HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-30, Page 14.ire Y ' A FAIR BOARD EXECUTIVE The new executive for the Hensoll Twilight Fair board is Beth Cooper, (left) secretory -treasurer, presi- dent Stewart Brown, ladies' division president Sondra Turner and (back) ladies division secretary Marlene Bell, board second v p Frances Kinsman. Missing: first v p Bevin Kinsman. Woman elected to Hensall Fair Board In a precedent -setting move, two • ladies were nominated for the position of second vice-president of thellensall Twilight Spring Fair board. Frances Kinsman was elected. The other nominee, Beth Cooper, was unanimously acclaimed to fill the secretary -treasurer's jobVacatedt►:v Barbie Van Allen. Other members of the executive are Stewart Brown. president and Bevin Kinsman, first vice-president. Sandra Turner has a year left in her - term as president of the ladies'. divi- sion. and Marlene Bell agreed to act as secretary of that division. The calf club has placed 47 calves. 39 with junior members and 8 with their competitors. the "old-timers". Les ('oteman reported he had been contacted by Jim Darling. who said tie and !Nike Veal were willing to jointly put up S200 in prize money to Increase the quality of the market class of beel by encouraging the en- try of some 01 the exotic breeds. such as Limousins. Darling %yill be ifVited to expand on his proposal at the next executive meeting. This years !air is June 11. Hensall and district news Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Times -Advocate, January 30, 1985 Pogo Official Board installed at service "Open My Eyes, That I May See' by Robert J. Hughs was the very beautiful anthem presented by the Senior Choir of the United Church on Sunday morning. Sharon Kyle was special anthem soloist. The Junior choir also added much to the service with their very lively anthem "Wake Up" by Sonny Salsbury as well as "Jesus Could" Mr. McDonald continued his series of sermons on Old Testament Scrip- tures, taking his thoughts from the book of Joshua. He spoke on the sub- ject "What Leadership Means" say- ing that the leaders of the church need to follow the direction of God to Joshua in being strong, and having courage and faith. During the service the members of the Official Board, elected at the An- nual congregational meeting, were in- stalled. The Junior minister for the service was Mary Taylor who read the scripture lesson from the New Testament. Ushers for the day were Doug Kyle, Larry Elder, Eric Mansfield and Rick McGee. Kay Mock greeted the congregation. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in loving memory of Cora Paterson by friends. During the service Mr. McDonald was presented with a gift of a clock - radio by Sharon Wurm on behalf of the congregation in appreciation of his dedication and service during 1984. Young Teens The Young Teens of the United Church enjoyed an evening of volleyball at the school on Friday night under the leadership of Pam Mallette. The group then returned to the Manse for lunch and further fellowship. - The Couples Club of the United Church held their meeting at the church on Saturday evening in the form of a games night. Gary Kyle and Evelyn Elder were the over-all cham- pions for the evening. Lunch was served after a short business. C.C. Annual Meeting Despite the winter weather there was' a good turn out for the Annual Congregational meeting at the United Church on Thursday evening. The meeting opened with a Pot Luck Sup- per, organized by the United Church Women, and during the business period the children were entertained with films directed by Don Wareing. The Annual Meeting opened with a Memorial Service and a minute's silence was observed in loving memory of those who had died during the year. Sharon Wurm was elected Secretary for the meeting and Rev. McDonald was chairman. The excellent reports reviewed by the chairmen of the divisions showed ivit as DESSERTS and pie for meeting. Marg Cole (left) and Dorothy Corbett slice some colic. Hensall United Church's annual potluck dinner and Kippen By MARGARET HOGGARTH Personals Hark Savage retuned home from Seaforth Hospital this week. where he has been a patient for a couple of weeks while he had his foot operated 'on. We hope you will soon be up and about again in shoes. Mark' • Tara Savage. daughter of fenny and Mark Savage. has now returned from a wonderful four-week trip to California and Florida. While in California. Tara was able to view. live, the New Year's Day Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena. Tara said "11 was breathtaking" in Florida she visited the Magic Kindom. and Epcot ('entre in 1:isney World; these were great ex- periences. Tara said the weather was lovely most of the time and she was able to wear shorts In her travels Tara covered 7.0(10 miles. The worst part was on return ipg,twme on the Saturday 19 when Tara was snowbound in Bayfield- the home of the people she had been travelling with. Penny was able to gel Tara at noon on Tuesday. Al Hoggarlh returned from an in teresting trip to Florida where he visited the Epcot ('entre, Magic Kingdom and Kennedy Spice ('entre. and was fortunate to view the laun- ching of the Space Shuttle on 't'hurs da}, January 17 Ile also %vas able to Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES 1t SF.RVICF •VACUUM CLEANERS 'S.1.. a 6....,. ,o Mo„ M•... •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS •WHIRLPOOL APPI.IANCF.S •WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT &FLY KILLING UNIT S 6n, 1ndoo. a a.ld..o. 1v. •GIFTS& MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA. ONT. 482-7103 see some of the damage to crops due to the bitterly cold weather that Holi- day experienced recently. Kippen United Church St. Andrews observed communion on Sunday. January 27. as well as Canadian Bible Society Sunday. Mrs. Barbara Cooper accompanied the hymns on the piano. Rev .lint Bechtel conducted the communion service, and the message given by Rev D.L. Rowlett from the Canadian Bible Society was entitled "New Frontiers." Bulletin Reminder that on Sunday. February 3 at I p.m. is the Kippen An- nual Congregational meeting and Pot Luck lunch will immediately follow the morning service. well as financial -wise. T e rnancra report showed contributions to the church were up eleven per cent over 1983. The statistical report showed 23 marriages, 15 baptisms and 26 funerals during the year. Twelve were received into full membership through Profession of Faith or Transfers and 15 were removed through death or transfers, making the resident roll of 187. The following members to the Of- ficial Board were elected: For a one- year term, Betty Simmons; for a two- year term, Mary Lou Hyde; for a three-year term, Charles Mallette, Barbara Gackstetter, Eileen Rannie, Bill Stebbins, Cecil Pepper, Donald Wareing. Jim McGregor, Claire Hoff- man, Glen Haytor, Hilda Payne, Sharon Wurm and Lloyd Ferguson. Officers elected for the year were: Ministry and Personnel Committee, Dorothy Brintnell; Delegates to Presbytery, Mary Kinsman and Elva Forrest; Auditors, Shiela Reaburn and Sharon Doxtator; Manse Com- mittee, Ross Sararas and David Brock; Anniversary Committee, Charles Hay, Mona Alderdice and Ifelen Scane; Recording Steward, Sharon Wurm; Treasurer, Dorothy Corbett and Envelope Steward, Rita Scholl. - The congregational Budget, of $67,000, presented by Jean Jacobe chairman of the Stewardship Divi- sion, was received as the 1985 Budget , for the congregation. The congrega- tion also passed a resolution that there be no church at the United Church on Sunday, June 30, 1985 in order that our congregation might share in the Tuckersmith Township celebration church service to be held in the Seaforth Community Centre. A vote of thanks was extended from the congregation in appreciation of the fine work of supply organist Belva Fuss and the Senior and Junior Choirs, and also to Doug Klopp and the Senior choir for the lively music over Christmas. The congregation are also looking forward to the 100th Anniversary of the Church building in 1986. The Of- ficial Board were asked to form a committee to begin plans for the Celebration throughout 1986. Queensway News Our trip to Town and Country Bowl- ing Lanes on Wednesday was cancell- ed due to stormy weather. However, we didn't let that disturb us. We set up an indoor bowling lane and sharpened our skills for our next trip to Town and Country. On Thursday afternoon we played bingo. Friday afternoon our ceramics club met for the first time. We thoroughly enjoyed it. We would also enjoy hav- ing volunteers from the community join our club. No experience with ceramics is necessary. If you are in- terested, please give us a call. Sunday afternoon we had a hymn - sing -a -long. Joyce Pepper played the piano for us. Horticultural Society The Hensall and Community Hor- ticulture Society will be holding its an - 30 at 8:00 p.m. in the lfensall United Church. Jack Smith, a Horticulture member, will be showing slides of the beautiful flower beds in Scotland and England and also the rose gardens in London, Ontario. Horticultural memberships are $2.00 a year and • new members are always welcome. Annual Meeting The congregational meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday evening January 23 at 8 p.m. Rev. Kenneth Knight was chairman for the meeting and Ifelen Thiel was secretary. Following the various reports, the .nominating committee presented the officers for the coming term; Helen Thiel and Russell Faber elected to the Board of managers for a three year term; Auditors Jim and Marjorie Love; Treasurer Clarence Volland; Trustees Marlene Bell and Harry Moir. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Rev. Knight conducted wor- ship in Carmel Church on Sunday with mrs. Dorothy Taylor accompa- nying at the piano. The February meeting of the P.C.W. will be at 2 home of Cathy Bell on February 4 at Birthday A very pleasant afternoon was had on Friday at the home of Mrs. Jessie Armstrongwhen h n her daughters Jean Love, London and Betty Flear, Grand Bend, visited with her with her on the occasion of her birthday. Other friends dropped in to visit. A most enjoyable evening was spent at the Northcrest home on Thursday when the residents gathered in honor of Jessie Arm- - strong who was observing her birth- day. Games were played and a social time was held by all, after which refreshments were served. "Con- gratulations" Jessie. Snowmobile Rally Pineridge Snowmobile Inc. Poker Rally held on Sunday was a great suc- cess with 244 participants. First prize winner: Marjorie Johns, $50. Second prize: Mike Monk, $45. Third prize: Jon Passmore, $40. Additional prize winners were: Phyllis Kemp, Ellen Copeland, Shirley Kipfer, Calvin Westlake, Tom Passmore, Clare Martene, Jason McDonald, Dennis Johns, Steve Pym, Jack Christie and Pat Riley. Thanks goes out to the organizers and participants for making the duty such a success. Jeff O'Brien, Zurich, won the "bushel of sticks" in the draw that was part of Hockey Night in Hensall when Hensall's Hopeless Heroes took on a team from GKNlll-.lgham. PUZZLED - Mary Anne Vanstone seems unsure what to think of the unorthodox gear worn by team mote Fred Campbell when Hen - sail's Hopeless Heroes played a team from CKNX of a Mackey Night in Hensall. )g3t100nalT00 JDAllw).Q qpiv INVESTMENT: Debentures, G.I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love RR _3 Parkhill Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand 8•••,d 238 2644 FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton speciaFAR in ONM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 WOODWORK INOi (-FREE ESTIMATES PICK UP 8 DELIVERY LITTLE FALLS WOODWORKING & STRIPPING WOODWORKING OF ALL TYPES CUSTOM CABINET MAKERS SLIPPING +' RESTORING OF FURNITURE ST MARYS ONT 229 6309 • 229-6260 • 28412)0 REPAIRS 1'Sewing Machine\ Repairs to rill makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149DownieSt.,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 27 1-9660 The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER We don't think Ross Sararas. Hensall. won the autographed hockey stick. MENSAL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 262-3206 Arena Activities January 30 - Februray S Wednesday Moms and Tots 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. 2:30. 3:30 p.m. Minor Hockey 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Thursday Hensall Juveniles vs Mount Forest Juveniles 8:15 p.m. friday Figure Skating 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Hensall Old Timers 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Saturday Minor Hockey 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Sunday Minor Hockey Tournament 'A' & 'B' Championship games 1:00 p.m. * No public skating Recreation League 6:00 - 11:00 p.m. Monday Minor Hockey 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Tuesday Figure Skating 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Hensall Broomball 8:45 - 10:45 p.m. Ad sponsored by Big 'O' Drain Tile The End Is Near. Take advantage of 'off oil Government grants now! 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Ontario NOM 1 SO (519) 235-0101 J WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., 235-0120 Exeter, Ontario Resident Partner: John S McNeilly, C.A. 1 Y — r. If you're thinking of replacing your oil furnace there may never be a better time than right now, while you. can still receive up to $800 in cash rebates! Your Lennox dealer has the equipment, gas and electric furnaces and heat pumps, in stock and available now. Call your in- dependent Lennox dealer today. LENNOX An Condiboning:Healing friend GIPOOMMOVit ceopeo..1,0. r• 11,.,, w.• ..,t 4111,1 .1.i,•en rN...wat• cBAILEYs MILL STREET. HENSAI 1 ONT r,E A• .. , • A•A CENOi',C,N:4 . • .,r c • �„ -.. SAt VS ' SERVICE ' SAT S! AL' (r., BILL BAILEY 262.2020 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sole service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666--0933 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get Action Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. (319) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucas, Ontario (S19)227-4111 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER R APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 13S.1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Rook Your 1984 Sole Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSE1111 F. i)A.HLINE; e'EftTit+iR1) c.ENEftAI. At PUNT ANT Trt , n r u-unn-eena THR rlt.t) TI)WN PIA1.t. nye MAIN HTNF.P,T EXETRR. ONTARIO NOM 180 • 1