HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-30, Page 7FINE, EXTRA FINE OR REG. NABOB VAC PAC COFFEE 389 g VAC PAC 2:95 Page6 Times-Advocote, January 30, 1985 Lung cancer epidemic among Canadian The death rate for lung cancer in Canadian women is on the rise. "In fact," says Dr. Ainslie Gray, Medical Director of the Lung Association of Ontario "it is by far the most impor- tant female cancer with regard to in- creasing mortality rates. In relation to other leading causes of cancer, it has risen from ninth position in 1965, to second position in 1981. (Breast cancer is currently in first position By the year 1987, lung cancer wi become the leading cause of cance for Canadian women." Why the rapid increase? "Th answer is simple" says Dr. Gray 11 r e 7.44 MR. AND MRS. BRAD CANN The marriage is announced of Brad Cann, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Conn of Exeter and Jane Hewitt, youngest daughter of Mrs. Shirley Hewitt, Australia. The marriage took place December 15, 1984 at Holy Trini- ty Anglican Church, Bacchus Marsh, Australia. Matron of honour was Judy Stokes and the bridesmaid was Karen Mar. Flower girl was Loren Hewitt. Best man was Grant Hodgert, groomsman was Alan Hodgert and ringbearer was Jason Hewitt. After a honeymoon in Tasmania the new couple are now residing at RR 3 Exeter. Photo by Melton "smoking"! Women began to smoke in great numbers after World War II and the epidemic of lung cancer evi- dent in the male population in the 1950's is now being repeated in the female population. But in the midst of this growing con- cern there is good news - smoking is on the decline. January 17-23 was Na - women tional Non -Smoking Week. If you are a smoker who wants to quit, your Lung Association can help you kick the habit. Cal) 271-7500 today to ask about Freedom From Smoking in 20 days, or the new group program, COUNT- DOWN. Remember, You Lungs Are For Life. HELPING WITH BREAKFAST - Students at Sunshine Kids Nursery School enjoyed Pajama Days this week. Above, Dianne Steckle helps Brandy Hern, Jason Wilson, Joel Evans, Heath Palen and J.J. Hern with their pancakes T -A photo 0,4 MR. AND MRS. SIEGFRIED LUZON Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Lizon were united in marriage on September 8, 1984 at the Presbyterian Church in Cromarty: Denise is the daughter of Mrs. Isabel Kerslake, Cromarty and the late Everard Kerslake and Siegfried is the son of Mrs. Ger-do Lizon, Berlin, Germany. The bride was given in marriage by her cousin Jack Hoggarth, Egmondville. Rev. Kenneth Knight and Rev. A.H. Daynard officiated at the ceremony. The bride's attendants were Barbara Froats, London and Marie Chessell, sisters of the bride and Krystyna Rosh, Berlin, sister of the groom. The groom's attendants were Giovanni Moschetta, Toronto, Wayne Froats and Peter Chessell. Guitarist and soloist was Ingrid Hoines, Mississauga, organist and soloist was Brian Emery Stratford and piper Nelson Horne, Cromarty. A reception was held at the Kiwonis Club in Strat- ford and the couple reside in Milton. MARRIED 50 YEARS It is with pride and pleasure that the children of Alf and Vero Ross, Hensall, announce the 50th wed- ding anniversary of their parents. They were married at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, Cromarty, Ontario on February 2, 1935 by Rev. Hendry. Love and Best Wishes from their family, Alf, Seaforth; June, Inger- soll; Faye, Toronto; Eric, London and seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. Photo by Mary Layton Photography A&H Delsey,. 4 roll pkg. TOILET TISSUE 1.69 K raft CHEEZ WHIZ 500 g. jar 2.98 FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER 3.6 L JUG 2.59 Purr Asst Var. 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FRESH PORK LOIN TENDERI,OIN END ROASTS 1 .49 LB. 25C, 25 Save 25C off and purchase of fresh deluxe PIZZAS 10" - 2.99 less coupon! 12" - 3.99 Tess coupon! 14" - 4.99 less coupon! 25t Good till Sat., Feb. 2 -25 Assorted Flavours, Betty Crocker Super Moist CAKE MIXES 510 g. pkg. .99 CLOVER LEAF PINK SALMON 439 g nN 2.1 9 BRAVOSPAGPLAIN HETTI SAUCE REAL ;ULLMAN'S MAYONNAISE CANNED ASST VARIETIES LIBBY'S PASTAS CHEESE KRAFT PIZZA PEA, VEG., PEA a HAM HABITANT 28 OZ. 1.39 500 mL 1.99 14 OZ. .79 850 g 2.59 28 OZ. 1.29 Macaroni, Spaghetti, or Spaghettini, LANCIA PASTAS 900 g. pkg. .89 �(Igf(I II �U� Illlfllll 11 lf'I III'�IgNI 1,111 11 111111 11 II'bl I I'�I!I�' ILII 111111'.1 I I II Ilq )l� UBBY'S WINE SAUERKRAUT NABOB ASST FLAY. 32 OZ. 1.49 36DECAFFEINATED COFFEE 4.49 Money Saver, 8 kg. bag DOG FOOD 6.98 Kellogg's 3 CPO'S CEREAL DARE BRETON CRACKERS DURHAM CORN STARCH 1316 225 g 1.39 500 g .79 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. *1 LETTUCE each PROD. OF U.S.A. SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 113'4 2.19, PROD. OF CAN. MUSHROOMS 4.39 kg 1.99.. PROD. OF U.S.A. BROCCOLI .99. P000. OF CAN. CAN. 11 PROD. OF CANADA COOKING CAN. FANCY ONIONS IDA RED APPLES ZF I.39 2 LBS. R .4 Save .30 with this coupon on 3.25 without couponNABOB TRADITION COFFEE Valid only at SUPERIOR s.. speck One package per coupon (Offer not valid on Decaffeinated) Explm Flt►. 2, N4! M, r..N, N.beb f ood LenMd ..,. pa. ,wrl dwnbaror, M aa., w mp, d.M . k ler eat% parluv M on. la., p.,, o, Nabob T,.d...., Cell. Tor new„ t liar• os coupon rTaranto b..1,. SW, w. dy pores ••••, • ,.e ,o'Or,, deli. ,I,p ►Iaee Bud ro HwMw A WM. W ►O .m ita. Taranto Owwe USW 1H1 Elver ee aaONIMMW 3 LBS. NONE OVEN HOT DOG 11 HAMBURG ROLLS .69 Flamingo, pkg. of 10 BUTTER TARTS .59 Superior, 675 g. white or BREAD r Caramel 12s or Chocolote reg. 2.19 VACHON whole wheat, .59 6s Moon 1.89 Limited Quantity, Green B eans, Wax Beans, Chopped B roccoli, 10 oz. pkg. VEGETABLES 059 ASST FLAVOURS 12 OZ. FARM HOUSE 49 CREAM PIES HIGHUNER 350 g BATTERED SOU OR MADDOCK STICKS Save .30 with this coupon on 3.25 without couponNABOB TRADITION COFFEE Valid only at SUPERIOR >,.+s peck One package per coupon (Offer not valid on Decaffeinated) res 2, 1IlaS Mr 0..., Nabob reed I.n•n.d +,n pay wallNM . N ,.r ,n.wh.ed,.r /hw e , haedl.ry Mr • I• Tem. ••••••••••1••••••••••1b..,,, rwroow, • V •, ,'• parka. a a.. t.. , 1••a. 1 nl Nabob T.. pray,. No 1 n. mope. dM., ,ltp or ,elrw,p,oe owl IN Haben A WM. W ►O .e. 21.0 Tero Onune MSN 1•11[tor • op 1 O.aa1A��fiLi 2.49 c