HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-09, Page 29Page 16A Times -Advocate, January 9, 1985 WAITING THE DECISION — Lined up waiting for the decision at Friday's Cabbage Patch skating party at the South Huron Rec Centre are Rionne Lave Danny_undHayley Snell and Trig -to and Mandy Werrett. Lucan reeve sets priorities, objectives for new year At Thursday's first meeting of 1985, for their hard work and dedication. Lucan reeve Norm Steeper outlined He added. "Their ability to maintain the priorities facing council in the day to day management of the village final year of their three-year team has been invaluable to myself and and reviewed past accomplishments. council". The four objectives for the coming About the past Steeper said, "In year included sewer expansion and looking hack I feel last year was a correction, completion of the Benn time when we refined our skills in the and Hardy drains,capital financing art of legislation. From numerous and establishment of a Business Im- changes in procedure instituted the provement Association. year before I have seen with more On sewer expansion Steeper said, than a bit of satisfaction this council "The Ministry of the Environment is tackle problems in a professional finally taking some action. We must manner using an information base in fairness to all concerned keep that was developed through both pushing and show some concrete research and experience - a far cry evidence that this perennial problem frothe"by go egoly p- is at last being solved." P ve ago whlfir He continued"In my view the BIA started". has to be included in our list of essen- Steeper continued, "The recent tials. Glencoe is a neat, bright, alive comment made by an Ontario and active village at 5 p.m. I don't see Ministry person that Lucan has pro - the same bustle in Lucan. We must bably the most professionally run get every ratepayer pulling together council was both earned and deserv- to revitalize our downtown area.' ed by yourselves.' About t il appear fromthe eve In the sonal closingtylof leadership isthe reeve said, oner-said, "It would magnitude of these projects that we declaration and trust. We are faced must add the art of debenturingto our with Herculean tasks of achieving list of experience. Drains will provide essential goals in an age of ever necessary maintenance, sewers will declining senior government support. give us potential. for growth and the The next and final year of our man- BIA will enable us to take advantage date is going to take all the energy of growth. Financing will provide us and ingenuity we can muster, in - with challenge and headaches." dividually and collectively. By conti- Steeper paid special tribute to nuing to pull together we will do it.'_ clerk -treasurer Ed Melanson–and---- in nren iougJohnston ed that the animal control officer. building official and bylaw enforce- ment officer had requested badges to identify themselves. Was told the new scout hall lease has been turned over to the village solicitor for completion. Agreed to provide 100 village pins for the February 2, 3 and 4 atom hockey tournament at the Lucan arena. At the suggestion of councillor Larry Hotson agreed to join the On- tario Rural Recreation Association. Passed a borrowing bylaw in the amount of $320,000 and set the interest rate for unpaid taxes at one and one- quarter percent per month. Appointments were made for 1985 as follows: Finance -Larry Hotson, Harry Wraith; Public Works - Wraith, Bryan Smith; Planning Advisory Board- Hotson, Smith, Rudy Engel, Ron Glenn, secretary Ed Melanson; Service and Protection - Tom England, Smith; Parks and Recrea- tion - Hotson, England, Howard McDonald, Gary Donaldson; Proper- ty Standards - Hotson, Bill Mathers, Frank Goring. Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority - Ivan Hearn: Committee of Adjustment - Dave Barr, And\ Van Geel, Bill Haskell ; • Lucan-Biddulph Fire Area - Norm Steeper. England. Melanson; Fence Viewers - ran ormg: Weed in- spector - Hugh Baird. Huron endorses wetland guidelines Huron County Council will work with the Ministry of Natural Resources' wetland guidelines and "see what happens". The county gave its support at the January session, but planning direc- tor Dr. Gary Davidson reassured council that it is not giving "wholehearted" support to the guidelines. The wetland guidelines say the et - ficial plans should protect significant wetlands as wets as having zoning bylaws which allow for forestry, waterfowl production. open space and fisheries management in the wetlands. "1 agree with what's in the guidelines, but l also believe that the farmer should be consulted and we should also work with them," said Morris Township Reeve Bill Elston. Reeve Elston said it would be to the farmer's benefit to work with the ministry and the county on the guidelines liowick Township Reeve Jack Staf- ford mentioned a concern he has heard regarding waterfowl sanc- tuaries. Reeve Stafford has heard that crops neighboring a sanctuary have been destroyed by waterfowl. That fact has to be considered when working with these guidelines, said the Ilowick Reeve. WE DELIVER %VhenY0U want GOOD PIZZA Give us a call s35-0188 Home of the square perfect party pizza. The tasty one 0. 00 goi_ar 00 moo any maA111411111 Anna r� : SUBMARINES .r Our 20th_1o.00t 0n- 277 Main Street, 235-0188 HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Friday and Soturady 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Sunda o m n0 Thanks to the advertisers of Exeter and surrounding communities We are now into 1985 and wont to say "Thank you". It is only fitting that we advertise our appreciation to the people who make it possible for us to publish one of the best community newspapers in the area. In 1984 hundreds of advertisers, retailers, classified and national advertisers used frequent and consistent space in the Times -Advocate, stimulating our economy and promoting employment. You, our readers responded by buying food, J 3., Serving South Huron, North Middlesex clothing, shoes, TV's, sound equipment, , paint, lumber, microwaves, books, houses, farm machinery, sports equipment, jewellery, yard goods... the list is endless. We enter 1985 with great confidence that this area will enjoy greater prosperity and we look forward to the role our newspaper and its advertisers play in the economic growth. Once again "Thank You ". We believe 1984 was a prosperous and good year.... & North tambton Since 1873 235- 1331 1