HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-23, Page 7AT THE FIRE HALL — Fire chief Gary Middleton shows Donno Glan- ville how to operate a light on the Exeter tire truck during Wednes- day's Open House. T -A photo Members of Alpha Pi enjoy varied activity Alpha Pi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi joined with sister chapters Xi Gam- ma Nu and Beta Theta for a Christmas Party at the Masonic Hall on December 4. A game of court whist was enjoyed after which Santa arriv- ed and distributed Secret Sister gifts to everyone. The Social Committees of all the chapters were in charge of planning the evening. Lunch of cut glass dessert. coffee and tea was en- joyed by all. On December 11 members of Alpha Pi travelled to London to see the musical "Cole" at Theatre London. The production was much enjoyed by everyone. Susan Mauer and Lynda Freiter were in charge of plans for the evening which included lunch after the show al Sorrenti's. Alpha Pi sorority was pleased to sponsor a holiday home decorating contest this year. The Service Com- mittee had fun viewing all the decora- tions before finally choosing the win- ners. Cash prozes were awarded to Gib Dow. first place: Stu Homuth, se- cond; and Peter Plantinga, third. Hopefully this will become an annual event after an absence of several years. On January 8 members met for the first meeting of the new year. We toured the emergency room of South Huron Hospital and also viewed the Apnea monitor which we helped buy. The visit was arranged by Nancy Charrette and Joan Morgan who were in charge of the program on "Medicine: Exploring your interests'•. We returned to the "home of Lynda Freiter for our business meeting. Registration forms will be available soon at local elementary schools for the babysitting course which Alpha Pi sponsors each year. We are having a draw again this year on a $100.00 gift certificate donated by Looking Good. Tickets are $1.00 each and available from any Alpha Pi member or by call- ing Sharon Davis at 235-1269. Heart to Heart helps with answers Times -Advocate. January 23. 1985 Page 7 Where do we go from here? Heart disease and stroke kill as many Canadians each year as all other diseases combined. The annual toll is 80,000, and 2,600,000 more men, women and children are afflicted. More than half those having a first heart attack die instantly, or within the year. Others are more fortunate. They undergo major surgery to bypass clogging heart arteries before the otherwise inevitable heart attack has occurred. For survivors of either heart at- tacks or heart surgery, and for their families, the big question is "Where do we go from here?" Understanding what has happened and knowing what to expect in the future can start a pa- tient more quickly and easily on the road to recovery. Heart to Heart, a post -discharge group program for cardiac patients and their partners, can provide some of the answers. The program com- bines education and support in an eight-week series of weekly sessions. Specialists from different fields pro- vide patient and partner with infor- mation on all aspects of heart disease. They answer questions and offer practical and helpful suggestions for recuperating. • Each formal session lasts one hour and is followed by refreshments, giv- ing those attending an opportunity to talk informally with the guest speaker and others in the group. The introductory session identifies common concerns. The next week is devoted to cardiology, examining heart function and disease, the heal- ing process, risk factors and modification. Session three focuses on nutrition and'weight control implica- tions in heart disease. The effect of physical activity on the heart, and sexual activity after a heart attack are the main topics the following week. A CPR demonstra- tion and discussion of dos and don'ts in emergency situations highlights session five. Attention turns to the psychological aspects - grief, denial, anger, depres- sion and the effect of crisis on the pa- tient and family - at the next meeting. Session seven turns to methods of cop-, ing with the reducing stress. The wind-up session ties everything together to reinforce positive at- titudes and plan for an optimal lifestyle. Until now, the Heart to Heart pro- gram has been offered only in larger Rebekahs have secret pal event The January 16 meeting of the Rebekahs of I.O.O.F. was held with a good number in attendance. Secretary, Audrey MacGregor read several interesting articles from the Tabloid. Thank -you cards were read from sisters who received cards, plants, etc. at Christmas. There will be a Friendship Night to be held February 20. The next euchre is planned for March 13. This is to be a dessert euchre starting at 1 p.m. Other Rebekah Lodges welcome. The Rebekahs will be catering to the Oddfellows bonspiel, March 2. We will be opening and closing lodge in Clinton on February 4. However. there is a dinner prior to the lodge meeting and the bus scheduled will be leaving the lodge hall at 5:45. Anyone interested should contact the secretary regarding the dinner, as soon as possible. As it was secret sister night. there were several readings. followed by a gift exchange when the meeting clos- ed. A social hour and refreshments followed. REQ If you're looking for carpet or vinyl for a small area or an entire house • Save Time • Save Money • See us First � I .7—_ 1� -' I `i�l *w 'l�r+ Do it yourself or hove our installer Ed Allen do it for you or orot y Chapman shows visitor Lorne Marshall a picture of the ground breaking for the South Huron Centre at Wednesday's Open House. T -A photo 1 We really want you to Try Our Pizza SAVE $200 with this coupon o°a 1 1 1 1 L Save S2°° Off the Reg. Price When you buy our delicious 15'-' Square Pizza With 3 items or more I SUSIVallira Ow MHO. L«e'N• M betAweNere Owrh 277 Meeh St.. later tiM•411M • 1 coupon per pizza • Expires Mar. 3/85 • Eat -in, Pickup or delivery 111111111111 s35-0188 .r sUBrNFs .� Our 20th Location In Southwestern Ontario iiik 277 Main it., Exeter 235-0188 HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 11:00 a.m. - t 1:00 a.m. Friday & Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Sundays 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight centres such as London or Woodstock. The Huron County chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of On- tario is forming an ad hoc committee to find out if there is a need for this type of program in this area, and if it would have the support of local doctors. Chapter president Bruce Shaw is heading the ad hoc committee. Doc- tors he has already contacted have confirmed the fact there is a place for this follow-up program, and they are willine to cooperate in it. Shaw said that at one time many doctors felt pseudo -professionals try- ing to deal with medical problems wouldn't do patients much good. Over the years, programs like Heart to Heart have proven themselves to doc- tors and patients alike. The first meeting of the ad hoc com- mittee will be held at Huronview on January 30, begining at 7:30 p.m. Shaw wants participation from across the country, and asks anyone in- terested to contact him. The Boss is Away Oneida - 5 pc. PLACE SETTING SALE 1/3 off Doultons 40% off Shop Now Sale Ends January 26th ALL SALES FINAL Clocks 20% off A Mivg4 ilt(A�. 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