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Page 6A Times -Advocate, November 27, 1985
r— V .
COUNTY 4-H HONOURS — A total of eight girls received County Honours at a Huron 4-H Achievement
Monday night at Stephen Central School. Back, left, Kelly Talbot, Brenda Vanderloan and Kim Murray
all of Hurondale IV. Front, Jeanette Kaak and Vicki Reynolds, Crediton and Brenda Hern and Anne
Delbridge, Elimville. Missing was Lisa Ellerington, Elimville. P
Five --- count 'em, five --- groups of
buyers purchase all the food sold in
supermarkets across this nation.
1 don't know what the percentage is
this year but 1 would be willing to be
that these five buying groups pur-
chase as much or more than 80 per-
cent of the food that is bought in
Canada. Those five buying groups are
powerful people.
Suppose you have food products to
sell. Unless you can get some recogni-
tion from one of those buying groups,
you're up the creek, friend.
They can dictate exactly what you
will find on the shelves of every super-
market in Canada. They can decide
which manufacturer will gethigh pro-
• Our breeding stock provides
our buyers with proven genetics
from the top 3°° animals tested
across Canada. • Our program
enobles us to offer quality and
health of a price that is hard to
beat • We hove on ongoing
supply of A.I. sired,
Homp Duroc, York Landrace
boars & F I York Landrace gilts
• Our closed herd is ranked
'Good" by the OMAF standards
of Herd Health Classification.
Come and take a look at our
stock anytime!
Delivery available
R.R. 1, Mitchell, Ont.
timer$ of aRp $ 'iWd by Pab Tron*. Wills $'440 Vow 4. Om Nie 2C1
Ltd.which includes suchindependents
as Knechtel Wholesale Grocers Ltd.
This group is rumored to be seeking.
a merger with one of the other buy-
ing groups which could drop the
membership in this powerful but
select group from five to four.
I have outlined this power in other
columns butrecent acquisitions have
changed the make-up, especially now
that A & P has purchased Dominion
and the persistent rumors that the In-
dependent Wholesale Grocers group
is seeking a merger.
In my opinion, farmers have every
right to keep their supply -
management marketing boards. Pork
producers are now going to study a
quota system.
Supply management marketing
boards are legal. And they are con-
stantly under public scrutiny as well
as being policed by a government- ap-
pointed farm products marketing
But these buying groups have no
one keeping an eye on their power.
They can do whatever they want
because Canada's anti -combines law
is as useless as a hippocket in
In other words, the buying groups
-- although unproven to be ripping off
the public seven years ago -- can call
the price on almost all the food sold
in Canada without fear of much
Power tends to corrupt. Absolute
power corrupts absolutely, Lord Ac-
ton said.
file space in the grocery stores. They
can make or break any processor in
the nation.
How? They could say to a food pro-
cessor that they will buy a zillion ton-
nes of food at the price the processor
wants. That zillion tonnes of food gets
sold. But the buyers ask for a lower
price next time around. And they get
Then, they accept the same price
but request a volume "discount".
1t is a rare occasion that the "re-
quest" is put on paper. The processor
has no choice. By this time, he has put
all his manufacturing might into sup-
plying tonnes for the big buyer. The
big buyer says jump and the pro-
cessor meekly says, how high?
.Do the big stores get a discount?
Difficult to prove, of course. In fact.
that big, expensive, time-consuming
judicial inquiry seven years ago fail-
ed to prove conclusively that there
was any intimidation by the big
buyers. There are many who believe
it was a big, expensive, time-
consuming whitewash, too.
It seems to me that so much power
should not be .concentrated in the
pocketbooks of -so few.
For instance, IGA and Safeway are
in a buying group with Dutch Boy.
Dutch Girl and Towers. A & P, which
own 90 of the best Dominion Stores in
Ontario, is in a group with Lumsden
Brothers of Hamilton which is in
another buying group with Sobeys in
the Maritimes, Epiciers Unis in"
Quebec, Federated Co -Ops in Saskat-
chewan, Merco Wholesale in Edmon
ton, Slade and Stewart and Over-
waitea in B.e. Provigo is in a buying
group with the Weston -owned stores,
National Grocers, Loblaws, Zehrs and
The fifth group, by far the smallest
is the Independent Wholesale Grocers
A man's life, like a piece of
tapestry, is made up of many strands
which interwoven make a pattern : to
separate a single one and look at it
alone not only destroys the whole, but
gives the strand itself a false value.
ri°4 145111
e 1111111
and CORN producers
when your crop
is ready -we're ready!
Contact our nearest location
ro ir'3
262-2410 228-6661
We A9
229-8986 527-1540
Make COOK'S your
marketing centre
for all your crops!
Remember! You can BANK on.
COOK'S --"Where you can trade with confidence
You can benefit from a
Come in and discuss the advantages
We are a moi)
Certified Crop Care Centre
Deadline near for OFFIRR
The Ontario Family Farm Interest
Rate Reduction Program ( OFFIRR )
will be accepting application$ from
Ontario farmers postmarked no later
than January 15, 1986.
OFFIRR is a $50 million program
announced by the Honourable Jack
Riddell, Minister of Agriculture and
Food, on August 8, 1985, aimed at eas-
ing the financial burden of Ontario
farmers with high debt loads but
viable operations. The program pro-
vides grants to reduce to 8 per cent
( by a maximum of seven percentage
points) interest costs up to $200,000 of
long-term debt.
This program recognizes that the
eighties have been difficult years for
all farmers. Even those who are not
in severe financial difficulties are
feeling the after effects and could
benefit from this program.
We feel it is necessary to remind
producers that there is a mid-January
'86 deadline for entry to OFFIRR. We
do not want to see those eligible miss
the opportunity to apply for the pro-
gram. In fact, fewer than 200 applica-
tions have been completed by Huron
County farmers to date.
Eligibility criteria include that the
farm family has not more than 75 per
cent equity in the operation, has a net
worth of less than $500,000, a long-
term debt (amortized over two years
or longer) and is not a participant in
the Beginning Farmer Assistance
Program (BFAP). The farm family
should also be personally operating
the enterprise and expect to earn
Eric Hoffer, on self-image:
However much we guard against it,
we tend to shape ourselves in the im-
age others have of us.. It is not so
much the example of others we im-
itate, as the reflection of ourselves in
their eyes and the echo of ourselves
in their words.
their living from, farming.
For mole information and applica-
tion forms, contact the Agricultural
Office, Clinton, 482-3428 or
1-800-265-5170. Potential exists for
many more ()FMK applications
from Huron County Farmers!
Don Pullen
Agricultural Representative
for Huron County
* Star-trac Belt Feeders t
* ^ and Conveyors
* u- t . 71411iliaMilarailkle*
',.;. w. *
* t, i $ x f a rpt
T -,..,ate �' K = ` y- ~ *
Our New Star -Trac Belt r
y Feeders and Conveyors from 10% off i.
Starhne beat them all for Feed •
Distribution and Dependability 15th
4 14" concave belt (controlled resting area tor teed)
y Low horsepower requirements (up to 100 1t./1 H.P.)
yT 5 -year 100/. unconditional warranty on belt *
Plow independently suspended on CANON BALL door ti ack .
*y Economical multi -lot feeding
Ty Hwy. 21 N. of Grand Bend 4(T RR1 Dashwood, Ont. *
° (51912)8-2301 4(
****************) ***
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We do:
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Box 427, Blyth Ont. 523-9249
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Eric Devlaeminck
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JAN. 1, 1987*
Example; Selling prices
MF550 cab/air grain bean
corn special
Waiver interest
Jan. 1/88 554666.00
or cash 545008.00
MF9113 Floating Cutterbar
Waiver Interest
Jan. 1/88 57087.00
or cosh 55837.00
MF 1143 Cornhead 4 row
Waiver interest
Jan. 1/88 510744.00
or cash $8849.00
550 and selected
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All other
800 Series Combines
• Waiver to Jan 1 1988
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Low Rate Leases are Available Also
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