HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-20, Page 3DEDICATION SERVICE — Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle minister Rev. Bob Donnan (at the pulpit) was
joined on the platform by a number of invited guests during a service to dedicate the newly completed
church on Highway 4. included were (left) PAOC general superintendent Rev. James MacKnight, MPP
Jack Riddell, Exeter Mayor Bruce Shaw, Usborne Reeve Gerald Prout and former pastor Rev. Floyd Rhude.
Assistant pastor Rev. Randy Cox is at the far right.
Times -Advocate, November 20, 1985 . Page 3
Satelilte dish saga
Continued from frcot page
pose of side yards their steps should
not be considered as part of the
building but for the purpose of
satellite dish the steps should be con-
sidered as par( of the building;" he
"Accordingly, we are of the opinion
that in this case the front yard com-
mences at the exterior of the home
which is located.immediately north of
Rec centre
Continued from front page
"The washroom project (for the
agricultural building is 'probably,
out," she opined.
The repairs to the rec centre were
discussed only briefly by the board
before it was turned over to the
facilities committee for
Facilities manager Cam Steward -
son said it would be an expenditure of
"a considerable amount of money" if
the facility had to be covered as the
engineer's report Minted.
He said the holes drilled in the wall
for the examination revealed that the
insolation was soaked and therefore
the insulation value was probably nil.
When asked by board member
Cathy Whiteford if the problems
stemmed from poor maintenance,
age, poor design or poor construction,
Stewardson answered that it was pro-
bably due to a combination of all those
Gaylan Josephson asked if there
was anything the board could do im-
mediately in view of the current
budget. Stewardson hinted that not
much money was left -due to the fact
considerable had been spent on the
furnaces, refrigeration and
the front steps. The pole at issue
would therefore be located within the
front yard and would be in contraven-
tion of bylaws applying to the installa-
tion of a TV antenna dish," he
A letter submitted to council this
week by the building inspector advis-
ed that Mitchell had also given an in-
terpretation on the zoning bylaw
definition of front yard.
"Mr. Mitchell's interpretation con-
firms the original position of .the zon-
ing administrator (Johnston) that the
positioning of the TV satellite dish in-
stalled at 32 Gidley St. West con-
travenes to the Exeter zoning bylaw
No. 30, 1978, as amended," Johnston
wrote and continued, "Mr. Mitchell
has advised that charges should be
laid against the applicants regarding
this matter .to maintain bylaw
At Monday's session, Johnston ad-
vised council that the Mommersteegs
had also obtained two other legal 4ni-
nions that backed the one they had
received from Dean, although he said
he was not shown those letters when
he requested them.
The building inspector said the
Mommersteegs had the option of
moving the satellite dish onto the roof
as approved under the original permit
(which has now been revoked) or they
could apply for a minor variance.
He advised council he had already
received complaints from neighbor-
ing property owners who were con-
cerned with property devaluation due
to the erection of the satellite dish.
"The final interpretation may have
to be made by a judge," he opined, in
reference to the zoning bylaw.
Reeve Bill Mickle said there was
definitely a difference in interpreta-
tion regarding the situation and that
' it may have to be settled by an in-
dependent person.
He added that there were pro
cedures to challenge laws, but they
should not be flaunted. "We have to
support our laws and follow through
or forget the laws," he added.
A question was raised by Mayor
Bruce Shaw regarding pending suits
over an altercation that arose bet-
ween Johnston and Fred Mom-
mersteeg and the building inspector
said he was considering proceeding
with charges unless an apology is
In her address to council, Mrs.
Mommersteeg asked council to have
Johnston issue an -apology to her hus-
band over the altercation.
We know next to nothing about vir-
tually everything. It is not necessary
to know the origin of the universe; it
is necessary to want to know.
Civilization depends not on any par-
ticular knowledge, but on the disposi-
tion to crave knowledge.
"...Net' M,.1
Take a close look
at A&H
next week
A HAPPY OCCASION — Enjoying an informal chat before the service to dedicate the new Exeter
Pentecostal Tabernacle are Assistant Pastor Rev. Randy Cox (left), Pastor Bob Donnan, Rev. James
MacKnight, general superintendent of the PAOC and district superintendent Homer Contelon.
New Pentecostal church
overflows for dedication
More than 450 people filled the sane -
Wary of Exeter Pentecostal Taber-
nacle to participate in the official
opening and dedication cif the new
church south of town on Highway 4.
Platform guests included Rev. James
MacKnight, general superintendent
of the Pentecostal Assemblies of
Canada, PAOC district superinten-
dent Rev. Homer Cantelon, former
pastor Rev. Floyd Rhode.
agricultural minister Jack Riddell.
Notice of
Increase of
Nursing Beds
Ontario Ministry
of Health
for the
New Nursing Home
in Exeter
Petition will be presented
by citizens for signatures
the Post Office
Tuesday and Wednesday
November 26, 27/ 1985
Petition for signatures will
also be available at the
Clerk's Office, Main Street
5 p.m. November 27 85.
Huron county Warden Paul Steckle,
Usborne Reeve Gerald Prout, Exeter
Mayor Bruce Shaw, South Huron
Ministerial Chairman Rev. Jim Sut-
ton. building committee head Dave
Prouty and Bruce Langman
representing the Don Hawkey Con=
struction Company.
Among the previous ministers who
returned for the ceremony were Rev.
Mel Holmes and wife Margaret
(1959-1962). Rev. Larry an11 Mrs. Lu
Talbot (1962-1964.) and Lloyd, and
Elizabeth Rhude (1965-1970).
Riddell presented Rev. Bob Donnan
with a picture Queen Elizabeth and
Prince Philip, and commended the
church members for their "enormous
contribution to the spiritual life of the
community". Donnan jokingly
pointed out the impartiality shown in
the decor, with platform chairs in red.
and the pews upholstered in blue.
Shaw assured his audience that
even if the property was annexed
sometime. churches were not taxed.
He asked the congregation to "please
consider themselves part of Exeter".
Prout said the beautiful building
was an excellent example of what can
be accomplished when people put
their minds together.
Stecklenoted that the Christian in-
fluence is the strength of the
While accepting the church keys
from Langman. Prouty said how pro-
ud he was of each person who had
voluntarily worked on the project,
and of the unity which had -been a con-
stant factor throughout.
MacKnight based his dedication
message on the scripture text from
Matthew '16:13 where Pater
acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of
God. and Jesus promises to build His
church on the rock of that confession.
MacKnight said neither the
Pentecostals or any other denomina-
tion were building churches. "it is
Jesus who is building His church".
MacKnight defined "the church" as
"a collection of sinners saved by
God". He said if "transformed people
go out from this beautiful building in-
to the community with Peter's convic-
tion, and if they declare who He is,
Jesus will continue to build His
Cantelon led the congregation in the
responsive prayer of dedication.
Insurance talk
not reassuring
Talk about 300 percent increases in
municipal liability insurance has
members of Exeter council
However. perhaps of more concern
is the fact that municipalities may not
even be able to buy liability insurance
at any price in the near future.
Both those prospects were briefly
outlined at Monday's session:
Reeve Bill Mickle said it was a
"very concerning situation" for the
1986 budget. noting that the town's in-
surance costs could jump from the
current $32,000 to $75,000. He said that
would result in a considerable tax
Deputy -Reeve Lossy Fuller who
had recently attended a meeting with
a county committee and their in-
surance representatives, said they
had been advised that the biggest con-
cern is the fact no company may be
able to provide protection for
municipalities in view of the
.escalating awards being made by the
"We have to be concerned," she
Council's current insurance
premium comes due next summer.
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