HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-25, Page 19Gail Brownlee, Darren Kints are tops
Entries upto2,181
The school portion of the Exeter
Fall Fair was a huge success with
2,181 entries. School division presi-
dent Muriel Dalrymple said this
year's exhibits were up considerably
from a year ago.
The top exhibitors were Gail
Brownlee and Darren Kints with
Peggy Brownlee and Darryl Hern
finishing as runnersup.
The following legend is used with
the school fair results, EPS - Exeter
Public School; U - Usborne Central;
JAD - McCurdy ; S - Stephen Central;
H - Hensall; MC - Mount Carmel; PB
- Precious Blod; UT - Upper Thames;
CCS - Clinton Christian School.
Class J. Flowers
Asters, 5 blooms, Peggy Brownlee,
S, Bryan Negrijn, EPS, Elizabeth
Coates, EPS, David Negrijn EPS;
Bachelor Buttons or cornflowers, 5
blooms, Peggy Brownlee, S, Gail
Brownlee, S; Cosmos, any colour, 5
blooms, Gail Brownlee, S, Darren
Kints, PB, Carolyn Quinn, EPS,
Peggy. Brownlee, S; Dahlia, large
over 15 cm., 1 bloom, Peggy
Brownlee, S; Dahlia, med. 10-15 cm.,
1 bloom, Peggy Brownlee, S, Gail
Brownlee, S; Dahlia, small under 10
cm., 1. bloom, Gail Brownlee, S,
Denise Kints, PB, Peggy Brownlee,
S; Gladiolus, 1 spike, any colour, Dar-
ryl Hern, U, Kathryn Hern, U, Peggy
Brownlee, S, Gail Brownlee, S;
Marigolds, over 6 cm., 3 blooms,
Mary -Lyon Oke, U, Laurie Coolman,
EPS, Peggy Brownlee, S, Gail
- Brownlee, S; Marigolds, under 5 cm.
3 blooms, Jason Wein, EPS, Michelle
Northcott, H, Glen Quinn, EPS, Rob
Lynn, U; Petunia, single,.3 blooms,
any colour, Cheryl McCarter, EPS,
Darren Kints, PB, Gail Brownlee, S,
Giselle Charrette, PB; Petunia, dou-
ble, 3 blooms, any colour, Denise
Kints, PB; Roses, 3 blooms, Anita
Wein, EPS, Mark Lynn, U, Katie
Webber, EPS, Denise Kints, PB;
Rose, 1 bloom , floated, Peggy
Brownlee, S, Geoffrey Stasik, PB,
Darren Kints, PB, Gail Brownlee, S;
Snapdragons, 5 spikes, Jennifer
Dalrymple, UT, Peggy Brownlee, S,
Gail Brownlee, S, Greg Dalrymple,
UP; Zinnias five blooms, Gail
Brownlee, S, Peggy Brownlee, S, Dar-
ren Kints, PB; Zinnias, 5 blooms, over
6 cm. any colour, foliage included,
Peggy Brownlee, S, Gail Brownlee, S;
A potted flowering plant, Gail
Brownlee, S, Peggy Brownlee, S; Pot-
ted foliage, Gail Brownlee, S, Kevin
Ross, EPS, Michelle Ross, EPS,
Peggy Brownlee, S; A dish garden,
Denise Kints, PB, Peggy Brownlee, S,
Gail Brownlee, S; Coffee mug ar-
rangement, Gail Brownlee, S, Lee
Baker, EPS, Peggy Brownlee, S; A
dinner table arrangement, Gail
Brownlee, S, Peggy Brownlee, S; Cor-
sage, Denise Kints, P13, Chrissy
O'Toole, P13, Giselle Charrette, PB,
Diana Verberne, PB; One -colour ar-
rangement, Peggy Brownlee, S, Gail
Brownlee, S.
Percussion Rhythm Instrument
K,1,2,3,4, Darren Kints, PB, Chad
Kenney, JAD, Erin Kraftcheck, PB.
Calligraphic Writing Special
5,6,7 and 8, Sheila Dougall, H, Chad
Miller, S, Kathy Hendrick, S.
Pre -School Class
Paper bag puppet, Brendan Kraft -
check, PBS, Beth -Ann Hern, U,
Nathan Kraftcheck, PBS, Bob
Hamilton, EPS; Egg Carton Cater-
pillar, Nathan Kraftcheck, PBS,
Beth -Ann Hern, U, Darcy Bean, EPS,
Vanessa Bray; Playdough model,
Paul Gregus, P13, Brendan Kraft -
check, PB; Hobby collection, Beth -
Anne Hern, U, Chad Smith, Vanessa
Sewing card, Steven Hern, U, Shan-
non Kammerer, EPS, Rianne Laye,
EPS, Andrea Weigand, EPS; A doll
made from a wooden spoon, Jennifer
McIntosh, EPS, Laura Pearson, EPS,
Steven Hern, U, Terri Hamather,
EPS; A picture from macaroni,
Bryan Negrijn, EPS, Geoffrey Stasik,
PB, Kathryn (fern, U, Jennifer
Stasik, PB; A toy made from card-
board rolls. Jody -Lynn Hamilton,
EPS, Jennifer McIntosh, EPS,
Christopher MacDonald, EPS, Brad
Hartman, H; Picture from seeds,
Peggy Brownlee, S, Lisa McDonald,
EPS, Rob Lynn, U; Thread spools,
Peggy Brownlee, S; Homemade coin
bank, EPS, Shannon Kammerer,
EPS, Steven Hern, U, Bryan Negrijn,
EPS; Decorated birthday hat,'
Kathryn Hern, U, Bryan Negrijn,
EPS, Juanita Chappel, EPS, Steven
Hern, U; Animal of marshmallows,
Jenise McKnight, EPS, Kimberley
Tigani, EPS, Bryan Negrijn, EPS,
Kathryn Hern, U; Motile from coat
hanger, Shannon Kammerer, EPS,
Kimberley Tigani, EPS, Steven Hern,
U, Jody -Lynn Hamilton, EPS; Article
from discarded material, Kevin Ross,
EPS, Steven Hern, U, Rob Lynn, U,
Juanita Chappel, EPS; Hand made
puppet from sock, Kristy Ahrens,
EPS, Jody -Lynn Hamilton, EPS;
Book mark (cardboard), Steven
Hern, U, Jennifer McIntosh, EPS,
Lisa McDonald, EPS, Laura Pearson,
EPS; Largest and best maple leaf,
Geoffrey Hann, EPS, Geoffrey Stasik,
PB, Jenise McKnight, EPS, Jennifer
Stasik, PB; Any craft item, Steven
Hern, U, Chad Webber, U, Jennifer
Strang, U, Juanita Chappel, EPS.
NNN Novelty
Homemade frig. ornament, Heather
Hirtzel, EPS, Jeff:Balsdon, EPS, Jen-
nifer -Dalrymple, UT, Denise Kints,
PB; Homemade necklace, Sheila
Dougall, H, Elizabeth Coates, EPS,
Denise Kints,PB; Decorated child's
gift, Denise Kints, B, Heather Hirt-
zel, EPS, Sheila Dougall, H, Sarah
Kerslake, U; Leaves, Chrystal Jones,
H; Decorated homemade candle,
Sarah Kerslake, U, Denise Kints, PB;
Useful article, Denise Kints, PB,
Michelle Northcott, H, Crystal Jones,
H, Giselle Charrette, PB; Homemade
door decoration, Sheila Dougall, H,
Denise Kints, PB, Sarah Kerslake, U;
,Decorated bottle, Jackie Westelaken,
PB, Bruce Andrews, MC, Lori
Parker, U, Todd McCann, PB ;
Decorated clay pot, Bruce Andrews,
MC, Denise *ints, PB; Any other
item, David Negrijn, EPS, Michelle
Northcott, H, Chrissy O'Toole, PB,
Becky Morgan, EPS.
Robin Hood Cookiegram Contest
Becci Farquhar, EPS, Jennifer
Dalrymple, UT, Erin Kraftcheck, PB.
' Crediton Institute Special
Shut -In box for a child, Lee Baker,
EPS; Jennifer Dalrymple, UT, Dar-
ryl Chappel, EPS, Denise Kints, PB.
Agnes Aunger Special.
An article of bread dough art, Erin
Kraftcheck,' PB, Elizabeth Coates,
EPS, Mary -Lynn Oke, U.
Photography, K, Grade 6 and under
Four snapshots mounted of "My
- Pet" or "My Favorite Animal", Fred
Godbolt, EPS, Joseph Maskell, EPS,
Jason Maskell, EPS; Series Of -
mounted snapshots taken on a holi-
day, Richard Phillips, EPS, Melanie
Philips, EPS, Lee Baker, EPS.
Photography KK, Grader 7 and 8
Four snapshots mounted titled,
"Action Scenes", Sheila Dougall, H,
Denise Kints, PB, Michelle Northcott,
H; 4-6 snapshots, mounted of school
events, Sheila Dougall, H.
Models, L
Airplane, Brad Chambers, EPS,
Jeff DeBlock, EPS, Lee Baker, EPS,
Richard• Phillips, EPS; Car, Fred
Godbolt, EPS, Jason Lindenfield,
EPS, Andrew Hern, EPS, Daniel
Zawalsky, EPS; Truck, David
Negrijn, EPS; Airplane, made from
popsicle sticks, glue, buttons, and
pipe cleaners, painted, David An-
drews, MC; Original Lego vehicle,
Fred Godbolt, EPS, Mark Lynn, U,
Daniel Zawalsky, EPS, Brad
Chambers, EPS; Robot or space vehi-
cle, Lee Baker, EPS, Brad Hartman,
H, Derek Van Dyken, EPS, Kurt
Mills, LPS; Article not previously
listed, Jason Wein, EPS, Sara De-
Jonge, CCS, . Geoffery Hann, EPS,
Steven Hern, U.
Models, LI
Airplane, boat or motorcycle from
a kit, Dave Mack, EPS, Andy Grubb,
U; car or truck, from a kit, Dave
Mack, EPS, Michael Hern, U, Susan
A DOUBLE YOKER - Sara and Rhoda DeJonge and Karin Lorento
were in Saturday's Exeter Fair parade as Double Pokers.
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Open Friday night tell 9 p.m.
in school division of Exeter,iair
Grubb, U, Bradley Hern, U; Original
Lego creation, Michelle Northcott, H.
Hurondale Women's Institute
"Get Cracking Egg Special",
Titled picture using egg shells, Paul
Gregus, PB, Kerry Brownlee, S,
Sarah Hamilton, EPS, Brendan
Kraftcheck; PB; Decorated egg,
Brendan Kraftcheck, PB, Doug
Chapel, U, Nathan Kraftcheck, PB,
Beth -Ann Hern, U; One egg carton
flower on stem, Beth -Ann Hern, U.
Doug Chappel, U, Chad Smith, U.
Kindergarten, self portrait, 18" x
24", Danielle Knox, EPS, Lawrence
Cole, PB, Sean Beattie, EPS,, Terri
Hamather, EPS; Grade 1, A picure of
my friend and I, Jennifer Westlake,
U, Stephanie Pearson, EPS, Adam
Hern, U, Shari Beierling, PB; Grade
2. A picture of my pet and I, Darryl
Kingma, EPS, Connie Heywood,
EPS, Andrew Hern, EPS, Sarah,
Leyes, U; Grade 3, My favorite place,
Kevin King; S, Erin Kraftcheck, PB,
Amy. Webb, U, Ian Jean, MC; Grade
4, Garden flowers, Mindy Bell, H,
Steven Sywik, H, Andy Vilas,, EPS,
Sandy Vannavong, PB; Grade 5 Gift
wrapping paper design, Jodi Armstr-
ing, S, Brent Miron, PB, Jennifer
Pickering, S, Jason Coolman, PB;
Grade 6, Positive -negative design,
David Schwint, EPS, Brett Lammie,
H, Bryden Gryseels, PB, Diana
Verberne, PB; Grade 7, non-objective
design, Todd Hunkin, EPS, Thuy
Nguyen, JAD, Billy Erb, H, Sheila
Dougall, H; Grade 8, Multi -media col-
lage, Terra Ahrens, EPS, Lisa Mor-
ris EPS, Christine Rose, H, Sharlene
C., JAD.
French Special
Grade 3 and 4, Jennifer Weigand, S.
Erin Kraftcheck, PB, Nina Pritchard,
S; Grade5, Scott Eagleson, S; Grade
7 and 8, Christine Rumball, S, Laura
Draisey, S, Terry Hoffman, S.
Jerry MacLean Special
Fun at the Fair, Grades K-3,
Melanie Phillips, EPS, Brenyn
Baynham, EPS, Kenn Hines, EPS;
Come to the Exeter Fall Fair, grade
4-6, Mark Britnell, EPS, Jimmy Wein,
JAD, April Barnard, JAD, Doug
Rook, JAD; Grades 7 and 8, Randy
Hoffman, S, Sheila Dougall, H, Holly
Beuermann, Kelly -Talbot, EPS.
Poetry •
Rhyme, Grade 1, Cara Gardner, H,
Anne Conlin, MC, Chad Gilfillan,
EPS, Jenny Stasik, PB; Grade 2, Tina
Dayman, H, Brent Gibson, U, Jeffrey
Deblock, EPS, Aniy Zwart, H; Grade
3, Ian Jean, MC, Carrie Simpson, U,
Sara Bradford, U; Grade 4, Haiku,
Jennifer Robertson, 'S, Matthew
Miller, S, Minday Bell, H, Ann Marie
Mittelholtz, PB; Grade 4, Limerick,
Shane Pepper, H, Amy Sweitzer, S,
Chris Neil, S, Jodi Desjardine, S;
Grade 4, Rhyme, Fiona Walker, MC,
Scott Parsons, PB, Ann Marie Mit-
telholtz, PB, Santy Vannavong, EPS;
Grade 5, Limerick, Stephanie Cook,
PB, Rita Bilcke, PB, Jason Coolman,
PB, Darren Mason, S; Grade 5,
Haiku, Monica Lindenfield, JAD, Lori
Edwards, JAD, Donna Clarke, JAD,
Robert England, JAD; Grade 5,
Rhyme, .Michelle McDonald, EPS,
Rita Bilcke, PB, Jeremy Brock, EPS,
Ryan Sheeler, EPS; Grade 6,
Limerick, David Schwindt, EPS,
Melissa Blue, EPS, Shawn McFall.%
EPS, Paula Hohner, EPS; Grade 6,
Rhyme, Nicole Vanneste, MC, John
Golsen, S, Aimee Glavin, MC, Jenny
Wareham, EPS; Grade 6, Word Cin-
quain, Leona Glavin, MC, Melissa
Blue, EPS, Darlene O'Rourke, MC,
Ian McLean, EPS; Grade 7, Dia-
mond, Harlen Tinney, EPS, Ginny
Cable, JAD, Andrea Becker, MC,
Lynda Shirray, H; Grade 7, Limerick,
Tracy Humphreys, EPS, Denise
Kints, PB, Cheri Clarke, JAD,
Michelle Birmingham, PB; Grade 7,
Rhyme, Scott Crawford, EPS, Lisa
Hodgins, EPS, Leigh Rose, H, Geoff
Poole, EPS; Grade 8, Rhyme,
Christine Rose, H, Pam Gackstetter,
H, Wayne Scotchmer, H; Grade 8
Diamond, Pam Gacksletter, H, Rosie
Brand, PB, Lori Harburn, H, Myla
Lovell, H; Grade 8 Word Cinquain,
Pam Gackstetter, H, Myla Lovell, H.
social Sciences
Kindergarten, Crystal -Ann Davis
EPS, Terri Hamather EPS, Sunny
Dinney EPS, Scott Rasenberg PB;
Grade 1, Alia Blackler U, Tammy
Hutton U, Adam Hern U, Angela
Hovius U; Grade 2, Bryan McAllister
U, Colin Bowers U, Kathryn Hern U,
Sarah Leyes U. Grade 3, Katie Arm-
strong - Dean Sheeler EPS, Christine
Morgan - Susanne Fader EPS, Daniel
Zawalsky EPS, Chrissy Parker EPS.
Grade 4, Jennifer Heywood - Tara
Hunking EPS, Mark Brintneli -
Steven Farquhar EPS, Sara Mason -
Jackie Sweitzer EPS, Daniel Spears
- Andy Vilos EPS. Grade 5, Sarah
Kerslake U, Kerry Manders U, Mary -
Lynn Oke U; Grade 8, James Desjar-
dine S, Kelly Brintnell S, Randy Hoff-
man S, Mona Brand S.
Illustrted poem
Grade 1 - 4, Erin Kraftcheck PB,
Bronwyn Pearson EPS, An Lam EPS.
Grade 5 - 8, Lianhe Hoogenboom S,
Crystal Jones H, Sandra Stire S.
Poster Contest
Conservation Grades K - 4, Mindy
Bell H, Ryan Stuart, Kenn Hines EPS,
Dean Sheeler EPS. Grades 5 - 8,
Christa Prouty EPS, Lianne Hoogen-
boom S, Karen Weida EPS.
Horses Equitation - Saddle Horse
Lee Hope S, Greg Clark S; halter
horse 14 hands and over, Lee Hope S,
Greg Clark S, Gary Wilson S, Kerry
Stewart EPS; pony under 14 hands
(halter), Sandee Ryan MC.
HurontCountyFarm& Home Associa-
tion "safety poster"
K - 3, Jamie Palsa PB, Chad
Gilfillan PB, Dean Sheeler EPS;
grade 4 - 6, Melissa Blue EPS, Jenny
Wareham EPS, Anna Szabo U;
Special, computers in classroom
Grade 7 & 8, Chris Kapp JAD.
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JUNIOR FAIR WINNERS - In the junior division of the Exeter Fair, Peggy Brownlee was runnerup and
Gail Brownlee was the girls winner and Darren Kints topped the_boyssection with Darryl Hern second.
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