HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-16, Page 17Times -Advocate. January 16, 1985 Page 5A Slides from the '50s to be shown at UC Fellowship Night Mr. McDonald continued his study of Old Testament Text on Sunday morning at the United Church when he looked at chapter 19 of the book of Exodus "Whatever the Lord has said, we will do." He spoke of the con- troversy between law and love, but said, "everyone of us needs to be guid- ed by that for which the church stands and the church stands by that which has been given to it as a body". He spoke of Jesus' words about the commandments "I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." The choir, with Belva Fuss as organist, sang the popular gospel hymn "My Task". Ross Riley greeted the congrega- tion and the ushers were Donald Wareing, Bill Stebbins, Scott McAllister and Hans Gerstenkorn. The children's story was "This lit- tle Light of Mine" as Mr. McDonald spoke of how regardless of young wp are, or how small we may be, each of us must do our very best in following Jesus' way by being kind and good and loving. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in loving memory of Miss Greta Lammie, and on the communion table in loving memory of Ivan Kipfer by his wife Dorothy. The congregation were reminded of the pot Luck Supper and Annual -Meeting to be held on -- -Monday - January 21 , and that the Annual reports would be ready on Thursday of this week. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE *VACUUM CLEANERS ISale. & Service to Most Make. •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IFor Farm h bustneul •WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES •WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor & Outdoor U.ct •GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 HENSALL & DISTRICT j COMMUNITY CENTRE i �1 262-3206 _ Arena Activities January 16 to January 22 Wednesday Moms and Tots 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Minor Hockey 5:30 • 9:30 p.m. Thursday Rentals Friday, January 18 Figure Skating 5:30-7:30 p.m. 7:45.11:00 p.m. Saturday, January 19 Minor Hockey 8:00-12:00 Noon Minor Hockey Tournament 12:00 Noon to 10:00 p.m. Sunday, January 20 Minor Hockey Tournament 1:00 to 5:45 p.m. Recreation Hockey 6:00-11:00 p.m. Monday Minor Hockey 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Tuesday Figure Skating 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Hensall Broomball 8:45 - 10:45 p.m. CKNX Try Hards vs Hensall's Hopeless Heroes Saturday January 26 8:00 p.m - Ad sponsored by W.G. Thompson 8 Sons Ltd. Young Terns The Young Teens niet on Friday evening andenjoyed a night of bowl- ing, then back to the church to a time of fellowship and games including making popcorn for themselves. '50's Slide Show The Official Board of the United Church met on Thursday evening and among other things plans were com- pleted for the Fellowship Night to be held on Sunday, January 20 at 7:30 p.m. when coloured slides of the church's life during the 50's will be shown. The Communications commit- tee with Dorothy Brintnell as chair- man are looking after all the arrangements. The Bank of Montreal, Hensall, will be holding an R.R.S.P. information night on January 22, at 8:00 p.m. at the Hensall branch. Mr. John McNeil- ly, Chartered Accountant with Ward Mallett, Exeter, will be the guest speaker. All are invited to attend. Seniors Meet The Three Links Seniors met on Tuesday afternoon Jan. 8 with Presi- dent Hilda Payne presiding. The meeting opened with Vera Ross at the piano. Thank you notes were received from The Town and Country Homemakers and the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound. The Club will hold a bake and craft sale early in the Spring on a date to be set later. Following the business portion of the meeting, Euchre was played with winners being Vera Ross, Mary Broadfoot, Edith Bell, John McDougall and Ruby Bell. Elsie Carlisle had the lucky cup. The meeting closed with a delicious lunch served by the social and enter- tainment Committee. Carmel Presbyterian Rev. Jim Patterson of Molesworth exchanged pulpits with Rev. Kenneth Knight on Sunday and was much enjoyed. Dorothy Taylor presided at the piano for the music. The Annual meeting will be held Jan. 23 at 8 p.m. Hensall Bantams The Hensall Bantams started the New Year right as they continued on their win streak January 9 when they defeated Mitchell 6-1. Four boys scored hat tricks in this game: Chris Campbell - three goals, two assists: Jason Imanse - three goals, three assists; Jim Dickins - three goals. three assists. Other scorers were Brian Moir with two goals, four assists and John Roosenboom, two goals, and Andy Phillips with two assists. After their successful bottle drive on Saturday, the boys travelled to PURSUING TRIVIA — David Stephens (left), Derek Campbell and Karen McCullough enjoy a game of Trivial Pursuit during a games night at the Hensall Community Centre. Church groups hold meetings Unit 3 of Hensall United Church held their January meeting on Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall. After viewing a film on Korea jointly with Unit I the units went to separate rooms to proceed with their meetings. Vera Ross was in charge of the wor- ship, the theme being "Coats Off to the Future." President Dorothy Parker presided for the meeting and welcomed everyone. Dorothy Brint- nell conducted some questions on the film. Roll- call was answered by naming a Christmas gift you received. A new member was added to the list. A thank you card was read from Beatrice Munn. Members were reminded of the Congregational meeting Jan. 21 and life in South Korea and their stuggles. There are some dedicated Christians but they are practising Christianity under stress and threats of death. Pat Cook took over the devotional which Kay Elder had prepared and opened by singing "Standing At the Portals" The theme was on "Hands", the many different kinds of hands, the praying hands, the hands of a friend or mother, the trusting hand of a child, the special meaning of a hand You are Invited to a Social Evening at the HENSALL ARENA Tues. Jan. 29/85 Social Hour: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Roast Beef Dinner 7:30 p.m. Tickets $9.00 per person Deadline for tickets is no later than Sat., January 26th Guest speaker is ROSS DAILY Agriculture/Business editor of C.F.P.L. Television London Tickets available from: The Flower Basket 262-2446 Williams Hair Styling 262-2102 Joe Bengough 262-2711 The Birch Tree 262-2029 Sponsored by the Hensall Business Improvement Association A motion was made to purchase a new worship hook. Helen "Roberts handed out the Secret pal names. The President reviewed the February meeting, thanked all for taking part and wished everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The meeting closed with prayer. Hostesses were Loretta Riley and Rosa Harris. P.C.W. Meets The P.C.W. of Carmel Presbyterian Church met on Monday afternoon for their January meeting. Dorothy Taylor had the "Worship" on New Years which was most interesting. Rev. Kenneth Knight was present and installed the new Officers. Business was discussed and it was decided to hold a "Daffodil Tea" April 13 at 2 p.m. President Margaret Hoggarth ask- ed the quilt Committee if they could have the sheets ready for working on soon. The Annual Congregational meeting will be .tan. 23 at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. t'nit 1 Unit f held its first meeting of the year Jan. 9 at 1:30 p.m. in the United Church joined with unit 3 for the showing of a film "Even Though We are not Blooming Now•', the story 6f By MARGARET HOGGARTH Women's Institute Kippen East W.I. will hold their January meeting on Wednesday January 16 at 8 p.m. Note time change. Marlene Bell is to be the hostess for this cultural activities meeting. Roll call is to be answered by "A Rule I Try to Live By". Kippen l'.('.W. The 1985 budget for Kippen U.C.W. was presented and approved at their meeting January 8. Gail Turner led in a meaningful worship service bas- ed on the theme "Trusting in God Throughout the Coming Year." Roll call was answered with a "New Years Resolution". Barbara Cooper's topic described symbols of the church, especially- those on the United Church Symbol Kippen United Church Mrs Barb ('roper accompanied the hymns on the piano on Sunday January. 13 in St Andrews The ministry of music was provided by Joan Binnendyk at the piano. ,roan played 2 selections. "Touch the Wind' - and "Longer. Pastor Don \loffal•s sermon was based on "You Can Survive in 'R5 Ile expounded by saying Put your trust in 1;1x1 Character is produced through hardships. but willingness to persevere and trust 10 (od will let us survive .' Sunday January 'n is the Sacra- ment of ('onununiiln with Rev. .1 Bechtel 1n charize Sunday January 27 is Bible Sunday wlth Rev Howlett from the Canadian Bible Society as speaker of a friend at a crucial time in your life. Touching can mean so much to a person in trouble and feeling all alone. A suitable poem, "Take My Hand", was followed by the offering taken and blessed. The roll call answered by naming a Christmas gift you received. Sandwiches and Korean soup were served by 011ie Cooper, Lorna Spencer and Audrey Cooper. Lucan for a make-up game with The boys would like to thank the Lucan 2 Hensall opened the scoring residents of Hensall who supported early in the fust period as Jim them in their successful bottle drive Dickins assisted by Brian Moir hit the target at 27 seconds Rob Taylor assisted by Jim Dickins followed suit at 36 seconds 'l'tie boys never looked back as they defeated Lucan 9-2 Rob Taylor and .11111 Dickins each recorded a hat trick. other scorers were Chris Campbell w ith two goals. two assists and John ltoosenboom with one goal Results of the Township Challenge The Wimpey Winchelsea Waiders fall victoms to the far superior talent of the Usborne Rabbits. This is the second con- secutive defeat of the Wimpey Waiders. - Better luck next year loosers Filter Queen "In the Heart of Downtown Varna" 484.7103 1siMII.III ORNI 1 TRUST 1 1 COMPANY 1 1 GUARANTEED 1 1 CERTIFICATES 1 1 AVAILABLE 1 "representing many trust II companies, highest rates, usually available. 1 111 For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236 -4381 -or 236-45601 1111 1111 1111 Ell In 111 Januar LENNOXa The End Is Near. Take advantage of 'off -oil' Government grants now! All installations eligible for FederafGovernment 'off -oil' rebate` must be completed by March 31, 1985. $80 e R�gp,1E1 t If you're thinking your oil furnoce never be a better right now, while receive up to rebates! Your has the equipment, electric furnaces pumps, in available now. dependent Lennox today. of replacing there moy time than you con still $800 in cash Lennox dealer gas and and heat stock and Coll your in- dealer ' anrd„alM,altart la tGaranmaat phaw teha meet 4110d program rayarraneat,. 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