HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-23, Page 156 Services The Village Store Centralia Used Clothing, Dishes Books, Etc. Weekly Specials Open Tues. to Sat. 11-4 Tel. 228-6886 16:18:201 fit CUSTOM BULLDOZING We take down Lower silos, ...no dynamite Bush work. Removal of old buildings 80B MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 _ _ 46t1 DESJARDINE CON -FRAC -TING. Bulldozing, Raking, Grain hauling, 1 ruck- ing, Sanding. Snowplowing. Back hoeing. Phone 238-2734. 22ttn POWER HOUSE ELECTRIC MOTORS Huron St. E. 235-1319 Complete farm motor service Power Tool Repairs 4311 Ted Ducharme HOME RENOVATIONS Replacement vinyl windows Aluminum doors & storms 46 Main St. Zurich. Ontario PHONE 236-4162 or 236-4830 441tn SKINNER ENTERPRISES Homes - Cottages - Renovations - Farm Buildings Cottage surveillance • TREE ESTIMATES Rick Skinner (519) 237-3334 or238-2774 RR 1 Dashwood NOM 1NO 44tIn 7 Livestock PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROP test. Also bred and open gilts. Government health inspected. Ted Schendera 225-2734. 27tfnc CATTLE - We pay the top price for poor- ly doing unthrifty crippled or recently in- jured cattle (free of drugs). Call collect evenings or early morning. We have a radio equipped truck in your area twice daily. John Ansens 1-238-2796 Grand ilend.ltfn BRANDY POiNT FARMS - F -I- York, Landrace, Gilts. open or bred. Also good selection of Hamp X Durex, York and Lan-, drace boars. * Ranked good on the.R.O.P. herd health prograin. * All gilt, and boars guaranteed breeders. • MI new genetics derived from weekly. A.1. breeding. • Delivery available. ('all Kurt Keller, RR I, Mitchell. 348-8041 WINTER CLASSIC Hereford Sale, Fri- - day, February 1, 1985, 1 p.m. al the Canada Farm Show, CNE grounds. Toron- to. For catalogues contact Craig l.um- burner, RR 1 Caistor Centre. LOR 1E0 (416) 957-3695. 4s STANDARD BRED MARE:. 4 years old. Phone 262-2405. 4-6c FOR SALE DIRK M. HUT1Rft REAL ESTATE BROKER 235-1055 7 Livestock REGISTERED York and Landrace Boars. Government health approved. Gary Thompson 294-6547. 4:5c 8 Farm Machinery SNOW PLOWER 6 11., 3 pi. hitch. good condition. Phone 235-1866. 4;5c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1 WO SNON MOBILES - 1971 Silosv Cruiser and 1973 Evinrude. both with reverse and wide track, well-maintained. Double snowmobile trailer. One sled. Call 235-1681 after 4 p.n. ' Mine 11 Cars, Trucks 01 1)1 R USED CARS and trucks. Uivc- us a call. I own Line Collision. 228-6700.340n PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-1035 It in 1979 CHEVETTE SCOOTER, tan colour. Phone 227-4806 after 5 p.m. 3:45 1975 PLYMOUTH, nearly new tires, nese muffler. 1966 Pontiac. new brakes, needs' some body work. Phone 236-4494. 3-9c 1980 GMC SUBURBAN, Michelin Tires. p.s., (Lb., AM/FAC cassette, excellent shape. Ask $7500. after 6 p.m. Phone 235-0351. 4:5' 1976 CHEV ' _ TON, V8 auto in fair shape. 58,5(X) miles. $2250.00; 1976 GMC. Vf• automatic, 54,400 mites, tlat rack, new body and paint job $1995.00; 1977 Ford LTD 11 351, auto, 81,800 miles, 51875.(0. Will certify all or sell as is. Phone 237-3222. 5-9 p.m. or weekends. 4-6' 1981 C'HEV PICKUP. standard Nile. Phone 238-2518. - 4:5c 12 Pets PUPS FOR SALE. Hounds. Call 237-3402. Sltfir TO GIVE AWAY - one male pup, partly beagle. Phone 235-2298. 2tfn FEMALE PUPPY, 8 weeks old to gine away. Phone 229-6568. 4c 14 Appliances, Television STOVE - Kenmore Custom Style. S250. Come to Golden City Restaurant between the hours of 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. 4c 15 Personal MEET YOUR MATCH. For all. ages and unattached. Thousands of members are anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain- tances. Call Toll -Free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. 4ltfx ADOPTION SEARCHES, interested con- tact. TRIAD, Bos 5114 Station A. Calgary. T2H !XI (403) 256-0729 evenings. The following adoptees are searching Dorothy ? 29 -Mar -26. Toronto, Nancy Irene Mit-' chell O1 -Feb -51 Windsor, Shirley May Anthony. 15 -Dec -52 Waterloo -Kitchener, Edward Alan Arnold 22 -Jun -62 Galt - Cambridge, Nancy Anne. Deatherage 06-Jtf1-3 S.S. Marie. Birth relatives sear- ching for the following Charles Jeffrey Johnstone 17 -Jan -64 Toronto. Norman Beverly Gallant 22 -Apr -6I Toronto, Der- rick Lee Morgan 12 -Aug -63 Guelph. Ronald James Lyttle 13 -Dec -6S Toronto.4s III III III III III III III III FARMS NEW LISTING - McGillivray Twp - 100 acres, 85 workable, newer pig set up, pipeline water. FCC mortgage at 101/4%. Priced at 5160,000. Located south of Mt. Carmel. HAY TWP. - 100 acres, 10 workable, balance bush. Priced at $42,500. 553,000, STEPHEN TWP. - 30 workable, balance bush. Heather Rogers 235-1732 Phyllis Johnson 235-1055 Dirk Coolman 235-1950 414 MAIN ST„ (CENTRE MALL) EXETER McGILLIVRAY TWP. - 100 acres, approx. 22 bush, attractive 5 bedroom 2 storey house, large born and driveshed. Located just south of Centralia College. 100 ACRES 50 workable, systernotically tiled, 3 bedroom brick, excellent water supply, good size born, priced at $145,000. MR NI o lei no so no ll/ mi ill• No til• fill• osi 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 11R 1 �IiERWI� Member of Landon, St. Thomas 8 Stratford Real Estate Boars R.T. Shensi •rsksr Apprilrsr' RPatec3R R. T. Sherwin Real Estate Limited is pleased to announce that Mr. Keith Weber, of Exeter, has now joined our staff as a full time Real Estate Sales Representative. Keith has many years of ex- perience in farming, and farm related business, residential and residential construction. Keith resides on No. 4 Highway south of Exeter, and will be pleased to serve people in Exeter, and the surrounding area. Keith can be reached at 235-2597, or 284-3232. VOA ,.'a,.*. St. Marys 284-3232 15 Perscnai IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's owns. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934, 348-8363 or 228-6927. 41t1n DID YOU KNOW the C'reator's name Is Yahweh? God is not a name but a tide. Free literature. Yahweh, Box 30195, Stn. B.. Calgary, Alberta. T2M 4P1. 4x 16 For Sale ADDING MA( NINES, typewriters, sales, service. rental, supplies. Jerry :slathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211 USED FURNITURE - chesterfields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse. Exeter, 235-1964.28t WOOD FOR SALE. Truckload's of stabs and edgings from our saw mill. K.S. Dungey and Sons Ltd. 348-8477 Mitchell. 5p(i11 WOOD - 545.00 cord. Ness Venice Corp. Grand Bend. Phone 238-2281. 8tlnc BARGAIN VALUE on wiping cloths. Check it out. Dial The Village Store. Ccn- tralia.228-6886. - 26tfn FIREWOOD, well seasoned. delivered by cord or larger truck loads.. 236-4457 or - 238-8454. 38tfn QUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Work Program. Buy direct from the fac- tory. No distributor or dealer markup. Many sizes available, immediate or spring delivery. Call toll free I -800-387-49)0.4s HOMEMADE cabbage rolls and perogies. Sold by the dozen. Ideal for weddings or parties. Phone 235-2591. 5I -8c MIXED t IREVaX)D - delivered by pickup load to surrounding area. Phone 235-2850 after 6 p.m. 1-4c SWIMMING POOLS, leading mfg. with limited number of last year's models is has - ing a pre -season sale. Package includes motor, pump, sand filter, skimmer, liner. fence and decks. reg. priced at 52495.00 reduced to 51299.00. Call anytime 1-623-0251. 2 -6c - STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers Clearance. Limited quantities. Buy. now. Immediate or spring delivery no interest or storage charges. Substantial discounts dur- ing sale. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. (Area Code 807 Call (705) 335-5972. 4x BOX SPRING and mattress. queen size. Phone 235-2535. 3:4* BARGAIN WIPERS - see yellow page listing._ - _ _ -_ - : 3:5:7tfn JEEP OWNERS. Paris, accessories for Jeeps 1942 to 1984. Gigantic stock. low prices. quick service. Gemini Sales 4736 Hastings, Burnaby B.C.. V5C 21:7 (604) 294-2623 (604) 294-4214. 4x BUY YOUR favourite movie. VHS or BETA. Ask for free catalogue. Call toll free 1-800-663-0335. Variety video, 1111 Royal Ave., New Westminster, B.C'. V3M 1K4. -4s "PENNY -ROLLER". Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrap- pers. 55.95 postpaid. Send cheque, M.O. To Penny -Roller Product's, P.O.-Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontario, L2A 5N2. 4x INCOME TAX for farmers - farni income and expenses - 194 pages by a Chartered Accountant fanner explains everything for reporting 1984 income and expenses. Easy to read and highly recommended. For a seven provinces send 522.50 to Eric Fardcn. C.A. Box 3 Medstead, Sask. SOM IWO.4s OVER 3000 National Geographic magazines 1922 to 1983 (some bound volumes). Make an offer, any quantity. Call. write: Bookshelf Bindery 1 td. Ridgetown, Ontario NOP 2C0 (5191 674-2801. 4s HOME VIDEO CATALOGUE. All titles protected by copyright. Call toll free 1-800-663-6555 or write, On 'Track Vision 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey. 13.('., V3 V 2N5. Major credit cards accepted. _ 4s SNAP ON DUALS. one set 136-28. Phone after 5 p.m. 262-3243. 4:5c CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, boys, poles. boots (size 5-6) included. 520. Phone 235-2033. 4' T.V. TOW'i:K. 60 O. Delhi sett supporting. 5250. Phone 237-3518. 4c MOVING - self cleaning stove and frost free fridge. lamps, more articles 100 numerous 10 mention. Phone 235-2741.45 WINTER ('OAT. tan full length nnol lady's size 9. like nest 350.00. Phone 238-8538. 4s FOUR CHURCH WINDOWS, 15"339'. by 1'4" red pine, ,shite pebbled glass. 122 years old. Phone 235-0431 after 6 p.nr.4:Sc ELECTROIIIX VA('t'1 51 brand new with cord winder. power head and all at- tachments. 5499.00 w bile supply last. Also used models available. Phone 22.8-6531.4:5c INSIDE: YARD S.AI.1: - furniture. ceramics. dishes, games. many other things. alt good condition. Sal. Jan. 26 and Sun. Jan. 27. 10-4. 20 Perth Road no. 24. Kirkton 229-6735. 4c ONI USTI) 011 1.URNACI• . 550.00 Phone 235.2081. Ask lot I -d. 4. ARTIST SUPPLIES -' i1lstards, Brushes, Acrylic Pains, ( hatoal Pencils, \rt Nibs Sketch fads. ( ,IIIitqaphv . EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 101 Ins URI 511 1 A\Ili - the ideal treat. Get one tin your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call lull Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 2$ltnc YARN - Ihscouni Pikes, Beam e llr,m,is. Kon's health Centre. 1lensall 1:71!“. ST/HL RAM WELD Sales Service Small Engine Repairs 8 Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E., Credition Phone 234-6339 DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Sales With Service The place to buy appliances NEW AND USED Henson 262-2728 Closed Mondays 16 For Sole Belgium -Endive (Witldf) $1.50 Ib. Apples $7.00 bushel Cider $3.00 gallon Also asailabk •Red Cabbage 'Potatoes 'Onions Visscher Farms 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 Closed Sunday 49tfn 17 Wanted To Buy ATTENTION: Bush Lot Owners. Giant Timber Industries Limited pays top dollars for standing softwood timber. (613) 332-2218 evenings. (705) S26-3386 evenings. 4x 24 FT. LADDER. heavy duty extension aluminum. Phone 238-8124. 4:5c 19 Property For Sale BRICK, semi-detached, in view of South Huron Hospital. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining. livingroom, kitchen. full basement. electric heat, front porch and garage. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420.31 t fn ATTENTION BUILDERS! If you're thinking of building in the spring consider this lot for exceptional value. 50x196 (vsith sewer hook-up) at 313 Carling St. Call 235.0514 for details. ltfx BEEN LOOKING FOR A COUNTRY' LOT? This acre, treed lot is ideal for that dream home. Fully serviced, it is just 6 mi. from Exeter. Call Ian Ball at 455-0010. Canada Trust Realtor. 3:4c HOUSE FOR SALE - Starter or beginner home for sale in good residential area, close to downtown, full basement, attached garage. nice private yard, low heat and taxes, well maintained in excellent condi- tion, priced sell. Phone 235-0432 or apply 189 William St. anstinc. 41fn 20 Property For Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, available January 1st. Includes heat,. stove, $200.00 per month. Between l.ucan and Exeter. Phone 293-3038.49tfn TWO BEDROOM ground floor, all utilities paid. Available January 1st. Phone 235-2468. - 50tfn APARTMENT - small furnished bachelor. Phone 235-1497. Itfn ESTABLISHED BARBER SHOP iii Zurich. Very reasonable rates. Phone 228-6989. 3:4• APARTMENT FOR RENT. One bedroom, downtown, seniors only. Phone 235-2535. 3:4' TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE in small village. new gas furnace and wiring, 3325.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 227-1710. 4c ONE BEDROOM heated apartment, Main St., Exeter. Available immediately. Call Bill Dinney days 235-0173 or evenings 235-0231. 4tfn UNFURNISHED one bedroom apartment, heated. Main St. Exeter. no children or pets. Please call Bill Dinney days 235-0173, nights 235-0231. 411n Budget Rent A Car Times -Advocate, January 23, 1985 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. portable ce- ment mixer. Power Trowels, wheelbarrows. etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 51 THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions. films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel. 235-2000. 81fn STORAGE SPACE available for your snowmobile, bike, barbecue, etc. Rented space available by square foot. Call Brian 235-0956 between 6 and 8 p.m. Pick up - delivery service. 49ifn ROOM AND BOARD or rooms for rent with kitchen privileges. Phone 228-6867.3• 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM• HOUSE. barn and five to 10 fenced acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, 1 he Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45t fx CASH CROP LAND for 1985. Contact Barry Willert 236-7741. Itfn LAND for 1985 crop- Phone 234-6456.4-7c TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH RESIDENTS 1985 Dog Tags are now due and will be collected by Mr. W.D. Wllspn. RATES: For a male dog or spayed female dog, if only one Is kept in any one house- hold .Boo For each additional male dog or spayed female dog, kept to o maximum of 2 dogs at any one time In any one household 425 For a female dog, if only one is kept in a household s 1500 For each additional female dog, kept to a maximum of 2 female dogs at any one time, in any one household 1.3750 For each additional mole or spayed female dog exceeding 2 dogs, kept at any one time in any one house- hold 437ra For each additional female dog exceeding 2 female dogs kept at any one time In any one household... 16.250 Kennel Licence 125r J.A. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith. To the Residents of Tuckersmith Township TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING has been changed from February 5th, to January 29th, 1985. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer. Townshl • or T .. , 1, Page 15 YOUR COMPLETE CAR CARE CENTRE Featuring • Binks Oil Undercoating System • Bodywork • Battery Soles Open weekdays 8 to 5 30 Saturdays 8 to 12 Auto and General Repairs Woodham 229.8818 R&R The Farm Credit Corporation offers for sale: Lot 16, Concession 1, Township Tuckersmith, County Huron. Farm consists of 54 acres of land approximately 45 workable. systematically drained. Buildings include 1'.' storey brick house, drive shed and multi-purpose building. All offers to purchase and en- quires should be addressed to: Field Office Farm Credit Corporation Canada Attn: M.P. Rogers, Box 155 GODERICH, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephone: 519 524-8381 Township of Hibbert Change of Meeting Date The February meeting date of the Council of the Township of Hibbert has been changed from February 4th 1985 at 1 p.m. to: Thursday, January 31, 1985 1 p.m. Township Hall Staffa Charles Friend AMCT. Clerk, Township of Hibbert Ministry of Municipal Affairs and vHuHousing ron County Housing Authority 1. P.Q. (H.C.) 85-01 - General Maintenance Work 2. P.Q. (H.C.) - 85-02 - Electrical Maintenance Work 3. P.Q. (H.C.) 85 03 - Plumbing. Heating and Drainage Work Huron County Housing Authori ty invites contractors to pre - ____m for - --- • w • ai y an• week y rotes Special weekend rote Fri- day 6 pm.. to Monday 10 a.m. $59.95 including 200 free km's. Hensall Motors Ltd. 262-3331 Example Chevy Celebrity, air conditioned Only 24.95 per doy Radiators Repaired, recored or new f l Canadian npolAn Tire IIR( 235-0160 R.E. Russell Realty 238-8283 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT all bush, Stephen Township, 55,900.00. 75 ACRES no buildings, 30 workable and tiled. Stephen Township, near Grand Bend on Highway 83. Asking $97,000.00. 110 ACRES Hay Township, 108 workable, older bank born, 5 bedroom frame home. Good condition in- side, needs siding outside. Asking 5190,000.00. 100 ACRES no buildings, McGillivray Township, 85 workable. 50 acresdrained at 50' intervals. Asking $170,000.00. 100 ACRES no buildings, 99 workable Stephen Township. Systematic tile, 580,000. Form Credit at 8'/4%. 100 ACRES Stephen Township. 93 workable and tiled. Asking 5180,000.00. 105 ACRES Stephen Township. near Grand Bend, 3 bedroom, 1' 2 storey yellow brick house. Asking 5225,000.00. POWER OF SALE I ' storey yellow brick house in coun- try on 1 acre, 4 bedrooms, livingroom, 18 x 27 feet with woodstove, family room 18 x 15 feet with fireplace. Dining room 15 x 15 feet and modern kitchen. This place also has a two cor brick garage. Asking only S39 900.00. Call 238-8283 Doug Russell We need more listings. Maintenance, Electrical and Plumbing & Heating work as re quired at O.H,C. Senior and Family Housing units in Huron County, for a 12 month period from date of oword. Informotion packages pertaining to this work con he obtained from Huron County Housing Authority. 48 The Square Goderich. Ontario N7A 1M5 (519) 524-2637 All interested contractors must submit their requests to pre qualify by Wednesday, Jonuary 30, 1985, 11:00 o.m. local time ROYAL LEPAGE Royal i.ePage Real Estate Services Ltd. Realtor 445 Main St., 235-1222 Ron Cottrell Rosldence 235-2473 EXETER JUST LISTED - This four bedroom home Iocoted close to downtown on a large double lot. Recently insulated, newer gas furnace. 80•x18 barn on property. Nicely treed lot. This home has character 559 900. THREE BEDROOM - Solid brick two storey home on deep lot, new high efficiency gas furnace, insulated. 544,900. CHECK THIS OUT Indoor pool, games room. family room ore just some of the features of this three bedroom two storey home, located close to schools, shopping, etc. 578,900. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS THREE BEDROOM, two storey home. featur- ing lovely pine floors, nicely decorated, much of the old charm hos been maintained throughout. 559,900. ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW All recently remodelled. electric heat. Situated on 80' commercial lot. 528.900. COMMERCIAL LOT with nice two bedroom home on Mon St. 100' frontage. 559,000. GOOD COMMERCIAL BUILDING in prime downtown location. 4800 sq. 0. retail area, plus two apartments upstairs. coil for more details. 200' FT. FRONTAGE excellent location on Main Street. Please coil for further particulars. DASHWoo0 5 BUILDING LOTS 55000 eoch. S41,900 WIII buy this nice 10 yr. old bungalow, electricolly heated. finished rec room. WOODHAM COUNTRY STYLE HOME 3 bedroom brick home. nicely situated on large lot 559 900 HENSALL TWO SERVICED BUILDING LOTS Good residentiol area. 512 500 CREDITON GOOD BEGINNER HOME three bedroom, nice lot. 520,400. ZURICH THREE BEDROOM 1' 2 storey brick home. single cor garage. Good location 537,500. COUNTRY PROPERTY 6 ACRES just five miles from Exeter, lovely older two storey home recently remodelled including heot pump. insulation. Please coil for more details. 594.900 REDUCED 6 YR. OLD angel stone split level with ottoched garage. Nice family room with fireplace. 561.900. If you've been thinking of listing your pro. perty, why not call now for a free market evaluation, mortgage rates are down and demand is increasing. Ron Cottrell 235-1222: 235-2473 Member of London and St. Thomas Real Feint° 1