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'youth,t m rrow's leaders is theme at CCAT Open Nouse
Toga s 0 0l►
achievers, maintained the high stan-
dard which has evolved since the Col-
lege first opened in 1967.
Principal Doug Jamieson said the
college's present enrolment is 286
students registered in agricultural
business management, food services
management or animal health
technology, down from the record
high of 346 in 1982. He attributes the
drop to "three to four years of bad
news in agriculture resulting in a lot
of young people looking elsewhere for
a career", and to the requirement
adopted two years ago for grade 12
english and math.
Elaborating on the first, Jamieson
said agriculture is a stable industry p
and new possibilities open up as
farmers retire or leave the in Justry.
He noted that the last survey of ABM
graduates showed 60 to 70 percent
returned immediately to farming.
Five years later the figure was 80 per-
cent, and 10 years after graduation
almost 90 percent were farming part
of full time.
Turning to the upgrading of stan-
dards, Jamieson said more than 40
percent of those who had failed at
CCAT were missing English or math,
compared with a failure rate below 10
percent for students who had taken
the grade 12 subjects.
"Seventeen of this year's applicants
did not meet that requirement",
Jamieson explained.
A career possibilities information
handbook with comprehensive write-
ups on the five provincial agricultural
colleges and the University of Guelph
will be launched at a luncheon at the
Rayal Winter Fair on November 15.
All directors of education, represen-
tatives of teachers' associations and
farm organizations will make up the
230 -person guest list. Agriculture
Minister Jack Riddell will be the
guest speaker.
CCAT has also stepped up its
recruitment campaign, and college
representatives are speaking to a
steadily increasing audience at high
schools across Ontario.
"Today's youth...tomorrow's
leaders" was the apt and unifying
theme chosen as the focus of the 1985
Open House by the student body of
Centralia College of Agricultural
Technology. Almost 800 ' • rents.
t'i %t•f:r k r�
COMPUTER DEMONSTRATION — Terry Noyes, RR 2 Lucan, was one
of many CCAT students manning displays during Open House at the
friends, prospective students and
other interested persons toured the
uniformly excellent exhibits set up in
each of the main buildings on the
campus duripg the afternoon and
evening of November 6.
Two special features in the
eneineering building this year were
Millicent the Magnificent, a talking
Holstein on loan from Guelph Univer-
sity, and a bridge -building contest
eventually won by a trio of second -
year female students from the animal
health technology course. The girls'
popsicle stick structure withstood
pressure of more than 400 pounds per
square inch. The other entries, in-
cluding one from the engineering
department, collapsed around the 100
psi mark.
The food and textile exhibits in Mid-
dlesex Hall, the fresh and embalmed
specimens and interesting
demonstrations of everything from
blood typing to Caesarean section in
Animal Helath, the crop competitions
in the Agronomy building, and the
varied displays in Huron Hall, capped
by a tribute to five of CCAT's oun
CCAT JUNIOR ACHIEVERS — A feature of Wednesday's Open House at Centralia College was the presen-
tation of Junior Achiever awards to students who have excelled in activities in their hc.me community.
Shown from 'the left are CCAT staff member Phyllis Klumpers, Junior Achievers Katie Kerslake, Vivian
Ledell and Barry MacNaughton and Hel • a Strenzke of the CCAT staff. _ T -A photo
More than 5,000 tarmers and farm
wives attended the variety of courses
offered last year in on and off -campus
locations through the college's conti-
nuing education program sponsored
jointly by CCAT and OMAF.
The college has acquired its own
150 -acre research farm since the 1984
Open House, and has consolidated all
research plots in one location, bring-
ing onto the enlarged campus the
University of Guelph corn variety
trials formerly grown at Brucefield•
as well as research plots that had
been located on a private farm on The five were Katie Kerslake,
Highway 4 and on Ontario Develop- Queen of the Mitchell Fair; Middlesex .
ment Corporation land. CCAT has Queen of the Furrow Vivian Ledell;
also taken over responsibility for the Bruce Dairy Princess Kathy Wep-
corn hybrid trials at Denfield former- pier; Barry MacNaughton of Mid-
ly managed by Ridgetown College. dlesex, one of 500 Ontario youth
Jamieson said CCAT will be tender- honoured for leadership by the pro-
ing soon for a small commercial vincial government and Doreen Van
planter, and will join with a number Antoci'.
of other colleges to purchase a CCAT students are currently in -
specially made combine for the volved in selling a Food For Thought
research plots. board game as a fund raising project.
The possibility and feasibility of ad- The questions are based on
ding more diploma courses to service agriculture, food and nutrition on a
the agricultual food system are bing national and international level.
studied, Jamieson noted.
Summing up CCAT's past, present
and future, Jamieson said "Our col-
lege is gaining more and more
recognition. Our graduates are mak-
ing an excellent name for themselves,
and are a credit to Centralia College."
A highlight of the afternoon's pro-
gram was the awarding of Junior
Achiever certificates to five top Cen-
tralia College students' who have
made worthwhile contributions in
their home community.
Sett tog South Mui on. North M.ddk.r.
November 13, 1985
6 North I.mhton %roar 1.71
ADMIRATION — Susan Haskett, instructor in interior design and stu=
dent Jackie Mouland admire a wreath, one of the entrants in a com-
petition held in conjunction with Open House at CCAT.
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students Paul Carruthers and
Nancy Robb listen to Millicent the
Magnificent tell how wonderful
she is. The artificial cow was one
of many excellent displays at
CCAT's Open House.
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BRIDGE DESIGNERS — Michelle Barker (left), Paula Plontery and Lynda Ekker, seniors in the animal
health technology course, won the competition to design the strongest bridge. The contest was part
of the activities during Open House at CCAT.
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