HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-13, Page 24a • e 12A Times -Advocate, November 13 1985 BAZAAR AT MOUNT CARMEL — The CWL of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church held a successful bazaar, Tuesday. From the left are vice-president Mary Dietrich, secretary Mary Hogan and president Dianne T -A • hoto J UCW BAZAAR Lois Armstrong, BAKING — Shown with baking at Saturday's Jean Mills and Alice Parsons. Riverview Institute INVESTMENTS 33 WHY ST.. OODEPICH1-B00-263.5503 COUNTY APPOINTMENTS HURON COUNTY COUNCILLORS Appointments aro road* each year by the County of Huron for three non- n»mbers of Council to The Huron Coun- ty Public Library Board. Anyone Interested In being eppoln- tod to the Library Board for 11111• should apply In writing outlining In dotal, his or her interest in being appointed. (Please Incudo telephone number.) An present non-members of Council aro eligible for reappointment. Applications will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday. December 3. 1993 ate:lS p,m. B.O. Manly Clerk Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron Court House Oodarich, Ontario NY A 1 M2 Exeter UCW bazaar are Hazel Westcott, T -A photo entertains at Craigholme By ALICE DICKENS Twenty-three members of River- view Women's Institute gathered at Craigholme Nursing Home last Tues- day afternoon to entertain the residents in the auditorium. President Mrs. Lorna Priestley, welcomed everyone. With Mrs. (Elliott) Jean McKichan presiding as convener of resolutions, Mrs. Marie Campbell enlarged on the motto, 'most good things come in small packages' ending with a suitable poem "Little Things", follow- ed by the scripture reading taken by Mrs. Esther Craven. Sharing this musical talents of many, many favourite old-tyme tunes, Olive and Walter Douglas and Elgin Charlton and his sister, Eleanor, all of the Ilderton area, delighted the large audience. While the musicians took a recess, Mrs, George (Bea) Lee gave a reading "When hens were hens "and the convener told a short story, "A slice of life". For an encore, the orchestra clos- ed their music program with a few sacred songs. Expressing a sincere thank you to them, Esther and Bea presented each couple with a plate of goodies. The lunch convener, Mrs. Jack Rosser, and committee, served tea along with cookies and squares pro- vided by the members. Following this. the residents. Inde K2204 2850 C.H.U. Standability that lets you harvest a bigger corn crop This Canadian -developed hybrid has set a new standard for standability. Extremely stiff stalks combined with outstanding yield make K2204 a truly exceptional hybrid in 2850 heat unit areas. 1984 PERFORMANCE DATA °'o Yield Broken % BuiAcre S/ stalks Moisture @ 15.5°43 Acre' Pride K2204 2.7 25 0 138.3 443 94 Pioneer 3906 2 6 26.9 137.3 436.61 Average of all varieties 6 7 25 9 125 5 401 60 • S Ac ,r h.lS4' I ,,, S.1 ,4 t1„ Aire ,],v ^q , ncic 4,11 Profit from our Inae New Num Oers ROSS BALLANTYNE, 319-229-6503 HAROLD & DON KERSLAKE, 519-229-6403 DOUGLAS LIGHTFOOT, 519-234-6287 DON MAGUIRE, 519-227-4723 f returned to their rooms, and the members assembled in the Board Room for the business meeting. A full report of the Area Convention (held on October 30 and 31 at the Nor - don Restaurant) was ably reported by the delegates, Mrs. Evelyn McNaughton and the president. Sunshine convener, Mrs. Mary Rees, sent out four cards in the last month. Items of correspondence was dealt with. Seniors meet The Happy Gang seniors met in the Legion hall on October 30 for their "end-oT-the-month pot luck dinner. Following this, progressive euchre was played with prizes going to Janet Rose, Charlotte Barker, Myrtle Ross, Martha Rees, Belle Stevenson and Myrtle Dixon. On November 13 the seniors will entertain the Ilderton seniors. Personals Belated birthday greetings to Alzono (Lon) Phillips was 102 years "young" on November 9. Recent visitors with Mrs. Olive Cur- rie were Russell and Margaret Oliver of Mount Brydges and Sylvan Paul of Fairview, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Harrison and Dean of London visited last Sunday with Bill Hodgins of Craigholme. Remembrance theme. at Thames Road UCW By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE The November meeting of the United Church Women was held on Monday evening with 27 ladies in at- tendance. The stewardship and finance committee were in charge. The call to worship, a poem on stewardship, was read by Mrs. Barry Jeffery. The scripture lesson and the meditation was given by Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Mrs. Gordon McCarter led in prayer. A skit followed on steward- ship with Mrs. Barry Jeffery, Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs. Gordon McCarter and Mrs. Bill Rohde taking part. The offering was received by Mrs. McCarter and Mrs. Rohde. Mrs. Rohde read "Why Wear a Poppy?" Mrs. Jeffery closed the worship with prayer. Staffa girl at workshop By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Sharon Fell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell, was chosen to repre- sent the Perth Councy Junior Farmers at a social recreation workshop, held for a weekend at the Scanlon Creek Conservation Authori- ty near Bradford. October 29 the Perth County 4-H and the Junior Farmers public speak- ing competition was held at Central Perth School, Wartburg. Sharon Fell placed first in the Junior Farmers section and was presented with her award by Mary Jane Eidt, President of Perth County Junior Farmers. Joan Kerslake, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Kerslake, also com- peted in the Junior section of the 4H class. The topics the girls had to speak on were, "Building a better me through Junior Farmers" and "Building a better me through 4H." Personals Pat and Joanne Donovan, Milton visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman. Other visitors on Saturday were, Ruth Templeman, Stratford, Geri, Jennifer, Jessica and JJ Neilson, St. Catharines, Fay, Wan- da, Michelle, Julie and Becky Mar- tyn, Russeldale, Dori and Darlene Ellision, Goderich, Karen and Lind- say Templeman, Mitchell, Nancy, Kim and Danny Bertens, Fullarton t°and Mary Jane and Cassandra Par- sons, Staffa. The Fullarton, Staffa and Carlin - ford 4H clubs held a very successful bake sale and tea at the township hall at Staffa on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman, at- tended the baptism of their grandson, James Justin Neilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neilson St. Catharines, Sun- day in the Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford with the Rev. Doctor David Thompson officiating. Mrs. Hazel Harburn presided for the Resolutions meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute held in the township hall October 30. Mrs. Har- burn introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Janice Scott, Cromarty, who is an administrator for V.O.N. work- ing out of Listowel. Mrs. Scott showed an interesting video film and gave a most infor- mative talk. Eight members answered the roll call by naming something that they would like to see changed in the community. Mrs. Kay Smale, president presid- ed for thebusiness when an invitation to attend a euchre party at Carl- ingford on November 11, was ac- cepted. Lunch which was prepared by Mrs. Margaret Daynard and Mrs. Doreen Chappel was served by Mrs. Ella Vivian and Mrs. Marjorie Drake at the close. Many from this community attend- ed the Oldtimers League Dance and trophy presentation at the Mitchell Community Centre, Saturday evening. SELL CCAT SHIRTS — Displaying some of the Centralia College t - shirts on sale at Open House Wednesday are Deanna Ross and Susan McNeill. T -A photo Kirkton By The Kirkton Wooham Community Association sponsored a Hallowe'en Party October 31 at the Kirkton- Woodham Community ('entre. President Ken Blackler opened the program along, with pianist Mrs Aileen Burgin. The judges were Mrs. Roberta Vardy and William Osborne F'ollowing are the results: Best Hallowe'en costume Keith Stephen. David Switzer; Best representation costume Bob Switzer; Best dressed couple Jenny and Leanne Burgin, .left ()cotter, Dave Mc('urdy,,lan Wilkin- son. Rosemary Martin. Oldest person in costume Keith Stephen: Youngest person in costume Matthew Denham Juveniles: Grades 6. 7. 8: Rest Hallowe'en costume Denise Ferguson, Brian Switzer: best com- ic costume Tracy Shute. Susie Selves. Rachel Mahaffy. best representation costume Rudy !liners, Jason Swan. best patriotic costume Karen Foster. Susan Grubb, Tracy Bullock, Karen McCurdy. Gerry Edwards, Nickv MRS HAROLD DAVIS Szabo; Pre-school and Kindergarten; best Flallowe'en costume Doug Chap- pell, best comic costume Jeremy Krziyzek, April Barth, Dana fiam- hrough, best representation costume Tyler Dishman, Johnathon, Derrick Nicole 7,waan, Greg Young, Kristy Dishman. Best patriotic costume An- drew Dishman. Tanya Lang. Best dresses couple Jason and Matthew Denham. Grades 1, 2. Best Hallowe'en° costume Pauline Brandt, Alea Blackler, !lolly Zwaan, Judy Chap- pell. Best comic costume Kelli Reiger, Gerard Henry. Best represen- tation costume Matthew Stephens. Justin Krziyzek; best patriotic costume Reggie Young. Grade 3, 4, 5, Best Hallowe'en costume Christian Brandt. Catrina Brandt. Best comic costume Stephen Denham, Bryan Bamhrough, .Jeremy Swan. Best representation costume Mark Foster. Michelle Stephens, Daniel Wettlauffer. hest dressed cou- ple Jessie Blackler, Shen Reiger. 1 2'he president Mrs. Lee Webber .opened the business part of the meeting with a poem. Roll call was answered with "What the younger generation has taught me". Letters were read from Alma College, Sur- vival Through Friendship House, several cards of thanks also. Mrs. Reg Hodgert gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to give donations to Alma College, Camp Menesetung, Medical Electives and to the Resource Centre for a copying machine, also to Town and Country Homemakers. Mrs. Glen Stewart gave a manse report. She also stated that the manse committee and other ladies were catering to the Mason's banquet of Granton at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Bill Rohde told about the evening that our UCW ladies en- joyed at Elimville recently. Mrs. Webber also told the ladies about Ann Marie Allen who is a minister at Owen Sound. She is an assistant. Several ladies met her at her uncle and aunt's wedding an- niversary, Mr. and Mrs. ArcAie Etherington. It was decided to have a Secret Pal for 1986. Mrs. Lorne Passmore brought in the slate of officers for 1986. Mrs. Webber closed with prayer. Group W. served lunch. Church Service The worship theme for the church service on Sunday morning was Peace In Our Lands Rev. Robert Matheson read a series of scripture from a number of books of the Bible. He told the children a story entitled "Baby's First Steps". The choir sang "I thank you God" accompanied by the organist, Miss Agnes Btay. The sermon was entitl- Personals - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, Ryan, and Darren of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Stewart were Saturday evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunlop of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pot- ter and family of Thunder Bay. Danny and Tammy Rohde spent the weekend with thei- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde. Mrs. Dorothy Heard of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett attend- ed the funeral of their uncle the late Henry Wilfang at the Lutheran Church in Neustadt on Sunday after- noon. Sympathy is extended to the relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kosi of Strathroy visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart. Happy belated birthday greetings to George Poortinga and Jeff Rowe who were 14 on October 31. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde were Tuesday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rodhe, Danny and Tammy, the occa- sion being Danny's 14th birthday. We may be willing to tell a story twice but we are never willing to hear it more than once. % U,.m 114011 Appreciation is like an insurance policy. It has to be renewed every now and then. Dave M, Int,rr Scientist to lab technician: "At last! A chemical with a name short enough to fit on our food label!" 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New" , SATELLITE & ANTENNAS AO•MAIN STREET, THEDFORD, ONTARIO 296-5565 or 786-4848 TV RECEPTION AT IT'S BEST! * Established dealer * 3 service vehicles, radio dispatched for fast reliable service * Quality equipment built to last * Commercial and residential installations * Ask about our leasing program for satellite systems Located at Main St. E., Thedford VISA Mtn. • Fri. 9.6 /1� Saturdays 10-5 name �l )Vsie • Open nights by SATELLITE RECEPTION EQUIPMENT SPECIAtISTS Appointment