL CHOCOLATE DOUBLE CHOCOLATE 350 9 PKG. ONE COUPON REOURIED PER PURCHASE COUPON EXPIRES SAT EES. /S. ISES KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP ONE LITRE MOTIF ORANGE, GREEN. GOLD WHITE SWAN PRINT TOWELS SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM 9 A.M. WEDNESDAY FEB. 6 UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY FEB. 9 IN ALL MARKETS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REOUIREMENTS. ZEHRS OWN ENRICHED WHITE. CR. WHEAT. WI WNOLE WHEAT BREAD 6758 LOAF PLAIN, SUGARED, CINNAMON WESTONS DONUTS WESTONS RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL 12's 99a 340 g 129, SCJNEIDERS GOLDEN BASKET 3 VARIETIES COOKED CHICKEN 350 9 3.69 SCHNEIDERS GOLDEN BASKET CHICKEN BREAST FILLET 350 g 3.89 SCHNEIDERS GOLDEN BASKET 350 CHICKEN NUGGETS 3.89 CAVENDISH 4 VARIETIES FRENCH FRIES. 119 SIXIIEMERS QIICIE LI11NN 2s2009 tit 1 kg SCIMEMERS CREW 5 MIN 'OMNI 2009 >1 S� SCHNEIDERS 4 VARIETIES FROZEN leoe HAND! MEALS SLEEVE PAK 2'S 6 VARIETIES GAYLEAYOGURT TTWIN PACK SALTED OR UNSALTED SOFT MARGARINE 159 FLEISCNMANS SUNFLOWER, 1 lb. LIGHT TWIN SOFT MARGARINE 1.59 NORDICA 2% 250 g COTTAGE CHEESE S9# SEALTEST FINE QUALITY 500 mL SOUR CREAM 1•S9 139 2509 99' ENTER GILLETTES "WORLD TOUR" CONTES IMAM M lErsN-LME GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE CREAM )99 GILLETTE TRAC 11 CARTRIDGES 9 CONTEST DETAILS IN ALL MARKETS NOW R GHTGUARD S mL 2.SDRIIDA um miL mL 199RIE FOARrill ORE?69 SILKIENCE� � mLI DRI 200 mL • 199 PU OF 7 MATH SIZE S1UU EIICi EXTRA IIOL.D ;ZEST BAR SOAP 450 9 2.49 HAIRMIST 300 mL 199 S..I..IIwI-.I. COUNTRY OVEN BAKESHOP MOMS ALL VARIETIES MUFFINS PKG. 39 OF 6: , FRESH DELICIOUS DINNER ROLLS PKG.$9# OF 12 ciivs*M CHEESE BREAD 450 p LOAF f.39 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAYS na & 83 EXETER MONDAY, TURSDAY 'i1 MBONSIDAY 14 P.M. TNYRSDAY i FRIDAY WM* P.M. SATURDAY As3K P.M. and brother Matthew Denomme, goo - parents Phil and Linda Regier and grandparents Tony and Adeline Denomme, all of Zurich, and Mrs. Keller, Dashwood. Flo Murray and Donna Greb at- tended the United Church Women's Huron -Perth Presbyterial Annual Meeting held at the United Church in Wingham last Monday, January 28 which they found to be very informative. On Tuesday evening, February 12 the St Boniface CWL will be holding the Birthday Party for the residents at the Blue Water Rest Home. Everyone is welcome to come out and join in on the fun. Anniversary A belated happy anniversary is ex- tended to my neighbours Henry and Annie Becker who recently celebrated their 60th wedding an- niversary. We wish them many, many more. Congratulations to Vera and Tiny Thiel who will be celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary on February it Bowling The ladies and mens bowling teams at the Town and Country Lanes took part in raising money for the "Bowl for Millions" to help out the Big Brothers and Sisters organization in Exeter. Farewell to principal St. Boniface School students, staff and parents bid farewell to principal Gaetan Blanchette. We wish him the best of luck in his new job and welcome Mr. Gary Birmingham to St. Boniface where he will be acting prin- cipal until the end of June, as well as continuing as principal of Mt. Carmel School. Snow days at Zurich PS Winter is wonderful. Just ask the students of Zurich Public School. This year the school's annual ecology days focused on snow and ice. Science teacher Larry Weido spent six weeks arranging to have experts in various fields come to the school and heighten the children's awareness of many facets of this most complained about season. On Tuesday meteorologist Jay Cam 11 cam to the scat ooh to talk about winter -weather. The students spent most of Wednes- day outdoors. They were instructed in the arts of cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, and shown how to iden- tify trees in the winter. The students then built Anglicized versions of the Inuit quinzhee, or snow house, in Cliff Gingerich's woodlot. Huge mounds of snow were hollowed out in a dome shape until light could be seen shin- ing through the walls. Moisture crystallized the structures making them extremely strong. Each of the six quinzhees held 12 people. The following day was filled with activities. Classes took their turns touring the county shed with George Haggitt to examine the equipment us- ed by the road crew to maintain the roads in winter, and visited the arena to see the ice equipment demonstrated by arena manager Jerry Rader. Bonnie Carey from Longwoods Con- servation Area spent the day demonstrating various classes how to identify trees at Ifesse's Sanctuary right in Zurich. John Westwood, ministry of the en- vironment, showed a film explaining how acid rain builds up as snow in the winter, and creates a sudden flood of ae (-Water in the spring. OPP Constable John Marshall, Goderich, talked to the students about winter safety, especially- while operating snowmobiles. Two men came from the ministry of natural resources office in Wingham. Ron Spur brought along a number of animal pelts, and explain- ed how animals adapt to survive in the winter. Conservation officer Jack Overholt spoke on wetlands and their impact. The ATV set up in the gym by Hul- ly Gully representative Tony Shields was a star attraction. Shields talked to the students about maintenance and safe operation of such vehicles. Kathy Zavitz, community relations technician with the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, outlined the many recreational activities available in conservation area. Debra Perkin, from the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, delv- ed into snow, what it is, its insulating effect, run-off problems and how animals adapt to it. W/O Jim Broderick and Cpl. Jim Millman, based at CFR London with the 1st Battalian Royal Canadian Regiment, unpacked their Arctic back packs to hold up mukluks, liners, mitts, sleeping equipment and white coveralls to protect them from two enemies - the human and the terrible cold. Pinery Park naturalist Casey Vanderburke showed the students how to identify various animal tracks in the snow. Doug and Mary Ellison listed a number of places to go in On- tario for winter fun. Fueling the human body is not forgotten. At break time the 1,274 cookies made by Miss Querengesser with the help of some students were soon washed down with cups of hot chocolate. Those wishing dessert could sample the old-fashioned ice cream made by the kindergarten class. At the end of their ecology days, the students agreed they had had a "fan- tastic" time, and wouldn't even mind a longer winter.