HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-11-06, Page 23m.rw-.r - -••r�•�"T��_�--��- __
Ma Bell
book out
A warm sunset on Blueberry Island
off the north shore of Georgian Bay
is featured on the cover of the 1985
telephone directory for London - St.
Thomas and surrounding area.
The picture was taken by
photographer Bud Watson of Midland
and will be on the cover of all Bell
Canada directories in Ontario this
Peter Crogme, local Bell manager,
said 250,000 copies will be delivered
from November 12 to November 22.
There are new portions to the Con-
sumer Services section of the in-
troductory pages:
One deals with equipment and
repair options now that customers
can rent telephone sets from Bell or
purchase them from Bell or another
Diagnostic maintenance charge.
This applies if Bell maks a repair visit
and no trouble is found with Bell
facilities, but the trouble continues
when customer -owned equipment is
reconnected. Single -line customers
are advised how they can check
whether the trouble is in their own
telephones and avoid a possible
Anyone who does not receive a copy
of the new directory should call the
Bell business office after the delivery
- Men trifle with their business
- and their politics, but they
never trifle with their games.
-Bernard Shaw
3 years experience
Your support would be
appreciated at the polls
Usborne 8
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Ina
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as well as Farm
Jack Harridan RR 3 lucon 2274305
Robert Gardner RR 2 Stallo• 3452739
Lloyd Morrison RR I St Marys 2298277
Lorne Feeney RR 2 Dublin 345-2543
Jack Hodgert RR 1 Kirkton 229-6152
Robert Chalfe Rk 5 Mitchell 3488293
Ross Hodgert Woodham 2296643
John Moore Dublin 3452512
Joseph Unto( Mitchell 348-9012
Office manager Mike Caers
Exeter 235-0350
Fire extinguishers for sale to
our policy holders. Re -fills
ore free
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COACH QF THE YEAR — The Grand Bend Mosquito's coach Martin
Vandenberk holds one of his team's trophies as they won both the ,
league and playoff championships. From the left to right is Cullen
Kobe, most valuable player -offense, Dove Maguire, the most improv-
ed player, coach Vandenberk, and Brad Page, the team's most volu-
ble defensive player of the year. The year end banquet was held Sun-
day night in Dashwood.
SOCCER AWARDS — The Grand Bend 8 District Soccer Association
held their year-end banquet Sunday evening.. Squirt coach Susan
Hayter, left, and coach Isabel Perry, Exeter, on the right, congratulate
their most valuable player Simon Desjardine, and most improved
player Eric Clay. Missing was Jamie Chalmers, who received the most
valuable defence award for the squirts.
BEST ATOMSMark Mollard, eft, receive • t e most improve
player award on the GB atoms 11 team. Tom Cotter was the most
valuabre offence player, coach,Bill Cotter hold s the team's 'B' divi-
sion trophy from their Arva tournament, and on the right is Brent
Larmer, the most valuable defence player.
With the churches
Pastor Robert Morrissey was
celebrant to all weekend masses after
a busy Friday and Saturday with
seve I masses on the feasts of All
Saints Day and All Souls Day.
Father' sermon was taken from the
gospel of ark, on "Love of God and
Love of Ne ghpor".
We cannot profess to love God and
yet hate our neighbor. We may ex-
perience periods of doubt and regret
in .our marriages. but must
remember that true love is based on
a commitment to our spouse. Jesus
gave us His love and we return that
love to God by loving others. The best
examples of faith reveal a 'vital love
of God and an active, personal in-
terest in the welfare of our neighbors.
Does ours?
The choir performed a special
hymn at Communion, "Look Ye
Saints, the Sight is Glorious" directed
by Lydia Duchou. Father Morrisey
stressed the special intention, for all
the souls of our departed loved ones
this month. Remember to support the
Diocesan Services Fund, to contribute
your fair share ofthe parish
Congratulationns to Evelyn and Joe
Slater who are celebrating their 40th
Thurs., Nov. 7 only
10:00 - 10:00
�'- dinner and
luncheon mats,
and trivets
Delightful British place mats, coasters and
trivets with quality acrylic coating that's
heat resistant to 212 degrees F. A great
selection of designs.
XJ/ Centre Mall
420 Main Street, Exeter
Rath • Kitchen • Gifts 235-1252
wedding anniversary this weekend.
The family of Mrs. Gladys (Dewey)
Denomme are having open house
from 2 to 4 p.m. on Friday, November
8 on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
It will be at Forest -View Apartments
on Morris St. Gladys was one of the
first people to serve this parish years
ago, so those of you who remember
her please drop in and say "hello"
next Friday afternoon.
Attention all CWL members. They
are invited to the bazaar at Mount
Carmel, November 5 at 7:30 p.m., in
the school gym. They are also invited
to a pot -luck supper plus play.
December 4 in Watford - if you plan
to attend this, please call Thea,
243-2954 before November 10.
Remember the general meeting
with a special speaker on November
18, and the Alhambra Cash Draw
Dance at Thedford on November 15.
That's a lot of activities, so there's no
excuse to sit home and mope; the pro-
blem is to try and find the time!
Church of God
Pastor Barnhart, from jhe Grand
Bend Church of God attended a
special meeting in London on Friday.
Paul Tanner, the executive -secretary
on the Missionary Board, hosted the
meeting for about 15 ministers, and
other church members, who attend-
ed from across the province of
On Sunday morning Mrs. Steckle
led the general hymnsing. Rev. Bar-
nhart spoke about "What would you
say, if someone asked you What is the
Gospel?" Ile elaborated in five points
of grace, man, God, Jesus Christ and
Mrs. Barnhart spoke at the Sunday
evening services, using Hebrews 11
and 12 as her source to profile Joseph
as a illustration of true faith. Alec
Desjardine led the hymns in the even-
ing, and Lori Vincent played the piano
for both services.
Times -Advocate, November 6, 1985
Page 7A
Top soccer players
get awards at banquet
The Grand Bend and District Soc-
cer Association held their annual
potluck banquet at the Dashwood
Community Centre on Sunday.
President Tony Mennen presented
special awards to the league referee
Eddie Mommersteeg, anti John
Kelders for the playing field and be-
ing a generous sponsor.
In the squirt division, coaches
Susan Hayter and Isabel Perry gave
the most valuable player trophy to
Simon Desjardine, the most valuable
defense trophy to Jamie Chalmers,
,and the most improved player award
went to Eric Clay. The GB Atom I
team coach John VanLeuwen and
Pet& Tracz presented trophies to Jeff.
Lingard, MVP, Trent Stellingwerff,
MVP -defense, and Kenneth Desjar-
dine, the most improved player
Sponsors were the O.P.P. Pinery
detachment and the Thedford Credit
Union. GB II winners were Brent
Larmer, MVP -defense, Tom Cotter,
MVP -offense, and Mark Mollard won
the most improved player award,
presented by coach Wm. Cotter.
The GB Mosquitos had an excellent
year, winning both the league and
playoff trophies with excellent
coaching from Martin Vandenberk.
Cullen Kobe received jhe MVP
trophy, Brad Page the MVP -defense,
and Dave Maguire the most improv-
ed player award. Sponsor for the mos-
quitos was Andex Bldg. Products. An
album of photos of this team was cir-
culated for viewing. The team had
numerous pool parties at the
Vandenberk residence.
Brian Baird was presented with the
Pee Wee most improved player
Scouts plan
bottle drive
'Fhe Scout leaders would like to ex,
press their appreciation to all those
people who contributed to make Ap-
. ple Day a real success for all the
scouts in Grand Bend. All three levels
of Cubs, Beavers and Scouts par-
1ticipated in the sale of apples, last Oc-
tober 28, -in association with all the
area scouts for District Apple Day.
The annual bottle drive will be held
next Saturday, November 9, with the
Cubs and Scouts involved. The boys
will be meeting around 9 a.m., so
have all your empty bottles ready by
10 a.m. for a friendly young man to
knock at your door.
Let's help to make this another suc-
cess for the boys!
United Church Women
The evening unit of the Grand Bend
United Church Women met Monday
with six ladies present.
Joan Eagleson told the ladies about
six hospitals that the United Church
of Canada has been supporting for
over 20 years in isolated areas. They
are Bella Bella, Bella Covla,
Hazelton, and Port Simpson, all of
British Columbia, Lamont Hospital in
Alberta, and Baie Verte,
Mrs. Eagleson chose for the devo-
tional reading "A Psalm for a Storm"
by Jame'3g Taylor, based on Psalm 8.
The next meeting will be Monday,
November 25.
Bible Study
Sixteen ladies came to Nita
Sinclair's home for the Bible study
and coffee hour. A hymn sing preced-
ed the study. Studying from Lesson
12, "Does history Make a Dif-
ference?" they discussed the spiritual
roots of the Christian faith from
Romans 11:1-24.
In this chapter, Paul is speaking to
the Jewish and Gentile nations. God's
dealings with Israel were based not
only on a fathomless wisdom, but also
on a finished work. Those remaining
faithful to God have always accepted
the principle of salvation in faith
through grace. Part of Paul's purpose
of extending salvation to the Gentiles
was to make the Jews jealous ( verse
11). Nita Sinclair led this lesson.
The closing prayer was given by
Doris Peebles with special requests
for the sick and shut-ins. The meeting
next Tuesday morning will be at Sau-
ble Court. in the lower lounge of the
apartment complex on Sauble Road.
at 9:30 a.m.
moonlight madness
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trophy, Jarett Kobe won the most
valuable player, and Jake Morrice
won the most valuable defense award
presented by coach Don Glavin. Each
coach was awarded a memorable pla-
que from their teams of '85.
Bantam coach Tony Mennen
presented Glenn Hayter with the
MVP trophy, Rob Humer won the
MVDefense trophy and Chris
Bresette won the most improved
In the GB Ausable league coach
Luke Mommersteeg gave the awards
to John VanLeuwen, Bill Mennen and
Mark Relouw. Tony Mennen won the
Colonials MVP trophy, Bill Vanden-
bygaard won the MVDefense award
and John VanLeuwen claimed the
MIP trophy.
The evening ended with many lucky
ticket holders winning door prizes
from area sponsors.
BANTAMS BEST — At the awards banquet held Sunday night in
Dashwood, the Grand Bend Soccer Association honored their players.
Bantam coach Tony Mennen awarded his top players, from the left
to right, Glenn Hayter, most valuable player -offense, Rob Humer,
most valuable defense, coach Mennen, pnd Chris Bressette, the most
improved player.
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