HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-10-09, Page 3First copy to county Atlas available Oct. 23 First proposed in 1984, the Huron County Historical Atlas has now been published and will be released on Wednesday, Reeve Grant Stirling of Goderich township, who heads the Atlas committee, announced this week. A copy of the Atlas will be presented formally to the County in a short ceremony on October 23 which will take place at the Court House, Goderich at 4 p.m. and to which the public is invited to attend. When undertaken by Huron county council the atlas contemplated was similar in size and style to the original Belden Atlas of 1879 and a subsequent Perth atlas published in 1682. However, Reeve Stirling said, in- creasing public interest and par- ticipation had resulted in a much larger book. The Atlas contains 350 pages 13 x 18 inches and weighs seven and a half pounds. Special arrangements have been completed to assist patrons and those who have purchased prepublication copies of the Atlas to pick up their copies on presentation of. their cer- tificate or receipt. A temporary office in a transport van which has been contributed by Laidlaw Transport will be located adjacent to the north entrance to the Court House in Goderich. Copies of the Atlas will be available for distribution from this location commencing at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Huron County Historical Atlas AVARABLE OCTOBER 23. 1985 Patron and prepublication purchases may be picked up from 9 a.m. October 23, 1985 and during business hours (including Saturday morning 9 to 1) until Novembers on presentation of receipt or certificate at temporary Atlas office in Laidlaw Transport van locattd adjacent to Huron County Court House. Goder- ich. Pictures loaned also may be picked up at lh office. Atlas prepublication purchase certifi- cates continue on sale at the Atlas office or by mail at prepublication price of 845.00 until October 22. Following publication the Atlas price is $59.50. After November 5 obtain prepaid Atlas copies at Clerk's Office. Court House. Goderich or by delivery on remittance of $6.00 per copy to cover shipping and handling. Additional copies on sale at Court House and from certain retail outlets. YOU ARE INVITED A short ceremony will be held at the Court House. Goderich at 4. p.m. Wednesday, October 23 to mark the release of the Atlas. October 23 continuing daily Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for two weeks until November 5. After November 6 prepaid copies of the Atlas may be obtained at the Clerk's office in the Court House or by delivery on remittance of $6.00 per coy to cover shipping and handling. Pictures which have been loaned for use in the Atlas also may be picked up at the temporary office. Reeve Stirling pointed out that the present prepublication price of $45.00 for prepublication certificates would continue to be in effect until October 22 and applications would continue to be in effect until October 22 and ap- plications with remittance should be forwarded to the Atlas office at the Court House, Goderich. The postpublication price of $59.50 will become effective with the publication and release of the Atlas on October 23. Following publication, copies of the Atlas will be available at the van and after November 6 from the Clerk's of- fice as well as at a number of retail outlets in the county that have com- pleted arrangements, Reeve Stirling said. Containing nearly on million words and 1,000 pictures, the Atlas includes 16 township maps showing property owners, nearly 50 maps of towns, villages and hamlets, lists of small lot owners (under 40 acres). In addition the stories of some 600 families, organizations, churches and businesses as well as of 26 Huron municipalities are featured in the Atlas. BF vouchers for 1986 Vouchers for the 1986 season of the Blyth Festival will be on sale after Thanksgiving. They will cost $28 for four admissions, or the equivalent of $7 per show; a saving of up to 30 per- cent over the price of a regular single ticket next summer. Last season, de- mand for vouchers was so great (up 100 percent) that the Festival actual- ly ran out of forms! The current season finished very Elimville 8y SHIRLEY COOPER Members of Elimville United Church Choir and Young Peoples class were pleased to have over 80 people attend the Family Fellowship Dinner Sunday following Sunday School. They greatly appreciate the support of all by their attendance and generous donations, that have made possible their project of redecorating the front wall of the sanctuary. Township of Stanley RATEPAYERS MEETING A ratepayer's mooting for the Township of Stanley will be held MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 AT 8:00 P.M. In the Township of Stanley Community Complex Varna Mel Graham CLERK' TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Township of Stanley NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Stanley shat Nomination Papers may be filed In the office of the cleric commencing Thursday. October 17 and concluding Monday. October 11 at SAO p.m. for the position of: A) • REEVE B) • 1 MEMBER TO THE HURON COUNTY • DEPUTY -REEVE BOARD OF EDUCATION • 3 COUNCILLORS for the Township of Stanley and the Village of Bayfield Each of the members so nominated. If elected, are to serve a 3 year term. 111114- 111117.110E. The required Nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office and must be completed flied with and accepted by the Clark by the above deadline. for further information regarding the procedure under the Elettlon Act, contact Mel Graham CLERK TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY fI.R. 1 - VARNA 482-7907 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron that in compliance with the Municipal Elections Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 308 the period for nominations in the Township of Stephen is From 9 a.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1985 to 5 p.m. MONDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1985 at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Stephen, Crediton, during regular office hours, for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of REEVE — ONE TO BE ELECTED DEPUTY—REEVE — ONE TO BE ELECTED COUNCILLORS — THREE TO BE ELECTED AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of can- didates for an office who are nominated at the end of nomina- tion day is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which the candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday, following nomination day, OCTOBER 23, 1985, the clerk may, between the hours of 9 o.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in resepct of which there was an in- sufficient number of condidotes. The required nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office. They must be completed, filed and accepted by the Clerk by the above deadline. For further information regarding procedures under the Elec- tion Act, contact the undersigned. Crediton, Ontario WILMAR D. WEIN October 2, 1985 Clerk 234-6331 well, with four of the seasons' five plays averaging over 75 percent cap - city. Primrose School District 109 pro- ved the box office success with an average audience attendance of over 90 percent, closely followed by Gar- rison's Garage (88.60 percent) and Moose County (86.37 percent). "I am very happy with my first season as artistic director", said Katherine Kaszas. "We did thate completely new plays, one bilingual play (French -English), and brought back last year's hit. Doing new plays is a very risky business and it's always exciting when our theatregoers demonstrate their ap- proval for the choices we've made." ORCHESTRA AT SOUTH HURON — After an absence of many years an orchestra has been established at South Huron District High School and provided music at Friday's Commencement exercises. Back, left, John Farwell, Tim Westelaken, Ron Walker, Alex LeBedeau, Rob Dream Auction The Xi Gamma Nu Sorority of Beta Sigma Phi, is sponsoring a "Dream" Auction, to be held Friday, November 15, -at the South Huron Recreation Centre. Various items are being auctioned off with all the proceeds going to the South Huron District High School music program. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with cocktails being served. There will also be a preview of the auction items at this time. At 7 p.m. there will be a dinner of Schneider's pigtails and ribs. The auction is scheduled to begin at 8:15. The motley raised from the auction will be used to purchase a 40 -piece set of band instruments and a stereo system for the school's new music program. Russell, David Josephson and Janet Mowat. Front, director Ms. J. Wareing, Colleen Miller, Sonya Shantz, Tina Bergmann, Trudy Bornath, Angela Cottrell, Zhivana Zivkovic, Brenda Balsdon, Becky Fergusson and Sandra Rooseboom. to finance band They are off to a good start with an enrollment of 58 students in three in- strumental classes. There is an 18 -piece junior band and a 30 -voice choir. The groups practice twice a week and will take part in Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, The Dream Auc- tion and the Christmas concert. Future plans include expanding the number of courses offered at the school next year and to include more instnunental classes. Participation in band exchanges and festivals is also in the future for the students. There is a great enthusiasm to develop a strong music program at the high school from the new music teacher, Jean Wareing, the school ad- ministration, staff and students. Items donated for the auction in - elude theatre tickets, holiday weekends, new merchandise, babysit- ting, music lessons and grocery shop- ping for seniors. Donations of an Item of a service, may be made to any of the following people: Ann Baynham 235-2225, Janice Brock 235-0323, Nancy Chambers 235-0662, Lois Godbolt 235-0691, Liz Taylor 235-2569 or Bon- nie Ratz 237-3377. Tickets are selling for $6 and are available at Gentlemen's Choice, The Mane Event and through the above members. The evening will be entertaining for both men and women. Auctioneers for the event are Jack Riddell and Bob Heywood. Everyone is welcome to attend. 41 STANDARD TRUST Following solid performances across Ontario, Standard Trust opens to rave reviews in Exeter. WHAT'S EXETER,AVAGANZA? Its Standard Trusts grand opening cslehrah0n at �X I Main Snort South. Fxtler and it all starts Thursday. September 2(, 198; Its a Inc of Mehra hon 11e re happy to be here and we want to show it Meet Dol Thompson manager of yourilew Exeter branch fled like to gel to know you. like good neighbours should F.npn sour visit. and let Iron tell sou abort the financial sen ice's of Standard Trustand abaft the opening slxr'ials RECEIVE A FREECBLANKEAT AND An Exeter asagan/a special lust to say thank sou for opening a Standard Trust satmgs chequing account with Sion no 1,r more. well gise son a handsome Esmond Monterey blanket , ahsolutels for Take it home right Ir'Im the branch tine Rinkel per Tamil' $25 CASH BONUS Fculsfrr sour account with a balance of S2,11110 Iwo or more from am other financial institution and Standard Trust will pas sou a 5-2;111 Lash Bonus 1.1,11110114'1', )oras Nr 111116 • NEW DAiLY INTEREST ACCOUNT - UP TO 83b% High dais interest. paid nn can d011ar 1,1 101,1r account Sat ung. 1 hegning For (hoping on Balances over Sion This is the accatint for sou liens how it works Maintain this dads closing balance up In 5500 ino eam 3%t on all tour money Si1Mi Io Sunni You earn 1 %ton all your mO ley S5tll4I to Rolla) " you earn "Ya %t on all Your money 510 (MMI to 5511(41* sou ram ''di % t on all sour mone! souTam %t on all your money sou earn 8% %t on all your money Si1o5l) No SIIMi IMM S1101101) and (net The higher sour balance. the higher your interest rate on escrs dollar CONVENIENT HOURS 1 $sit Standard Trust at your convenience Monday Io Thursday 9 am to ; pm Friday 9 am to 8 pm Saturday nam to 1 pm We re open to serve you. when you want to he se'ned SENIORS ARE SPECIAL (sll years or over? You get free chequmg, no charges Who) paymg utility hills. no commission on traveller's cheques And 2S% off safety deposit Nixes (some In and see us today SERVICES TO FIT YOUR NEEDS Iltiking for Guaranteed Investment Certificates. lk'hvntures. Short Tenn Deposits. RRSF plans' Stop into the branch. or call. to discuss these and other prohicts in the Standard Trust package Exeter Itaganii - lust for sou' A great opportumis to meet new neighbours .And a great 0ppnrumiis In ser why Standard Trust is the most exciting choice for Xi say mgs Take aeh anlage of our hours and per oral sen ice Stop in or call *oda\ Min in the Exeter asaganre See sou there' 411! STANDARD TRUST ;Rh Main SI South. Exeter. Ontario SoM 1St$ Telephone 23; III611 Monty c.maeti 11epOnil Imuranee 4orp..eeu.m 'N.et, yu'aed,Ko a put annum hai..nhtetf!»a hange w ethenu rncne •