HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-20, Page 16Page 4A November 20, 1985 Women meet at Revival Centre Wednesday evening the Women's Ministries held their -monthly meeting in the Graham Chapel, with Mrs. Judi floss leading in chorus singing. Presi- dent Mrs. Marlene Thornton con- ducted business, Mrs. Ross reported on decorating changes she is working on in the nursery. The Christmas meeting is scheduled for Dec. 18 at the home of Mrs. June !teary. Mrs. Henry introduced guest speaker Mrs. Debbie Saunders. from near Houston. Texas. Mrs. Saunders. with her husband James, are missinary evangelists. They were in India this past summer, and in Switzerland. Mrs. Saunders read Pro- verbs 12:12, • Psalm 1:3, and John 15:16, showing God compares our lives to a tree that bears fruit. Tree - have to have good roots. Mrs. Saunders read Acts 8:9-23. showing a person can accept Christ, and not ask forgiveness for a root of bitterness. Roots of bitterness can come into a Christian's heart and defile him. Hebrews 12:14-15 shows that whenever a Christian feels a root • of bitterness or rebellion. then they can ask God in prayer to deliver them. God can heal these inner feel- ings if we ask and let tlitn. After -a time of prayer for needs. a dight lunch was provided. - Rick • Thornton Sunday morning conducted the song service. Rev. Roger Mason introduced guest speaker Rev. George Ilazeen. Mrs. Charlene Ilazeen accompanied herself on the piano as she'sang One 'Life. - Rev. Ilazeen gave thanks for the blessing of making many friends in Ailsa Craig and Lucan the past four years. Rev. and Mrs. Ilazeen leave the Ailsa Craig pastorate on Nov. 26 to take --up a pastorate in Sharon Pa.. U.S.A. Rev. Ilazeen spoke from Hebrews 13:8. stating Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday. today. and forever. The world is dramatically changing from day to day. As we look around us so many hew things.- are happening. Many changes take place in nature in different ways made beautiful .by God. All these changes mean the world cannot be depended on. Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Mark 1:4-5. concer- ning water baptism. Some believe that grace is imparted in the ritual of baptism. The Scriptures are very - clear that grace and salvation are given 'at repentance. Baptism signifies That the one being baptized has repented. turned around from • their sins. Matthew :1:6 tells of confes- sion of sin when they were baptized in water. John the$aptist stressed ge- nuine.repentance was a sign of ge- nuine heart change. In Acts 2:38 Peter told the crowd they needed first of all to repent with a change of mind, then to be baptiz- ed to show their new association with Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:2 speaks of baptism in association with Moses: in .luda ism it meant associa- tion With Judaism. . Baptism in association I+t'ith Jesus shows people have come out -of another religion, and are accepting the•Christian religion to serve Jesus Christ. Act 3:41 tells of about 3000 who were baptized. John and Mary Sollars, in obe- dience to their faith in Jesus Christ. were baptized in water at close of the service. Upcoming events: Talent night. Tuesday. November 26. at 7:30 p.m. Luca n Revival ('entre presents a Talent Night. Everyone welcome. Members of the Youth Group, and students of' ('hritianview• Bible Col- lege will be participating. Switchboard operator to caller: "Mr. Wallace is on anotjler line. will you hold. and if so. (10 you want Bach. rock or dentist -chair pop''" We don't inherit our expressions: they are the signature of the years. I, ,,1 l/,rt Special thanks to my nominators, scrutineers and voters who sup- ported me at the polls. Congratulations to Wilson Hodgins and the new council Ken Lyons CHRISTMAS WREATHS -- Shown at the weekend Lucan craft show with Christmas wreaths are Vicky Gee and daughter Carolyn. 1111111. Lucan and district news Susan cools 227-4911 Two new councillors. Smith leads polls Two current members of Lucan village council were defeated at Tues- day's election and replaced by newcomers. - The only incumbent to besuccessful was Bryan Smith who • headed the polls with 643 votes. He also topped the polls in 1982. Placing second was Robert Hodge with 438 votes and Donald Leitch was third at 337. Defeated were 11 year veteran Larry Hotson who was nam- ed on 322 ballots and Tom England who is completing his first three year term with 164 votes. - • Hodge is an employee of Victoria and Grey Trust in Stratford and -Leitch is employed by the Ontario Development Corporation at Huron Park. Friendship club meets The Bryanston Friendship„ Club met in the Christian Education Rooin at Bryanston United Church November 6. with an attendance of 36. Audrey McRoberts welcomed everyone and -read a poem - "God's Gift". "t) Canada" was then sung, follow- ed by singing "happy Birthday" to Lela Abbott. Jean Donley,. Elmer Burnard and Elliott and Andrey McRoberts. Plans were made for the Christmas dinner to be held at the North Star Restaurant. December 4. Isabel Robinson chaired the pro- gramme •which opened with a sing song followed by a reading "Autumn's Coming Forth". Victor Smith then showed slides with Ad`a Smith giving the commentary of the club's trip to the Haliburton Area and their stay at the Red Umbrella inn in June. This proved very interesting especially to those who had attended. Games were then played. euchre winners were Marion Hodgins, Mer- na O'Neil. Mabel Needham. Milton Hodgins. Clarence Davis and Clarence Lewis. Crokinole - Gote Wennerslrom and Greta Gibson. An apple contest followed, which gave you, your partner for lunch. A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge - Hector aild Isabel Robinson, Victor and Ada Smith and Mervle Dann. J`2ank 1Jorr 1 sincerely thank everyone who worked and supported me at the polls on November 12 for Lucan Hydro Commissioner. Yours Sincerely Lloyd C. Hall /l((111Irl (At, To all who supported me at the polls on 12, 1985. s November Yours truly Bryan Smith 171,a,.i 11011 A sincere thank you to the ratepayers of the Village of Lucan. It was a pleasure to serve years. • Special thanks to those November 12. on council for the past 11 who supported me on Larry Hotson Reeve Norm Steeper and deputy - reeve Harry Wraith were returned to office without opposition. In a three person race for tytroseats on Lucan Hydro, Andy Van Geel was high with 532 followed -by incumbent Dr. Lloyd C. Hall at 497 votes and Con- stance Van Bussel at 245. One seat had been vacant since Rudy Engel left the community. Clerk Ed Melanson said the voter turnout was in excess of 60 percent. Deer involved in two crashes Deer on the highway were respon- sible for two motor vehicle accidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Monday at 7:40 p.m. Constable Craig listed damages at $1,200 when a vehicle driven by William Townley, London struck a deer on Middlesex road 22. Thursday at 2 p.m. it was a similar situation involving a deer and a vehi- cle driven by Peter Garland, Ailsa Craig on Highway 7. Damages were set at $1,200 by.Constable Osterloo. Wednesday a vehicle driven by Crafts, cards for seniors Euchre and crafts were enjoyed by the Sunshine & Busy Buddies memberS.at their meeting on Thurs- day afternoon in the Scout -Guide Hall. Honor Stanley directed the Busy Bud- dies in making a decorative plastic mesh snowflake which will be finish- ed tomorrow, Thursday. Members of that group, as they finish the snowflake. will commence making an "angel': from pearl and gold beads, under the direction of Elnora Reycraft. As a member of the program com- mittee, Mary Kooy read two poems "As we Grow Old and "Glory be in 77": Names will be drawn for an ex- change of Christmas gifts tomorrow. so all members are asked to be pre- sent. You are also reminded to bring in your I.G.A. tapes as soon as possible. Birthday best wishes were extend- ed to Florence Huffman,- who celebrates this week. Murray Carter provided the prizes for the Euchre which were won as follows: high score Jessie Lewis and Chris Heessels, lone hands Verna Dowdell and Carl Andersen, low score Betty Sutherland and Rose Atkinson and the craft prize was won by Beth Neil. A relay game was directed by Betty -Sutherland and Iva Hodgins. Refreshments were served by Wilma and Cris Heessels and Iva Hodgins. BEST IN SENIOR POETRY --- Senior poetry winners Shelley Pfaff, Pam Wilkins, Jennifer Duskocy, Krista Riddell and Paul Menard are shown with Lucan Legion president Gord Chubb and contest organizer Larry Abner Lichty, RR 1, Gadshill left the roadway of Concession road 3 and struck a culvert. Constable Osterloo estimated damages at $1,500. Constable Wilson set damages at $1,800 when a vehicle driven by Sarah White, RR I Thorndale left Conces- sion 2-3 road and struck two trees at 12:20 a.m.,Friilay. The same day at 3:30 p.m., a vehi- cle operated by Hanney Denotter, RR 3 Ilderton left the roadway of Conces- sion 10-11 when hitting pot holes and rolled over. Damages were set at $2,000 by Constable Briggs. Icy road conditions at 6:50 a.m., Saturday on Highway 7 caused a mishap with vehicles driven by Karen McKeown and Susan Wolfe, both of London. Damages of $2,800 were set by Constable Wilcox. Less than an hour later the same morning, a vehicle driven by Rudolph Specht, London struck a guard rail on a bridge on Highway 7. Constable Wilcox estimated damages at $1.500. r' - • Vehicles driven by Veronica Holzamer, Grand Bend and Peter Newton, St. Marys collided at 4:15 p.m., Saturday on Highway 4 with Constable Wilson setting damages at $1,800. - Constable Stables set damages at $2,100 when vehicles driven by Mark Yandergunst, Exeter and Tracy Turner, Huron Park at 7:15 p.m., Saturday on the Main Street of Lucan. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE F. 1 would like to thank all those who supported me in Biddulph Twp. on the November 12 polls. Wilson Hodgins 11111 Jhanh �ou TJhanh YOU - Electors of McGillivray Township . To those who supported me at the polls on November 12 a sincere thank you and Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season. - Barry Heaman 4 Jhanh McGillivray Township Voters I wish to compliment all who exercised their right to vote on November 12th and to thank all who gave me their support. Charles Corbett Jhant YOU. A sincere thank you to those who supported rite at the polls on Tuesday; November 12, 1985. Sincerely Donald A. Leitch Personal Stationery Special - IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING - AVON VELLUM "133 11111 Single- Shur. t i 1.11 i 4 In \1.u. hung F.ntrl.pr. REG. PRICE: $29.60 HALF PRICE - $14.80 1 Fun. yuains a Luh sue .I111.1% n► e lune 4 11I %line. blur to ter. ill hurt. and .111 rn%rhlpe•. printed 111 raised blue• e.1 t►lu k ink and i1) plain .heel. (11(11( I. eel three type atlr%.heeten I)4.1".. Ple.ue .pv II pipe(. Ink- cnllwr. and 1 pr .r.l. %s hell nrvir•rrlIL DECKLE PARCHMENT No. '1'7403 ,-♦. Sherr. r: 1 1 . 111 1 H , .1 1 %Lu. hill 1.s. REG. PRICE: $33.25 SPECIAL PRICE $18.90 Hlth yuain% p.m hnne•nr .hurt.. etre kl e•rl( I' r..p .1,1r1 1r..tl.n1, r1 � prnuecl. 2i plain) and pruuuct Mat 4limit rmuhrpr. e.I ti if k 11.11) 1.uNurtnu. pipet, nal.rel printing nl 61.11 k .Int. ('.h..t.. 1.1 011111 1. in sr%le% INFORMAL NOTES No. T451 - Ivory in Neat-. F..1drel Sive' ( 1.1 4 -•1) \1.111 111114 F m ri. '1' ". 1 4 REG. PRICE: $21.95 HALF PRICE $10.97 i 50 notes in fine quality ivory stock with one line imprint, 'raised black ink only. 50 matching unprinted envelopes. Choose one of three type styles shown below. • Ames - Serving South Huron, North Middle.l•x INFORMAL NOTES . No. T251 . White -lel N.0e% F..l.3r.1 Slit' .11 1 4 ♦ -1/4•'1 '11 Mali hing F41%44" 1r, REG. PRICE: $21.95 HALF PRICE $10.97 X. 26..44 Ali 50 notes in fide quality white stock with one line imprint, raised black ink only. 50 matching unprinted envelopes. Choose one of three type styles shown below. advocate 235-1331 & North lambton Since 1873