HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-30, Page 24TRYING ON HATS — Cheryl Ballantyne helps Mary Lamure with her headwear during Friday's Hat Day at Usborne Central School. Elect new officers at Cromarty church By MRS. ROBERT LAING Following the church service; Sun- day afternoon the congregation en- joyed a coffee break, then met for the annual meeting. Rev. Kenneth Knight presided with Mrs. Robert Laing as secretary. Following the devotions, a minute's silence was observed in memory of Everard Kerslake and Violet•Quance. Annual reports of the various organizations within the Cromarty church were read and approved. The session's report shpwed a total of 154 members, with three weddings, three baptisms and two funerals being held during the year. A discussion was held on the fire, wind and water insurance carried on the church and it was decided to in- crease the coverage to a total of $100,000. The budget allocationfor next year was set at $3,968.00. The following officers were elected: Trustees: Gordon Scott, Mervin Dow, Otto Walker, Auditors: Robert Nor- ris, Glenn Elliott, Cradle Roll Superintendent: Carol Ann Scott, Sun - Two return from hospital By MRS. IRVIN RADER Doshwood as returned home from St Joseph's Hospital, London. Clayton Pfile has returned home from South Huron Hospital. Joe and Judy Simpson and Patricia, Mississauga, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason after be- ing stranded in Exeter on the weekend. They stayed with the Ron Mason family. John and Natalie Mason, Rainy River, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason. The children stayed with Mrs. Ruth Galloway and her mother returned with the Masons to Rainy River. A number from Dashwood attend- ed the euchre party at Shipka Wednesday evening. Lori Anne BoogemaiTs and Donna Kerslake left January 5 on a Carib- bean cruise visiting three islands, Nassau, San Juan and St. Thomas They had a wonderful time. day School Superintendent: Alice Gardiner, Assistant: Cathy Elliott, Record Secretary: Pearl James, These Days Secretary: Lila McKaig, Assistant: Mary Elliott, Library Committee: Muriel Scott, Roberta Templeman, Cemetery Board: Larry Gardiner, Ivan Norris, Carter "Kerslake, John Templeman, Gordon Laing, John Scott. Board of Managers: three years - Gordon Scott, Eldon Allen, Pearl James, two years - Ron Miller, Mike Finlayson, Brian Miller, first year - Dorothy Miller, Frank Elliott, Joy Scott. Nominating Committee: John Scott, Jean Carey, Gordon Laing, Cathy Elliott. Elders: Philip James, Larry Gardiner, John Scott, Jean Carey, Paul Miller, Craig Kerslake. Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS The Vestry meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held Sunday evening in the church basement. Of- ficers elected for 1985 are: rector's warden, William Schaefer; peoples' warden, Ken Blacker; lay delegate to synod, Ethel Copeland; sub delegate, Mrs. Bill , . , s . -J oardof- ment, arth Blackler, Harold Davis, Gerald Paul, Mrs. Bill Schaefer, Bill Waghorn, Mr. and • Mrs. Burns Blackler; rectory committee, Harold Davis, Mrs. Bill Schaefer and Burns Blackler; cemetary committee, Garth Blackler, Gerald Paul, Brent Blackler, Walter Creery; youth observer, Maureen Blackler; vestry clerk, Mrs. Harold Davis. There will be a confirmation ser- vice at seven o'clock Sunday evening, February 3 at St. Paul's Anglican Church. The morning service will be cancelled. Activity Centre donates to Craigholme vehicle By ALICE DICKENS Ailsa Craig The C. drgwiel Acuvlty centre Com- mittee made a generous donation of $1,000 to Craigholme towards their in- tended purchase of a chairlift van. We have Ervin Gingerich to thank for the greater part of this donation, as many tickets were sold on the Deacon's bench he made and donated. Monday the committee met to take inventory of the Centre. Following the pot -luck dinner at noon, Janet Rose, president, con- ducted the business, when gratifying reports were given by the executive. All offices were declared vacated by the president. Harold Guilfoyle was appointed as presiding officer and conducted the election of officers as follows: Past president - Janet Rose, Presi- dent - Ervin Gingerich, Vice- president - John Macdonald, Secretary - Margaret Wilson, Treasurer - Lyle Stokes, Social con- vener - Evelyn McNaughton, Rental conveners - Isabel and Lyle Stokes, Co-ordinator - Lloyd Roth, Press reporter - Alice Dickens. Newly appointed, Ervin Gingerich, president of the Craigwiel Activity Centre committee, welcomed a good- ly number of seniors in the Craigholme auditorium on Friday evening. Ontario a la carte, Wine country, Personels Flowers in the Anglican and United ('hurch Sunday were placed in loving memory of Oscar Brine by his family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schaefer have returned home from a week's vaca- tion in Mexico. John Urquhart has returned home from a vacation in the Bahamas. Butt Chops 1.291b Thames Road Pure Pork Sausage (no filler) 1 .29 Ib. Veal's Homemade Salami 1.99 Sides of Beef 1.75 lb. Front 1.431b. Hinds 2.09 Ib. Loins 2.291b. Spareribs 1.49b. Whole, Select Pork Loins 1.69 Ib. Veal's Homemade Bologna 1.49 1b. Fresh Killed Veal & Lamb Available We carry frozen Lake Huron Perch and White Fish ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET HWY 83 - 3'/2 MILES EAST OF EXETER PHONE 235-1123 OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. Retail Section Closed Tuesdays Japanese Gardens, three educational films were enjoyed by all followed by a cup of tea and cookies served by Alice Dickens and committee. Harold Guilfoyle, president of the Happy Gang seniors, welcomed 32 adults at its regular euchre. First vice-president, Gordon Stewart hand- ed prizes to Janet Rose, Joe Carter, Hannah Clark, Laura Axford, Levi White and Alice Dickens. There'll be a pot -luck dinner on January 30 followed by progressive euchre. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight of Exeter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Slater (Ruth McAlpine) on the birth of a daughter. The Education and Cultural Affairs committee will provide the program for the Riverview Women's Institute Meeting at the Masonic hall on Tues- day, February 5 at 1:30 when pictures on `Life in Nigeria' will be shown. Members are urged to attend and visitors are welcome. BUYING AN ANNUITY? (Alt US FOR THI HIGHEST QUOTE AVAILABLE FOR EXPERT RRSP 6 ANNUITY ADVICE CAU ABCANNUITIES GODERICH 524-2773 (Collect! Times -Advocate, January 30, 1985 Page 23 What Every Family Should Know ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION HOW CAN ONE FACE THEM? Having failed to attend a friend's funeral service, one may ex- perience great difficulty in facing members of the bereaved family without embarrassment. So, too, may members of the deceased's family find it hard to face some one who did not pay their respects of the funeral service, the wake or other form of visitation. To avoid such embrassment, a person who could not attend the services ought tomake a personatcondotence call afterwards. He should also explain to the family why he could not attend. Although one must make these decisions individually, as the situation requires, it must be pointed out that funeral atten- dance and condolence calls are social responsibilities. We oc- casionally observe this "loss of friendship" when a simple phone call might have prevented the hurt feelings. If you are not clear about visitation etiquette or duties, feel free to call on us for assistance. We will be pleased to help you at any time. Your area Ontario Funeral Service Members are IRV ARMSTRONG Att. FUNERAL AGNS mow twos) 604 FLETCHER T. 3ila�kett anb 'un FUNERAL HOME 223 Main St. Lucan 227-4211 ,110 to hel u tffe electric water heate. the cost of installation when you switch to a natural gas rental water heater. There's nothing like a cold shower to wake you up to the need fora new water heater If you're ready to pull the plug on that tired old electric turtle, now's the time to turn on the speed nd economy ofa natural gas rental water heater. A'. A�y.`'' ' onsider these facts: ,,, II• natural gas heats water almost 4 times faster than electricity • if you're already enjoying the benefits of heating with natural gas, it is also the most economical way to satisfy your hot water needs • and with a rental water heater from Union Gas, you 11 never have to worry about costly repairs because our low monthly rental fee covers everything. Act between December 1,1984 and February 14, 1985 and save! Calla Union Gas ,Pro today at 1-800-265-4173 *$110 off when switching from an alternate fuel to gas. *Applips to residential customers only. (All installations must be completed by March 15, 1985.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VijiIg1Ue__—fGtP