HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-12-18, Page 11Times -Advocate, December 18, 1985 Pa , e 11
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PRANCE — Worm Season's
Greetings from our house to yours.
5lc Wayne, Shirley,
Kim and Jeff
Wishing all our many friends,
neighbours and relatives a very
Merry Christmas and -prosperous
New Year. God bless everyone and
may the true meaning of Christmas
be in everyone's home and fill your
hearts with gladness.
51x Stan and Shirley Preszcotor
Brenda Glanville
RADER — We wish all our relatives,
friends and neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and God's richest bless-
ings in the New Year.
SI` Albert and Marion
RADER — Christmas Greetings to
one and all. May you have a Blessed
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
51• Mary
REICHERT — Best Wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
51c Faye and Earl
RODD — To my relatives and friends,
It is such a pleasure, To greet you
and express, A wish for lots of
Christmas joy, And o year of
51 * Myrtle
ROHDE — To all our friends,
neighbours and relatives we wish
you all a Very Merry Christmas and
a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous
New Year in 1986.
51 nc Bill and Rhoda
ROHDE — Glenn, Marilyn, Donny
and Tammy would like to wish
neighbours, friends, and relatives a
very "Merry Chris"Pmas" and a "Pro-
sperous New Year".
ROLLINGS — May Peace and Joy be
yours at Christmas time and all
through the coming year is our wish
for all our relatives, friends and
51* Charles and Freda
RUSSELL — To all our friends
relatives and neighbours so dear, A
wish for a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
51' Bill, Linda, Jayden
and Tristolyn
RYAN — I would like to wish all mq
relatives, friends and neighbours a
Very Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
51c Ed
RY N — Jim and Morg would like
to Wish all their relatives, neighbours
and friends all the Joy of Christmas
with Good Health and Happiness in
the New Year.
SKINNER We wish all our
relatives and friends a ver Merry
Christmas and Best Wishes for the
New Year.
'51c Sam, Aldeen and Dianne
SKINNER -- Merry Christmas and o
Happy Prosperous New Year from
our house to your house.
51 • Gladys and fat
SMITH A very Merry Christmas
and a Prosperous New Year to our
relatives, neighbours and friends.
51 • Verne ani' lila
SMITS We wish all our family,
friends and neighbours a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year
51:52• ' Bill. Mary and Rob
SNOW -- Wishing our friends oncf
neighbours a very Merry Christmas
and every happiness in the coming
51:52• Bill, Debbie, Tina
and Cresta (Calgary)
SOLDAN Wishing you peace. Hap-
piness and every Joy for Christmas
and the New Year.
51. 52• Pat. Sharon. Tracy
and Jason
TAYLOR — Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to all our relatives.
neighbours and friends.
51 • Edwin and Dorothy
TAYLOR May the blessings of
The peace, joy and cheer
Remain with you always
Each day of the year.
Best wishes to relatives and friends.
51• • Hilda and Larry
THOMPSON Best wishes for hap-
piness this Christmas season and in
the coming year.
51 • Bernice
THOMPSON Sending every good
wish for your happiness at Christmas
and throughout the New Year.
S1 • Jim, Marg, Heather
and Kristen
TOMASIK — We wish to take this
opportunity to express our Christmas
wishes to all our friends in the Exeter
area. May you have a prosperous
and Happy New Year as well.
51* Wolter, Doris, Katherine
ani Michael
THOMSON — Merry Christmas and
Happy New year to all my friends
and relatives. May the joys of
Christmas be in all your hearts.
51 * Mildred
TOORNSTRA — May Peace and Joy
be yours at Christmas Time and
throughout the New Year. Best
Wishes to our friends, neighbours
and relatives.
51c Peter, Helen and Sam
TRIEBNER — To all our neighbours,
friends and relatives we wish you all
a Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
51* Doug and Eva
TRIEBNER — Friends...are the Best
Part of Christmas it's true; so that's
why I'm sending warm wishes to you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New ,
Year to family, friends and
51:52* Margaret
UNDERWOOD - Never o Christmas
Morning, Never the old year ends,
But someone thinks of someone, Old
days, old times, old friends.
51, 52* Jock, Flo, David, Deanna
VAN BERGEN — To our family,
friends and neighbours: Thinking of,
you at Christmas time with a wish
that's most sincere, hove a very Hap-
py Holiday and a wonderful New
Year -I
51,52* Harry, Elly,
Ben and Kathy
VERHOEVEN — Mike: You light up
my life like the Christmas star, keep
glowing, Merry Christmas. Hugs and
51,52c Terri
VERHOEVEN — Mom and Dad:
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year XO XO.
51,52c love Terri, Mike, Jeff,
Tracy and Bill
VERHOEVEN — Mom and Dad:
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year XO XO.
51,52c Love Mike, Terri, Gail
WALPER — With warm and friendly
wishes for a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
51,52* Norm and 'Irene
WALTERS - With every Good Wish
for a Merry Christmas and o New
. year filled with Happiness to all our
relatives, friends and neighbours.
51 • Fred and Marion
WEBB -- We wish our friends,
relatives and neighbours a Very
Merry Christmas and all the Best for
the New Year..
5) • Sincerely Glenn and Doreen
WEBB — To all our friends,
neighbours and relatives we wish a
Any Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
51' Ray, Joan and family
WEBBER - We wish our friends,
relatives and neighbours o joyous
Christmas and Happy New Year.
51 • Lloyd and Dorothy
WEBBER To friends, relatives and
neighbours, may the spirit of
Christmas be with you always.
51c Eugene. Linda, Cheryl
and Chris
WEBER -- Ralph and Mary would like
to wish all, our friends and
neighbours a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
WEIGAND - Best wishes to all our
family and friends. May the beauty
of Christmas be on inspiration to you
throughout the year - bright with pro-
mise, and warm with love.
51' Sincerely Bill, Doris
Mark and Andrea
WEIN May the Love. Hope and
Peace of Christmas abide with you
now and throughout the New Year.
51' Wilmar, Louise and Poul
WELLS Best Wishes for the Holi-
day Season to all our neighbours,
friends and relatives.
51 nc Helen and family
WESTLAKE -- We wish all our
relatives, friends, neighbours, a very
Merry Christmas and o Happy New
51, 52•
Eileen and daughter Rose
WILDER --- A Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
Year to all our friends, relatives and
51c Lionel, Rebecca and family
WILLERT — To our relatives, friends
and neighbours we wish one and all
a Very Merry Christmas a Happy,
Prosperous New Year.
51c Alvin, Edith and family
WILLIS — Merry Christmas and Hap-
py New Year to all my relatives,
friends and neighbours.
51 • Carrie
WINTER — We wish a Merry
Christmas and happiness in the New
year to friends and relatives.
51* Don and Kathy
WOLFE — We wish all our
neighbours and friends a Merry
Christmas and o Happy New Year.
51 * The Wolfe family
WURM — Greetings to all our
friends and relatives at this Festive
Season. Best Wishes for the New
51* Clarence and Lois
YELLOW — Wishing all my friends,
neighbours and relatives a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
51* Tom
YOUNG — May every joy be yours
this Christmas season and
throughout the New Year. Best
Wishes to all our friends, relatives
and neighbours.
51c Jim, Florence
Jeff and Teresa
Exeter UCW
mark season
A good attendance was recorded at
the Christmas meeting of the Exeter
U.C.W. Jean Murray leader, opened
with prayer .
Since the list of officers for ,1986-87
was not available it was announced
that Cora Miner's group would
prepare the program for January 9.
Names of her committee members
were read.
Gertrude Hamilton gave the 'card'
report. She reported a favorable
balance of $1,000 plus. •
Leone Brock announced that four
quilts had been quilted with five to be
done next year.
Marion Dearing asked for 'grocery
tapes' to be brought in.
The program consisted of two
parts. The scene in Part I showed a
baby ina manger cradle. During the
scene the Christmas Story was read
by Beryl Elgie from Luke 2 and Matt.
2 accompanied by carols relevant to
the stories.
Part II takes place 40 years later.
The Child was gone and people who
were present at the time of Jesus'
birth took their places. Anna (Ruth
Elwood) and Rebecca (Leona Hern)
had been servants in the Finn at the
time of Jesus' birth. They expressed
joy at hiving been present.
Elizabeth (Laura Dickey), a
princess of Herod's palace, had
become a follower as had the in-
nkeeper (Leone Brock). Both mourn-
ed that they had missed a part they
might have had at the time of Jesus
birth. Mary, the mother (Mary Neil)
still ponders the life of Jesus.
The ladies were admonished to
dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ
and to write the Story in their own
Ann Brodie, pianist, played softly
/Star of the East". The meeting was
closed with the Benediction.
Leona Hern's committee served a
lunch of jellied fruit, biscuits and tea.
Caven ladies
hear of trip
At the Christmas meeting of Caven
P.C.W. Mrs. Margaret McLure told of
their experiences in Britain when she
and their two daughters went with her
husband David when he was on ex-
change last year in Birmingham
They travelled extensively before
the school term began by car, mapp-
ing out their own itinerary through
England, Scotland and Ireland.
She illustrated her talk with pic-
tures showing the beasoty of the coun-
try from the Isle of Sky to the White
Cliffs of Dover and the beautiful
buildings steeped in history.
Most interesting was to hear of liv-
ing in a new area for a year. They
found Birmingham people most cor-
dial and helpful.
Mrs. Deline and Mrs. Wilson gusts
of the evening favoured ,with
Christmas music. Mrs. Ila Moir in a
few well chosen words presented to
Jim and Mary Dougall a framed In
Memoriam Certificate in memory of
their mother Blanche Dougall.
The flowers in the church for the
Christmas season have been placed
by the families of Blanche Dougall
and Alvin Moir.
December 12 the ladies served a
Christmas dinner to the residents of
the Helen Jermyn Apartments.
Sunday afternoon the Church school
presented a Christmas program ar-
ranged by Mr. John McNeilly and the
teachers for parents and guests. A
smorgasbord dinner was served ar-
ranged by the mothers and the Gor-
don Auxiliary.
Santa Claus came too, with a bagful
of goodies for each child.
FRIEND OF YOUTH — The Exeter Optimist club sponsored a "Friend of Youth" in the recent Exeter
Santa Claus parade. T -A photo
Granton UCW groups
have Christmas events
Unit 1 of the Granton U.C.W. met at
the home of Mrs. Amelia Jameson on
December 12. Mrs. Doreen McRobert
presided. Roll call was answered with
an inspirational reading and there
werell members and one visitor
Following the business session the
program was opened with the Rev.
Bruce Pierce in charge of the first
part. This was followed by a presen-
tation by Audrey Harloff, Doreen
McRobert and Amelia Jameson, en-
titled "A Wreath of Christmas". then
each member and visiter related how
they spent Christmas in their past.
Everyone sat down to a sumptuous
pot luck Christmas dinner, served by
the hostess and conveners.
Unit 4 met at the home of Mrs. Fred
Hardie. Mrs. Gary Humphrey presid-
ed and opened by reading the
Christmas Story. Each member took
part in the program by reading
stories or poems pertaining to
The U.C.W. General Meeting was
discussed as this unit was responsible
for the program. Following grace a
delicious lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. Rhea Hardie.
During a social time the members ex-
changed Christmas gifts.
Unit 5 met at the home of Mrs.
William Jones. Mrs. Charles
McRobert presided andopened the -
meeting with a Christmas poem.
Theme of the devotional was
"Wisdom Test". Roll call was
answered by nine members and four
visitors. Following the business
period, each member contributed to
the program with Christmas poems
and stories.
Christmas gift exchange followed,
Hien a bountiful lunch followed by a
social period being enjoyed.
The General Meeting of the Gran-
ton U.C.W. was held in the United
Church basement on December .10
and took the form of a dinner
Unit 4 was in charge of the meeting.
Mrs. Gary Humphrey presided and
opened the meeting with a carol sing,
followed by a vocal duet "Star of the
East" by the Rev. Bruce and Mrs.
Jackie Pierce.
A very impressive candle lighting
ceremony wits part of the program.
Members taking part were Mrs.
Floyd Dykes who tit a candledenoting
vision; Mrs. Norman Riddell, faith;
Mrs. Elsie Dan, joy; Mrs. Fred har-
die, love and Mrs. Nora Wissel, gifts.
Each candle represented a point of
the star.
A number of canned goods were warm and gentle film.
donated to the Salvation Army. The lighting of the third candle in
Church news the Advent Wreath was performed by
At the Granton United Church the . the Kop family.
Sunday School held their White Gift
Service, directed by their teachers Personals
and superintendent. All members ' I would like to wish all my readers
took part in the presentation "Only a of the Granton news a merry
Stable". Christmas and a happy new year;
Douglas Brown, Sunday School also Bill and Ross and all the T.A.
superintendent based his message on staff. Special thanks to Dorothy Hern
the TV presentation "The Bestest for taking my news over her phone,
Present" which was decribed as a
when I was unable to use the mail.
Mary's Musings
By Mary Alderson
Kids will make a liar out of you
'every time. My 11 month old daughter
has already discovered what fun it is
to make Mom and Dad look foolish.
For example, people will ask if she
"makes strange". "Oh, -no," I reply
and hand her over to the visitor. And
just then, the big lip will come out, her
face will screw up, and she'll emit a
loud howl. So the next time someone
wants to hold her, I warn them that
she sometimes make strange. Of
course, she will climb willingly onto
the stranger's lap, giggling and smil-
ing, offering them a big hug.
She does the same thing with food.
We will be at someone's house for
lunch and they will offer her a spoon-
ful of cottage cheese. "I don't think
she'll eat that," I will say, just in time
to see her gobble it up and look for
more. Another time, I will say that
she enjoys chewing on a stick of
celery. Just then, she will pick up the
celery, take one look at it and heave
it on the floor.
In keeping with their desire to make
their parents look bad, kids will not
perform on command. At home, they
can do all their cute tricks without
hesitation, but take them out, and
they immediately forget everything.
For several months now. Chelsey
has been able to do "pat -a -cake". But
only in the privacy of her own home
and only in front of her Mom and Dad.
Ask her to clap her hands for anyone
else, and she gets a vacant look on her
little face. If you demonstrate with
some loud handclappin, she'll stare
like it's an action she s never seen
before in her life.
Of course, if I'm in the kitchen and
she's in the living room by herself,
watching "Wheel of Fortune", she
can pat -a -cake with no problem. In
fact, wizen there is no one watching -
her, she'll clap with the contestants
every time. If she keeps this up, her
first words will be "55000, 55000".
When it's just Chelsey and I at -
home, she will always respond to my
question "How big are you?'; Her
arms go up, fingers out stretched and
she reaches as far as she can, very
pleased with herself. But will she do
that if anyone else asks how big she
is? Never.
And then there are the strange at-
tacks of "spaghetti legs". Normally,
her little legs are firm and strong, but
if you are in a hurry to go somewhere
and want to put her shoes on her, they
become as limp as a wet noodle, mak-
ing it impossible to put shoes on.
"Spaghetti leg" also strikes when you
want her to show someone hew well
she stands. At home, you can't keep
her from walking -around the coffee
table, but take her out and try to stand
her up, and she crumbles in a heap.
Later on, those same legs will be
stiff as a poker, just when you want
her to bend her knee to put on her
And then. you'll tell your
houseguests how she fights going to
bed at night, so afraid she'll miss
something. That will be the night she
cuddles up on your lap, lays her head
down, and is instantly sleeping
peacefully, with a very angelic look
on her face.
"You've heard about it...
... now you can see it.
Because of many requests a repeal performance of
Will be presented
Sunday, Dec. Z2
7:30 p.m.
in Exeter Pentecostal Church