HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-12-18, Page 37STORY HOUR GRADUATES — Students in the recent Bible Story Hour sponsored by Exeter Christian Reformed Church received their graduation certificates, Thursday. Back, Tett, teacher Nell.DeJonge, April Bonouvong, Lynette LeGoff, Tara Truemner,. Jason Mulder, Chad Rogers, Kiengkay Ounsamone, Jeremy De Grace and teacher Anne Langendyk. Front, Heather Snell, Crystal Davis, Matthew Foran, Christine Mothers, Tracy Harris and Luke Stahle. T -A photo ;. ..7 GUIDES GO SINGING Exeter Girl Guides and their leaders presented Christmas carols at Braemore Lodge and South Huron Hospital, Wednesday. ' T -A photo au McCURDY-I$URON HOPE — The Kids on the Block puppets featured presented by students of McCurdy -Huron Hope School. Huron County Family Planning Services Invites you to attend FAMICY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tues. from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ANN ST. EXETER For information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday Evenings. Everyone welcome HOTEL r mainslree ) ' Deluxe accommodation in the C s:* heart of Grand Bend ,,l Open Wednesday through �• '• Sunday /•Q ., •1 New Years Eve Party Hats, Horns, Munchies 11.1 50's and 60's .. . music Tickets advance $'50 p. person At Door '10.00 p. person Shuttle service available 238-8821 Dining room open New Year's Day Champagne buffet $895 p. person Children 4.95 under 3 years FREE Reserve now Grand Bend 238-8821 '$ ;11 ite 1. '1a r� • • 1 the annual Christmas concert T -A photo Credit Union names new slate/ of // officers loan•(lepartment is finding that more restrictions and security on their loans is required. The day of the hand shake to bind an agreement is gone. Members learned that the number of neyv accounts and assets had in- creased dramatically during the past three months to total over 9,000 members and $35,000.000. in assets. The Credit Union will be offering a new type of savings account in January called The Escalator Ac- countxThe higher the daily balance in your account the higher the interest rate. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited held its 34th annual meeting at the Town Hall in Clinton. After serving almost 24 years on the credit committee, Gerald Holmes in declining to run for another three year term, stated his many years ser- ving in this capacity had been most rewarding. Elected to replace him was Doug ('antelon. (Tiff Parker was returned for another terra filling the two positions on the Credit ('omnliltee. Tom Eadie and Ray Garon were re-elected to the hoard of directors for a three year term. lames Schnaar of Ward Mallett(' Chartered Accountants reported that dividend of seven percent was paid on share accounts this year and $2.714,222.00 was paid hack to members as dividends and interest. Schnaar state that Clinton Com- munity Creditnion would have paid a 10 percent dividend but because of new regulations owing to problems: especially the two recent bank failures, )nre funds have to be set aside as feserves. ()ver 1900 loans for a dollar value of $12,955.879. wore pro- cessed, with first mortgage loans on real estate increasing the most. The • ILETTERS TO SANTA icy. Roxanne Regier tirade a - St. Boniface Dear Santa. How are you? I'm fine_ I've tried to be good. but I admit that 1 -haven't been the greatest kid in the world. but 1 have been ood you know. anyway, before we stra good conversation. 1 want you to know what I want for Christmas. Starlet( make-up; A watch: Even if I don't get all my gifts. i want this the most of all - an Office Activity ('enter. I3y the way, how's Rudolph? Is he going to guide your sleigh on Christmas night' Natural. Resources list essay contest winners The Wingham District of the Ministry of Natural Resources has just completed its seventh annual essay contest The theme this year was "Woodlots Complement Farm- ing". Participation was open to grade seven and eight students of Iluron end Perth Counties. During the contest staff from the ministry's Wingham office yisil('d various schools to present a slide show explaining this year's theme. "Woodlots offer man benefits to the agricultural community based in Southern Ontario - from erosion con- trol and wildlife habitat to raw materials for lumber. furniture and fuelwood''. said Wingham District manager. Andy Houser "it is impor- tant to realize (hese many benefits which woodlots offer to our environment- The winning school team this year came from Rlyth.l'ubhe School and included: Lisa Bailey. C?aig Bauman. r Get extension on Hay development Exeter council have been unsuc- cessful in attempts to have a•freeze placed on development in Hay Township until a zoning bylaw is approved. Responding to Exeter's recent re- quest in that regard, the ministry of municipal affairs advised that a six- month extension has been granted to a plan of subdivision for the Huron Farms agri-industrial park. Exeter council have been unsuc- cessful in attempts to have a freeze placed on development in Hay Township until a zoning bylaw is approved. Responding to Exeter's recent re- quest in that regard, the ministry of municipal affairs advised that a six- month extension has been granted to a plan of subdivision fbr the Huron farms agri-industrial park. The ministry explained that the On- tario Municipal Board's decision to uphold an appeal by Exeter was bas- ed on the policies set out in the Food Land Guidelines "and not with respect to its conformity to the township's official plan." "The board's decision, therefore, does not preclude the township from documenting the need for the use of the subject lands and adopting a new zoning bylaw to implement the sub- ject plan of subdivisions," the letter continued. The ministry assured Exeter that consideration to the Food Land Guidelines and the decision of the OMB will be given in reviewing the matter further at a future date at the request of the township. - Exeter council this week also received answers to questions posed, to the Huron planning and develop- ment department over the latter's in- volvement in the proposed Hay pro- ject and the subsequent OMB hearing that was held over Exeter's objection. The town had requested .informa- tion on the following issues: (1) con- sultation to eliminate the Hay -Exeter hearing; (2) costs of the hearing and their payment; and, (3) department policy on reducing intermunicipal conflict. The department letter noted that the hearing in question concerned a zoning bylaw implementing draft ap- proval of a plan of subdivision is not the responsibility of the county, rather the ministry of municipal affairs. The department brought the sub- division to the attention of Exeter of- ficials and the report on the subdivi- sion was circulated to all county coun- cillors in 1982. Exeter did not object to the plan of subdivision and the objection was on- ly received on the zoning bylaw. The letter indicated the planning department policy ,regarding poten- tial conflicts between municipalities is to provide information on the mat- ter and to advise the municipalities to• attempt to resolve their objections through negotiations. In this situation, the department explained, both were done. However, the department letter 4 continued, "the resolution of the dif- ferences is not something that the department can require." Regarding costs, it was noted that the department personnel's time was costed at $2,584.03, with $2,169.13 be- ing associated with the hearing itself. "I would contend that even had the department not supported Hay" it would have been subpoenaed to at- tend and their (sic) would have been some preparation required in any event," director Dr. Gary Davidson wrote. He refuted Exeter's claim that there was an error of omission o'h the department's account by not pr Scott ('ronin. Karrie Mc('linchey. Kim Medd. Jennifer Roulston and Lisa Watson. The best overall essay was written by Lisa Watson, second best essay Was Scott ('ronin's while .toe Weber from Elena Township Public School and Heather Wheeler from Turnherry Central Public School tied for third place. .tam('s F. McGuigan. Parliamen- tary Assistant to the Minister of Natural Resources and M.P.P. for Kent -Elgin presented the prizes to the essay contest winners at Blyth Public School 00 Friday. December 13 "1 know how important you young people are to the future of farming and woodlands in Ontario.'' !McGuigan said. "The Ministry of Natural Resources encourages young people in Ontario. through things like this essay contest, to appreciate our natural resources. We see events like this essay contest as an important in- vestment in the future of this province CHRISTMAS By Robbie Desja ne Stephen ('e al ('hristmas is that ti e of year when people have o sneer. and everybody s, to cheer. Christmas is a me of celebration aid a time fo .iving gifts to people. Christmas i a time to go to church and see th+ plays. viding documentation of need with respect to the Food Land Guidelines. He said determining conformity with provincial policy is not the county's responsibility, but rather the provin- cial n'tinistries' responsibility, in this case the ministry of agriculture and food and the ministry of municipal Affairs. Christmas Candlelight Service Sun., Dec. 22 7:30 p.m. Centralia United Church Centralia Everyone welcome December 18. 1985 Page 17A •0 . . .e v '.QCT• e•O•�o o•������c ,� Sanders o Open: Fri.. Sat. & Sun. New Year's Eve Dinner Surf & Turf $' /S9S Prime Rib • • • • • 1095 Duckling A'Lorange..$1 FuII menu available 195 Reserve now Sanders will be cI63ted Dec. 23, 24, 25, 26 ON THE BEACH Dining Lounge Tavern Grand Band 238-2251 • O O 1 x`41.'!...a.046• 000ERICH 5 7811 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • *STARTS FRIDAY! ROCKY IV • • • • • FRI.-SAT. • 7i9 • • • • • SUN. -MON. WED.-THURS. • 7:30 • • • CLOSED : TUESDAY • DEC. 44th • ONLY : •, OPEN • CHRISTMAS, : DAY • • • • • • • • • • ENDS THURS. • DEC. 190: • : NIGHTLY • 7:30 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DUDLEY MOORE JOHN LITHGOW The Movie IWFAMILY MERRY • • CHRISTMAS : FROM THE : STAFF AND• : MANAGEMENT 1 We would like to thank all our customers for making our 2nd year in business such a great success. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year' Ernst and Christa Remember to reserve for New Year's Eve Party "d HOTEL,, 236-7707 RR 2 Zurich, 10 km. north of Grand Bend Just north of St. Joseph