HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-13, Page 23FAMILY ATOPEN HOUSE - At Wednesday's Open House at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology principal Doug Jamieson chats with student Bob Thirlwall and his parents Bill and Sylvia. Christian Farmers back movement for moratorium The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario has made.it unanimous. The Federation's Executive Board has joined the call to have the moratorium on farm foreclosures ex- panded to all lenders. gideK2204 . 2850 C.H.L. Standability that lets you harvest a bigger corn crop • This Canadian -developed hybrid has set a new standard for standability. Extremely stiff stalks combined with outstanding yield make K2204 a truly exceptional hybrid in 2850 heat unit areas. 1984 PERFORMANCE DATA °;o Yield Broken % Bu'Acre Si stalks Moisture @ 15.5°%o Acre' Pride K2204 2.7 25 0 138.3 443.94 Pioneer 3906 2.6 26.9 137.3 436.61 Average of all varieties 6 7 25.9 125.5 401.60 Data collected from Pb,de lest plot program and 0 C C r;et'oonanct• rums • S Acre based on S3 50 Du age' d'v"q Lasts . glail Profit from our Inue New Number's JAMES COOPER, 519-262-3033 In September, John Wise, federal minister of agriculture, put a moratorium on foreclosures by the Farm Credit Corporation. When the Liaison Committee -of all of Ontario's general farm organizations voted to demand the extension of that moratorium to all lenders, the CF FO abstained since the Federation had not completed their .discussion of the issue. The Federation's Executive at a special meeting in Toronto before a meeting with Jack Riddell, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture & Food, decid- ed to support a moratorium on all lenders, until such time as debt review legislation. is provided. Tom Oegema, CFFO President, told Jack Riddell that debt review legislation is needed to defuse a grow- ing militancy across Ontario and to avoid afarmer-imposed moratorium. "We can not support a farmer - imposed moratorium," Oegema told Riddell. "We will not participate in farm gate defenses that have the potential for violence and civil disobedience." "We want your support for a moratorium now so that a farmer - imposed one can by avoided,'• Oegema concluded. The Federation's Executive also met with Ross Stevenson, Agriculture Critic, for the Conservatives and David Ramsay, Agriculture Critic for the New Democrats, and asked them to support a moratorium. The Federation will now also par- ticipate in the rally planned by the Liaison Committee, provided that the event is peaceful and orderly. It will be held on November 9 at 10:30 a.m. in St. Thomas, the riding of John Wise, the federal agriculture minister. The Federation has agreed to discussions with Ministry staff to ex- plore how CFF O's proposals for a debt set-aside might be turned into a legal framework for debt review. 14"14. rtiVY115110 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 111114 .41111°°. ommi o SOYA BEAN and CORN produc.rs when your crop is ready -we're ready! Contact our nearesX.location 666, HENSALL CENTRALIA 262-2410 228-6661 gola e6,00, KIRKTON WALTON 229-8986 • 527-1540 Make COOK'S your marketing centre for all your crops! Remember! You can BANK on COOK'S --"Where you can trade with confidence COOK'S DIVISION OF OERBRO INC. You can benefit from a FALL FERTILIZATION program Comer in and discuss the advantages We are a w7 Certified Crop Care Centre Times -Advocate, November 13, 1985 z Is everyone out there too teed off at Canada Post to write a letter? Or has everyone got a broken arm? Perhaps, it's me. Maybe my writing is too turgid to prompt a reply. Over the years, this ,column has averaged about two letters a week from the readers of the 18 or 20 newspapers in which the column ap- pears. That's' the average. Perhaps this week, 1 would get five or six and no more for three weeks. Suddenly, though, the letter -writers have taken a holiday. I haven't received one for six -- count 'em six -- weeks. It is amazing to me, a columnist for 20 years, a reporter for about 35 years that more people do not write. Some time ago, Canada was asked to take refugees from Uganda. It was when that nut, Idi Amin, was kicking all East Indians out of Uganda. Mitchell Sharp was Canada's minister of ex- ternal affairs. He stood in the House of Commons and said he had letters which favored Canada opening its doors to Ugandan refugees and those letters "clearly in- dicated by 80 percent" that Canadians favored the plan. An unbelieving reporter asked Mitch how many letters he had received. He said 12 and nine of them were in favor. I cannot vouch for the truthfulness of the story but it does indicate that a letter to the editor -- or columnist -- can make a difference. For instance, an editorial in the North Bay Nugget last year chastiz- ed the Ontario Milk Marketing Board for ripping off consumers. The editorial sparked one local dairy farmer to write a letter. He challeng- ed the paper to do an in-depth story on the OMMB which would give everyone a clearer picture. The paper's editors accepted the challenge. A whole page of stories -- some flattering, some not -- about milk and the OMMB and producers and farming gave a balanced view on dairying in Canada. These examples illustrate that writing a letter can make a dif- ference. Those who think they cannot write well enough or that one letter will not make a difference are wrong. Every letter counts. Members of both federal and provincial parliaments PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES It SERVICE •VACUIIM CLEANERS fSsles t Serv,ce to Most Makes) •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IFar Fano It M,sineul •WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES •WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT £ FLY KILLING UNITS 'For Indoor t OStdoor l)sel •GIFTS t MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 Puy 11;, in the birobt i.ptun • are itsDrKY••d 4F !•o Trona. los, Iw twa*a O N.$ >!C Lodi will take more cognizance of a letter than a phone call or a chance conver- sation on the street. I notice, too, the Ontario Pork Pro- ducers Marketing Board has set up a schedule, a four -point plan, to ex- pedite stabilizatiion payments, the long-awaited federal plan for farm help. In that four -point program, farmers are going to have to write letters. Tom Smith, chairman of the pork board, wants co-operation. I hope he has more success than most newspapers. I know some editors who would give their old Underwood for a good, mea- ty, controversial letter to the editor. The four -point plan includes letters to Mulroney, Premier Peterson and leaders of federal and provincial op- position parties. Individual farmers are supposed to write letters to local legislators. The final stage includes letters to rural and urban newspapers. I wish you rots of ruck, Tom. Farmers just will not take time to write letters even when they are told that one or two letters can have a pro- found effect on the decisions made by politicians at all levels. When the minister of external af- fairs can be influenced by 12 letters, influenced to the point where he men- tions them in the House, then letter writing cannot be considered a waste of time. But don't hold your breath, Tom, waiting for "individual" farmers to write letters. Don't hold your breath because we need good men like you in our farm organizations. Hesston 4WD Tractors mean more work on less fuel! From 51 10 162 PTO hp, Hesston's 4 -wheel drive 90 Series Tractors mean more work on Tess fuel and horsepower! The mechanical Balanced Power 4 -wheel drive can be used full-time in the field, giving increased traction and increased drawbar pull. Center -line design provides short turning radius, full axle oscillation to both sides and excellent ground clearance. Hesston "DT" 4 -wheel drive...niore work with Tess fuel. See your Hesston dealer now' See us for Super Discounts in November FARM SUPPLY LIMITED Sales and Service - Repair Phone 236-4934 236-4321 Box 39, 22 Main St. E. Zurich Ont. i, THE PRIME LINE Agents For On to rio Bean Producers Marketing Board We Are Capable 0/..11.I \IOL/.\(, }'01 'R Fast Efficient Service * Soyas * Corn 3 Pits - Modern 1:'e( win' \I }01 R R1 S'1,VFS.S LS GR.•111:111.1.1 PPR I:(1. 111:1). UT I17L/. STRII'1: 11) 1 /.1.11.1 /11.1: Y01.1? RL T(.RN .IS if1'11.1i'F1.\'THE P.•I.S'T. (519) 232-4119 (519) 232-1447 24 HOURS SERVICE The Great Canadian! Bean Company Inc. R R 1, Aliso Craig Ontario, Canada NOM IAO 1