HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-16, Page 5The readers write Horsing horns situation explained by offkials Allocated Nursing Home Beds by the Ministry of Health before a Home can be built. After trying for an allocation for nearly two years to no avail, the committee felt they had to try another route. At this time we were fortunate to be in contact with Mr. Kannampuzha. who was considering moving his establishment and this gave us the op- portunity to have his 30 beds transfer- red to Exeter and the start of a new nursing home for our community. The nice part of this home being private- ly owned in that the committee doesn't have to canvass the communi- ty for funds. I feel -really good about thisysheie Dear Su': The proposed nursing home for Ex- eter has raised two concerns %yhich crust be addressed: the problems associated with the trove from Seaforth and the question as to whether or not our residents will be located in the lacihty Before I Ileal w ilh those issues. would like to correct. a statement trade in the London Free Press on Friday. %'hen asked it I didn't really think it was better tor the residence to be built by public tunds and so be able to exercise control over policy. design. etc.. 1 replied that by going to a private businessman. he w111 assume the risks. the costs. the pro- blems of ministry approval. and, so the final product may not be exaclly what we want. It ma\ be 'different'. but I have no reason to think it would be 'interior'. In my view. the situation in Seaforth is not as bad as it would ap- pear. The developer was laced with spending- large sums 0 money to upgrade his Tactility in Seaforth in order to comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Health. He knew that Exeter was desperate for nurs- • • • • • • H • • January Freezer Values Frozen Foods McCoins (5 Ib.) SUPERFRIES *3.19 pkg. McCains DELUXE PIZZA 5- * 1.10 pkg. BATTERED COD *2.05 Ib. "11411Milk Omstead Fancy PEAS 5 Ib. $4.19pkg. • Omstead Fancy Whole Kernel CORN 5 Ib. *4.39 pkg. ***** Omstead GREEWBEA - 4 5 Ib. 4.09 pkg. ***** Omstead PEAS & CARROTS 5 lb. $3.49 pkg. McCains PARISIENE VEGETABLES 5 lbs. $5.49 pkg. Red River CEREAL $2.09 (1 kg) Quaker Quick Cooking ROLLED OATS $1.191 kg. Mon.- Sat. ° 9-5:30 Closed Sunday • • • • • M • • • • orgasm. Apiaries Hwy. 84 between Hen*all 8 Zurich • 236-4979 • ing care beds, and so in fact, he plans simply to expand his operations. The Seaforth residence will remain open as a rest home. and the nursing care residents will be transferred to Ex- eter. As well, Seaforth already has another nursing care facility. Secondly. according to the original proposal. to which our committee agreed. the nursing care patients in Seaforth would have tlrst opportuni- ty to transfer here. 11 is not expected that they all will move). The reason tor our agreeing to the request was based on humanitarian grounds and a sense of what is only fair. %'e expect that our people will. by and Targe, be accommodated in the new building. (toss Haugh and the'I'-A. should be mentioned. Boss has been a member of the committee tram the start and has exercised tremendous control in holding back ani public comments for two dears. The reporter and the paper deserve credit in respecting the • c developer in not capitalizing on the controversy and the various stages in the process of securing the transfer. It any individuals have questions concerning the nursing home. we en- courage you to talk to one of the members of the committee. 1 -ours truly. 11.F. Shaw. Mayor ¥ ¥ ¥ Exeter, Ontario Dear Sir: As chairman of the Exeter Nursing Home Committee I would personally like to thank all the members of the Committee for the time and effort that they have put into this project - travelling around looking at other nursing hones. attending special meetings, etc.. Especially Mayor Bruce Shaw for all the work he has done and to his Council for supporting this project. 1 feel this Nursing Home will be an asset to the town and will be a first class facility as it has to meet with the Ministry of Health standards, and, it will also provide many new jobs For the area. Mr. Kannampuzha is a mechanical engineer specializing in the industrial engineering field. He has worked as a consultant to such firms as Ontario Hydro, Douglas Aircraft, Winchester Western, Union Carbide. and Camp- bell Soup. In 1980 he achieved the necessary qualifications to be a Nur- sing Home Administrator in the pro- vince of Ontario and has been af- filiated with Nursing Homes for the past 14 years. 1 realize the frustration the senior citizens of Exeter have been going through up until now as they also tried to get a Nursing Home for Exeter. To refresh everyone's memory - you must remember a town must be County given provincial aid Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Claude Bennett today an- nounced that the County of Huron will receive a provincial grant of $23.700 under the Municipal Action '85 program. Bennett said the funds will be used to implement a computerized management system. He said the new system will provide comprehensive up-to-date informa- tion which will result in improved financial planning. budgeting and budget control with aproximate sav- ings of t36,no l i year. Municipal Action '85 is a major three-year ministry program suppor- ting municipal initiatives that develop management systems. ad- ministrative Tools and staff skills. Pitch -In The Exeter Times -Advocate now carries a full line of Art Supplies • Acrylic and oil paints • Acrylic and oil brushes • Tempera powder • Artist pads • Tracing paper and tracing rolls • Calligraphy supplies • Turpentine. • hamar varnish and spray varnish • Acrylic medium and spray Come in and see what we have We can special order more stock Times - dvocate 424 Main St. PH: 235-1331 A SKIING WE WILL.GO — Enjoying a run on their skis at Morrison Dam Sunday afternoon were Sheri Cornish and Karen Hoffman. thing and January 10, 1985 will stand out in my mind as the day we receiv- ed the word that the Ministry of Health told us verbally that the transfer of beds from Seaforth to Ex- eter was signed. but the best day will be when we cut the ribbon to official- ly open this facility for our seniors. This is just the beginning of a heavy commitment for our committee but we will stick with it to the finish. Mr. Kannampuzha has assured us he would like a liaison committee to work along with him as the building progresses.- Iry Armstrong January 16 1985 Page 5 BEST INTEREST Guaranteed 1 1/4%' investment Certificates subiect to change Agents for Canada Savings Bonds Gaiser•Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 482-9747 Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 524-2118 Alen Stub6A. SATELLITE & ANTENNAS MAIN STREET, THEDFORD, ONTARIO 296-5565 or 786-4848 • Established Dealer • Leasing Available • Quality Built to Last • We Service What We ; Sell 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR A FREE DEMONSTRATION GIVE USA CALL - IFSSATELLITE RECEPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS Chanel Master' OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY OF HUNDREDS OF IIJ NOW TS $1111 41111191: NOW UNTIL SAT. Values to S325 That's right. Every Suit in our store is on sale at one low price. Choose from hundreds and take as many as you want. BUT MAKE YOUR CHOICE BY SATURDAY We would like to thank the many people who took ad- vantage of our sale last week. Unfortunately we were unable to adequately look after a few customers because of the rush so this special sale has been extended. All suits are first quality and will be professionally fitted. SHIRTS, BLAZERS & DRESS PANTS 25% OFF Corduroy SPORTS JACKETS Reg. S149.95 $6995 /2 PRICE ON THESE ITEMS • Stretch Cords • Sweaters • Winter Coats • Para Suedes • Tweed Sports Jackets \\ WE MUST CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS AT THESE LOW PRICES. SWART MAN'S OF EXETER 386 MainStreet, Exeter Phone 235 099