HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-16, Page 183 Situations Wanted 5 f • Aluminum Siding Soffits fascia Eavestroughs • Shutters • Awnings • Replacement windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD_ . rAIc Building Cliff - Products Ron 234-6711 234-6224 l'ut'e 6A Times -Advocate, January 16, 1985 PLAY IT SMART ... rhR'.1L : rA 92 SS . •- ...jr •A4•:! -6r. t ,•r,..•••• M ,✓ v a:t-N.. a•'.r•. •ti RR. a..•. 'gyp •....M. ir- • •.w•••Ati.t AME: lR:.:: f't -.d: 6. _t 1,6•5 ,.• .e•Rp..Ifrf •••:w :)-• vv. ars ...• c v .: �:>y� RICMr tiff at. a,t ,.z '311 • • az . d • .,1c• a...• Sot', . .- -.4- .•••s. r-- . •.• 1taw* -.wt. rw. 1:.. •:.LM -1 SA act $14f ...CA •p••'.•.1. ) ARnlf. M : a•1•.: *Use es tom* •ar, rile - :.• rm. AO,A•..ats•. Y• It FM•,:: • .F rr,t At,- i ! Yt•r .:,•R•. .ter- 1f•. •M:.t:.•. •.a a. f1.1 • ; SFIL.A11(.dY. 11(J•{.:R...�►f!a :::If:.iitKlt 4 4' 4Kr.•a:►. i:.]ti lKr ,e,•• ,. /,Ir- $: ttt)ffa fE.4. a4• ■ O• •:.t> {:••.•Oi E ',r YN. ' , tea. N, IIx tX.• r✓ ... - •fyt r ell -.. •yy .e4 --_ ' ` • .,x,. I$1 : •-• 1. ars .::c,.r.. : t•• $4( !t.Oftl•fl Mr- . w Yl• c nae t tot{ fY {Rf 1 Y1.n. fry) 1 tlItt .4 ,loot :6 ..,a'.. !M• .. _. SIL` 11a'.t. 4'V, H A- .. •« t ^•.. .' .., ,• M• At - 1.4: tM .•• :• .:•,, w W1 : XV IAA. i,' . . ... .•, . , <,r11.iw :. -.t t.'e.....0 s•,:• .vy,' •y-'-. ••4 A. ,414•••••404. .'vt •-:•OR' S..3 {Rz:!r..fJR•rUt 1131 ,(M• ERELIC✓.'44'-�'•..eN s L. , :;t. < -.A.•- . -. d,,. '/.•..4$ .' a; 11*.......„,,,, ..:•,t' ., 1 .-. -• 44`5.t:: t.•k4:1 44.r `I 4.14 4Y:4. :,.:.• vet. M -•r• iw .M.f.•Sf1F • , ••.•-- •v •v,••-a.vs• : ., •',. h . • so• 4. •..... • 11 t•.<. !1•41 ."SR' Teff :M At:dt MIA „• ... •... C.11.V.,:- ..r aa : rnAin1.. arm* To place your advertisement call 235-1331 before 4 p.m. on Monday 1 Mt•,•. . •44. Wp•a rw II p-1 •M:, ltd 1* • 4.4" X 1 At t -P GET INTO •.•,4 •r !•R ti �_ �_. ,� eve* •••.•. -. .•••••r.. • fEfititax. IMAM. ;11E14). 1114. limo VAIN se rt11L HL1. 1F•T •YI:•de. Etir4,:•.•4.i Ion. Com. i• .1. *WNW-_ 3:r tv . ff*Il. WYN a tor' .w r-te:.. .: • •4Y, '•ry-- •V .••• 4$446.1 ..iii..::: 111.1:.-•.t .� woo. utak e•,.04, ••• •. ..4. Wes M•elft • ..r 1 1IAA,* J= MR,.M &Mr: 113r. :t M.'R:.4. Rf1^'4(./ • :task i e. 14 •M7 vat WI* 4b -t,' r '41 .kir. ism ., f'14.• . 11.410•.r• s to i, 7-.w �r iK 11Y Rt. „rt 'flit. mit rad 'Mtr i:1..... .E: -l`. 1t .•M! ow* Y4v:. YA . • s 1 Mi.-. -..S fief. f1. 4M. tt•'R 11jy M.... ttutil stet r'rM 14,`•••••) 4441 •••Y{l , ! 1„...1/ a.usitig e, 1114* 4-, a E[Yv **A..M.1. .:ry.•,rR4.L.pE,U• 1: $f UEf Lt d* MAI& and W.I. ii_ :sod 417:zis.. 1 :...•-. .w. •..r. f1* • ) Si; N r U.M t1/'-•► sac.** FAzi til.► f .n. nolo. ow nris ..x M•- •F• sSM wr> N.: ay.r:f 'M f c► twat)- rM"Gomm. 1..• clot•• ••.r.:: +• x wt mO i CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count os one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $3.75. 104 per word thereafter. changes. 104 per word. minimum 52.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $5.50 per column inch. - SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $4.25 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch Accepted in multiples of half inch BOX NUMBERS to this office - S1.25 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $3.75. 104 per word thereajter. MARRIAGES • Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $3.75. each addi- tional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS - $3.75 plus 204 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words 53.75. each additional word 104. Three inser- tions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $3.75. additional words 54 each. 50C DISCOUNT FOR CAH PAY- MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone t 235-1331 1 Lost, Strayed I)t)(i - large female pure whine Hungarian I:usas, dog in Ushorne 1 V. area. Phone 229-6760. 3c 1 ()Si - )lack Lab dog. 6 nxunhs old. Small red spit on bottom hp. listens 10 "Buck". Phone 262_3337. 3c 1'001)1 I:- one year old male white poo- dle in high school area. Phone 235-2465. _ 3:4e DASIIWOOD. ZtJKICII AREA - small whire dog answering to Buggy. If seen please call 262-5024 collect. Reward. 3c 1 ,4l III R & SONS Painting. Roofing. 1 atestioughing, Yard 4444urk, Tree lrinun- ink and Renlo%al. 1 res.esiinlates. 228-6310. 24t Inc I 4444 11 1 11ABYS! 1 in my home. Dashwood Grand Bend. ('hone 238-8265. 2:3c 1 444411 1 11 \I1YSI 1 in my home. I )tock 'rent schools. Phone 235-(1375. 3:4c �I(11 111 K will do babysitting. full or part rine. weekdys, my home. Phone 237-3342 tuts tune. 3: P•\R1 11\11 Hhl 1' 44C•\N7LD. 1 :million 1IciII.u'c \luseunr sill hue a Weekend Rceepunnist 10 wink Saurrdays and Sun - flays. Responsibilities include opening Isuildurgs, uakittg adunissiuns. and sonic ler .al duces. Applicants require pleasant personality and near appearance. Pay starts \1,uclr 1. 1985 at 56.81 hourly (1.984). Please forward wrincn resume to: 1:oberi 1 renlaur. I anlhlon Heritage \lusrurn. RR _. (.r,uk(1 (fend, Ontario. NOMI 110. 3c classifications 1 I osr, tiu:yrd 2 Found 3 Situation. \‘ anted 4 Help %Canted 5 Business Oppornuunit ie. 6 tielf ices 7 1 ;sestuck 8 1 -:um \lachiner 9 Sport. I..dtuipnlcnt. 11 (ars. !rucks 12 Pets 14 Appliances. i elc's isi n 15 Personal 16 for Sale 17 %%anied 1 0 Buy 18 \Canted 19 Property for Sale 20 Properly 1 -or Reit 2.1 i -or Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23- Wanted 1 o Renu 24 Properly Wanted 25 Notices .26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 r\u lion Sales 4 Help Wanted 1 -RUCKING CAREER. Become a profes- sional Iransporl driver. Contact Niers- Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Coront0 (416) 251-9073: Ottawa 1613) 523-3489; London (519)432-1726: North I3ay (705) 472-2910: Thunder Bay. (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 7-59-0177; (Tunbridge (519) 623-243(1; Sudbury (705)560-3351. Member 13.8.13. 15t fx PART TIME DEN 1A1 ASSISTANT. Preferably certified. Would consider train- ing suitable candidate. ('hone 236-4341.2:3c E3l)0KKEEPING 1011 in Exeter area available.-1-yping and personal computer required. Applications should he mailed to Reid -& Associates, Box 300, Winghain. NOG 2W0. 2-5c FULL OR PART TIME. selling Canadian . made clothes, commission sales and extra bonuses. Call Karen 873-4728 or Marilyn 268-7806. Tops n Trends Home Party Fashions. 2;3• PARA-MIEDICAI. COMPANY requires nurses to complete medical history reports in Exeter and surrounding arca. Car necessary. flexible hours, good wages. Send resume to liodimetric Profiles. 75 Sackville St. 'London. Ont. N5Z 2E3. 3:4c RELIABLE MATURE BABYSITTER re- quired part time for 41/2 month old boy in Lucan. Phone 227-1049. 3c BABYSITTER needed for 3 month old. Jan. 28th. References please. Contact Robin 262-3244. 3c CLERK TREASURER/Tax Collector re- quired for township of Hungerford in Hastings County. Municipal experience is a requirement. Preference will he given to a licants with a minimum of 5 yrs RETAIL OPPORTUNITY Wanted SALES TRAINEE With farm background, some mechanical ap- titude and grade 12 education. Successful applicant will be selling Honda Line power equipment. If you are highly motivated and enjoy meeting and working with people and want to join an en- thusiastic team, we would like to hear from you. Apply in writing with full resume to: HuIIy Gully Sports R.R. Varna, NOM 2R0 att: Wayne Dicking mu r if - c n1 an designation or equivalent recognized ac- counting or- related -certificate. a batitc knowledge of land use planning and zon- ing bylaws and municipal legislation is also preferred. Appointed person will be respon- sible for all statutory duties of C'lerk's and Treasurer's position including preparation of municipal and zoning bylaws, council agendas, minutes or meeting, cor- respondence. conducting municipal and school hoard elections, preparation and control of the annual budget and collection of municipal tax. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. 15- cellent henefius.0111 submissions should he marked "•\l'I'I.ICA1ION" and will he treated with strict confidence. Deadline for. receipt of applications is February 20. Reeve, l ossnship of I lungertord, P.O. Bos 568. tweed, Ontario KOK 3J0. 3s HOl151-44VIVIS WANTS?1): Work from home. Set own hours. Personal care, household. outdoors and food products. Unlimited income part -Bine or full time. Call Blue Maple Products (416) 673-0747. 35 1.(111 ANI) PARI 11511-. waders and waitresses and kitchen help. Apply Exeter Inn Restaurant. 2-41).m. - 3c ORGANIST position asailahlc at Parkhill United Church commencing March 1. 1985. Lsperience preferable. Apply to 51r. E. Whiling. Box 425. Parkhill. NOMi 2K0. 3:4c COME AlIVE: IN '85! Earn 525.000.00 a year or more full-time. Part time S10-15,00(1. 4444e will show 40(1 how. For a personal intersicw in your own home. Call Fuller Brush Co.. St. Thomas. 1-631-4383. 3:4c PAR 1-1151E BAR TENDER for the Royal Canadian 1 cgton. Branch 498 in Grand Bend. Send hand-written resume to: Judy Roane. c o Bos 549. Grand Bend. N0\1 Ira 3c HELP WANTED Enthusiastic Responsible Person to care for two children ages 3 and 5 in our home Four dbys per week in comfortable surroundings. light housekeeping. Please call Josh or Joanne Dinney, evenings only 235-1080 The Exeter Public Utilities Commission is accepting applications up to February 1, 1985 for a maintenance employee that will work primarily with the Wafer Department. A knowledge of pumps, installation of water services. etc. would be most beneficial. A list of duties required by this employee as well as an applica- tion form is available at the Exeter Public Utilities' office at 379 Main St. S.. Exeter. This is permanent position and excellent fringe benefits are available. Salary for this position is negotiable and is depen- dent on experience. 5 Business Opportunities I R1 -.L Career (nude describe. 200 (earn-ai- home conespundence Diploma Courses. Accounting, Arl. Bookkeeping, Business \ianagenlenl. Clerk typist, Secretary, Journalism. fetesisiun Sen icing, frasel. Granton ISA), 263 Adelaide Street West. 10101110. ( all 1-800-268-1121. 46i Ix ARE NIA KDREA\1S('OMINGTRUE: Like lu C.Ir n good honey. Excellent chance 101 ads anceinent. Special training to sell na- iiFu)illy--kri4iwn-produet�Applt--ars once- 135-2364 nce235-2364 - after 6:00. 49tfnc ''SEASONS" - Canada's 1st name in Col- our Analysis and Glamour. Seasons Con- sultants earning SI00-S300 per day! Read our story. pg. 92, January's Chatelaine, Academy Training, Supplies, Seasons Cosmetics, Skirt care, silk scarves, Replica perfumes. careers. 1-80(1-387-3939 (Toron- to)._ 35 BE A COPS n TRENDS Horne Party Hostess, free gifts, half price items, customer specials, Canadian made, moderately_ prices. Phone 873-4728._ 2:3• SEASONAL FRANCHISE business with excellent income. Located in Grand Bend. Only serious -need call. Please phone after ( p.ds. for appointment. Phone 237-3744.3c IF YOU LIKE (lowers and gardening you'll love this opportunity to earn extra money in your spare time. Like selling a breath 01 spring. Sample available for S10. -Satisfac- tion guaranteed or your money back. For information please write: Jack G. McIntyre & Associated, 190 Somerset St. W., Suite 2(12, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0J4. 35 IT'S NOT TOO I.ATE! Learn Income Ta‘ preparation now. Write: U & R Tas Schools, 207-1,345 Pembina Hwy. Win- nipeg, Man. B3T 2116. 35 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Hauling Bulk Grain Hauling KIRKTON 229-6439 6 Services Gene's stens Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO PHONE 238-8242 MOTORS * Rewinding • Repairs * Sales & Service Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 229-8222 KIRKTON 6 Services SNOW REMOVAL - drise-nay-s, sidewalks. odd jobs of any kind. Esening 235-1122. 51-5• JACK'S PLUMBING and HEATING For all your plumbing and heating installations 4t Rural, Residential C. a 1r . cial eaters, Softeners and Pumps Jack Mayer - 235-0581 1 It MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton -229-6525 It fn FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS AND PROBLEMS Call TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St., Exeter 235-1756 Residential, Commercial Indtistrial and Farming Generator Installations 461 EXETER CAB Day and Night Calls Radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 49 Simcoe St. Exeter 361 If no answer phone 228-6812 from 7 a.m. - midnight 321 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair Open 6 Days AWeek Truck Boxes. Portable Welding \\'roughs Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 I<t PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 251 SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Fxperience • Backhoe service, • Scrap purchased 163 til Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work. Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 Lane Gravel Sand fill - Crushed A Gravel - Washed. Cement Grovel - Rich Top Soil 3 8" and 3 4" Washed Stone McCann Redi-Mix Inc. RR 3, Dashwood 237-3647. 235-0338 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHT RING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured jl or2d smoked meal Veal MEAT MARKET 235-7723 i 23tfn MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings tGeneral Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 237-3365 181 DON BENDER ELECTRIC LTD. Dashwood For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Soles & Installations PH: 237-3575 291 DESJARDINE CONTRACTING. Bulldozing. Raking, Grain hauling, Truck- ing, Sanding, Snowplowing, 13ackhoeing. Phone 238-2734. 22tfn Rowe Electric A Plymbing RR' 1 Woodham • Rural - Residential Commercial • Repairs 8 Service Dennis Rowe 233-0906 229-6284 EXCAVATING • Weeping Beds • Footings • Bosements 8 Generol Backhoe work Snow -Con Excavating Owned and operated by Jim Snow Phone 235-0642 after 6 p.m. General Welding & Repairs Manufacturers of Custom Built Trailers and Truck Bodies MacGregor Welding Ltd. 235-1273 Windows, Doors Cupboards, Drywall S Repairs Give Harold a call for a free estimate ID CONTR ACTING 235-0941 "frail,} If'orkman.shiJ) al a Reasonable Price" ater 511111 CLEANING OUT YOUR BASEMENT OR GARAGE? We will pick up what you don't want. Delivery seri ice available for your larger.items. Phone 293-3074. Mit The Village Store Centralia Used Clothing, Dishes Books, Etc. Weekly Specials Open Tues. to Sat. 11-4 Tel. 228-6886 16:18:20111 CUSTOM BULLDOZING We cake down (ower silos. ...no dynamite Bush work, Removal of old buildings BOB MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 46t In SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION Handyman Renosations • Homes 1-artn Buildings • Farnl Roofs WAYNE B. SHAPTON R.R. 1 , Exeter. Ont.. NOM 150 PH: (519) 237-3739 or 235-1027 16016. DAVE PASSMORE PLUMBING & HEATING RR 1 \VOODHA\1 235-2708 GLAVIN S 3011nc 6 Services H&R BLOCK clients may ueccise Scf iki. from July 10 to Januar_ 1985 by contact Vera Brand. Bos 153, Lures!, ()mark,. NON 1.10 or phoning 786-2191 01 294-6641. 31ttn DAVE'S DECOR (RON and DAVE HEIMRICH) INTERIOR 8 EXTERIOR PAINTING - PAPERING Wallcovering Designs for every taste Zurich 236-4941 43ttn 10 111'N OR-SITI 1 aultiques and used 1111 - -nit u re contact Norm Whiting 235.1964.131 Pat's DOG GROOMING AND BOARDING Phone Dashwood 237-3779 Davey Construction • Houses • Additions • Sheds • Siding • Roofing • Renovations • Free estimates Phone Keith Davey 233-1944 after 6 p.m. Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry New homes, additions and renovations, roofing, aluminum and vinyl, siding and soffit, form buildings. Architectural Drafting Floor plans, elevations, etc. RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p. ouses, Machinery, etc. FREE ESTIMATES ('all Jack Glavin 237-3707 A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Custom Homes • Aluminum & Vinyl • Siding • Roofing 'Free estimates' • Additions Dashwood 237-3516 ( DAN WEA Small Engin Sharpens 153 Victoria S Phone 2 5TIHL: EI Sales Service Repairs 8. ng Service t. E. Credltion 34-6339 Ray's Carpet Installations Carpet 8 Cushion Flooring at reasonable prices Phone 235-0739 or 235-0679 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill day Wednesday s Dashwood 237-3677 Aitgheson Electric & Plumbing Ltd. RR 2 St. Pauls, Ontario • Residential, commercial, industrial electrical wiring and plumbing • Jacuzzi Jet and submersible pumps Submersible pumps for 3'" well Repairs and most makes of pumps. Sales. Service and installation • Water softeners and filters For estimates and service Phone Jack Aitcheson 393-6551 or Ron Webber 229-8293 i, ‘('drs r,t Ou,tllfs tir'n 1( (4. ..05 4.r FIooRite Eavestroughing Cleaning & Repair Service Seamless trough - six colours Farm - Residential - Commer- cial. Boom Truck Available 4 ORDER NOW Prices may have to be in- creased by Spring Ken McCann Jack Glavin 234-6401 237-3707 Custom Home BUILDING RENOVATIONS UFFI Removal NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO IT f•' Ri^'• •Tor. Van Haarlem Construction 23522210 Specializing in Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE FSTIMAiE Our reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship