HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-02-06, Page 20fine m4r*et.... of floe foods 4 Page 4A Restoration at Fanville Cemetery Times -Advocate, February 6, 1985 Dale Dignan attended the afternoon session of Hay township's second regular January meeting to report on restoration work already done, in pro- gress, and planned for Fansville Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery on Highway 84 east of Zurich. Council had passed a motion last year approving an annual expen- diture of $1,500 for four years. Dignan reported that one store was repaired at a cost of $116.50 and five replace- ment markers are being readied at Pryde Monuments at a total cost of $570. Grass cutting cost a further $52, leaving $831.50 to carry over into 1985. Dignan wants to temporarily relocate all stones, level the ground, bring in topsoil if necessary, then return the stones to their original location and plant grass seed. He said 14 stones require repairs at an ap- proximate cost of $120 each. Dignan was given permission to continue with his plan, and commend- ed and congratulated by Reeve Lionel Wilder for his interest in the cemetery and the time he had spent improving it. In other business, council accepted the lower of two prices, and will pur- chase four new radios for the roads department from Brian McAsh's B and T Antennas, Varna, at an install- ed cost of $3,210 with trade-ins. A repeater to boost the power of the present eight-year-old radios would have cost $2,000 plus tax. Tenders will be called for 25,000 tons of A gravel, plus another 2,000 to be stockpiled for the county, to be sup- plied, loaded, crushed and spread. The tenders are to be in the hands of the township clerk by neon on Mon- day, March 4. Tenders are being called for a pick- up truck. Deputy Reeve Tony Bedard reported -a one -day recreation seminar has been arranged for coun- cillors, arena manager and rec board representatives from Hensall, Zurich, Exeter, Stanley, Stephen, Hay and 0,1cien tom 3 e4 According to "Wiarton Willie", the groundhog weather forecaster for this part of the country, winter is over because he could not see his shadow on Saturday. Let's hope he's right; we really don't need a February like Januar . 1' is past week has-been quite ac- tive. Monday evenings movies, "On- tario a la carte" and "Ghosts and Ghoulies" were shown, and very much enjoyed by the residents. Exercises for the residents went as scheduled Tuesday morning, and in the evening the monthly Birthday Party became a reality after it had to be postponed, due to bad weather, from a previous date. The evening was sponsored by the C.W.L. of Mount Carmel. Everyone had a good time, thanks to you ladies of Mount Carmel. Residents celebrating birthdays in January were Mrs. Rachel Amanns, Mrs. Marie Iless, Mr. John Cornish, Mrs. Josephine Thompson, Mr. Jacob Diechert, Mrs. Arletta Hess, Mrs. Bertha Phillips, and Mrs. Valeria Armstrong. We wish youall a Happy Birthday. A very good time was had on Wednesday afternoon by a group of residents who really get involved in baking cookies. They tell me that is what they did at home and I can assure you they have not lost their touch. Wednesday everting Mr. Cliff Alexander entertained the residents with two video programs. The Thursday morning sing -song is very well attended, including some of the residents of the B.W.R.H. Apts. Friday the Huron Hope children visited the Home again. They had tx'en missed by some of the residents on the previous weeks. when had weather, kept them away. In the evening bingo was played to a full house and refreshments were served afterwards. Mrs Elizabeth Lawrence has returned from the hospital in London, and is doing quite well. Residents and staff wish a speedy recovery to Mr Ray McKinnon who is a patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, and also to Mrs. llilda Shapton who is still a patient at SI ,Joseph's Hospital in London. Osborne townships in the Hensall Community Centre beginning at 9:00 a.m. on March 30 at a cost of $15 per person. There will be speakers, workshops, and a question and answer session. Bedard produced figures supplied by Melanie McLaughlin, the Hanover - based provincial recreation co- ordinator, showing the proportion of the cost of recreation services borne by the various municipalities. Hensall, with a 1982 population of 977, spent $95,400 in 1984 at a cost per capita of $96.65. The municipality con- tributed $25,200, leaving a per capita tax dollar expenditure of $25.79. In Zurich, tax dollars per capita amounted to $33.39 on a total expen- diture of $112,165, and Exeter's $295,118 total worked out to a per capita cost of $80.06 which dropped to a tax -supported $21.'30 per capita. In municipalities without their own arenas, the figures were lower. Stanley's tax dollar costs per capita were $5.44, Stephen paid $6.22, Hay $8.47 and Usborne $11.48. The varying costs will be one of the main topics at the workshop` Wilder reported the Huron County Farm and Home Safety Association is again sponsoring a school poster contest, and will be offering prize money in that category at local fairs. Council passed a resolution that in the absence of the drain inspector the reeve will fulfill those duties. If he is unavailable, the deputy reeve will Sales 8 Service Authorized Dealer for General Instrument make any necessary inspections. ' millet. velevet leaf and Jimson weed A request will be sent to Huron be added to the local list of noxious Count askin that eockleburr .rossa weeds. WINTER ACTIVITIES - Kathy Zavitz, community relations technician with the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, came to Zurich Public School during ecology day to tell the students all the things to do on Conservation Authority lands, Mir$. Cann*1 iwa.a.y Phon.: 234-4702. PA1NT S Interior and Exterior Interior andP `Exterior Over 100 gals. and quarts of interior and exterior to choose from '/s price SCHILBE PRO HARDWARE GOSHEN STREET, ZURICH 236-4921 i FEBRUARY IS MEAT AWARENESS MONTH CUT FROM CANADA 'A' BEEF CROSSCUT. RIB ROASTL . BONELESSCUT RIB6.13 /kg CROSS ROAST or STEAK it. lab. BONELESS STEWING BEEF Ai. tab. SUPER SPECIAL BONELESS.11,. vie 4.81 /kg 4.81 /kg SUPER SPECIAL BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROASTS BLADE BONE REMOVED SCHNEIDERS SLICED PASTRAMI OR CORNED BEEF 3x50 g 1.99 SHORT RIB ROASTS 4.39/kept CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF 3.70 /kg CUT.FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH OR SMOKED BACK BACON 17509 149 SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS SMOKED 69 /kg MINI SIZZLERS PORK SAUSAGE 2..5991b. 3 VAR. 500 g MAPLE LEAF BABY BAG PARA BOLOGNA MAPLE LEAF SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL 3.73 /kg 1.696. 6.57 /kg 2.981b. 4.83 /kg 2.19, NO NAME SMOKED OR POLISH LINK 2.29 SAUSAGE ROUNDS 2.29 500 g DELICATESSEN SPECIALS ISCHNEIDERS OUR FASHIONED STOP 9.90 /kg NAM DR NAM a B LOAVES 4.49b. BAKED MAPLE LEAF 4.17 /kg POLISH SAUSAGE 13COIL STYLE Ib. 8.13 /kg 3.69. 8.80 /kg 9.3. Ib. SCHNEIDERS JUMBO STORE SLICED SUMMER SAUSAGE 44 NON4ARIAN, GERMAN STORE SLICED OR PEP►ERSEED PILLERS SALAMI Z&W OUTSIDE ROUND lb I CORNED BEEF PER SPECIAL PROO. Of U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE EACFI ONTARIO CARROTS 5 Ib 99 SPECIAL PROD. OF ISRAEL PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIF. CELERY STALKS CAN. NO. 1 EACH C COUNTRY GOLD BONELESS AIL :51f STRIP LOIN M 13.21 /kg FROZEN • HALF OR WHOLE 3.95 /kg NEW ZEALAND LEG OF LAMB 1.79, SWEET PICKLED - BY THE PIECE 5.05 /kg CORNMEALED BACK BACON Z29 COOKED MEATS SLICED - 5 VAR.9 S # 175 g PILLERS SLICED TIROLER, BLOOD & TONGUE OR FINE MEAT LOAF 125 g S9 # (iJPER SPECIAL FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS 45P I ib PR00. Of ONT. CAN. FCY. 3 Ib. MacINTOSH APPLES 1.59 P1100.CoWUICO CAN. 110. 1 CUCUMBERS EA. 69' *00. of O.S.A. CAN. FCY. ANJOU PEARS 1.98/kg 89 1b P100. OF $PAN1 2.18/kg CLEMENTINE ORANGES 99 P1100. OF ONTARIO CAN. N0. 1 WAXED RUTABAGAS 2/99° PRM. K ONT. CAN. N0. 1 COOKING ONIONS SIb. 99° PRM. OF 11.5 A. ROMAINE LETTUCE EA S9# P1100. OF /010 MANGOES EA. 99° P100. 0f ONT. COLE SLAW 8 o1. 2/99' P100. Of 0.S.A- GREEN ONIONS 3/99° P100. Of ONT. 1 30/kg BEAN SPROUTS 59b. FRISK CUT CARNATIONS RUNCN 199 1N WI *I1 UUIT TROPICALS SA9,tET 6.99 iticfnbN A HOOP . S FLIT 3.99 Nig O NAME FROZEN RIB EYE STEAKS 7.99 BOX OF 8 142 g NO NAME FR02EN WING STEAKS £99 BOX OF 6 170 g SUPER SPECIAL, SCHNEIDERS BEEF STEAKETTES /SUPER SPECIAL ASSTD.COLOURS POTTED MUMS 6" DIAMETER POT CO(OURFUI MIXED PANS 7 POT TULIPS 6 POT DAFFODILS 6 POT HYACINTHS 6 POT CROCUS 4 POT 169 AZALEA 6 POT 9,99 REIGER BEGONIA POT 1,59 5.99 4.99 4.99 4.99