HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-06, Page 39By Jack Riddell MPP The Legislature is back in session and already the Liberal Government has made several announcements providing action and direction on a number of important issues. On October 24, at 4 p.m., Ontario Treasurer Robert Nixon presented the first Liberal budget in 42 years. Mr. Nixon's budget will create jobs, increase the supply of affordable ren- tal housing, provide assistance to farmers and promote regional economic development. As well as 09ach d 9oitini Liberal budget providing sound financial planning for the future, the 1985 Ontario budget will fulfill the social and economic commitments outlined by Premier Peterson, within a framework of fiscal responsibility. In a future edition of this report, I will discuss the 1985 Ontario Budget in greater detail. Fulfilling a promise made over two years ago, the Minister of Skills Development, Greg Sorbara, has an- nounced the "Futures" Program for hard -to -employ young people. This one -hundred thirty-three million dollar program will provide jobs for 56,000 young people. It will be made available through 90 community col- lege campuses starting in November. Mr. Sorbara said that with the Futures Program, young people who undertake educational upgrading to grade 12, will be guaranteed work for one year. While in opposition, the Liberal Party pushed for increased funding for our education system, which was being systematically underfunded by the previous administrationThe new Liberal Government has taken action by announcing the University Ex- cellence Fund. In his capacity as the Minister for Colleges and Universities, Greg Sor- bara stated that fifty million dollars will be provided to universities to help improve research capabilities, upgrade libraries and aid in faculty renewal. A special five year, one -hundred million dollar Northern, development fund was announced by the Minister of Northern Affairs and Mines Rene Fontaine. Part of this new money will go to renew the Northern Develop- ment Program (NOR -DEV) . As well, Mr? Fontaine will chair a special com- mittee of ministers to recommend the best use of these funds. "By bringing my colleagues to the North," said Mr. Fontaine, "they will gain a better understanding of these regions and it wil give Northerners an opportunity to make their views known at the highest level of government." And in the next few weeks, Mr. Fon- taine will be sworn in when the ministry changes its name to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. By the end of November, Health Minister Murray Elston will be in- troducing a program that will provide subsidies to northern residents who have to travel over 300 kilometres for necessary medical care. Mr. Elston said the government will also develop a recruitment -program to encourage more medical specialists to locate in the North over the next several years. In order to gather more information to move ahead quickly with the pro- gram, Mr. Elston said his ministry will begin a series of consultations with hospital adtninistrators, medical staff and local medical societies in five Northern centres - Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay and Timmins. Living up to the Liberal Govern- ment's commitment to ensure equali- ty for women, the Minister Responsi- ble for Women's Rights Ian Scott has made available one million dollars to the Women's Legal Educaton and Ac- tion Fund (LEAF). The fund will be used to support court cases brought by Ontario women based on the women's rights guarantees in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. Makr Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal Bryon Tuckey in respect of Zoning By-law 13 of 1984, os amended by 24 and 25 of 1984, of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 5th dray of December, 1985 at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in the forenoon at the Board Room, Ausable-Boyfield- Ueborne Administrative Building, Morrison Dam Site, Township of Usborne. for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or oppos- ing this appeal. If you do not attend and are not represented at this -hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be en- titled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing o copy of the decision may request o copy from the presiding Board Member or, in writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of October, 1985 Explanatory Note: The explanation and purpose of this By-law is to regulate the use of lands and the character, location and use of buildings and structures and to prohibit certain buildings and structures in various defined areas of the Township of Usborne. The zon- ing by -low implements the Usborne Township Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. Several objections were received: 1. to amend Section 2.141 (definition of Sewage Disposal Facilities) to include septic tank and tile bed disposal area; and to amend Section 3.12 (Parking and Loading Spaces) by adding o new section 3.12.3 to read "no parking lot area shall be located on a septic tank and tile bed disposal area" Resolved by By-law 25-1984. 2. to have rear portion of Frayne Chev. Olds lands (Pt. Lot 15, Conc. 1) from HC1 - Highway Commercial to VM1 - Village Industrial - Objection withdrawn. 3. for relief from the separation distance requirements of the zoning by -low as they apply to Part Lots 26 and 27 of Conc. 3 - Objection outstanding. r To: The Editor: The purpose of this letter is to in- form area residents the purpose of the Stratford and District Ostomy Association Chapter of the United Ostomy Association. We are seeking to reach people who are anticipating or have had any type of ostomy surgery, which includes 11- eostomys, colostomys, urostomys (il- eal conduit). We are a group of peo- ple who meet the first Wednesday of each month (excluding July and August) ), at 7:30 p.m. in the Special Services Building behind the Strat- ford General Hospital to discuss any problems, and promote better methods of ostomy care and manage- ment. We exchange ideas and aid the rehabilitation of ostomates. . We encourage people to ask their doctors about the existence .and. assistance of our club or to contact the numbers listed below, and we will be happy and more than glad to call or visit you. Also, we have written infor- .mation . regarding this type of surgery. After all, who would be bet- ter qualified to help you over any 'humps', than another ostomate? Our programs include people who are representatives of our surgical supply houses who give expert advice on the care and management of an ostomy. Also, doctors who are specialists in these fields are often guest speakers. We wish to emphasize that our members include businessmen and women, both 'working and retired, whose social and business.life is not altered because 'of an ostomy. We urge you to ask your doctor about our Association, or contact Ray r Rynor anytime at 393-5316 or myself, evenings at 273-0797. We will be hap- py to help you or put you in touch with another member. Paul Emeny; - President, Stratford & District Ostomy Association isms PEOPLE Clothing and Accessories WE KATER TO Kil5 Infants to 14 I.I71-11.._. /1..R h Come & Save at Moonlight Madness For effective, responsible and experienced representation Re-elect Gaylan Josephson for councillor in Exeter Committed - To controlling expenditures and tax increases - To providing recreational and cultural activities for all age groups - To attracting industry and small businesses to Exeter - To keeping Exeter a good place in which to work and live VOTE GAYLAN JOSEPHSON Re -Elect on November 12, 1985 Tom Humphreys - 5 years on council - served on Public Works Committee - Industrial Promotion Committee - Cemetery Board Committee - Drains Committee - Recreation Committee Exeter Kinsmen Club - 11 years of Erxecutive Work - Past Zone Officer (Cystic Fibrosis Chairman) - Last 7 years perfect attendance at all Kin functions - Kin Bridges Chairman - Kin Auto Show Chairman - Life Membership Award Winner Trivitt Memorial An_glican Church - Board of Management - Administration Committee - Building Committee - Peoples Warden (Past) 5 year term Dependability 23 years with the same company (Northern Telecom) - Family man - wife: Phyllis, children: Tom, Terry and Tracy LET ME CONTINUE TO WORK FOR YOU VOTE TOM HUMPHREYS 'X Times -Advocate, November 6, 1985 Page 23A MT. CARMEL,COUNCIL — The 1985-86 council at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Separate School was named recently. Back, left, secretory Kim Van Dongen and treasurer Shelley Uniac. Front, president David O'Connor and vice-president Jamie Wulterkens. T -A photo ts MORTGAGE RATES 1 O% No application or Appraisal Fee No Survey for most mortgages Life Insured Free If You Qualify Clinton Community' CREDIT UNION iExeter 235-0640 Clinton 482-3466 * Subject to change trong will buy your floor... • when you buy a new one. Armstrong will pay you $3 a square yard for your tired old floor when you buy a brand new Armstrong no -wax floor. You don't need to bring your old floor to our store, just bring us the measurements, and you'll get $3 a square yard trade-in allowance on an Armstrong Solarian" Supreme, Designer, Solarian Designer, Solarian II, Regal Candido, Crowne ('orlon or Glaze Craft Floor. Stop in soon for all the details. This trade-in allowance is available only on purchases between Nov. 4 and November 23. PLUS ARMSTRONG FLOORING ON SALE REGAL CANDIDE* The floor wrth'lad Co'o' that can be installed over most floors CANDIDE* Tough enlad v,nyl ooIstrucnon el CROWNS COLONY* Qes'aner oua'ny Solana'', at an ano•dable puce •sews In I labour nM In(JUOsd Some patterns Mom as low as (gym coax and sates) Now on Sale Now on Sate 9x12 room as low as 9x12 room as low as 9x12 room as low as 17900 '" 19900 23900 '" •••*a $3AO tip Yd a•^ •^g Mbar is ds&cWd mstrong "We guaranteed your installation" "We specialize in kitchen subfloors" "Come in and see our new showroom for kitchen floors MtnneT 457 Main St., EXETER 235-0173 4 l 'it02, t�`• . TAKE A CLOSER LOOK ,T1 . AT YOUR BOARD OF �� �=y EDUCATION .1} ;t t •Impo►rtant decisions about education Are made by your elected school board. •'They spend a lot of money. and their decisions can help or hurt children. •The most important decision — who will be on.that school board — is made by every eligible voter. •In the past. almost three-quarters of these voters decided they didn't care. 'I hey did not vote. *This is your time of decision. The school board you elect now will be entrusted with the education system in your community for the next two years. You can't afford not to care. VOTE ON NOVEMBER 12 Sponsored by Huron Branch of Huron Public Ontario Secondary Huron Women Teachers' School Teachers' School Teachers' Association Federation Federation • Party pushed for increased funding for our education system, which was being systematically underfunded by the previous administrationThe new Liberal Government has taken action by announcing the University Ex- cellence Fund. In his capacity as the Minister for Colleges and Universities, Greg Sor- bara stated that fifty million dollars will be provided to universities to help improve research capabilities, upgrade libraries and aid in faculty renewal. A special five year, one -hundred million dollar Northern, development fund was announced by the Minister of Northern Affairs and Mines Rene Fontaine. Part of this new money will go to renew the Northern Develop- ment Program (NOR -DEV) . As well, Mr? Fontaine will chair a special com- mittee of ministers to recommend the best use of these funds. "By bringing my colleagues to the North," said Mr. Fontaine, "they will gain a better understanding of these regions and it wil give Northerners an opportunity to make their views known at the highest level of government." And in the next few weeks, Mr. Fon- taine will be sworn in when the ministry changes its name to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. By the end of November, Health Minister Murray Elston will be in- troducing a program that will provide subsidies to northern residents who have to travel over 300 kilometres for necessary medical care. Mr. Elston said the government will also develop a recruitment -program to encourage more medical specialists to locate in the North over the next several years. In order to gather more information to move ahead quickly with the pro- gram, Mr. Elston said his ministry will begin a series of consultations with hospital adtninistrators, medical staff and local medical societies in five Northern centres - Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay and Timmins. Living up to the Liberal Govern- ment's commitment to ensure equali- ty for women, the Minister Responsi- ble for Women's Rights Ian Scott has made available one million dollars to the Women's Legal Educaton and Ac- tion Fund (LEAF). The fund will be used to support court cases brought by Ontario women based on the women's rights guarantees in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. Makr Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER of an appeal Bryon Tuckey in respect of Zoning By-law 13 of 1984, os amended by 24 and 25 of 1984, of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 5th dray of December, 1985 at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in the forenoon at the Board Room, Ausable-Boyfield- Ueborne Administrative Building, Morrison Dam Site, Township of Usborne. for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or oppos- ing this appeal. If you do not attend and are not represented at this -hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be en- titled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing o copy of the decision may request o copy from the presiding Board Member or, in writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of October, 1985 Explanatory Note: The explanation and purpose of this By-law is to regulate the use of lands and the character, location and use of buildings and structures and to prohibit certain buildings and structures in various defined areas of the Township of Usborne. The zon- ing by -low implements the Usborne Township Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. Several objections were received: 1. to amend Section 2.141 (definition of Sewage Disposal Facilities) to include septic tank and tile bed disposal area; and to amend Section 3.12 (Parking and Loading Spaces) by adding o new section 3.12.3 to read "no parking lot area shall be located on a septic tank and tile bed disposal area" Resolved by By-law 25-1984. 2. to have rear portion of Frayne Chev. Olds lands (Pt. Lot 15, Conc. 1) from HC1 - Highway Commercial to VM1 - Village Industrial - Objection withdrawn. 3. for relief from the separation distance requirements of the zoning by -low as they apply to Part Lots 26 and 27 of Conc. 3 - Objection outstanding. r To: The Editor: The purpose of this letter is to in- form area residents the purpose of the Stratford and District Ostomy Association Chapter of the United Ostomy Association. We are seeking to reach people who are anticipating or have had any type of ostomy surgery, which includes 11- eostomys, colostomys, urostomys (il- eal conduit). We are a group of peo- ple who meet the first Wednesday of each month (excluding July and August) ), at 7:30 p.m. in the Special Services Building behind the Strat- ford General Hospital to discuss any problems, and promote better methods of ostomy care and manage- ment. We exchange ideas and aid the rehabilitation of ostomates. . We encourage people to ask their doctors about the existence .and. assistance of our club or to contact the numbers listed below, and we will be happy and more than glad to call or visit you. Also, we have written infor- .mation . regarding this type of surgery. After all, who would be bet- ter qualified to help you over any 'humps', than another ostomate? Our programs include people who are representatives of our surgical supply houses who give expert advice on the care and management of an ostomy. Also, doctors who are specialists in these fields are often guest speakers. We wish to emphasize that our members include businessmen and women, both 'working and retired, whose social and business.life is not altered because 'of an ostomy. We urge you to ask your doctor about our Association, or contact Ray r Rynor anytime at 393-5316 or myself, evenings at 273-0797. We will be hap- py to help you or put you in touch with another member. Paul Emeny; - President, Stratford & District Ostomy Association isms PEOPLE Clothing and Accessories WE KATER TO Kil5 Infants to 14 I.I71-11.._. /1..R h Come & Save at Moonlight Madness For effective, responsible and experienced representation Re-elect Gaylan Josephson for councillor in Exeter Committed - To controlling expenditures and tax increases - To providing recreational and cultural activities for all age groups - To attracting industry and small businesses to Exeter - To keeping Exeter a good place in which to work and live VOTE GAYLAN JOSEPHSON Re -Elect on November 12, 1985 Tom Humphreys - 5 years on council - served on Public Works Committee - Industrial Promotion Committee - Cemetery Board Committee - Drains Committee - Recreation Committee Exeter Kinsmen Club - 11 years of Erxecutive Work - Past Zone Officer (Cystic Fibrosis Chairman) - Last 7 years perfect attendance at all Kin functions - Kin Bridges Chairman - Kin Auto Show Chairman - Life Membership Award Winner Trivitt Memorial An_glican Church - Board of Management - Administration Committee - Building Committee - Peoples Warden (Past) 5 year term Dependability 23 years with the same company (Northern Telecom) - Family man - wife: Phyllis, children: Tom, Terry and Tracy LET ME CONTINUE TO WORK FOR YOU VOTE TOM HUMPHREYS 'X Times -Advocate, November 6, 1985 Page 23A MT. CARMEL,COUNCIL — The 1985-86 council at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Separate School was named recently. Back, left, secretory Kim Van Dongen and treasurer Shelley Uniac. Front, president David O'Connor and vice-president Jamie Wulterkens. T -A photo ts MORTGAGE RATES 1 O% No application or Appraisal Fee No Survey for most mortgages Life Insured Free If You Qualify Clinton Community' CREDIT UNION iExeter 235-0640 Clinton 482-3466 * Subject to change trong will buy your floor... • when you buy a new one. Armstrong will pay you $3 a square yard for your tired old floor when you buy a brand new Armstrong no -wax floor. You don't need to bring your old floor to our store, just bring us the measurements, and you'll get $3 a square yard trade-in allowance on an Armstrong Solarian" Supreme, Designer, Solarian Designer, Solarian II, Regal Candido, Crowne ('orlon or Glaze Craft Floor. Stop in soon for all the details. This trade-in allowance is available only on purchases between Nov. 4 and November 23. PLUS ARMSTRONG FLOORING ON SALE REGAL CANDIDE* The floor wrth'lad Co'o' that can be installed over most floors CANDIDE* Tough enlad v,nyl ooIstrucnon el CROWNS COLONY* Qes'aner oua'ny Solana'', at an ano•dable puce •sews In I labour nM In(JUOsd Some patterns Mom as low as (gym coax and sates) Now on Sale Now on Sate 9x12 room as low as 9x12 room as low as 9x12 room as low as 17900 '" 19900 23900 '" •••*a $3AO tip Yd a•^ •^g Mbar is ds&cWd mstrong "We guaranteed your installation" "We specialize in kitchen subfloors" "Come in and see our new showroom for kitchen floors MtnneT 457 Main St., EXETER 235-0173