HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-16, Page 196 Services POWER HOUSE ELECTRIC MOTORS Huron St. E. 235-1319 Complete fans motor sen tee Potter Tool Repairs CECIL R. SQUIRE Sale \t ith Ser i.e Supply Mg a full line of Repair Shop Equipment •some people Cold uu1 '- t\rce, Hclplul PH: 235-0465 CAMPBELL APPLIANCE REPAIR Repairs to all stakes of \\'ashers, Dryers, Ranges, _Dishtta.hets, etc. PHONE: 235-1501 41i _faire Ted Ducharme HOME RENOVATIONS RepIacenrcnl y my 1 is endow. Aluminum doors ti storm, 46 Main St Zurich. Ontario PHONE 236-4162 or 236-4830 44101 6 Services R.H. 8 S PAINTING & DECORATING Painting Interior and Exterior - \\ allpapenng - We Kase a good selection of w al Ic of et ings available. Look at samples r 1' Ir home Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 MOM RN Rol ARI" RI(;S Phone Seoiorth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 401111 latfn SKINNER ENTERPRISES Homes - Cottages - Renovations - Farm Buildings Cottage sut\eillance FREE EST IMA TES Rick Skinner (519) 237-3334 or238-2774 RR 1 Dashwood NOM 1 NO R.T. pj#,TvtgrE) LIMITED 44tfn R. T. Sherwin Real Estate Limited is pleased to announce that Mr. Keith Weber, of Exeter, has now joined our staff as a full time Real Estate Sales Representative. • Keith has many years of ex- perience in farming, and farm related business, residential and residential construction. Keith resides on No. 4 Highway south of Exeter, and will be pleased to serve people in Exeter, and the surrounding area. Keith can be reached at 235-2597, or 284-3232. KWh Weber - Exeter -2597 Kathryn A. Sherwin. 284.1419 Undo f. Away. Hugh Munro 349-2836 Marty '»son, , • _ '' 1 FOR SALE 235-1055 IIIIINEll fl• On MD Heather Rogers 235-1732 Phyllis Johnson 235-1055 Dirk Coolmon 235-1950 414 MAIN ST., (CENTRE MALL) EXETER OM UNDER 510,000 - 2 bedroom mobile home in country, lots of cupboards, 2 sun decks. IN THE 20s - 3 bedroom in Hensel', new insulation, updated wiring, new roof, house needs redecorating. 527.900 - 3 bedroom, living room, family room, in Exeter. S28,900 - 4 bedroom. Kirkton, on nearly 1 acre of land. house needs renovations. NEW LISTING - $32,000. 4 bedroom 2 storey house, Exeter, large kitchen with laundry hook-ups, deep lot. REDUCED - $34,900. comrnerciol property, Zurich, 2 bedroom apartment, business set up as florist. garage, sundeck and storage 'oreo. REDUCED $39.900 4 bedroom. 1' r storey, good residential area of Exeter. Vendor will assist with financing. S35,900 1 2 storey. 3 bedroom. Hensel', full basement, new furnace, windows. updated wiring qnd insulation. - S39,500 - 3 bedroom brick highway property Farquhar, ' . acre 1 of land. $39,900 - 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick, Hensoll, large lot, 2 boths, separate dining room, full basement, and garage. $42,000 - triplex within walking distance to main street. All units rented. 842,500 - 100 acres in Hay Twp., 10 workable, balance bush. 549,900 - Zurich. 2 storey brick, 1' baths, family room, wainscotting, 2 storey born. large lot. 853,000 100 acres in Stephen Twp. 30 workable, balance bysh. 553,000 - 2 bedroom brick. living room with fireplace, full base- ment, carport. treed lot. 855,900 3 3 acres. highway locotion, 4 bedroom brick, kit- chen, dining room, family room, 2 baths, basement. 2 storey born and drive shed. 863,500 10 yr. old side -split, Centralia, family room, laun- dry room. 3 bedrooms garage and workshop. IN THE 70s - completely renovated, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room. finished basement with sauna. breakfast nook, dining room, corner lot in Exeter EXTENSIVELY RENOVATED - 4 bedroom home, Zurich, 2 baths, new family room 20 x 40 barn, 32 x 80 3 bay shop. $119,000 - 2 houses on almost 1 ocre of land in Crediton. $160,000 - 13 unit apartment complex in Exeter. low vacancy rote, well maintained $175,000 100 acre form. approximotely 22 in bush. attrac- tive 5 bedroom. 2 storey house. large barn and driveshed. Located lust south of Centrolia College. 16 ACRES available outskirts of Exeter - $59,000. 1 NEW LISTING 100 acres 50 acres workoble, systematically 1 tiled, 3 bedroom brick. excellent woter supply, good sized barn 1 priced at $145 000. PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE - approximatley 1500 0.1 sq. ft. in new building Main St., Exeter. 1 69,000 - Commerciol Property - fully rented, including 2 1 bedroom apt. and garage - located across from Big V Drug 1 Store. 1 11 1 1 1 1 111 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Services R&R FABRICATING Welding and Repairs. Custom built land rollers Truck boxes, - Log splitters Cushion truck bumpers Form Tractor and Truck Repair licenced Mechanic PH: 236-4501 Lunch, Ont. 5101 7 Livestock DENFIELD I IVESTO('I' SALES LTD. Saks every I uesday at 11 a.m.. Phone 666-1140. Fur trucking or sorting 1-ieldinen Allan Hill 227-4869, 'tom Rushton 227-1733. Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips_ 232-4233. 25t PUREBRED DI IRO(', York Boars, ROl' test. Also bred and open gilts. Government health inspected. led Schcndera 225-2734. 27tInc CATTLE - We pay the top price for poor- ly doing unthrifty crippled or recently in- jured cattle (tree of drugs). Call collect - esenings or early morning. We have a radio equipped truck in your area twice drily. John Ansenu 1-238-2796 Grand Bend.11111 BRANDY POINT FARMS - F-1 York, Landrace, Gilts, open or bred. Also good selection of Hamp X Duroc, York and l.an- drace boars. • Ranked good on the K.O.P. herd health program. • All gilts and boars guaranteed breeders. • All new genetics derived from weekly A.I. breeding. * Delivery available. Call Kurt Keller, RR 1, Mitchell. 348-8043. 21 t In GOOD ANGUS BULL. for sale. Phone 262-6428. 2:3e WINTER CLASSIC Hereford Sale, Fri- day, February 1, 1985, 1 p.m. at the Canada Farm Show, CNE grounds, Toron- to. For catalogu(S contact Craig Lyni- burner, RR 1 Caistor Centre, LOR 1E0 (416) 957-3695. 3s 8 Farm Machinery TRAILMOI4ILE GRAIN TRAILER, 40 ft., with racks. 5650.00. Phone 237-3404. 2:3c NEW IDEA MANURE SPREADER power rake off no. 212. Phone 229-8944.3c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles TWO SNOWMOBILES - 1971 Snow Cruiser and 1973 Evinrude, both with reverse and wide track, well-maintained. Double snowmobile trailer. One sled. Call 235-1681 after 4 p.m. S1fnc 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1976 MASSEY SNOWMOBILE 340, li- quid. snowmobile 111 excellent condition Sell for 5695.00. Phone 235-(1297 2:3c 1970 01 YMPIC SI ID00, 12 h.p., good operating condition. 5150.00. Phone 235-2852 atter 5 p.m. 3i 1980 YAMAHA 340 SNOW MOBILE, rs Mien! condition, low mileage, 51200.00. Please call 235-2509 after 7 p.m. 3c 11 Cars, Trucks 01 DER USED CARS and trucks. Give us a call Town 1 Inc Collision. 2228-6700.341111 PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT for Cars, {rucks and Vans asailable at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-1035 Irin 1979 CHEVETTL SCOOTER, tan colour. Phone 227-4806 after 5 p.m. 3:4c 1975 \CONTE (-ARLO, 305, V8, Michelin tires, good condition. 51(XX) or best otter. Phone 237-3351. 3' 1975 PLYMOUTH, nearly new sires, new muffler. 1966 Pontiac, new brakes, needs some body work. Phone 2364494. 3-9c 12 Pets PUPS FOR SALE. Hounds. (all 237-3402. 511tH TO GIVE AWAY - one male pup, party beagle. Phone 235-2298.2tlir PUPPY; female, 7 weeks old. Phone 229-6568. 3c GERMAN SHEPHERD, five year old. very gentle. Phone 262-2689. 3c GOOD FAMILY DOG, part Pomeranian and part Pekingese. 7 months old. 540.00. Phone 262-3129. 3c 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. 11 you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934, 348-8363 or 228-6927. 41rfn MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members are anxious to nicer you. Prestige Acquain- tances. Call Toll -Free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8. p.m_ 41tfx WOULD YOU like to correspond with unattached people in Canada and U.S.A. with the object being companionship. Write Ashgrove 2821.E. Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E SPS for information.3x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1� 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 • US El I, N No ea me we us B1 f/ - - m Canada Trust Realtor. 111 BRING YOUR PLANS AND BUILD YOUR DREAM Lovely one acre building lot in country setting. 15 -minutes to London. Privacy galore, excellent opportunity. BUNGALOW FOR UNDER 8400 P.I.T. Ideal starter home in at- tractive neighbourhood. Fenced back yard, nicely treed fron- tage. 3 bedrooms, bright workable kitchen with excellent rec room potential. SUPERB HOME!!! 4 bedroom, family room with fireplace, rec room and bar, formal living room, master bedroom 18'x18', ex- tremely spacious kitchen. Ideal for family with a flare for good living. WANTED: I have a purchaser interested in a 3-4 bedroom bun.alow in Exe u not essential. If you can help me or I can help you please feel free to call Times -Advocate, January 16, 1985 16 For Sole ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry ?slathers typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211 USED FURNITURE - chesterfields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whitings Warehouse, Exeter, 235-1964.281 WOOD FOR SALE. Truckloads of stabs and edgings from our saw mill. R.S. Dungey and Sons Ltd. 348-8477 Mitchell. 50t fn WOOD - 545.00 cord, Nev. Venice Corp. Grand Bend. Phone 238-2281. _ 8tfnc BARGAIN VALUE on wiping cloths. Check it out. Dial The Village Store, Cen- tralia. 228-6886. 26t In FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delisered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454. 38tfn QUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Work Program. Buy direct from the fac- tory. No distributor or dealer markup. !slimy sizes available, immediate or spring delisery. Call toll free 1-800-387-4910.3x HOMEMADE cabbage rolls and perogies. Sold -by the dozen. Ideal for weddings or parties. Phone 235-2591. 51-8c MIXED FIREWOOD - delivered by pickup toad to surrounding area. Phone 235-2850 after 6 p.m. I -4c RADIAL SNOW TIRES, pair. 75R14. Phone 234-6715. 2:3• Marr CLARKE NL*I UTA/t urnso Specializing in residential, rural and commercial properties. If you are'buying or selling, give us a coil anytime. RON MORRISON representing Norm Clarke Real Estate Limited 284-2381 Ron Morrison 229.6676 Toll free from Exeter J The Form Credit Corporation offers for sale: Lot 16, Concession 1, Township :Tuckersmith, County Huron. Farm consists of 54 acres of land approximately 45 workable, systematically drained. Buildings include 1'/2 storey brick house, drive shed and multi-purpose building. All offers to'purchase and en- quires should be addressed to: Field Office Farm Credit Corporation Canada Attn: M.P. Rogers, Box 155 GODERICH, Ontario N7A 312 Telephone: 519 524-8381 anytime. Teresa Ondrejicka 673-6911 227-1068 Inar ROYAL LEPAGE= Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. Realtor 445 Main St., 235-1222 Ron Cottrell Residence 235-2473 EXETER JUST LISTED - This four bedroom home located dose to downtown on a large double lot. Recently insulated, newer gas furnace. 80'x18' barn on property. Nicely treed lot. This home has character $59,900. THREE BEDROOM - Solid brick two storey home on deep lot, new high efficiency gas furnace, insulated. 544,900. CHECK THIS OUT - Indoor pool, gomes room, family room are just some of the features of this three bedroom two storey home, tooted close to schools, shopping, etc. 578,900. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS THREE BEDROOM, two storey home, featur- ing lovely pine floors, nicely decorated. much of the old charm hos been maintained throughout. 559,900. ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW - All recently remodelled, electric heat. Situated on 80' commercial lot. 528,900. COMMERCIAL LOT with nice two bedroom home on Main St. 100 frontage. 559,000. GOOD COMMERCIAL BUILDING in prime downtown location. 4800 sq. ft. retail area plus two apartments upstairs, call for more details. 200' FT. FRONTAGE excellent location on Main Street. Please call for further particulars. DASHWOOD 5 BUILDING LOTS -- 55000 each. 441,900 - Will buy this nice 10 yr. old bungalow, electrically heated. finished rec room. WOODHAM COUNTRY STYLE HOME - 3 bedroom brick home. nicely situated on large lot. 559,900. HENSALL TWO SERVICED BUILDING LOTS - - Good residential area. $12,500. CREDITON GOOD BEGINNER HOME three bedroomnice lot. $20.400. ZURICH THREE BEDROOM 1 . r storey brick home. single car garage. Good location $37,500. COUNTRY PROPERTY 6 ACRES just five miles from Exeter. lovely older two storey home. recently remodelled including heat pump. insulation. Pleose call for more details. 594.900. REDUCED 6 YR. OLD angel stone split level with ottoched garage. Nice family room with fireplace. $64.900. Now's the time to list your homel With interest rotes down and a shortage in the local housing market, we feel an upward trend in house prices. If you've been thinking of listing your pro- perty, why not call now for a free market evaluation, mortgage rates are down and demand is increasing. Ron Cottrell 235-1222: 235-2473 Member of London and St. 'Monier' Real Estate Page 7A 16 for Sale ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30t Ins YARN - Discount Prices, Beehise Brands, Ron's Health C'emre. Hensall. 32tfnc R.E. Russell Realty 238-8283 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT all bush,- Stephen Township, - $5,900.00. 75 ACRES no buildings, 30 workable and tiled. Stephen Township, near Grand Bend on Highway 83. Asking $97,000.00. 110 ACRES Hay Township, 108 workable, older bank barn, 5 bedroom frame home. Good condition in- side, needs siding outside. Asking $190,000.00. 100 ACRES no buildings, McGillivray Township, 85 workoble,50ac'resdrained at 50' intervals. Asking $170,000.00. 100 ACRES no buildings, 99 workable Stephen Township. Systematic tile, $80,000. Farm Credit at 83/4%. 100 ACRES Stephen Township. 93 workable and tiled. Asking $180,000.00. 105 ACRES Stephen Township, near Grand Bend, 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey yellow brick house. Asking $225,000.00. POWER OF SALE 1 '/i storey yellow brick house in coun- try on 1 acre, 4 bedrooms, livingroom, 18 x 27 feet with woodstove, family room 18 x 15 feet with fireplace. Dining room 15 x 15 feet and modern kitchen. This place also has a two car brick garage. Asking only $39,900.00. Call 238-8283 Doug Russell We need more listings. 5 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK' O O L5 t, t9 0 O 0 Q 0 0 l? O Q t9 0 t, / Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 �0� Clinton 482-9747 . MIAMI 524-2118 OK Realty i lasurrame Inc. Dwayne Tlinney Griffin Thomas 235-1408 238-2035 NEW LISTING - Country property, 3 bedroom ranch -style home on 2.46 acre lot, 2-4 pc. baths, separate dining room, double livingroom, large main floor family room w bar and wood stove, attached double garage, pipeline water, paved road. Must be seen. EXETER BRICK BUNGALOW 5 yrs. old, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, rec room w/wood stove, all electric home, attached garage, new condition and priced below replacement cost. RAISED RANCH - 3 yr. old, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, eat -in kit- chen, dining room, finished family room w;;wood stove. DUPLEX - 2 storey brick, 1 bedroom apt. up, 2 bedroom apt. down, Gas heat. Asking 35. BUNGALOW - 2-3 bedroom, 1 storey brick, new kitchen, main floor laundry, gas heat, large lot. Priced in the 40's. STARTER HOME 2 bedroom bungalow, large corner lot, oil heat, good locaiton, under 30. VARIETY STORE BUSINESS well established, excellent location„ good sales history and growing. Coll Dwayne for details. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL - over 7,000 sq. ft. with 2 upper apartments. Further details available upon request. HENSALL PRICE REDUCED - 2 storey brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, main floor laundry, new kitchen, gas heat, large lot, 28' x 20' garage/workshop on property. COUNTRY PROPERTY 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 5 yrs. old, electric heat, under 50. GRAND BEND AREA NEW LISTING - Available soon, lovely white brick, 3 bedroom home w/large rec room and fireplace in Green Acres. Mid 70's - Call Griff. AVAILABLE ABOUT MARCH 1st - N\ext to Oakwood Fence. Quiet area. Large livingroom, -4 pc. baths, 3 bedrooms. Immaculate. Mid 60's - Call Griff. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Dalton Subdivision, 2 miles south of Grand Bend. Exceptionally nice 3 bedroom home, large livingroom w/fireplace. Full basement w/rec room. ' High 70's - Call Griff. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Shipka - Price reduced on this lovely 4 bedroom home. Owner wants to sell. Low 60's - Call Griff, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Owner very anxious to sell. Make us an offer. Listed in low 40's. 3 bedroom, large workroom. Garage. On Klondyke Rood south of Grand Bend - Coll Griff. FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Restaurant , store and gas bar, with facilities for a small repair shop. Ex- cellent location , good soles record, property includes 3 bedroom living quarters. A good clean operation. PORT FRANKS - 5 bedroom, 1400 sq. ft. bungalow on large treed lot. Located on paved road, 2 baths. electric heat, fireplace, many extras, priced to sell at $45,000. FARMS STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 50 acres, cash crop, no buildings. tiled. GRAND BEND AREA 40 acres, 8 acres hardwood bush, pipeline water. HAY TOWNSHIP Hensoll area, 150 acres, tiled. 4 bedroom frame home. CLINTON AREA 450 acres, cash crop. beef operation. GODERICH 10 acre hobby form, set up for hogs. HAY TOWNSHIP cash crop, 150 acres. good buildings. 8° F.C.C. mortgage. For more information give us a call at 235-2420 days, 235-1408 evenings and weekends. Grand Bend area - 238-2035. - wiwl &MVOS /MIN I 7C 0 O GK GK OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK O G) 7C 0 G) x 7C A R O