HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-12-18, Page 26Page 6A Times -Advocate, December 18, 1985
GET MOST SKATE-ATHON PLEDGES — The top pledge getters i the recent Hensoll minor athletic skate-
athon are shown here. Back, left, David Stephens, Brad De Wis, Rob Hoffman and Tracy Campbell. Front,
Brett Lammie, Steven Campbell and Derek Campbell. T -A photo
Seniors have Christmas party
The Three Links seniors met on
Wednesday evening December 11 at
6:30 p.m. and all enjoyed a delicious
turkey supper prior to the meeting.
Following supper the president Al-
deen Volland welcomed the 32
members and guest present.
The treasurer gave her report as
did the card convener.
The president then called on our -
guest Mary Broadfoot and Nelson
Howe who entertained with
Christmas music and several toe -
tapping numbers which were enjoyed
by everyone. A few games of euchre
filled out the program. Winners were:
ladies high - Evelyn Flynn, Men's
high -Stewart Blackwell, One hands
- Irene Finlayson.
The next meeting will - be on
January 14/86 at 2 p.m.
Seniors enjoy afternoon
Shuffleboard and cards were en-
joyed by 18 participants on Thursday,
December 12 at Hensall Community
Centre. The high scorers were
Dorothy Elder, 241, Alf Ross, 225, and
Helen—Anderson, 217.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
to Joe McLellan who is presently in
Queensway news
Have you caught the Christmas
Spirit? We here at Queensway cer-
tainly have! This past week evetwone
Velma Robinson
Phone 262-3205
a List?
Bundles of joy
and Yuletide
cheer coming
your way, as we
add our thoughts
of thanks on this
merry holiday!
RR 1 Hay 237-3260
Warmest wishes and many thanks
_are coming your way. Have a
Merry Christmas from the man-
agement and staff at
Moro C•„r.,y, l«.••• LINCOLN M.•„ry O.
HWY 4, MENSAL'. 262.2604 .. . o.,.,- 11•
has been busy preparing for our big
family Christmas party. Decorating
the halls, baking in the kitchen, and
our choir practising their carols.
Everyone had a job to do.
Despite all our work we had time to
enjoy a church—service with Rev.
Hawley on Tuesday, December 10.
Rev. Hawley's volunteers were Mrs.
Alice McLean, Mr. Carfrey Cann and
Mrs. Audrey MoGregor. Mr. Bob
Cameron was the pianist. Everyone
agreed that it was a lovely service.
On Friday, December 13 we were
lucky to have the pleasure of having
the Hensall Public School choir.
Children from grades one and two and
five and *Tame and sang for us. Our
residents were presented with
candles made for them by the
children. We had a lovely afternoon.
Sunday, December 15 was the big
day everyone had been anxiously
awaiting and it was just as wonder-
ful as we had all hoped it would be!
In the afternoon the South Huron High
School Choir and our very own
Queensway Choir entertained' our
residents and families with `several
Christmas carols and favorite songs.
The performances were lovely! Our
afternoon of musical entertainment
was concluded with Christmas
greetings extended by Mary Beth
The residents and families also en-
joyed a delicious Christmas dinner
prepared by the Queensway Dietary
staff. We at queensway wish to thank
the volunteers who so graciously
I donated their time to help us out with
our party. They are Iva Reid, Dorothy
Elder, Grace Sararas, Dorothy Brint-
nell, Eileen Rannie, Nick Van Duyn,
Joelle Martin, Lori and Lisa Faber,
Amy Campbell, Jodi Sararas, Jen -
1 :lifer Taylor, BilJ Gibson and Rev.
Stan McDonald. Thank you! Have a
`sa fe holiday season.
About people you know
Doug and Karen and family of
Tavistock, and Bruce and Janet of
Strathroy visited with their mother
Mabel Shirray on Sunday.
Alma Horton has returned to
hospital, we wish her a speedy
Herb Stretton has returned home
from hospital. Get well soon.
H�nsal.I .Kinsmen donate :1,000
to Hensall Figure Skating Club
The Hensall Figure Skating club
wold like to thank Hensall Kinsmen
Club for the $1,000.00 donation receiv-
ed this past week. Their support is
very much appreciated both this
season as well as last. Also, we would
like to mention the other supporters
who gave the club donations this
season; General Coach, Legion
Ladies Auxiliary, IOOF Lodge and
the Rebekahs.
This is our second year in operation
as a figure skating club with increas-
ed membership from last year. We
have been busy with different fund-
raising events this past year to assist
our club's financial status. We hosted
a fashion show in September, at
which time a number of businesses in
Hensall and area donated door prizes
and sponsored advertisements for our
show. Many thanks to these fine
organizations and the businesses that
have donated to our club. Your sup-
port is very encouraging.
The cheese sale fundraising event
just completed by the figure skating
members was a big boost. The top two
winners was Cassi Bryn for fist prize
with total sales of $372.69. Second
prize went to Leann Consitt with total
sales of $295.21.
Horticulturists to Hamilton
Tuesday the 10th of December was
dull and wet but for 47 members of the
Hensall Community Horticultural
Society it was a wonderful day.
1311ison Tgavel Agency put us in a -
good bus, gave us a good driver, Mr.
Gary McFalls and got us to Hamilton.
There we saw "The Geritol Follies"
Christmas Show.
These seniors are remarkable.
They make you laugh, they make you
feel good as they sing and dance and
enjoy themselves immensely. It's a
show everyone any age should see, a
great day to remember.
Hensall United Church
The 22 niember senior and junior
choir led the ministry of music at the
United Church on Sunday morning
with Belva Fuss at the organ. "In a
Manger" by H. Hill, a very beautiful
and meaningful anthem by H. Hill,
was the anthem by the senior choir.
The junior choir sang, "Jesus is His
Name" and "Once there was a Little
Donald Stebbins, a member of the
worship committee, greeted the con-
gregation and Lorn Gackstetter, Jim
Parsons, Paul Alexander and Charlie
Hay were the ushers for the service.
Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject
of "The God Who Comes". He spoke
of how God comes to the world as it
is and to people as, they are and He
comes right. now. "The Message of
Christmas is the Gospel...the good
news," he said, "for it is the news of
God who comes. This is an occasion
for celebration, for our God is the Liv-
ing God."
The service.opened with the singing
of Christmas carols and the church,
was decorated beautifully which gave
a real atmosphere for Christma,
The congregation were reminded
that next Sunday would be Christmas
Sunday and that Sunday evening the
C.G.I.T. would be holding their An-
nual C.G.I.T. Vesper Service. Service
would also be held on Christmas Eve
at 7:30 p.m.
Tke Sunday Church School of the
United Church went out carolling
around the village on Sunday after-
noon and then came back to the
church for their Christmas party. At
3:30 p.m. a special visitor in the per-
son of Santa Claus. made his early
visit to the students. Appreciation is
expressed to the teachers who ar-
ranged and conducted this Christmas
party for the students.
Carmel Presbyterian
The third Advent Candle at Carmel
Presbyterian church on Sunday was
lit by Winnie Skea and Margaret Hog-
garth gave the story of love. Organ
and piano duets by Carolyn Love and
Dorothy Taylor featured a medley of
Christmas music, before and during
the service. Miss Joanne Verlinde
played Christmas carols on her accor-
dion .
The Christmas service will be held
next Sunday with special music for
the occasion. Everyone is reminded
of the carol service which will be at
Cromer next Sunday evening
December 22 at 7:30 p.m. /-
Unit 2 - Hensail U.C.W.
December 9, Kay Mock chaired the
Christmas meeting of unit 2. Jeanette
Turner conducted.the devotional with
the Christmas story according to St.
Luke, a meditation and singing of "0
Come All Ye Faithful" and "Silent
,Night". The special project was a
donation of 25t for each Christmas
dinner we will have This years pro-
ject money will go to the Christian
Blind Mission.
Mona Alderdice conlducted the
business which includedhotice of the
executive meeting January 3 at 9:30
a.m. Helen Drysdale read a very in-
teresting account of the Inuit of Baf-
fin island as reported by John
Bennett- a Carleton University stu-
dent who had lived with the Inuit for
several months on a research project.
A large quantity of babies clothing
was donated for a bale for Zaire.
Mother Theresa's Christmas
message of 1983 was read. A social
hour over lunch served by Jean Ware-
ing and Judy Parker was enjoyed.
Hensall Bantams
The Hensall' Bantams went on a
shooting spree December 11 when
they hosted and defeated Mitchell
14-0. Rob Wareing recorded his first
shut -out of the season as Mitchell
were kept tied up and only had a few
shots on goal.
Jason Imanse was top scorer for
Hensall with four goals and four
assists, followed by Scott Bell who
had four goals and two assists. Rob
Taylor marked up two goals and three
assists for his team. Brian Moir
chalked up two goals and one assist,
with Jim Dickens getting one goal and
two assists. -
Wayne Scotchmer orded one of
each with Rob Valid and Andy
Phillips both recording one assist.
The boys will host Zurich on
Wednesday December 18 at 8:30.
rONATION — Bonnie Lawrence, president of the Hensoll Figure
Skating Club, accepts a $1,000 donation presented on behalf of the
Hensall Kinsmen by treasurer Mark Consitt.
r4 D
MAy This Holy -
Ctood ThiNc S
fort All.
The Birch Tree
PRESENT — Queensway resident Asa Deeves accepts a candle from
Adam Ellis during a visit by the Hensall Public School choir to the
nursing home.
cr!Nwawa mns q art OKI CION6Wit OtlANy 4,41,1a,n1/V' 1,04,4+4`iV 441461,141
We're joining Santa in wishing
you a very merry Christmas.
Thank you for your patronage.
115 King St., Hensel
(519) 2623447 Ontario NOM 1X0
/ice WO opsOW/ QR► CU, oa60Etas nd►a%e►OpN1WAS CIO 001 tial Ciidt Cita'u 5OffCMS
To cherished old friends and valued new friends, we would
like to take this opportunity to wish our friends and patrons
all the joy, the hope and the happiness of Christmas. May the
meaning of the holiday be deeper, its friendships stronger, its
hopes brighter, as it comes to you during the New Year.
Closed Dec. 25 - 26, Jan. 1
HonsalI Zurich loafer i rucefleld
202.7002 230-m3 327.0770 40241123