HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-12-18, Page 22Times -Advocate, December 18, 1985
ANCESTRAL GARB --- Students at Zurich Public School dressed in memory of their ancestors for Roots
Day. Shown (left) are Kelli McBeath, Dana Fisher, Joy Kuepfer, Kathy Schenk and Andrea Hendrick.
Warm wishes for a
wonderful Christmas. '.."40"
Mrs, C. omit Swraar.y
Phonon 2 702
Merry Christmas)
Happy New Year:
to all my customers S
and friends for
1 Marta Jita ',hi g
o . Dave's Decor f
c, Through our doors Ron and Dave g
tg walk the finest
5people on earth
..., uA *sea ara OG adz oea neo Aeo as tea oao ss.45 csto ehossa sa;woM in 0asCuss W %a aa+sa
theirs patronage 3
Lorraine's Crafts
Victoria St., Zurich, Ont.
-.No chat+ n.01 ry.0 ars ara;ado as, a ;',45 40 neo wo
Watt taTalMatftCI a?1440ne 161"irbnsa ISNI a I7VIC + I!M+sFIa
SeaJon •{ ,d.?4
reef n ji
Heinrich s
.Marilyn, Jean and Cheryl g
Zurich Phone 236-4941 g
Happy holi-
day wishes to
all our won-
derful cus-
tomers. We
enjoyed serv-
ing you.
Nancy and Ted
Vehicle Licence Office
Zurich, Ontario 236 4830
May this special time
of yeor bring renewed
spiritual contentment to all.
Sorry we missed you last week, but
the flu bug interfered.
The movies shown on Monday even-
ing were Abbott & Costello, in a Meet
the Keystone Kops, and Christmas in.
On Tuesday evening, the Ladies
Auxiliary held their annual Christmas
party for the residents. The program
began with a Christmas story by
Mary Lou Denomme. Harriet
Vanderburght sang several beautiful
numbers accompanied on the guitar
by Diane Miller. Tracy Martin also
sang two Christmas songs. Connie
Lewis gave two readings and the Erb
sisters sang several numbers.
Santa Claus visited and presented
all the residents with Christmas gifts
followed by a delicious lunch -during
which time Grace Martin and Mary
Lou Erb played several ar-
rangements on the piano and organ.
The sympathy of residents and staff
is extended to the family of Mrs. Myr-
tle Woodford.
. We welcome Mrs. Violet Dunn. a
former resident of Maplewoods
Residents enjoyed a visit from the
'Zurich Bean Sprout Nursery School
on Friday morning and presentation
of their Christmas program.
We wish to thank all who have been
so generous with treats for the staff.
The December birthday party was
sponsored by the ladies of llurondale
Institute. Following a very enjoyable
program, a delicious lunch was serv-
ed. Residents having birthdays dur-
ing the month of December and
receiving gifts, courtesy of the Ladies
Auxiliary were Miss Milverna Geiger.
Mrs. Erma Gascho and Mr. Charles
Mrs. Shirley Luther visited the
residents on Friday afternoon when
they joined her in the dining room to
sing carols after which she handed out
treats of fruit.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments.
Thq Sunday evening chapel service
was cancelled due to weather
The prize winners for euchre at the
Stanley Recreation Committee's
Christmas Party for Seniors were:
Eleanor -McAsh and Margaret
Dowson, high; Louise Ivanchenko
and Frank McClinchey, low. Lone
hand prizes were won by Mabel Reid
and Maude Weston.
Over 100 people attended the
Stanley Township turkey bingo on
Wednesday night at the Complex.
Turkeys were won by Maude Weston.
Ross MacDonald, Joan Caldwell. Lisa
Smith, Betty Smith, Mrs. Charlie
Rau. Marjorie ('onsitt, Eileen
McGregor, Joan McAsh, June
Webster, Bob Batty, Gladys Telford.
Edna Patterson, Eileen ('onsitt and
Lorna Datars. •
Share the wealth prizes went to
Pearl Hutchings, Mary F'other-
ingham. Eleanor Connolly. Dorothy
Jessen and Marjorie ('onsi(t (lied I.
and Nancy Webster.
Greg Taylor won the township T•
shirt donated by Bayfield Hardware
and Joan McAsh won the mystery
prize. Jack Graham was the winner
of the early bird prize.
Barbara Keys i Barden of Surrey.
1r. has passed her federal Chartered
Accountant's examination. She had
written and passed the provincial ex-
am in May. Barbara is articling with
the firm of Thorne and Riddell in New
Westminster until next summer.
Santa Claus parade set
for Zurich on Saturday
At the meeting on December 2 there
were 21 mempers and two guests pre-
sent inspite ot'pur first snowstorm.
The speaker for the evening Deputy
District Governor Lion Norm
Eveland from the Crediton club, also
inducted Kevin Oke and Ralph Geiger
into the Lions club. They were
welcomed by all with the traditional
"Lions roar".
Members were presented with pins
and awards for various years of
Winner of the 50/50 draw was their
pianist, Donna O'Brien. Inter -club
visits were made to Centralia -Huron
Park, Brussels and Exeter Lions club
during November.
On Saturday, December 14, the
Lions club held their annual
Christmas party at the Dominion
Tavern, accompanied by their wives.
Following a delicious meal all en-
joyed a pleasant evening and ex-
changed gifts.
Plans were finalized for the Santa
Claus parade and children day on
Saturday, December 21st.
All tickets are sold out for the New
Year's Eve dance at the arena.
Several children paid a visit to San-
ta on Saturday at the Pro Hardware
store and rived some treats. -
St. Boniface concert
""The sciool children of St. Boniface
will be holding their Christmas con-
cert on Thursday, December 19 at
7:30p.m. with grades kindergarten to
five taking part. Everyone welcome.
The students have also been bring-
ing in toys and things that will be sent
to the less fortunate for Christmas.
Garbage collection
Please note that garbage collection
for the Christmas week will be on
Tuesday, December 24 and New
Year's Eve, Tuesday, December 31
instead of the usual Wednedays.
While we are talking about the gar-
bage! I would like to mention all the
trouble our end of town is having with
large dogs that are running around at
night getting into garbage and mak-
ing a mess. They are even tipping
over the aluminum pails. So if it's
your dog, please tie it up or keep it in.
Skaters compete
Four members of the Zurich and
Area figure skating club travelled to
Mooretown on Saturday and com-
peted in a skating competition against
several other clubs.
Crystal Jones won three gold
medals and Kathy Merner won a
silver medal. Also taking part were
Lisa Bedard and Andrea Hendrick.
('ongratulations to them!
Paper drive
The paper drive will be held as
usual on Boxing Day, Thursday,
December 26 beginning around 6:00
Christmas idea
Want to know a great idea to get
some of your Christmas baking done"
Well, it's a baking exchange party.
There were 12 of us ladies over at the
home of Debbie Fisher last Wednes-
day, with each one bringing one kind
"of squares or Zteokies (12 fancy
packages with six pieces) which en-
titles everyone to go home with a
dozen different kinds of delicious
squares all ready for Christmas.
Happy belated birthday.•.to Bern'
Denomme on December 11. Rick
Fisher on December 10 and Daryl
Rau on December 12.
Mrs. Juliette Denomme enjoyed a
surprise visit from her four sons on
Sunday. Ambrose, Blackie, Peter and
Joe Denomme.
A good turn -out was on hand to hear
the nice Christmas music and singing
of the Stratford boy's choir on Sunday
at the arena.
Congratulations to Helen Geiger on
winning the $500 jackpot at the bingo
last Thursday. and also to Marie
Bedard who got the mystery prize
worth $175.00.
The family of Mrs. Dolly Jeffrey
held their Christmas party on
December 1 at St. Peter's parish hall,
St. Joseph with a total of 55 attending.
All enjoyed a day of visiting, exchang-
ing gifts and having a delicious
Michael end Sue Jeffrey. London
with twin babies. spent last weekend
with his mother, Dolly Jeffrey.
Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. en-
joyed dinner at the home of Ken and
Sharon Silverstein on Sunday along
with Joey and Sandra Overholt and
girls and Rose -Marie.
Little "Laura Jean Jeffrey"
daughter of Pattie and Steve, was
baptized on Sunday, December 15 at
St. Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney
with her godparents being Darlene
and Doug Finkbeiner of Crediton.
Also on Sunday Justin Michael
son of Ted and Janet Soudant, was
baptized at St. Boniface Church. His
godparents are his grandmother
Mary Soudant and uncle Ron Sou -
dant. A get-together followed at the
baby's home afterwards.
The tenants of the Maple Woods
Apts. recently held their birthday par-
ty and Christmas dinner in the com-
mon room with Birdie Finkbeiner ser-
ving a delicious turkey dinner com-
plete with all the trimmings.
We enjoyed spending theday in Kit-
chener area last Friday shopping and
visiting, in- Waterloo with daughter, Leroy Thiel is a patient in Victoria
Carrie and Dan Eybergen and Tif- Hospital, London and Mrs. Marlene
fany. We enjoyed having !unction the Deichert is in University Hospital.
way to Elmira at the Stone Crock and Mrs. Gwen McEachern of Toronto
seeing all the Christmas decorations. is spending the holiday season with
Dave and Carolyn Stark and girls her llaughter and son-in-law Rose -
of Windsor spent Saturday and Sun- Mar?and Allen Scott and boys.
" Ri6► Sohn o i s iumievres
day in town visiting with his mother,
Theresa Stark and her dad, Keith
Thiel also attending the Christmas
family get-together at the home of
Glen and Donna Thiel on Sunday.
Rose Regier spent a few days this
past week in London visiting with her
daughter Louise and Bonnie and
Peter Reper and family.
The teachers and staff of St.
Boniface School enjoyed a delicious
lunch at the rectory last Friday which
was prepared by Father Mooney's
housekeeper Theresa Stark.
On Tuesday, the Christmas choir
entertained the residents at the Blue
Water Rest Horne, and the Nursing
Home in Hensall followed by a little
get-together at ;the home of Mozart
and Julie Gelinas Jt'.
We have a sleighful of Yuletide wishes for all our
friends and patrons who have been so kind and
thoughtful throughout the year... the very merriest
of Christmases to 6ne.,,and all! True peace, love and
from Doctor Grant Lee and the staff at the
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CIAO *WO Wo.:001400.,Stir: •
• raio
Blue Water Rest Home
Zurich Ontario I.40
• TJhanh You
One behalf of the residents and staff we would like to
extend a sincere thank you to all who have added some
comfort to our residents by visits, providing; entertain-
ment, assisting financially, food donations or treats, dur-
ing 1985.
We at the Blue Water Rest Home wish you all a ver'
os Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 1986.
Ian McAllister,
Josef Rise
,41062 fikW41.4144_061•*::) 4Woloss0.
May Peace
dwell within
your hearts,
bringing joy
to you and
yours this
T hank fou
to all our
.o v- F o. c lratron•
0 - .. ' ... . . o.
err Chrbionai
Westlake Insurance
Brokers Inc.
Zurich Grand Bend
OC1 trot are arft aw rrci on! arm C'o es va tit s'e! tab 'o era Go reef Crtl s'eS s'OWAS 00
1 CliegfR
and a warm Thank You to all our customers and friends. May
we continue to be of service through a propserous, healthy and
happy New Year for all.
St. Joseph
Pei awawanti gra anima ams cmisms waives tins arMbw%weir% sissiaressossIre Ismilmei warsy.Mean,WAS is.Ciannaews:t oIm+ Iraum ere dsystra+•e ore ens vssiye .rwatSewa,
236-4757 R.R. Z Zurich, Ontario 8
With sincere wishes for a
memorable holiday season goes our
thanks for your friendship and trust.