HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-16, Page 7GETS LIFE MEMBERSHIP — At Wednesday's meetingvf the Elimville Women's Institute, a Life Member-
ship was presented to Ruth Skinner. Making the presentation at the left are Marie Brock and Isobel
Fletcher. It was the first time the Elimville WI has awarded a Life Membership. T -A photo
Exeter UCW member relates
visit of delegates from. Korea
The Afternoon Unit of Exeter UCW
. met recently with Jean Murray
reading "Spend Just a Moment in
The dates of two tneetings have to
be changed.The executive will meet
January 16 at 9:30 a.m. and the
general meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. on
January 21.
Audrey McRoberts reported for
"Church in Society" outlining various
projects undertaken.
' World's Day of Prayer will be in
Exeter United Church, March 1 with
Alma Langford as special speaker.
Laura Dickey presided for the pro-
gram. Gertrude Hamilton gave a
New Year's reading and Laura read,
Begin the Year with Friendliness".
Alma Langford told of "The Asian
Connection". The Church works in
Korea with the Presbyterian Church
there. Last year was the 100th An-
niversary of Protestantism in Korea.
In connection with this, 10 ladies were
chosen to visit Canada. to share their
'faith, friendship and cultures with
Canadian women. -
Alma was one of a group who enter-
tained two Of these during a day spent
in fluron-Perth Presbytery. Both
were very talented ladies from Soeul
and had not met previously.
They were Miss Lee. a musician and
leader of a choir of 100 voices, who
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spoke some english and Mfrs. Chung,--
who spoke english quite well.
They visited several places. They
toured Stratford where they saw
several churches. the Stratford
Festival building, etc. Eight ladies
from Exeter met them in Mitchell.
In a talk there, Mrs. Chung said in
Korea, meetings are held almost con-
tinuously to pray for peace in the
world. Also Miss Lee and Mrs. Chung
sang together. it had been stressed
that at no time should any political
questions be asked for or discussed.
Alma Langford brought them to her
home to spend the night. and in the
morning she took them-te-6ambtan
Ten Canadian ladies are being pick-
ed to make a return visit later this
The worship service was based on
several verses from Psalm 119 in
which Laura Dickey was assisted by
Clara Harris and Gertrude Hamilton.
Members were urged to give God's
word a more prominent place in our
lives during 1985. The meeting dos-
ed with singing "Standing On the Pro-
mises" with Ann Brodie at the piano.
Evening UCW unit
hear guest speaker
Audrey MacGregor, Unit Leader.
Exeter UCW opened the Evening
Unit's January meeting by inviting
everyone to join in the singing of 'Sing
a Simple Song'. After the secretary
and treasurer reports, Audrey
welcomed everyone back for 1985.
Each person was asked to name a
New Year's resolution as they
answered the roll call. She read "A
Prayer for the New Year".
There were several an -
computer and not to allow it to con-
trol them.
The speaker reminded everyone
that they possessed the original com-
puter - their minds. Although the com-
puter is capable of producing and do-
ing many jobs we are the only ones
who are capable of understanding and
reasoning. We can "compute" that
God loves us and we are able to "love
Him with all our heart, soul and mind
ant our nei : hbour't
y umans Fan do that.
le playing his guitar, Peter sang
"Tu Your Radio t Computer l On", 4"
"Shine On', "It Is No Secret", and
"One Day at a Time" with the group
joining in. Peter closed with prayer.
Peter was thanked by Verlyn Linden -
field. Elsie Tuckey's group served a
delicious lunch of soup and crackers.
meeting is to be held January 16 at
9:30, the general. UCW will meet at
1:30, January 21 beginning with a
A UCW Presbyterial Meeting is to
be held in Wingham Monday,
January 21. The World Day of Prayer
is Friday, March 1.
Carol Willard reporting on "Church
In Society" spoke on the World Vision
program which had been on the
television that evening. It was decid-
ed that extra money be collected at
each meeting for the Famine Relief
Fund. - -
Maxine Sereda showed some crafts
which the group could prepare for the
Bazaar. .
Marie Brunzlow's group is in
charge of worship for the February
meeting and Norma Hooper's group
has lunch.
Carol Willard introduced Peter
Snell as guest speaker.
He suggested we keep the
Christmas spirit of'giving and caring'
alive into the new year and quoted a
former student's slogan of "Come
Alive In '115 He hoped we could re-
main alive to Christ's spirit and be
"tuned in" to the technological age.
Since this is the age of the computer.
Peter gave examples of how even
the church is using this technological
tool such as assessing the abilities of
ministerial students and printing
church bulletins. Ile cautioned the
group to learn to use and control the
The reader
Dear Mr. Batten,
Regarding the article on the front
page of the Exeter Times Advoca(e
dated Jan. 9. 1985 - titled "Lacking
I feel that when a group of people
consistently spend time together as
council does, there becomes a com-
araderie that includes jesting and fun
aimed at each other. I do not feel
however. that these accounts need to
be presented to the public.
Our mayor and councillors work
hard to maintain our town and -do it
with a sense of dignity. Our
newspaper should support these men
and their efforts.
This "friendly barb" had no place
in our newspaper. Please report the
positive qualities these people show
day after day and develop a more pro-
fessional attitude towards our town
.inn and ,JoAnne Dinney, Exeter
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Times -Advocate, January 16 1985
Gets life membership
Poge 7
Elimville member honored
`The Elimville Women's institute
met recently at the Elimville United
it was reported three leaders are
available for the next 4-11 club. One
more leader is needed at this time.
The District Institutes are catering
to the "Sportsman's Dinner on Feb.
5 at the South Huron Rec Centre. A
list of volunteers was taken at this
time. there will be more information
Mrs. Ron Fletcher and Mrs. Ivan
Brock presented Miss Ruth Skinner
with a life membership to the Elim-
ville branch.
The program committee for citizen-
ship and world affairs, Mrs. Lorne
Johns and Mrs. Olga Hern, took over
the meeting. Mrs. Johns read an ar-
ticle "New Years Pie". Mrs. Hern
read an article "Suffer the Little
Children." -
Mrs. Hern showed slides of dif-
ferent quilts and wall hangings.There
were also several slides of the sur-
rounding area. These were enjoyed
by all.
Everyone enjoyed a lunch of soup
and sandwiches provided by Mrs.
Carl Gower, Mrs. James Wilkinson
and Mrs. Freeman Horne.
The meeting reconvened. There
was a discussion on how we will
dispose of the furniture belonging to
the Institute that is in the Elimville
hall. A committee of Mrs. Pym and
Mrs. Bev Parsons were put in to
make final plans.
Mrs. Hern read a short history of
the Federated Women's Institute and
an item "11 Couldn't be Done" to close
the meeting.
Plan bee
The Elimville United Church
Women are quilting at the church this
week. The meeting will be held at 9-30
on Wednesday. January- 23 with a
quilting bee: soup and sandwiches at
12 o'clock and a business meeting at
The installation of the United
Church Women will be on Sunday .
Jan. 20 at the church service.
Pentecostal ladies
choose new slate
The Exeter pentecostal W. M.
meeting was held at the home of Ruth
McLaren. with 10 members in
Minutes of December meeting were
read by Ada Triebner in place of
secretary Shirley Prouty. Roll call
was a verse of scripture on
Mary Blanchard gave . the
treasurer's report. Offering was
received. Rev. Donnan gave the
message from Psa. 63. Following his
message, Rev. Donnan conducted the
business meeting. the minutes of the
last business meeting was read and
Nominations for officers for 1983
were received. The results were as
follows: President - Ruth McLaren.
Vice president - Dorothy- Cooper and
Jean Triebner, Secretary - Ada
Triebner, Treasurer - Mary Blan-
chard. Press Reporter - Edythe
The highlights of the W.M. bulletin
was read by Mrs. Donnan and the
meeting closed with prayer.
Lunch was served b1. the hostess
and Mrs. Donnan and a time of
fellowship followed.
local GovernmentWeek
ItsyoursYoureitYoi1 decide.
Every day of the week, your local government is at work
-putting out fires, driving buses, fixing roads, helping
the sick and elderly, keeping your town clean and safe.
January 14-19 is Local Government Week, a week of
celebration that invites you, the citizen, to get to know
more about your municipality, your school board
and public utilities, as well as the people -elected,
staff and volunteer -who make local govern-
ment happen.
This week is your opportunity to learn how
your local government works. -
Plan to take in some of the activities planned by Exeter Council:
Shuttle bus tours to Exeter local government facilities around town and outlying area. leaving
Municipal Building, Library and Fire Hall every hour starting at 10:00 a.m., ending at 3:00 p.m. (In
case of inclement weather, bus tours will run Thursday, January 17th.)
While waiting for the next bus tour, view old records displayed in Counil Chambers and enjoy video
of local Council meeting and Departments in action.
OPEN HOUSES Wednesday January 16th from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Municipal building
Exeter Public Utilities Commission
Exeter Branch library
Exeter and Area Fire Hall
South Huron Recreation Centre
Exeter Police Department
Exeter Public Works Department
Ausoble-Boyfield Conservation Authority (Morrison Dam)
Main Pumphouse - MacNaughton Drive (2:00 - 4:00 p.m. only)
Exeter Public School
South Huron District High School
Precious Blood Separate School
Awards will be presented to winners in adult and in elementary school classes. Trivia questions adver-
tised in Times Advocate or pick up copy at Municipal Office or library. Deadline is January 11th at
5:00 p.m. Return to Municipal Office. (Not open to Municipal Employees or their families )
Continuous showing - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Bus tour ends at Fire Hall come and join
us for film and refreshments. on Wednesdoy January 16th.
New winter programs of fitness and crafts start week of January 4th. Call Recreation Centre (235-2833)
to find out times and locations. You are invited to be on obsery y session. See whether you
might be interested next time around or this time. if not already full
local stores are invited to enter local Government Display contest. Windows will be judged and an
award presented to winner. Judging will toke place - Friday, January 11th, 1985
Families with incomes below 519.000.00. who ore interested in low interest loans for home repairs
are invited to attend a seminar in the Council Chambers at 2 00 p.m. on Thursday. January 17th
local cable channel 12 will run rideo film of December Planning Board and Council meetings and
odminstrotive departments in action. Watch at 730 p.m. on Tuesday. Wednesday or Thursday even
ings. January 15th 16th and 17th.
S.H.D.H.S. Students Friday, January 18. 12:45 at S.H.D.H.S. library