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Times -Advocate, December 18, 1985
Public School
appearing as mice
were Wendy Hickson
in Wednesday's
Karen Mayber
concert at Lucan
ry and Abby Cod -
T -A photo.
• Lucan and district news
tus.n cook
Christmas dinner, program at Revival Centre
ed with mankind. All we need to know ing gifts to Christ. The Shepherds came . to minister to t)te world.
about God is wrapped up m Jesus. gave their worship as gifts, as did Si ii Corinthians 5:2U slates Christians
God sent Jesus to be the extension meon and Anna. The greatest and are ambassadors for Christ. Jesus, as
of His grace to us. Tle Christmas most precious gift given is the Lord Lord over all creation, has commis -
story is of how God wanted to get Jesus Christ given by God to redeem stoned His followers to go into this.
world with His authority.
close to mankind. The evening dos- mankind. �'
ed with all singing Silent Night. Some accept Christ as a gift. butHe will establish 'a kingdom 0
Sunday morning Mrs. Sharon Bour- never use His provision. Many do peace. Asl people respond to the truth
que accompanied Mr. Robert Bour- things their own way,
que on the piano as he led the song of the gospel, they are reconciled to
itev. Roger Mason Sunday evening. God and find peace.
service. Rev. Roger Mason spoke from John 20:21, spoke about the Watch Night Service New t'ear's
from John 3:16 which speaks of God's Father sending Jesus into the world, the December 31. there will be a
gift to mankind. We are reminded of while Jesus in turn, sends His people. Watch Night Service at the Church
gift giving from the wise men bring- Jesus is the greatest missionary who All welcome.
Wednesday evening members and
friends of Lucan Revival Centre eh-
joyed a most delicious pot luck
smorgasborg Christmas dinner in the
Fellowship Hall of the Church. After
the dinner Rick Thornton led in carol
singing while Mrs. Lorraine Armitage
played the piano.
Bringing a huge red, white trimm-
ed Christmas stocking, Mrs. ,Cathy
Mason had items pulled out. then told
what they represented. First,a baby
doll, reminding of Jesus' Birth. Next
a flashlight, it's light showing Jesus
came to be the light of the world. A
jar of honey said Jesus is as sweet as
honey. A bar of soap tells us that
Jesus' blood washes us white as snow.
A butterfly showed Jesus brings new
- life.
A jar of perfume symbolizes our
prayers are sweet fragrance to the
Lord. A soft cuddly teddy bear that
can be held close at night, showed
Jesus is as close as the mention of His
name,- and is a close friend. A tie
reminded that Jesus ties us to God,
Whom we go to in time of need. A hap-
py face clown jar shows us -Jesus
gives us joy. Last a Bible that has all
Variety of changes the answers to life's problems.
Mrs. Mason handed out a list of who
had done Christmas happenings for
everyone to find people to sign under
laid by . area OPP the things theye had done for
Officers of the Lucan detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police in-
vestigated 42 general occurrences
this week which included a harassing
phone call. one cruelty to animals and
two thefts under $200.
One person was charged with im-
paired driving, two persons were
charged with violations of the Liquor
License Act one driving suspension of
12 hours was issued.
The first of four accidents during
the week occurred at 7 a.m. Monday
when a vehicle driven by Brian.Gaill-
ing, RR 1 London. went out of control.
on the icy surface of Concession 10 in
London township and rolled over in
the ditch. Constable Roby listed
damages at $2,000.
• At 7:15 Wednesday, a vehicle
operated by Agnes Cumpson, Dor-
chester left the roadway of Middlesex
Road 27 and struck a tree when pass-
ed by a southbound vehicle. Constable
Holland set damages at $2,000.
Vehicles driven by Lynda Kinchen,
London and Raynold Panth, RR 3
Thorndale. collided at 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday. on Middlesex Road 23.
Damages were estimated at $3,500 by
Constable Craig.
Constable Vance listed damages at
$3,500 when vehicles driven by Pierre
Beaumier, London and James Storey.
RR 3 Clinton, were in collision on
Middlesex Road 22 at 9:40 a.in.
Next slips of paper were handedout
with words of a Christmas carol
printed on them. When everyone
found the ones with the rest of the
words forming a line of a carol, they
sang the line.
Rev. Roger Mason introduced Mr.
David McPherson, who played his
guitar, first singing 0 Holy Night. He
then sang Marys' Boy Child, and
What Child is This.
Rev. Mason read John 1:14 stating
that the Word was made flesh and
dwelt among us. Rev'. Mason review-
ed the prophets speaking of Em-
manuel, the Messiah coming to the
world. Galations 4:4 tells God had an
appointed time in history for Jesus to
be born. God became man and dwell -
VILLA ADDITION OPENS — The new 12 room addition to the Villa Retirement Home in Lucan was of-
ficially opened Thursday afternoon. Shown at the opening are Villa director Bill, Nieuwland, Geoff
Chandler of Middlesex Social Services, Strathroy-Middlesex General Hospital admissions -discharge co-
ordinator S (via Meikle'ohn and resident Stewart Munro. T -A photo
LUCAN FIRE CHIEF HONOURED — lucon-Biddulph fire chief Wes Hickson was honoured Sunday after-
. noon for 25 years of service. Making the presentation of a shotgun die Lucan reeve Norm Steeper,
councillor Bryon Smith, deputy -chief John Riddell and fire area board member Dove Geddard.T-A photo
f*' "
Pekn ern 00 NOS NO Ode ekes oea aal aA! as ora CVO CMS nra nra (SAD nrn.7 neo nen nen eel
From our fomily to yours,
we'd like to express our
wishes for a merry Yule.
The Riddell fomily extends to you our
warmest Christmas greetings. Moy
the true meaning and the spirit of
Christmas be with you throughout the
New Year.
Hon. Jock Riddell
Ontario Mlnist•r of
MPP Huren•MIddl•s••
Christmas at
United Church
Lucan United Church Sunday
School presented their annual
Christmas concert in the sanctuary
Sunday evening. Sherry Lane was co-
ordinator, assisted by a student com-
mittee consisting of Tabatha Froats.
Jani Holden and Matthew Lane. Mat -
the r was M.C. for the evening. Three
younger classes led by their teachers.
Linda Hackney. Irene Donaldson and
Anne Ilolden each presented the
message of Christmas with an
acrostic poem. Dale Froat's eight
year olds acted out the Christmas
story in pageant form. and Phyllis
Brady's pre-schoolers stole the hearts
of the congregation as they sang "it's
Christmas Time".
Barb Coughlin's group gave
readings and songs based on their
study of the Creation. and Linda
Froat's Junior age children presented
a skit in which the children
discovered that when we give to
others, we are really giving to Jesus.
"Mostly Mothers", an adult group,
presented, a play in which a family
discovered that their priorities need-
ed to be rethought.
Jan Coughlin. Roshanna Barr and
Jane Holden each played an in-
strumental Christmas solo, while
Tabatha Froats and Helen Stanley
acted as accompanists for the even-
ing. The programme closed as a
massed choir of all the children and
their teachers sang in unison.
LUCAN RHYTHM BAND — One of the features -of the Biddulph-Lucan Public Schools Christmas concert
was the appearance of the rhythm bond from Sharron kindergarten class. T -A photo
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UC Advent
Advent celebrations continued Sun-
day morning at Lucan lande oye
United Church. Ruthanne Curti and
Barb Gibson acted as Welcome Com-
mittee for the day. Sue Barr read the
Scripture lesson, and Jennifer Mac -
Donald's lovely solo, "Carol of the
Children", contributed to the beauty
of the worship.
Flora Robertson told the children
about Lisa and her family who learn-
ed that preparing our hearts for
Christmas, and giving them to Jesus,
is much mere important than
decorating trees and stuffing -turkeys.
"A Saviour who is Christ the Lord"
was Mr. Brown's sermon theme.
Christ is a title rather than a name,
Mr. Brown explained, and it means
"the anointed one". Just as Kings,
Priests and Prophets were anointed
with oil, symbolizing the Holy Spirit,
in Old Testament times, so Jesus was
anointed as Messiah when the Holy
Spirit came upon him after John bap-
tized Him.
As Messiah, He still fulfills the role
df anointed Prophet today, speaking
God's Word to us. He is, also, a Priest
to us, our defence lawyer . in the
heavenly•eourt of justice and the One 1
who prays for us.
Coming Events
Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. the expand-
ed Choir practises for special
Christmas music next Sunday. Please
note change of timeeu�"�
Next Sunday, D'Fcember 22 is
Christmas Family Sunday, a service
of interest to all family members.
Sunday School meets at 9:45 as usual.
Tuesday, December 24 at 7:00 p.m.
is the Christmas Eve and Communion
service. The Youth class will be par-
ticipating. All members of the com-
munity are invited to attend.
Seniors enjoy
yuletide music
Eighty members and friends of the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies group
were greeted by president Harry
Noels, as they arrived for their annual
Christmas dinner and party Thursday
at 12:30 at the Legion Hall.
The Auxiliary to the Legion
members served a delicious turkey.
dinner withetiot mince pie and ice
cream, and were thanked by the
"The Christmas Spirit" group.
Doug LewiiS and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy"
Walker provided many toe-tappigg
numbers as well as several Christmas
songs inv'iting those present to sing
Marie Veel, a member of the pro-
gram committee. told of highlights of
her trip back to.1Iolland and her
travels in Europe, touching on dif-
erent Christmas customs in Holland.
nd Verna ibbitson was asked to give
the highlights of her very recent trip
to Fiji. flop Zealand and Australia.
A petition regarding keeping an
ambulance stationid in Lucan was
signed and will be sent on to M.P.
Jack Riddell.
Harry Noels. Hamilton Ifgdgins,
Mildred Hirtzel and Vele Mac-
Donald distributed gifts to all present.
and the afternoon closed in a "flurry"
of Christmas greetings between
Witton itotso oenswneiegcononsmnelm
Gift Sugestions 2
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