HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-01-09, Page 9CADETS WIN AWARDS -- The Huron -Middlesex Cadet Corps hos•won the Western Ontario area an- nual Proficiency Shield. In the foreground of the above picture are Officer Cadets Rich Helm and Cathy Pfaff. Lt. (N) Pete Pedersen of London, local Commander Lt. Greg Pfoff and Officer Cadet Tony Jones. TIP THE SCALES IN YOUR FAVOR. 1 New. improved. It's even easier. The Ou.ck Sart Weight Loss Program the most successful program in the history of Weight Watchershas now been made even easier with more of the easiest menu plans we ve ever offered So loin the millions of people who lost millions of pounds on the Owck Stan Program because this year we ve made .l easier fust for you Just for your tdestyle Don 1 wart -- tom Weigh) Watchers' today THE NEW IMPROVED OUCH START PROGRAM FROM WEIGHT WATCHERS '/Z Price Special January 2 to January 26, 1985 Join Weight Watchers for $9.00 instead of the regular $18.00 on your first meeting and registration • fee. $7.00 weekly thereafter. Senior Citizens and students join for $4.50 instead of the regular $9.00. $4.00 weekly Old Town Hall, 322 Main St., Exeter Mondays 6:45 p.m. FOR FURTHER INFOHMATION CALL: 1-800-265-9291 Start Centralia UCW study about life in Korea By MRS. 70M KOOY Centralia The Centralia UCW met January 3 at the church. Janet Hicks conducted the business portion of the meeting. The program committee in charge for the evening were Janet Hicks. Freda Rollings and Dorothy Hollings. An interesting presentation was given by Janet from the study book on Korea. Dorothy gave a reading and a poem entitled "Even '['hough We Are Not Blossoming Now" was given by Freda. Lunch was served by Donna Smith and June Essery. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ilirtzel Crediton By BRENDA ELLENOR The Crediton and District Social Club rang in the New Year with the Musical Group The Silver Dollar's. Everyone had a terrific time. The delightful lunch was served on by T.,ois Hodgins, Joan Hodgins and Donna Clark. The Crediton U.C.W. will be holding their monthly meeting on Thursday January 10. were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and- Mrs. Bill Hirtzel and family. Exeter. Mrs. Minnie Harrison spent Sun- day. with Mr. and Mrs. 1301) Harrison and family, Lucan and New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tilley and family of London were -also -guests with Roy ilarrisons. Mrs. Audrey Dixon, liensall spent Friday with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harrison. Strathrov and Mrs. Minnie Harrison were guests on Saturday with Mr. and Airs. Roy Har- rison and AIr. and Mrs. Ken Tilley and family. Among those attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Edna Smith at the .lerrett Funeral Chapel in Toronto Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paynter of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques, Zion, Mrs. Maxine Allison and Mrs. Margaret Reid. London. Mrs. Cora Smith, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden. The deceased, beloved wife of the late Robert Smith (1970 is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Marlene and Jack HowitI. grandson Michael. brother Fred Bowden and a number of nieces and nephews. At Thames Road Times -Advocate, January 9, 1985 Page 9 Youth meet January 20 By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Thames Road Rev. Robert Matheson was in charge of the regular church service Sunday morning. He told the children a story entitled "The twelfth Day of Christmas". The choir rendered .an anthem, "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" accom- panied by the pianist Miss Agnes Bray. The Scripture Lesson was read from Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12. The sermon was entitled "The ('on- cept of Universality" Isaiah: explain universality - universalism gathering of the nations World of Darkness - disillusionment. Led - compelled 10 go - to a new Jerusalem. ('oming to light out of darkness. Ephesians: Message of this letter - Jews and Gentiles together. Paul's message directed more and more•at the Gentiles. God's original intention to include Gentiles in his mission. Church to radically inclusive Grace of God equals ireedom of ac- cess to God. Church to be an exam- ple to all creation. Matthew: With the visit of the Magi Jesus is seen as a universal -figure. Herod's role to cast a shadow of darkness to be overcome by this. remarkable child. This is an announcement story. Jesus is King - shepherd. Yet there is already hostility toward Jesus from those who see themselves threatened (politically) by his existence in the world. Role of star: You in your small cor- ner. "The wise may bring their lear- ning." Jesus points out the bogus nature of the reign of King Herod. Are we ready to accept Jesus as King'' Rev. Matheson gave a Minute for Mission entitled "Pastoral Care and Evangelism in Canada". Young People's meeting next Sun- day evening January 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the manse. The Fellowship Group will meet January 20 at 8 p.m. in Thames Road Church. Everyone is welcome. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. Mr. Paul Stewart spent the holidays skiing in Quebec. Mr. Ron Stewart of Goderich, Mr. Rob Stewart of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Van Allen of London were guests recently with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson, Erin, Brian and Lori were New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Baxter and Jeremy of near Fullarton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart returned home last-Sunda'S' evening after attending the wedding of Brad Cann to Jane Hewitt in Australia on December 15. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cann returned home this past Thursday evening from Australia. Congratulations Brad and Jane. We welcome Jane to our community. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Simpson who were married on Saturday evening in the church. The bouquet of flowers on Sunday were placed there by Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of Mitchell. Seamleu EAVESTROUGH ALUMINUM - and ri �,• � VINYL SIDING Aluminum Storm Doors and Windows Aluminum Awnings Replacement Windows Renovations & General - Construction "Free Estimates" JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION OASHwooD 237 3526 Celebrate: oval GovernmentWeek Jan.14 -19, 1985 DONOR SIGNS IN -- At a recent blood donor clinic at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre, Dale Good signs in with Rick DeBrabendere of the sponsoring Kirkton•Woodham Optimists and Susan Eckhard of the Canadian Red Cross. T -A photo I EXETER _ mom .TRIVIA Week,��` CONTEST TRIVIA QUESTIONS 1. Who is the present Mayor of Exeter? 2. What "nickname" was given to the local train in the tote 1880's? 3. Who was the first settler to take up land in what is now Exeter? 4. What family residence was port of South Huron Hospital until 1979' 5. Who wos Exeter s first Mayors -- -. 6. In what year did Ontario Hydro first supply electric power to Exeter' 7. What is the name of the first Inn established in Exeter? . 8. Whot is the present population of Exeter? (appox ) 9. What company is Exeter s largest employer? - 10. What landmark building stood wherer the NationelrVictorio 8 Grey 'Trust building now stonds' 11. Whot former Exeter resident wos elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1958? 12. Nome the present Reeve and Deputy•Reeve of Exeter 13. In what year was the Olde Town Holl built? 14. In what year was the present arena the South Huron Recreation Cen- tre opened? - 15. What is the Term of Office for elected members of Council? 16. Nome the 6 councillors of Exeter 17. What wos the oreo north of the river called before it herame port of Exeter? 18. Who is the Superintendent of the Works Deportment? 19. In whot year wos Exeter incorporated as o vrlfoge? 20 Who is the Town Clerk? 21. What two newspapers amalgamated to form the Exeter Times Advocate in 1916? 22 What was the name of the skoting rink that collapsed .n )927 wos rebuilt and then follopsed again in 1934? 23 Whot manufacturing company employed between 70 and 00 employees in the 1880's and later amalgamated with the Massey Hrrr.s Co 7 24. Who is the manager of the P u C 9 25. Of what religious denomination was the first church hrr'u ,n Exeter? 26 In whot year did Exeter become o Town? 27 How many municipalities ore there in Huron County? 28. Who is the new Warden of Huron County? 29 Where did most of the money come from to build rl.e E veer 8ranr h Library? 30 Whot is the dote of Exeter 5 next muntupal elec l.n•1 7 Please return your answers to the Municipal Office in o plain envelope marked either "ADULT" or "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" by 5:00 p.m. on January 11, 19$5. Contest not open to municipal employees or their families. Early service at Saintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Saintsbury Service at Sl, Patric k's was held al 8:45 a.m. Sunday. Rev. P. Derrick was in charge. Scotty .Jefferies and Hazel Davis were readers. Sheryl Carroll provided music. Next Sunday service is planned for 11:30 a.m. Mr. and Atrs. Orland Squire. Cen- tralia: Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire. Granton: ,lack Dickens, Exeter: Mr.. and Alrs. Pete Voisen• London and Air. and Mrs. Gerald Isaac. Centralia were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Airs. Bob Beaune, London spent Sunday•with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ,line Barker and her aunt and uncle Mr and'NIrs Bob 'Tindall Airs. Alabel Needham. Airs Lela :\bbott. Mrs Muria) ('obleigh. Mrs Myrna O'Neil and Marr Davis were Friday dinner guests with Mrs. Greta Gibson. Mrs Needham was observing her birthday: . 11r and J1rs Harry Dougall. Ex- eter visited Mr and Mrs. 13ob Tindall. Sunday. Mrs. Alauric'e MacDonald, .,lack Dickens. Exeter and Mary Davis were \\ednesday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs Hugh Noels_ Airs. 11.1 Davis entertained her family to dinner Saturday evening in- cluding Mr and Mrs .Inn Barker. Mr and Mrs -Earl Greenlee, Mr and Airs. Hugh Davis. Mr and Mrs ,Lim Young and ;11r and Mrs Bob Tindall 'i'he funeral of the late Gordon Davis of London was held from the Needham Funeral 1lotne. London. Tuesday, He is survived by his wvi(low. the former Marjorie Atardlin and one daughter Eileen Hay Ile was predeceased by one son Wilfred (;or- - don was the son of the late Mr and Mrs_ John Davis and grew up in this community. attended SS no 9 and St Patrick's Church (Jur sympathy is extended to the family 11 was a member of SI Georges ,\ng;icatl Church. London but was always failhlul to St Patrick's Church fie recently made a generous offering to the church and also donated .a communion rail as a memorial to his parents at the lime ot their deaths Mr and \lrs Harry Carroll. Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis. Mrs. 1,c'la Abbott. Mfrs Doris Mullins and Mrs Ruthann Phillips held a birthday din- ner for Mrs Harry Carroll at The Barn-Restaurarit London. Monday It'syours.Youre it. You decide. Every da9 of the week, yourIocal government is at work -putting out fires, driving buses, fixing roads, helping the sick and elderly, keeping your town clean and safe. January 14-19 is Local Government Week, a week of celebration that invites you, the citizen, to get to know more about your municipality, your school board and public utilities, as well as the people -elected, staff and volunteer -who make focal govern- ment happen. This week is your opportunity 10 learn how your local government works. TOWN OF EXETER Pion to take in some of the activities planned by Exeter Council: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16th - Shuttle bus tours to Exeter local government facilities around town and outlying area. Leaving Municipal Building, Library and Fire Hall every hour starting at 10:00 a.m., ending at 3:00 p.m. (In Gose ofinclement weather, bus tours will run Thursdoy. January 17th.) While waiting for the next bus tour, view old records displayed in Counil Chambers and enjoy video of local Council meeting and Departments in action. OPEN HOUSES Wednesday January 16th from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mohicipal building Exeter Public Utilities Commission Exeter Branch Library Exeter and Area Fire Hall South Huron Recreation Centre Exeter Police Department Exeter Public Works Deportment Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority (Morrison Dom) Main Pumphouse - MacNoughton Drive (2:00 • 4:00 p.m. only) Exeter Public School South Huron District High School Precious Blood Separate School EXETER MUNICIPAL TRIVIA CONTEST - Awards will be presented to winners in adult and in elementary school classes. Trivia questions adver- tised in Times Advocate or pick up copy at Municipal Office or Library Deadline is January llth or 5:00 p.m. Return to Municipal Office. (Not open to Municipal Employees or their families.) FIRE PREVENTION FILMS - Continuous showing • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Bus tour ends of Fire Hall - come and join us for film and refreshments, on Wednesday January 161h. RECREATION PROGRAMS - New winter programs:of fitness and crofts start week of January 14th. Coll Recreation Centre (235-2833) to find out times and locutions. You ore invited to be an observer at any session. See whether you might be interested next time around or this time, if not already full. STORE -FRONT DISPLAY CONTEST - • Local stores ore invited to enter Local Government Disploy contest. Windows will be judged and on award presented to winner. Judging will take place - Friday, January 1 1 th, 1985 SEMINAR ON ONTARIO HOME RENEWAL PROGRAM - Families with incomes below $19.000.00, who are interested in low interest loons for home repairs, are invited to attend o seminar in the Council Chombers at 200 p.m. on Thursdcri'y". January 17th EXETER MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT VIDEO - tocol cable channel 12 will run video film of December Planning Board and Council meetings and odminstrotive departments in action. Which ot 7:30 p.m on Tuesday. Wednesdoy or Thursday even ings, January 15th. 16th and 17th. - S 1,