HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-10-09, Page 2716 For Sole
PENNY -ROLLER. Trademark. Patented.
Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters
quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free
bank wrappers. Only S8.95 postpaid
(Please add S.63 tax.) Send cheque or M.O.
To Penny -Roller Products. P.O. Box 405,
Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. • 4Ix
RCA DISC PLAYER with new stylus.
Asking $125.00. Phone 235-2192. 41c
new condition. S159.00 new. Asking
SI25.00. Phone 262-5089. 41•
STORM WINDOWS, six sets of
aluminum. Phone 349-2353 after 5 p.m.
APPLES, Snows, Kings, cooking apples
Red and Northern Spys after October 14,
other varieties to follow. Barry Jeffery
235-0387. 4ltfn
new, S75.00. Phone 238-8894 after 5 p.m.
WOOD FOR SALE: Mixed, well season-
ed $65.00 per truck load. Call after 6
orclock 235-2850. 41-46c
4 PC. SECTIONAL, brown tweed, one
year old. S350.00. Coffee and two end
tables, S300.00. Phone 235-1827. 41:42c
Macintosh Available
Frank Sawyer
Crediton Side Road
and No. 4 Hwy.
Phone 237-3493. 40:41c
FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one
now for your freezer and be ready to treat
your family and guests royally. Call Bill
Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc
YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands,
moon's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfnc
16 For Sole
Artboards, Brushes,
Acrylic Paints,
Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs
Sketch Pads, Calligraphy.
17 Wanted To Buy
prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 32-52•
HAY - wanted free of rain and mold.
560.00 per ton. Phone evenings 439-2192.
ENGLISH SADDLE, straight side or for-
ward seat. Well -used, reasonably priced.
For training purposes. 227-4645. 41c
USED EXERCISE BIKE in good condi-
tion. Please phone after 6 p.m. 237-3351.
ROLL TOP DESK, single pedestal. Phone
235-1684. 41•
19 Property For Sale
3 BEDROOM brick ranch with large main
floor family room, featuring field stone
fireplace with insert. Terrace doors from
kitchen lead to large covered patio. Situated
in a quiet neighbourhood close to all
schools in Parkhill. 294-0084 for appoint-
ment. 38tfn
50 ACRES near Shipka, 8 acres of bush,
with buildings. Phone 234-6268. 38tfn
SOUTH GRAND BEND, 'Pinedale Sub-
division, 2 storey home 3 plus 1 bedrooms,
1-3 pc. and 1-2 pc. bathroom, livingroom.
Elmira insert stove, dining room patio
doors to sundeck, kitchen, laundry room,
rec room, Franklin stove, electric
baseboard heating, 2 car garage. Treed lot.
Phone 238-8535. 41c
Things are buain' in the FANTASTIC Centralia opportunity to
operate your own business. Modern store
and apartment. A sure money maker.
Owner ill. Phone 228-6236. 4ISA
LaAuction Sale
Car, antique furniture, appliances, antique glassware and col-
lectables to be held at Richard lobb's Auction Barn Clinton Ont.
for Earl Mclllwoin of Goderich plus a few additions.
Sat., October 12 at 10 a.m.
Flat to wall cupboard, 3 cupboard bottoms, 9 piece dining room
suite, Hoosier cupboard, fancy oak side board w/leaded glass
doors and beveled mirror back, 2 antique dressers w/tear drop
pulls, large antique chest of drawers, drop front secretary desk,
2 antique 3 drawer chests, two washstands, sideboard, blanket
box, fancy old desk top, ' size spool bed, fancy antique bed,
2 Boston rockers, Windsor style kitchen chair, antique platform
rocker, treadle sewing machine, 4 rocking chairs, 3 gunstock
chairs, 6 matching wooden chairs, small parlour tables, odd
chairs, 6 Victorian matching chairs, odd Victorian chair,
upholstered ehair, treadle sewing machine, chesterfield and
chair, 3 old trunks, fold down love seat good in a van for bed.
CAR 1976 Pontiac Sunbird 1 door 4 speed 70,000 miles selling
as is. Admiral square model fridge, plywood wardrobe, 3-24"
electric stoves, 2 old4ridges, filing cabinet, SMALL ELECTRIC
CREAM SEPARATOR, 2 small glass churns, 2 vacuum cleaners,
crocks and jugs, table top phonograph, antique oil lamp, slag
glass shade Tamp, pictures and frames, sad irons, wood planes,
large.quantity of records, scrub boards, old fiddle and case,
stuffed hawk in glass case, stereoscopes, antique dishes and
glassware including, pink and green depression, clear glass,
vinegar jugs, plates, salters, ink wells, mustache cups, paper
weights, collectables etc. plus many other items.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898
• Estate Auction Sale
* *
*Of complete household furnishings for the Estate *
* of Mrs. Demetria Vanesta. Sale to be held in the *
* Parkhill Community Centre Hall, Parkhill, Ont.
* Holiday Monday Oct. 14 - 11:00 a.m.
* G.E. fridge, G.E. 24" electric stove, Westinghouse automatic
* washer and dryer, Woods deep freeze, (all the above are like
new), chest of drawers with tear drop pulls, chino cabinet with
* mirror on top, antique choirs, 10 wooden chairs, wicker choir
* and suitcase stand, wicker stool and shelf; Singer electric sew-
* ing machine, sewing cupboard and baskets, dressers, platform
* rockers, dock, wicker fern stand, knick-knack room divider
* shelf, 4 pc. bedroom suite complete, matching bedspread and
curtains, chesterfield and chair, coffee and end table, Zenith
* portable coloured TV on stand, antique dishes, part of toilet
* set, everyday dishes, partial set of Austria dishes, 16 place set-
* ting Golden Rose dishes with extra bowls, square dining room
* table, small appliances, step stool, desk with three drawers,
lovely wooden kitchen table, solid wooden bed with 2 marble
* top night tables, high chest of drawers and dresser, Electrolux
* Model AP 280 with power head and storage chest (brand new),
* baby crib, odd chairs, lamps of all kinds, Kero•,ene heater, roll
* away bed, dehumidifier, lawn chairs, garde, tools, etc., elec-
tric lawn mower with 100 ft. cord, etc.
* TERMS: Cash sale day. Booth
* Auctioneers
* Hugh Filson
* 666-0833
* *Draw for Thanksgiving Turkey*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tom Robson
Auction Sale
Of household furnishings, antiques and misc.
Saturday, October 19 - 12:30 noon
61 Sanders St. E. Exeter, Ontario
For Mr. and Mrs. Norm Walper and the Estate of
the late Mrs. Ruby Koch.
HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Lazy Boy chair, Zenith 20" colour
TV and stand, swivel rocker, brown rocker, hostess chair, foot
stool, wicker round table, wicker stool, book case, pictures,
floor swag and table lamps, card table and chairs, 9 pc. din-
ingroom suite, 5 drawer chest, night table, head boord, 5 pc.
kitchen suite, wringer washing machine, humidifier, radio, fan,
goose feather pillows, bed spreads, blonkets, table linens,
mons bicycle, racer scooter, new barbeque, small pool table,
picnic table, 2 benches, chaise lounge, several lawn chairs, pic-
nic cooler, 4 pc. of luggage, misc. tools, snow scoop, clothes
rock, 58 pc. set of English Rose chino, 32 pce. set of Symphony
crystal, 34 pc. set of jam crystal, 9 pc. tea set of Blue Mountain
pottery, several other pc. of china and glass, many other items.
ANTIQUES d COLLECTABLES 4 oil paintings by Gordon
Boston rocker, maple rocker, magazine rack, magazine table,
2 end tables, piano stool, humpback trunk, 7 pc. toilet set, oil
lamps, crocks. Complete listing in next weeks paper.
Terms Cosh.
Norm Whiting Auctioneer
Phone 235-0680 or 235-1931
19 Property For Sale
PRIVATE SALE - 2 storey brick house
with attached garage on 2.5 acres on pas
ed road. 5 bedrooms, main floor laundry
room. large American style kitchen with
built-in dishwasher. mature fruit and shade
trees. Asking $49,900. Phone 237-3395.
20 Property For Rent
NEW ADULT two bedroom apt. close to
post office and shopping, laundry and
parking. 235-1497. 36tfn
CLEAN AND MATURE person to share
house in residential area. Phone 2354706
evenings. 341111
October 1st. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30
p.m. 39tIn
STORAGE SPACE - 35-40,000 bushels of
grain storage space with full aeration floors
and unloading augers. Phone 262-2323.
1000 SQ. FT. SHOP, 100 and 550 amp ser-
vice, gas furnace, overhead doors and
washroom. Phone 235-1497. 39tfn
LUCAN - one bedroom, lower heated
apartment. S200.00 monthly. Phone
227-4254 or 227-4312. 4011 ti
Available Nov. 1. Phone 236-4230.40tfn
heat, parking, laundry facilities included.
S230.00 monthly. Available in November.
Phone 262-2014 or 262-3448. 40tfn
3 BEDROOM house in Kirkton. Available
Nov. 1. 229-8290 or 284-3512. 4ISA
ONE BEDROOM bachelor upper apart-
ment. Main Street Exeter. Heat and hydro
included. 235-2187 or 235-2687. 41:42c
CREDITON Main Street - 2 storey brick
home with garage. 3 bedrooms, 4 piece
bath, oil furnace. Possession November I.
Phone London 434-0132 after 5 p.m.41c
APARTMENT - country setting in Kirkton
area. One bedroom. Phone 229-6757.
LARGE BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartment
available Nov. 1. Heat included S250.00 per
month. 6 miles north of Ailsa Craig. Phone
293-3038. 41tfn
"NORTHCREST" 1 bedroom adult apart-
ment. Available November 1. All utilities
and laundry facilities included. Contact
Eileen Rannie 262-2005. Assisted rental
available if required. Hensall Senior
Citizen's Home's Inc. 41c
GRAND BEND - one bedroom furnished
apartment. Phone 238-2180. 41c
Times -Advocate, October 9, 1985
Page 13A
21 For Rent
PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable ce-
ment mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows,
etc. Form ries stocked. CaII Corriveau Ren-
tals by 8:30 a.m. or after 5 p.m. Weekdays,
anytime Saturday. 236-4954 Zurich.16tfn
THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium
for rentals including wedding, meetings,
banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact
Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8tfn
3 Wanted To Rent
SMALL GARAGE or storage space.
Phone 1-527-0498. 41'
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate of
Gerald Rae Armstrong
Late of R.R. no. 1, Zurich, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Creditors and
others having claims against the above
estate are required to send full particulars
of such claims to the undersigned Solicitors
for the Estate on or before the 31st day of
October; 1985, after which date the estate's
assets will be distributed, having regard on-
ly to claims that have then been received.
Mitchell, Hockin and Dawson
100 Dundas Street, Main Floor
London, Ontario, N6A 5B6
Solicitors for the Estate
In the Estate of
William Hine Mountain
Retired Farmer, Deceased
All creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of William Hine Moun-
tain, late of the Village of Crediton, in the
Township of Stephen, in the County of
Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who
died at the Town of Exeter, in the County
of Huron on or about the 281h day of June,
1985, are hereby notified to send full par-
ticulars of their claims to the undersigned
Solicitors for the Executor on or before the
30th day of October, 1985, after which last
mentioned date the assets of the said Estate
will be distributed having regard only to
claims which have then been received.
Dated al St. Marys, Ontario, this 18th day
of September. 1985.
Waghorn, Stephens & De Young
Box 610, St. Marys, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executor
In the Estate of
Daniel John Roger
Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County
of Huron, who died on or about the 17th
day of August, 1985. Creditors and others
having claims against the abo4e estate are
required to file full particulars of such
claims with the undersgiend on or before
October 25, 1985, after which date the
assets of the estate will be distributed has -
ing regard only to the claims then filed.
& Evans
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
In the Estate of
Frank Keith Parsons
All persons having claims against the estate
of Frank Keith Parsons, late of the Town
of Exeter, County of Huron, who died on
or about the 16th day of August 1985 arc
required to file particulars of same with
Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. Solicitors, Exeter, On-
tario, by the 26th day of October 1985 after
wich date the estate will be distributed hav-
ing regard only to those claims of which
notice has been received.
Elmer D. Bell, Q.C.
Solicitor for the executors,
Exeter, Ontario
October 13th, !fully Gully Yamaha
and CRC Productions will host the se-
cond grass drag race for snowmobiles
this season. Snowmobile grass drag
racing offers both spectators and par-
ticipants a great deal of excitement
which was demonstrated at the recent
September 29 race.
Snowmobiles go from a standing
start and in just under an eighth of a
mile hit terminal speeds of up to 100
miles per hour.
LIONS BACK IN ACTION - The Exeter Lions Club held their first meeting of the season, Thursday
and indications are it will be an extremely busy year. Shown from the left is the 1985-86 executive.
Back row: John Wuerth, Lion tamer, Larry Eveland, treasurer; Mike Williamson, past president- Jim
Miron, bulletin editor and Jim Barnetson, tail twister. Front row: Jim Beckett, 1st vice-presiderit; Doug
Jamieson, president; Jack Fuller, 2nd vice-president, Bill McGregor, secretary and Ross Mathers, third
Senior Panthers blank Listowel
The South Huron senior+Panthers
continued their unbeaten record in the
Huron -Perth football conference
Thursday with a decisive 35-0 win
Crediton UCW
meets Thursday
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church Sunday was taken from
Philippians 2:1-11 and Mark 14:12-25.
Sacrament of Holy Communion was
The U.C.W. will be held Thursday
October 10 at 8 p.m. in the -Sunday
School rooms.
Blood Clinic is this Wednesday Oc-
tober 9 at 1-4 and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at
South Huron High School. Come and
give your blood.
Mrs. Karl Ohymer Grand Bend is
a patient in University Hospital Lon-
don in room- 523 East also Allan
Becker Zurich is in University
Hospital. Wishing them both a speedy
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Bibby (nee Tammy' Schenk)
who have a baby boy born September
Congratulations to John an,d Kathy
(nee Glanville) who have a baby girl
born September 24 at South Huron
The Crediton hall board would like
to say "thank you" to all those who
donated potatoes, cabbage, turnip,
Zurich bowling
Monday Nite Ladies League
PA T. Thiel 557 12
OE T Roosenboom 691 19
ST E. Deters 581 15
AO C Koehler 603 16
TC H. Vanderhoek 556 21
DH M Becker 501 2
BB D Regier 556 5
RD Dickert 663 21
JS J Crown 528 6
GG V Lavery 534 14
HG M Miller 546 14
PP June Fisher 661 23
Tuesday Nite Men's League
K E Mommersteeg 651 44''2
DNo2 Mike 478
A A McIntyre 667
HR M Kelders 530
N . Carl Wurm 637
T B Hogarth 672
DH Jack Becker 573
R Jack Stewart 661
FA Tony Bedard 648
13 John McNair 590
P Ron Crown 624
B Martin Gelinas 637 29
Tuesday Dashwood C.A.P. Group -
David Fox 79
Wayne Duke 74
Rick McCann 72
HC Wendy Mawson 176
Wednesday Morn Ladies League
M. Bridges 590
P. Ferguson 448
Marg Lovell 473
Betty Smith 446
R. Berends 465
G. Drummond 442
HS Betty Smith 291
IIS M. Bridges 255
Wednesday Nite Ladies League
J/No2 C. Relow 468
S Glena Tripp 700
GB J. Finkbeiner 619
C Pat Redman 601
NN J. Hellman 62.2
CF L. Latulippe 579
Thursday Morn Grand Cove
Ted Jackson 488
Norma -Low 535
Bert Low 478
D. Dresall 535
Thursday Golden •Age Seniors High
11. Clausius 305
Ed Strachan 273
Lyda Gandier 281
B. Strachan 269
HS ff. Clausius 190
HS Lyda Gandier 167
Thursday Nite Mixed League
D Lee Regier 520
GT Henry Martens 601
11 W. Jacobs 525
AT F. Palen 562
C Tami Datars 480
Tuesday Morn Grand ('ove
Roy Broad 503
Vicki Taylor 701
Hazel Broad 492
G. Traversey 400
11S Bill Taylor 207
HS Vicki Taylor 275
Saturday Ladies Intertown
Zurich No. 2 vs Mikes No. 1
Z HT S. Stade 633 8
M FIT Jane 617 22
M HS Jane 267
M HS D. Webster 256
Saturday Men's Intertown
Zurich vs Clinton
Z HF George Love 1172 14
Z FIS George Love 279
C HF Ken Johnson 1246 16
(' IIS Ken Johnson 299
26 .
and pies, also to all those girls who
cooked turkeys, potatoes and turnips
and the ones who worked and made
our turkey supper a success.
Sympathy is extended to Joe Varley
and Mrs. Eldon (Ruth) Smith who lost
their sister last week. -
Mrs. Jean Haist has returned home
from hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glanville, Ket-
tle Point celebrated their 40th wed-
ding anniversary on Saturday. A
dance was held at the Legion in Ex-
eter. Friends, neighbors and relatives
from as far away as Fort Stewart
came to congratulate them.
Harold and Rett lived in Crediton
for a number of years and moved to
London and now live in Kettle Point.
They have 4 girls and 1 boy, and 8
grandchildren. •
Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Taylor,
Georgetown spent the weekend
wisiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Dinney
Crediton and Charlie Dinney RR 3
over Listowel.
The Panthers took a 14-0 first
quarter lead as Bill Fisher scored
from one yard out and Sean
Whiteford counted a two yard
touchdown. Steve Gould converted
both for a 14-0 score.
The only scoring in the second 15
minutes of play come when Scott
Miller boomed a 34 yard kick into the
Listowel end zone for a single point.
In the third period, Scott Miller
threw a 15 yard pass to Scott Bart
and Gould made the extra point good
and the Panthers were ahead by 22-0.
The fourth quarter produced two
South Huron major scores. Bill Fisher
tossed a screen pass to Scott Miller
for a 15 yard score and Scott Bogart
was on the end of a 25 yard heave
from Fisher. Steve Gould converted
the first touchdown by Miller.
In offensive statistics Bill Fisher
carried the ball 18 times fdr 122 yards.
Sean Whiteford gained 55 yards in six
attempts and Scott Bogart was good
for 40 yards in two cracks at the line.
The Panthers gained 368 yards for
total offence compared to 177 for
On defence Scott Heywood led the
line with 10 key tackles, Trevor
Johnston and Scott Baptist were in on
seven tackles apiece and Roger Ward
and John Relouw helped on five
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f
Auction Sale
*of woodworking equipment, crofts, materials, *
* etc. For Mr. Donald Simpson, on Hwy. 4, north etc
* of London at 10th Concession London Twp. �c
♦c Sat., Oct. 12 - 12:00 noon
• 12 speed drill press, metal bond sow, steel roller conveyors, ♦(
* wood workers vise, lumber dollies, wood lathe, mitre saw,
* shaper, sales counter, sign holder,fluorescent fixtures, cabinet
* makers bench, wood scaffolds, concrete forms, industrial fan,
concrete vibrator, boxes of tools, pine and walnut lumber, us- *
A, ed pine lumber, shutters, leaded church windows, walnut *
* veneer, plastic sheets and tarps, window boxes, mobile *
♦r cabinets, stereo sets; disploy units, fence rails, patio kits and
* furniture, star plates, picnic table kits, Quebec heater, down
* draft stove, carpets and under padding, Kerosene heater, elec-
tric heater, wringer washer, tubs, insulated glass, plastic pipe, *
* doors, peg boord, imitation fireplace, antique fire box, fire *
* place bumper, Hoosier cupboard, model thresher and tractor, *
* baby barn, lawn swings, park bench, furniture kits, wicker
* homper, antique clothes wringer, antique wicker table, cream
separator, antique tools, buck board wagon, buggy wheels,
* wheel barrows, garden tools, nails, bolts, washers, crafts and *
* much more.
- TRAILERS: Heavy Duty trailer, tandem trailer. Further infor- *
* motion phone 225-2818.
* TERMS: Cosh sale day. Booth
* Hugh Filson
* 666-0833
Tom Robson *
666-1967 *
* Of farm machinery, trucks, Havestore Silos, Etc.
* For Mr. Paul Wallis, Lot 25, Con. 9, Biddulph Twp.
* 2nd road North of No. 7 Hwy. on 23 Hwy. 3 mi.
East of Lucan.
Wednesday, Oct. 16 - 1:00 p.m. Sharp (no small
TRACTORS: J.D. 1440 diesel, cab, air, front fuel tank, (real
good), J.D. 2130 diesel with 146 loader 540 and 1000 rpm's on-
ly 3000 hrs., J.D. 2130 diesel, 8 speed duals, 18.4 x 38 ual s, 18 .4 x
34 duals, JMI duals.
MACHINERY: Triple K 20' cult. with rolling harrows and
hydraulic wings, Wesco 3 pt. h. 6 row scuffler, Int. 720 4 fur.
18" semi mount plow with eagle trip, Cockshutt 10' wheel disc,
J.D. plateless 6 row corn planter with insecticide and monitors,
Kongskilde vibroflex 14'3 h. cult., N.N. 268 baler, G.W. 34' bale
elevator with electric motor, G.W. sprayer 26' boom on wheels,
stone picker fork for loader, N.H. 2 row 890 harvester with hay
head Excellent condition), 3 forage boxes and heavy wagons
with roofs, wagon snugger hitch, Badger 540 blower 54" PTO,
J.D. 1000 rpm blower, Int. tandem wheel 275 manure spreader
with slush gate, Int. 275 tandem manure spreader, 300 gal.
water tank, Heston PT 10 haybine, hopper box and wagon, 30'6"
auger, flat rack and wagon, wagon gear, 34" wheel casting for
806 or 706 Int. tractor.
FEEDING EQUIPMENT: Farmomatic mix -mill, 7'/, hp motor, 7
compartments, Harvester forage 8' long conveyor electric
weigher, single chain 16' elevator with motor, 3 cattle oilers,
Smalley hammermill on wheels.
GENERATOR: Magnate 50KVA PTO generator (like new) and
will generate enough electricity for a whole operation.
HARVESTORE SILOS: Will be offered at 3:30 p.m. subject to
a very moderate reserve bid as owner insists they be sold.
Terms 10% down, balance in 30 days. 25 x 90 with Goliath
unloader, 20 x 80 with Hercules unleader.
TRUCK: 1970 Int. Fleetstar tandem truck with hoist, 18' box and
tarp. Good running condition. Selling as is.
AT THE SAME TIME 8 PLACE we will be selling for The On-
tario Bean Growers Co -Op, 1982 Ford Courier pickup, selling
as is, 2-30' trailers with triple axle, steel groin body, 28' trailer
with tandem wheels and torp, 30' triple axle trailer with steel
grain body and tarp.
TERMS: Cash sole day. Booth.
Hugh Filson Tom Robson
666-0833 666-1967
This is an excellent sale, plan to attend. Further informa-
tion call 225-2127.