HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-09, Page 16Page 4A Lions deliver phone books; request donations of glasses, hearing aids Times -Advocate, January 9, 1985 The last meeting on December 17 was the annual Christmas party and Ladies Night with an attendance of 16 members and 19 guests. All enjoyed a delicious home style turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Gifts were also exchanged. The club received $290.56 from the delivery of telephone books. Anyone who has used eye glasses or hearing aids they don't want. (to be sent to Stratford) phone Louis Willer( for the address. On Monday January 7. the Lions held their first meeting in 1985. Gascho Christmas The family of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gascho celebrated Christmas together on December 22. Those pre- sent were Brian and Carl Belchamber and two sons from Ottawa: Al and Linda Moran and daughter of Toron- to; Paul and Maura Perna, Toronto and John and Marilyn Geiger and two boys, Zurich. Parish dance The ('WL of St. Boniface Parish are planning a parishdance on February 16 to be held at the Community Cen- tre, Zurich. with Mozart's Melody Makers playing. --- _Meetings On Saturday. January 5 the Catholic Rural Life Conference meeting was held at St. Peter's Seminary in London. On Monday. January 7 the K of C new council ut St. Boniface Charger meeting was held in the school gym. On Sunday, January 6. Ensor was held at St. Joseph's Parish Hall in Stratford. Blue Water Auxiliary Last Wednesday, January 2 the Ladies Auxiliary held their meeting at the Blue Water Rest Horne. The residents choir entertained by sing- ing, ( even in German ) gave readings and Peter Deichert played a few tunes on his violin. which was enjoyed by all. Pastor, Clayton Keupfer installed the new slate of officers for 1985-86. Margaret Gingerich was presented with past -president's pin by Martha Ducharme. A very nice tasty lunch was served afterwards. The meeting was chaired by new president Marie Gelinas Sr. Della Gascho gave the roll call, with 19 CONGRATULATIONS - Hay township road superintendent Ross Fisher (left) and Reeve Lionel Wilder congratulate employee Michael Masse on successfully completing a Sheridan College skills develop- ment course on the township road grader. answering. The treasurer's report was given by Gladys Gingerich in the absence of Mary Gingerich. Anne Flaxbard sent out 62 birthday and 14 sympathy cards last year. Cecilia Farwell gave flowers to 16 new residents in 1984. It was reported that some cake, craft books are still for sale at the home, Lorraine's or Ferguson's at $3.00 each. Anyone in town interested in help- ing to start a 4-H club for girls 12 years and up should phone Cecilia Farwell at 236-4646 (to be on action wear). The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5 at 7:00. Members are to bring a friend. An ex- ecutive meeting followed the regular one to organize the groups for the year. (;olden Agers Another reminder: the Golden Agers meet on Monday, January 14 at 1:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rau spent a few days this past week visiting with relatives in Windsor and Detroit. A family birthday supper was held in honor of Meagan Sweeney on Saturday who celebrated her first bir- -_thday on an y 7 with-Dan-and-Car--- rie Eybergen of Waterloo and Paul and Heather Klopp, Zurich attending. Also celebrating their first bir- thdays recently were Michelle Koehler on December 28 and Michael Fisher on December 29. Happy Birthday to Marg Johnston whose big day was on December 31, Gertie Fleischauer on January 9, An- nie Finkbeiner on January 5 and sisters-in-law Marie and Madeline Gelinas whose birthdays are both on January 11. The annual Ducharme Christmas get-together was held on New Year's Eve at the Town Hall. A good time was had by some friends on New Year's Eve at a house party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pennings. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey were all together on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corriveau spent a few days over the Christmas holidays in London with daughter Louella and Chester Loucks and visited other relatives while there. Mark and Cathy Kelly and three children from North Bay spent last Friday and Saturday with his aunt and family, Julie and Mozart Gelinas Jr. Charlie and Bernice Eckel spent a few days up north at their cottage near Dyer's Bay during the holidays. Jack and Lenore Turkheim were • very -proud of their grandson, Craig Billington of l onfdon Who-was-namthe outstanding goal tender for Team Canada when they won the gold ASSORTED VARIETIES DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 520 g PKGS. 9s10 OUR REG..83 MILK CHOCOLATE ' CHOCOLATE DARK FUDGE VANILLA DUNCAN HINES fROSTINfiS_- 470 g I • rSUPER SPECIAL BEIGE, WHITE, YELLOW DELsEy BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLL PKG. SUPER SPECIAL OUR REG. 49' TIN CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP Fs� ° SUPER SPECIAL LIBBYS ALPHAGETTI ZOODLES -OR SPAGHETTI WITH CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE FAMILY ASSORTMENT, FRUIT CREMES, BOO g spii PEAK FREAN COOKIES K• i VARIETIES 400 g PEAK FREAN COOKIES % 99 ASSORTED VARIETIES 170 q MISS MEW CAT FOOD 3r j' CAKE MIX WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO NORMAL FAMILY WEEKLY REQUIREMENT SUPER SPECIAL REGULAR, MINT OR GEL Cid TOOTHPASTE 150 mL TUBE • Large 750 mL MOUTHWASH Bottle • SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT 9 A.M. WEDNESDAY JAN. 9 UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY JAN. 12 SUPER SPECIAL BEEF, TURKEY, CHICKEN YORK BRAND MEAT PIES 8 oz. EA. NEILSONS POPULAR ICE CREAM SANDWICH 6 PACK 5 VARIETIES NEILSONS SUPREME ICE CREAM ONE LITRE GRANDMA MARTINS PKG. OF 3 PIE SHELLS ORCHARD'S BEST FROZEN CONCENTRATED 454 g APPLE JUICE 355 mL BLUEWATER FROZEN BLUEFISH FISH & CHIPS 75° IMAMS TENDERCRISP DELUXE, PEPPERONI OR HAWAIIAN STYLE PIZZAS 5 .f.99 ?.39 GAY LEA FINE QUALITY ONION FLAVOUR CHIP DIP 500 9 199 NABISCO CEREAL SHREDDIES 500 9 1.59 .. i.,, d in la r. f.89 t�-69 f.99 WE INVITE YOU TO ENJOY ZEHRS FAMILY NIGHT AT THE A °ADE OPE-NINGN1GHT-TUES.--FEB.*2 8 P.M SAVE '2.00 PER TICKET with coupons available at all Zehrs Markets. Coupons must be redeemed at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium by no later than Feb. 11th. See Martini 8 Underhill, Ron Shaver and Terry Head and Gisella 990,D,T,muNimE7s..,,2 CHEES,2199# 225 g SUPER SPECIAL SCOPE TINY SEEDLESS ORANGES ZEHRS MANDARINS 1°1N 59# SUPER SPECIAL AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES 19 oz. POPULAR WELCHS GRAPE DRINK 48- HABITANT PEA OR PEA A HAM SOUPS 28 of TIN WELCHS IN CARTONS OF 3'S GRAPE DRINK 75O mL WESTONS 1112 STONE MILLED BREAD 675 g LOAF WESTONS FRESH CINNAMON BUNS PKG OF 8 OLD BAVARIA CHERRY OR LEMON TWISTS TWISTS 475 g 1.19 1.19 99' B90 f.59 GOOD HOST 120 g SLIM 'N' TRIM HOT CHOC. REG. OR UNSCENTED FABRIC SOFTENER BOUNCE 40 f.69 3.79 SUPER SPECIAL SINGLE WRAPPED SCHNEIDERS CHEESE FOOD SLICES SUPER SPECIAL ASSORTED FLAVORS GAY LEA YOGURTswissrr�E BEEF. IRISH. MEATBALL HOT CHILI CON CARNE FRESH COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS 05.Y M STORES EOI/IPPED WITH COUNTRY OPEN S/RESHOPS COUNTRY OPEN DELICIOUS WHITE BREAD 24 of r�rt� � en COUNTRY OVEN OR MANSUR@ OR WIENER ROLLS R. PUMTAN ?.?9 STEWS 611g 27 oELH;aus COUNTRY OVEN BUTTER TARTS .. 6s 1.69 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: IHIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER MONDAY, TUESDAY a WEDNESDAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY L FRIDAY 14:00 P.M. SATURDAY $t30.0 P.M. medal in Finland on New Year's Day. Nora and Lucien Corriveau of the Spruce Villa Apts. are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their 23rd grand- child "Christine". Proug parents are, Cyril and Linda Corriveau of London. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Albert Clausius who is a patient in Exeter hospital. Claude and Madeline Gelinas of the Maple Woods Apts. are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their 41st grand- child "Jillian" born to Brenda and Garry Koehler of Hensall. This is also a little granddaughter for Glen and Audrey Koehler. Congratulations also to Christine and Gary Eagleson on the arrival of their second son "Jonathan Rae". Proud grandparents are Fred and Audrey Haberer and Mrs. Shirley Eagleson of Greenway. Miss Gail Siebert returned home recently lo Los Angeles after spen- ding a month including Christmas with her mother Mrs. Norma Siebert and relatives in the area. Saturday visitors with Norma Siebert were her daughter Paula and Gordon Lobb and three children, Clin- ton along with new baby "PamelaChristine" born December 28. Tax collection dates d -to rouMeF large tax arrears Hay Council addressed a problem of pressing urgency - tax arrears - al its inaugural January 7, 1985 meeting. Clerk Joan Ducharme reported $84,000 in taxes is still owed for 1984. almost double the amount she had thought might accrue. Added to $35,000 unpaid from the previous year; and taxes still owing from 1982. the township's tax arrears now total $130,000. A number of explanations were of- fered, Wilder believes the situation reflects the tough times being ex- perienced in the farming community. The possibility of switching to quarterly payments was explored. then discarded. Councillor John Elder said he was not sure this would reduce arrears, and would cause further hardship for some. lie said often cash crop farmers could more easily pay $10,000 in November than $1,000 in March. - The requirement that 60 percent of taxes be paid before farmers apply for a tax rebate was also brought up. Under the present system. only 50 percent of the tax bill is due inJune, and rebate applicatipns are usually sent bpfnre the fial tax due in November. Wilder also believes the township is being used as a borrowing institution The penalty for 1985 arrears was set at 1 I , percent per month, or 15 per- cent annually, at a special council meeting on December 27. The pro- vince dictates the amount a municipality can charge, and the municipality can not exceed the im- posed ceiling. "Our penalty is too low. Some com- panies charge two percent per month. compounded. No wonder we have tax arrears", Wilder remarked. Another factor is the quarterly mandatory payment lathe boards of education. The township is put in the unenviable position of having to bor- row to pay the school tax when its own ratepayers don't pay on time. After a lengthy discussion. council passed a motion that_in 1985. 60 per- cent of the taxes will be due by June 1, with the remaining 40 percent by June 30. and' the remainder by November 30. "Even though this is an election year, decisions have to be made in the best interests of the township". Wilder concluded. On location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY ( OKMIR( lAt • WIODINGS PORTRAITS - GROUPS PUBIICIlY Mounting and laminating Telephone 235-1298 137 Thames Rd., fact. hetet. Ont BEST INTEREST • G 11 1/496Investmenuaranteedt Certificates • subject to change Agents for Canada Savings Bonds Gaiser•Kneale GEInsurance Brokers Inc Exeter 235.2420 Clinton 482.9747 Grand Bond 238.8484 Goderich 524-2118 Filter Queen "In the Heart of Downtown Varna" 4824103