HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-20, Page 24fl 6 Services LYLE STEEPER CONSTRUCTION! Corbett _. `Custom Homes *Additions `Renovations Jim 294-6539 Lyle 294-6604 R.R. 8, Parkhill 13tfn DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 FREE ESTI MA 16tfn "R & R" ROOFING 'Eavestroughing, *Int. & Ext Painting 'Chimney, Rebuilding 'Tree Trimming 'Tree Removal *Fencing *General Repairs CREDITON, ONTARIO NOM IMO FREE ESTIMATES • PH: 234-6271 2511n UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED per- manently, safely: Free introductory tteat- rant. Electrolysis Clinic of Perth. 284-3050 St. Marys. 29tfn LARGE or SMALL RENOVATIONS *Interior *Exterior 235-2597 35tfn FRONT -OFFICE Office Rental Telephone Answering Word Processing, etc. 235-1411 Warehousing. Available 35tfn GUITAR LESSONS in Exeter. Instrument. are available. Call Brad's Music Studio. 482-3580. - 38tfn BLUEWATER PAINTING Interior & Exterior Quality Workmanship 10% discount for Senior Citizens PHONE 238-8793 after 5 p.m. 391 fn MOM'S HOME CLEANING SERVICE Quality Deep Cleaning of Your Entire House CaII Evenings 227-1206 391 fn BILL JONES HEATING Clean outs, Repairs and Installations PHONE 235-0956 39i fn M&M PAINTING and DECORATING nterior and Exterior Painting and Wallpapering 235-1701 or 237-3435 after six 42tfn .HURON DECORATORS Interior and Exterior Painting FREE ESTIMATES NORM TRIPP CENTRALIA 228-6970 4lt1 Dan Heywood PAINTING & DECORATING free I. lincates Phone 235-0919 after 6:00 45tIn WALLPAPERING Diane LagleMm .Carne Anne A1cAlpine 235.2524 293.3057 Exeter Ailso Craig PHONE FOR ESTIMATES Monday to I-ndas after 6 p.m. 461 fn COMPUTER INSTRUCTION, word pro- cessing. spread sheeting, lobo. basks. graphics. disc files. beginner and advanc- ed. Phone 235-2877. 46-5Ic CLOTHING AI_ TE•.RAI IONS and repairs. Phone after 5 p.m. 235-1273. 47:48• CUSTOM COMBINING with 4 wheel drive. Trucking available. Heyink 262-5708. - 47c 7 Livestock CATTLE - We pay the top price for poor- ly doing unthrifty crippled or recently in- jure1 cattle (free or drugs). Call collect evenings or early morning. We have a radio equipped truck in your arca twice daily. John Ansems I-238-2796Grand Bend. Itfn PUREBRED DURO(-, York Boars. ROP test. Also bred and open guilts. Govern- ment health inspected. Also a good selec- tion of Yorkshire Gilts hrcd Landrancc. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. 24ftn YORK', LAND, Dura, ITamp, Spot. YorkXHamp and HampXDuroc Boars and bred gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced. Prodelivery. Richard Stroebel, RR 2 Gran- ton. 225-2587 or 284-2628. • '44 -Sic 8 Farm Machinery (GEHl. SELF UNI OARING WAGON. Working condition 52503 Phone 284-2761. 42tfn 175 MI• with 236 Quick -Tack Loader, (food condition. S7500; 245 MF with Allied 450 loader, rops canopy duals, 600 hours, excellent condition. 510.000: Hog scales - dial type, all galvanised. like new. 5450. Phone Rick Etherington 235-1628. 47SA 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1973 SKIDOO 340. Phone 237-3616.46-49c 1984 HONDA 750 Night Hawk S.-6-.000 kilometres. excellent condition. Phone 236-4786. 46:47c 200E ATV Yamaha 1983. Like new. Phone' 218-2711. 47SA TWO NIOTOSKIS MIR I 250cc snowmobiles with extras. excellent condi- tion. Trailer not included. Asking 52750.00. Phone 262-6528. 47* 1971 SKIDOO, 15 h.p. with cover and trailer. Phone 235-2657. 47c t• 11 Cars, Trucks OLDER USED CARS and trucks. Give us a call. Town Line Collision. 228.6700.34tfn PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER ,PRECISION MACHINE /nd WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter. Ontario Phone 235-1035 Itfn 1976 OLDS CUTLASS S, p.s. p.b., power trunk. automatic, air conditioning, stereo, new Michelins all around. 84,000 miles, 350 4 barrel, tinted windshield, heavy duty suspension. oiled twice yearly. 52,500 or best offer. Will safety. 229-6722. 47SA 1978 T -BIRD, p.s., p.b., console; gauges, air, brown with tan vinyl. good condition, can certify. Phone 229-6192. 47SA 1976 CHEV LAGUNA, type 3 sport, grey with black interior, swivel seats and rally wheels. Best offer. Phone evenings 284-2905. 4 -SA 1979 HORIZON Hatchback, 4 dr., ex- cellent body, air, cassette: AM/FM stereo, certified. 52695.00. Phone 235-0473.46:47c OIL UNDERCOAT SPECIAL any car or pickup truck $25.00. Two vehicles or more 520.00 each. For appointment call 234-6434 or 235-1960. 46:47* 1976 GMC. New body and paint, brakes, exhaust and shocks. Asking 52700. Phone 236:4662. 47* 1978 CHRYSLER. CORDOBA. V8, automatic, p.s., p.b., A/C, tilt wheel, p.w., AM -FM stereo, cruise, certified. Call after 5 235-2635. 47c 1975 MONTE CAROLO and 1976 Duster. Best offer as is. Phone 262-5099. 47:48c 1967 FORD FALCON, 6 cylinder automatic, good condition, good gas mileage, winterized. 5400. Phone 235-1796. 47* 1972 FIRENZE 300 as is. Phone 284-3333. 47SA 12 Pets REASONABLY PRICED. Fox Hound, Beagle and Walker Pups. Call 237-3402.`, 45tfx' DOBERMAN PUPS - purebred red/tan. First shots and ready to go. 575. Phone 262-5928. • 47:48c TO GIVE AWAY 6 kittens half grown. Phone 235-1366. i 47c 14 Appliances, Television CHEST FREEZER, White Westinghouse 22 cu. foot, excellent condition, 3 years old. 5375 or best offer. Call after six p.m. 284-3582. 47SA ELECTROLUX VACUUMS for sales ane)` service. Free estimates on repairs and ex- cellent used Electrolux for sale. Call 228-6531. 46:47* DEEP FREEZE 12 cu. 0. in working con- dition. S50. Phone 238-2713. 47* REFRIGERATOR, STOVE - 17.1 cubic foot McClary refrigerator with large separate frost free freezer. Also Admiral self cleaning stove, deluxe elements, variable broiler, automatic timer. Both white and in good condition. $800 pair. Phone 235-0791. 47* FREEZER, • 16 cu. ft. real good condition. Phone 237-3766.- 47c 15 Personal IF YOU WANT toed ink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-2404 or 348-8363. 41tfn UNATTACHED! Meet attractive compati- ble person who share same interests (all akes). Prestige Acquaintances. Call Toll - Free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to 8 p,m. - 4ltfx DATES GALORE. For all ages and unat- tached. Thousands of members anxious to meet,you. Prestige Acquaintances Call, toll e• fre1-800.263-9163 Hours Noon -8 p1%.47x LOSE WEIGHT NOW - naturally surpress appetite, gives you extra energy. No calorie counting. Makes losing weight easy. 100% money back guarantee. Call Martin at 227-1748 between 3 and 7 p.m. 461t11 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters. sales, skrvice, rental; supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 21, WOOL) FOR SALE. Truckloads of slabs and edgings from our saw mill. R.S. Dungcy and Sons Ltd. 348-8477 Mitchell. 501f FIREWOOD. well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454. 38tfn NEW AND USED CLOTHING Books. Household. Jewellery, Etc. OPEN WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. 11 a.m. to 4 p.nc. EVERY THURSDAY NITE SPECIAL 6:30-9:30 FREE WINTARIO with every $10.00 purchase VILLAGE STORE Centralia 43tfn STEEI. BUILDINGS. Buy direct and save. Building factory direct discount 20 to 30 to 40 percent. Must clear inventory. No reasonahle offer refused. Order now, take spring delivery. No storage charges. Call 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828-6262. 47x 22 BROWNING SHARP shooter rifle 5225; round gasoline tank $99; 1000 cc Suzuki motorcycle, as new, hest offer; stereo with record changer, 585; bathroom sink S12; stainless double sink 522; 1983 Ranger pickup with cap 56.100; scythe 525; nine electric motors from '% h.p. to h.p. 5125; Inglis automatic washer, needs work $25: three heavy doors. Phone 228-6236. 46SA 50 OLD CHAIRS, all stripped and sand- ed. Some refinished: 2 chests of drawers. G. Ullyea. 46 Ontario Si. N. St. Marys, 2_84.2766. 47SA CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE. 8 Portland St. Centralia. Sat. Oct. 26 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Open every Sunday 12:00 noon to 4 p.m. until Nov. 24th or by appointment 228-6777. 4307c ONE STOP building shopping centre. All steel straight/slant, quonsets, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers call Wally (416) 426-1794. Leave message or collect evenings t,?td weekends. 46x UTILITY TRAILER 6'1(12'0' walls. single axle. Used once. Asking 5600 or best of- fer. Phone 235-1273 after 5:001r.m. or see at 65 Mill St. Exeter. 47SA NEW WOOD SPOTTER. cylinder. valve. all hoses, to mount on Hack of tractor. Best reasonable offer. Phone 262-2224 after 8 p.m. 45tfn DOWNDRAFT WOOD STOVE some pipes included. 5200.00; esercise rowing machine 575.00. Like new. Phone 218-8894 after 5 p.m 47tfn TAB1.E SAW; Coke machine: baby buggy; range hood; MC10computer; Atari games; dishwasher. Phone 235-110.2. 46:47c KITCHEN CUP4IOARDS, used complete L shape with counter. doutbleaink, faucets. Phone 455-7833. 46:47c KESTLE'S HONEY SI.00Ib. in your con- tainer. For Nov. only at ('landeboye 227-4978. Notice: closing Dec. 1 for winter months. 46:47c 1 16 For Sale FILTER QUEEN vacuum with power noz- zle and all attachments in excellent condi- tion. Only four years old. Call 228-6531. 46:47c FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE including firescreen, barbecue grille and quantity of firewood. WiII deliver to St. Marys 560. Phone 461-Q709. . 47SA BEAVER COAT with mink collar size 13-15 or 16, excellent condition, now too large for owner. Asking 51000 or best of- fer. Phone Marion Bain 284-1774. 47SA PLAYPENS, buggies, strollers, crib and sleds. All size clothing at the Ever Thrift, 157 Main St. Exeter, 235-2687. 47:48c SEWING MACHINES -„A large selection of different makes and models, all guaranteed. Also do repairs. Elaine's Wool Shop, Lucan: Phone 227-4332. 47-50c SHARP VCR. Remote control, fast for- : ward/reverse. Auto search. We have upgraded. Phone 235-1411 or evenings 235-0509. 47c SKATES (Bauer) girls size 12 510; size 1 55; men's size 8 525. Phone 238-8042.47x ANTIQUE PIANO 1880 Bell upright, ex- cellent condition. 1-786-6353. 47-49' ANNEX HEATER, white enamel. Quebec heater. Coal and wood. Phone 235-1518. 47' REASONABLE - 2 portable insulated metal buildings.one semi -finished as cottage With"bath and kitchen. Second, large room with hydro, window etc. Would make a good storage room. Both 36'x24'. Phone 482-7508. 47-49c HEAVY YEAR OLD HENS 51.00 each live. Phone 237-3093. 47c CHILD'S CAR SEAT, C.B. radio, stereo AM/FM 8 track and cassette, two speakers, bomber style fur jacket size 7-8, excellent condition. Rabbit coat size 7-8. Men's pants, size 34. Phone 235-0685. 47c 1979 SKI DOO electric start; 1979 John Deer Spit Fire, both in excellent condition. $900.00 each. Phone 235-1305. 47c LIVINGROOM SUITE 3 pc. brown velour 5700; 2 girls good condition winter coats size 8 and 10 525 each; tent length muskrat fut coat, size 221/2 $50; 2 pr. leather boots, ladies size 7 $25 each; brand • new instant picture Kodak camera 550. Call mornings 227-4850. 47c FOR SALE OR TRADE - Utility trailer 4'x6' with 2 ft. sides, single axle, with 15" wheels. Sell or trade for gun, snowmobile or small outboard motor of same value. Phone after 5:30 235-0737. 47c APPLES, Tatman Sweets, Red Delicious, first and second Spys, Ida Reds, McCly- mont, Orchards, Varna, one mile south 482-3214. 47c ATARI 400 COMPUTER. including data cassette player, 5 language cassettes, 6 game cartridges, 2 joy,¢ ticks and basic language books. $380.00. Ti pc. right hand Spalding golf clubs $80.00. Phone 284-1231 after 6 p.m. 47SA WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology - eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron manganese, hardness, chemical contamina- tion and more. Fully automatic. Tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals - no taste or smell of chlorine. Free 6 -month trial offer. See the results for yourself. If you want better water for better country living call toll free 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Rd.. Mississauga, L4W 4B6. The "Lowest" Cost System that "really" works. 47x GALLATHER High Power Fencing Systems. Stand the winter, do it now, avoid spring rush. Sec Vie system at work. Order before February I, 1986 and lock in 1985 prices. E. Vansligtenhorst 262-6208.47-50c BATTERY CHARGER 40 amp. with booster to start. Paint sprayer. air tools and all other tools, etc. I0Q/o off for Christmas. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235-1655.4611n 16 For Sole HAVE Nt'CEN I LY RECEIVED lovely assortment of new maternity or larger ladies wear. Excellent prices, all sizes includes blouses, short and long dresses, slacks and nursing tops, See Village Store listing. 34fnc. FRIDGE. STOVE, maple spindle twin bed, maple desk, cedar swing, picnic table, 3 flip flop chairs, 3 high chairs. 3 flip-flop chairs and three high chairs. Phone 284-3465 after 6 p.m. • 47SA FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling, Leslie Cudmore 235-1267. 38-49' WIDOD - Hickory, Ash and Maple cut last year. You pick up 565.00 one 1/2 ton pickup Toad or 530.00 for 32 cu. ft. Phone bon - wood Golf_ Club.- Exeter- 235-1521- or 235-0707. 42tfn PENNY -ROLLER. Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free hank wrappers. Only 58.95 postpaid (Please add S.63 tax.) Christmas Special - 2 for 516.00. (Please add 51.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. To Penny -Roller Products, P.O. klox 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 46x CHINA BUFFET 70" wide 16" deep 31" high with sliding doors - glass hutch/40" wide 34" high sliding glass doors with 2 open shelves. Sell for 5150. Phone 235-2429. 47SA APPLES. No. 2 red and northern spys, lereenings. Barry Jeffrey 235-0387. 46tfn GARRETT METAL DETECTORS. Con- tact us for nearest dealer. Ask about Christmas specials, eagerly looking for new dealers in Ontario. Contact Canadian Metal Locators, RR5, Waterford, Ontario NOE 1 YO. (519) 443-5193. 47x GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS! For Drivers: the one and only Street Atlas of Ontario; in compact book form; fits glove compartment; contains highway guide and mileage chart; 300 street guides to•all ma- jor cities and towns throughout Ontario. Over $250 worth of maps in easy to read book form. Only 539.95! For Students: Bartholomew World Atlas with complete index, colour maps of entire world; popular reference book. On Multi -colour world wall map; laminated; washable. Regular 539.95. Now only 529.95 each. till December 31. Decorate student work areas, bedrooms, rec rooms, etc. Order now! Tax. and shipping included. Major credit cards accepted or send cheque or money order to: Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas St. West, Islington, Ontario M9A 4X7. Or call: (416) 239-5553; 239-5632. Rapid courier delivery. Money.pack guaranteed. 47x DRINK NATURE'S TONIC! Now mailable. After 60 years in the making. A mineral preparation in a base prepared by a special process from extracts of flowers, foliage, roots and barks of particular botanical plants. This Canadian product is approved by Health & Welfare Canada and comes with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. It costs you nothing to call toll free 1-800-268-5252 for local distribution and information. Distributor inquiries welcome. 47x l •'9IQUE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -fen- cing kits to keep animals out of your garden. Electronic testers to locate fencing problems. Gift certificates. Gallacher Nigh Power Fencing Systems. E. Vansligtenhorst 262-6208. 47-50c CAR SEAT and stroller and numerous baby girl articles. Phone 237-3742. 47tfn WOODSTOVE - Tempwood downdraft, good condition, some pipes: 5125.!x).. Phone 229,8193. 47' AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVE. Asking 5200. Phone 237-3579. 47c OIL TANK. 200 gal., good condition. 6 aluminum storm windows. Screens, average size 70x35 - one inside window and storm 43x37'/2. Phone 235-2897. 47:48' SLIDE PROJECTOR 13e11 & Howell 986 with 30 cubes. $100 or best offer. Phone 235-2027. 47SA NOW* WHITING Auction Sale Of antiques, household furnishing, and misc. Items. On Saturday November 23, 1985 at 12:30 noon 425 William St. South, Exeter Ontario For Mrs. Frances Glen In case of enclement weather auction will be moved to former Nixon Motors Main St. South Exeter. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Hide -a -bed, arm chair, floor lamp, chrome table, 3 pc. kitchen suite, step stool, 20 cu. ft. deep freeze, washer, spin dryer, large wardrobe, small war- drobe, iron bed, 2 school desks, metal shelves, linens, blankets, dishes, pots and pans, hedge trimmer like new, electric drill, heater, light fixtures, snow scoop, wash tubs, wheel barrow, folding picnic table, lawn chairs, hand and garden tools, storm windows, step ladder, water tank, many more items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Good oak kitchen table with 5 legs and 3 leaves, 6 pressback chairs in excellent condition, pressback arm chair, parlor chair, Hoosier cupboard, side board, buffet old table, hall tree, faint couch, wicker fern stand, walk- ing plow, copper boiler, sausage press and grinder, oil lamp, pickle cruet in frame, butter dish with lid, 2 chime- bells, sad iron, and much more. Terms Cash Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-0680 or 235-1931 4 Large Auction Sale Truck, antiques, appliances, furniture, piano, organ, truck top- per, welder, floor jack, tools etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Born Clinton Ont. for Mr. Lloyd Welker plus additions. Sat., November 23 at 10 am.. 1974 DODGE 1 ton club cab pick up truck w/dual wheels, P.S., P.B., V8 automatic, radio, approx. 94000 miles, oiled every year, looks good, selling certified, subject to reserve. Berlin Ontario upright piano, piano stool, Bontempi electric organ with double key board, automatic rhythm and chord, large modern hutch w/glass doors, antique bonnet chest, • w/mustache pulls, cherry double pedestal dresser w/mirror, Viking upright freezer, Woods chest freezer, oval wooden table and 4 chairs, dresser w/long mirror, modern floor model stereo, antique chest of drawers, eight day mantle clock, modern chesterfield and chair, antique chair, 2 oil lamps, fancy magazine table w/drawer, large coffee table, wooden exten- sion table w/4 leaves, oak plant stand, floor lamp, cedar chest, poster bed, recliner chair, bridge - lamp, humidifier, small Panasonic microwave, electric sewing machine, typewriter, washstand, trunk, Franklin heater, oval green rug, coffed and end tables, camera equipment tripods, slide projector and screen, Avon bottle collection, dishes and glassware includes ontique plates, mustache cups, cups and saucers, small ap- pliances, plus many other items, TOOLS ETC. 36" high aluminum 'truck topper, Lincoln 225 electric welder, floor jock, chainsaw, small stationary air compressor, skill saw, electric drills, router, taps and dies, compression tester, torque wrench, 3/4 drive sockets, creepy, car stands, sockets and wrenches, 2 small bot- tery chargers, toolbox, 2 set of right hand golf clubs and carts, antique corn sheller, some carpenter tools, aluminum exten- sion ladder, jack all jack, 3 oil bottles, walking plow, sop pan and buckets, shovels, forks, lawn chairs, etc. Plan to attend. TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Times-Advocote, November 20, 1985 16 For Sole USED CAR AND TRUCK parts. Phone 228-6214, McStephen Auto Wreckers. 32-52' BOOK CASE two shelve; 15 volume Richards Topical Encyclopedia; Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary "Grolier" The Book of Popular Science Vols. I to 10; Grolier encyclopedia vols. 1 to 8. Year books 1963 to 1982. Phone 284-3410 after 5 p.m. 47SA DRAPES - like new, custom made, cream coloured with sheers and rods. 2 pair 108"w x 83"long; one pair 66'w x 78'1 "long; one pair 112"w x 441/2 "long. Phone 284-3410 after 5 p.m. • - . 47SA APPLES MACS, DELICIOUS, SPYS Open Saturday% No. 4 Hwy. at Crediton Rd. FRANK SAWYER 39tfn MICROPHONES "Sure", three for sale in new condition, paid $250.00 new. Will sell for 5120.00 each. Also Collectors plates Heritage Series, Rediscovered Women. Mother's Day 83, Anne and Cathy. -Call . after 4 p.m. or Saturdays, Exeter 235-2615. 47SA COAT - girls Little Nugget hooded coat size 6X, girls skates size 1, boys skates size 1 1, good condition and reasonable. Phone 229-8229. 47SA APPLES Macs $7.00 a bushel Ida Reds, Empire, Spartans, Golden and Red Delicious $8.00 a bushel FRESHLY PRESSED CIDER no preservatives $3.50 a gallon ALSO! Broccoli, red and white cabbage, kale, potatoes, squash, onions, turnips ViSSCHER FARMS 237-3442 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 OPEN 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED Sundays 45tfn 'HUTCH* professional BMX racing bicy- cle. Top of the line parts. Call 235-0311. 46:47' ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, • Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30t fnx FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready -to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Mensal!. 32tfnc INOSIn iwmm 1 Pinery 1 1 1 11 1 1 Auctioneer Pat Lyon 243-2713 Ea -ti - - toN--till-Ili-EM WINIMI- 17 Wanted To Buy SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS, Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 32-52' HAY - wanted 'free of rain and mold. 560.00 per ton. Phone evenings 439-2192. 36i fn BALED STRAW delivered to Exeter. K&L Construction. Phone 472-7164. 45-47c COOK STOVE. 2 or 3 burner and lantern. 1st Kirkton Scouts. Call 229-8712. 45tfx DAVID BROWN TRACTOR 990 red for parts. Phone 238-2299. 46-48c MOLTJNG BARLEY wanted. Bill Elliott, . Centralia Farmers. 228-6638. 47c SUFFOLK SHEEP. Three mature ewes and young and mature ram. Phone 227-4985. 47c NEEDED: Farm families to host interna- tional agricultural trainees April - November. Must provide fancily at- mosphere room and board' and training allowance. Write: Angela Morton. 626 First Street. London. Ontario N5V 2A2. 47x Firewood For Sale S30.00 for 32 cu. ft. S40.00 delivered Ironwood Golf Club 235-1521 Gib Dow - 235-0707 � oc '4` . PJc, C. Household Auction For Ina Neeb and Den- nis Chorrette in the Zurich Arena on Sat., Nov. 30 at 11 a.m. Furniture, appliances, anti- ques and collectibles. Com- plete listing in next weeks issue Auctioneers John Finlay Tom Shoebottom AUCTION at Pinery Auction Barn Hwy. 21, 4 miles S. Grand Bend Sunday, November 24 1 p.m. 1 11 We will be selling a large selection of modern and anti -i.. que furnishings plus new gift ware and toys. 1 umuumin1 1o�Y•3caF�-�M-****•K•K*�I.3f�i-****************�K****V-* �* Large Household & Antique Auction Ilderton Masonic Hall Wed., Eve., Nov. 27 - 6:00 p.m. * From the homes of Viola Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. A.R. * Wilkinson, Lucan and a Granton Est. (name ��*c withheld upon request). �t The following is a partial list only. G.E. automatic washer * and dryer, G.E. electric stove, deep freeze, chino cabinet, }t bedroom suite, chrome set, library table, T.V.s, vacuum * cleaner, lamps, Hi Fi, milk bottles, flat irons and handles, anti- iE que dishes, small antique china cabinet, buffet, linen, blankets, * fainting couch, fancy dishes, tea caddies, pictures, mirrors, kit- chen table and chairs, 9 x 12 rug, kitchen dishes, small op- ; pliances, antique oak buffet, exercise bike, studio couches, * chesterfield and chair, treadle sewing machine, platform * rocker, captains chair, piano stool, beds, dressers, tools, garden * tools, etc., electric lawnmower, roto tiller, wheel barrow, lawn * ornaments, snowmobile suits, etc, etc. etc. TERMS: Cash sale * night. Booth Hugh Filson ************ felt***~t****ittit*******irate****lite Auctioneers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 Land Rented • • * • Large clearing auction sale of farm machinery,• * house trailer, grain storage equipment, etc. « * For Mr. Gordon Craig, Lot 22, concession 7. West « * Nissouri Twp.. 5 mi. N.E. of Thorndale, 6 mi. S. * of St. Marys. « * Saturday, November 30 - 11:00 a.m. « * TRACTORS: MF 1150 diesel with cab, completely overhauled, « ' M.F. 1135 diesel with cab, air, duals 20.8 x 38, David Brown • * • diesel, Int. 574 diesel in good shape. « * COMBINE: White 8600 diesel, cab, air, 4 row W. corn •heed, • * 13 ft. grain head, 10 ft. pickup head. « * MACHINERY: J.D. 7000 4 rowcorn planter wth monitor, M.F. « * 880 5 fur. 16" semi mount plow, M.F. 22' cult. with hydraulic « * wings., Westco 4 row 3 pt. hitch cult., N.H. 357 mix -mill with « * 17 ft. unloader auger, Brillion 14 ft. cultimulcher, N.H. 315 baler • * with thrower (like new), M.F. No. 10 boler, hopper boxes and « * wagons, Ford 513 side rake, N.H. 3 pt. hitch mower, Allied bale « * elevator, crimper, one row harvester, Manumit tandem axle • ' 3000 gal. manure wagon with hydraulics, lime&spreader, cattle 0 * oiler, 100 gal. fuel tank& pumpGenerac generator on trailer, 0 hydraulic feet. auger, 2 Plot racks and wagons; 5 h.p. garden • * * cult. , MTD lawnmower, Lincoln welder, all kinds of scrap, and 4' * mist. • LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: Quantity steel hog pens, 150', * Cablevery hog feeder, 4 sets of 4 weaner cages, fiberglass slats,' « ,; self feeders for hogs, fans, hen cages, steel calf creep feeder. 4, * STORAGE BINS: 2 Westco Rosco steel 5000 bu. bins, 7 ton « • Schuld steel bulk bin with auger, 7 ton Schuld bulk bin, corn • * cleaner. « • VEHICLES: 1979 Delta 88 Royale Olds (not running). 1964 Ford • * Galaxy, running condition, 1974 Dodge School Bus, no seats, * * running, 1973 Chev pickup, 1970 Chev pickup, 1966 Fargo truck « * with box and hoist. Alf vehicles selling as is. Yamaha I T 125 • * • bike excellent condition. ' * HOUSE TRAILER: Searro-Scotia Sportsmans •14 ft. house trailer. « * LIVESTOCK: 15 sheep and goats. « * TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth. « Auctionoars « * Hugh Filson Tom Robson . * 666-0833 .666-1967 * * 42