HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-25, Page 14Times -Advocate, September 25, 1985
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WAITING TO SERVE -- Carol Johnston (left), Elizabeth Merner and Doug McBeath were among the
volunteers serving a variety of bountiful, inexpensive dinners to those attending Zurich's Septemberfest.
Diners later danced to the music of a German band.
ORDERING DINNER — Carol Johnston takes dinner orders
in Zurich. Don O'Brien also waits in line.
Pauline and Art Miller at Septemberfest
Varna couples enjoyed holiday
Bill and Eleanor McAsh and Bob
andMarjorieStirling had a wonderful
holiday in Europe, returning home on
the 15th. They left on August 23rd and
landed at Heathrow Airport, spent
two days in London, then were bused
to Doverwhere they boarded a hover-
craft for a 40 minute channel cross-
ing to Calais. They travelled by an In-
sight Tours bus up to Amsterdam,
which they described as wall to wall
people, a high .percentage of them
tourists. They had a boat tour of the
canals, visited a wooden shoe factory
and a cheese factory which used cow.
sheep and goats' milk. Some wind-
mills were seen on their trip in the
Germany is a very beautiful coun-
try with velvety green .fields,
vineyards and flowers everywhere.
they cruised the Rhine and visited the
cities of Cologne, Heidelberg and
Oberammergau, then on to In-
nsbruck, Austria and the Olympic ski
jump, Cortina and and Venice. The
accordion and singer for their tour
group was in the same gondola as the
McAsh's. They vistied a factory
ttlithe4:3,4 titan
Mr.. Giro+& t
Phos: 288-4702
TAKING TICKETS -- Ray and Joan McKinnon
those attending Septemberfest in Zurich.
wait to sell tickets to
of ribs and 'kraut at Zuric
serves Donna O'Brien a heaping plate
h's Septemberfest.
Calling All
Minor Bowlers
Registration is at 9:30 a.m.
Sat., September 28
Now affiliated with Youth Bowling Council
Former master bowler Ron Dann
• will be the instructor.
For more information call:
Program Director Sandra Dickert at 236-4426
Town and Country
Bowling Lanes
Zurich, Ontario 236-4923
where beautiful blown glass obiects
are produced, and saw Verona, the
supposed house of the Romeo and
Juliet. drama.
In Lucerne, Switzerland they went
up 10,000 foot Mt. Titlis by cablecar,
and Bill climbed the glacier to the top
of the mountain. Most people take a
camera with them on their travels, but
Bill added a tape recorder to capture
stories, etc. He has very clear recor-
dings of the music of the cowbells.
The best milk producers in the herd
have the most melodious bells. The
cows pasture on the plateaus, and
farmers have cablecars to get up to
them at milking time.
They visited Geneva and Paris, and
toured the palace and gardens of Ver-
sailles, also the Canadian Cemetery
at Vimy Ridge where so many First
World War soldiers are buried.
Following their return to Dover,
again by hovercraft, they rented a car
and toured Wales and the Lake
District, then travelled as far north as
Perth and Errol, Scotland, and Edin-
burgh. They were unable to find
relatives in the area, or much infor-
mation on their ancestors.
James Ilerriot's hill country in
Yorkshire was very beautiful, and
Hadrian's Wall was an interesting
historical site.
They were very impressed with
their tour guide and the wealth of in-
formation he shared with them, and
with the beautiful scenery and flowers
in most countries.
Fair queen
Gordon and Ruby Hill must be pro-
ud of their granddaughter Sandra
Ilunt, who was chosen Queen of the
Fair at Seaforth.
4-11 news
The second meeting of the Parr
Line Pastry Producers was held on
September 16 at the Stanley Township
Community Complex. The president
of our club, Joanne Consitt, called the
meeting to order. We answered the
roll call on how our tea biscuits turn-
ed out.
The Parr Line Pastry Producers
then went into the kitchen and
Heather Jackson, Janet Coleman,
Kathy Rathwell and Julie Ilealy
made an apple pie, Joanne Consitt
and Robyn Norman did an experi-
ment making pastry using butter, and
Julie Consitt and Fayeanne Love
made pastry using lard.
While everything was baking, we
came out and worked on our books.
13y the time we were finished, the pie
and the pastries were done baking.
We all had a piece of pie and all
agreed it was delicious!
We each sampled the four different
pastries - oil. shortening, butter and
lard and we rated them according to
appearance, texture, flakiness and
Reporter- .Janet Coleman
ST. BONIFACE COOKIE SALE ON — The Cookie Monster portrayed by Patrick Quchcw ne kicked ott
a cookie sale fund raising campaign at St. Boniface School in Zurich. Attempting to stop the monster
from tasting the cookies are Steven Rau, Colleen Denomme and Colleen Overholt.
Attend anti -abortion rally
Several bus loads of people from St.
Peter's Parish, St. Boniface,
Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Mit-
chell travelled to Toronto on Saturday
to be among those who took part in the.
"Justice for the Unborn Rally" at
Queen's Park, which was a peaceful,
silent protest against abortion.
CWL Invitation
The ladies of St. Boniface C.W.L.
are invited to Precious Blood School
in Exeter on October 9 at 8:00 p.m. to
hear Arch Andrew, a family
councellor, speak on "Loneliness."
October is the month of the Rosary,
and it will be said daily in the Church
before Mass.
• Our parish bazaar for the missions
will be held on November 9 and
tickets on a quilt can be had from
Cecilia Meidinger.
Blessings Unlimited is moving to a
new location at 19 Main St. in Zurich.
Take advantage of their clearing -out
sale this Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day by bringing our own garbage
bags and filling them for $5.00 each.
Once again they need wire, clothes
hangers, safety and straight pins. The
volunteers at Ble'sings Unlimited
would like to express their apprecia-
tion to each and everyone of you for
your donations of clothes, household
items, toys, etc. that have come in.
We look forward to your continued
support as the doors are open on Tues-
day, October 1 at 10 a.m.
Newly weds
Congratulations to newly-weds
Gerard Ducharme and Mary
Drysdale who were united in mar-
riage on Saturday, September 21 at
St. Boniface Church with Father
Mooney officiating. A dinner and
reception were held in Varna at the
Stanley township complex.
On return from a honeymoon the
couple will be living in London. The
groom is the son of Max and
Margaret Ducharme, RR 2, Zurich.
and the bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Drysdale, Hensall.
Belated wedding congratulations to
bride and groom, Dennis and Donna
May Masse (nee McDonald/ who
were married on September 14. Den-
nis is the son of Grace and Elzer
Masse, Dashwood.
Miss Donna Merner of Toronto
spent the weekend with her parrents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ilarvey of
Redford Michigan are spending this
week at the lake.
A large funeral service was held for
Harold Willert at the Luthern Church
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl F laxhard spent
a few days in London this past week
with their daughter, Ruth Ann.
A very nice bridal shower was held
for ,Janet Regier on Sunday at St.
Boniface School gym, with several
friends and relatives attending. Janet
is the daughter of Pat and Evelyn
Regier and fiancee of Doug Willsie.
They plan to marry on October 26
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
are extended to Miss Margaret
Mousseau who is a patient in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Happy belated birthday to Jeff
LaPorte and Judy Morrison. Birthday
wishes to out to Tracy Fisher on
September 23, Tracy Ducharme on
September 24 and Beth Sweeney.
Sweet 16 on Friday. September 27.
Martin and Cheryl Gelinas, Fran-
cis and Cindy Denomme, Louis and
Marilee Ayotte, Matthew and Mary -
Lou Denomme and Alfred Denomnne
all spent Saturday and Sunday in
Being a good kid these days takes a lot of
effort. But being an exceptional kid de-
serves special recognition. That's what
the Junior Citizens Program, sponsored
by CP Air and Ontario Community News-
papers Association is all about. It honours
the young people of Ontario who through
acts of kindness or courage, selflessness
or hard work offer a shining example of
good citizenship.
Windsor and attended the wedding of
their cousin and nephew, Tom
Denomme, to Karen Drouillard at St.
Thomas the Apostle Church. The
groom is the son of Andrew and
Yolande Denomme of Windsor.
Congratulations to Theresa and
Marlin Van Raay, RR 3 Dashwood, on
the arrival of Dean Alexander.
Don Fisher and fiancee Rose Mary
of Toronto visited with his parents,
Bob and June Fisher over the
Bob and Linda Hendrick, Claire
and Margaret Deichert, Tony and
Marlene Bedard, Bill Wagner and
Murray and Joan.Keys all went by
plane to Edmonton from last Satur-
day to Thursday to attend the Cana-
dian Independent Telephone Associa-
tion convention held there. All en-
joyed an added tour through the
Julie DeBus, Tilly Rau, Juliette
Denomme and Debbie Pennings
made a very nice spiritual retreat -in
Oxley from Friday to Sunday with
Father Thomas being the retreat
The C.W.L. Deanery meeting will
Zurich. Figure
Skating Club
Zurich Arena
Oct. 5, 1985
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
or call
236-7703 '
I Skate Exchange
1 Canadian Figure
Skating Association
be held on October 16 at St. Joseph
Church, Stratford phone Cecila
Farwell if you want to go.
Congratulations to Cheryl and Bill
Pole on the arrival of their third son,
Ian Christopher.
Paving Stones
driveways - patios
walks - pools
- landscaping accents
equipment rental for
- discounts available
on larger purchases
- delivery available
patio blocks
lawn edging
sidewalk blocks
park benches
picnic tables
44wt eoavtete
Adduced, , Zed
2 Parkside Ave.
Zurich, Ontario
Phone 236-4305
20% to 50%
Bulbs for Fall Planting
have arrived!
I4uu Ridge Aekes
on Ilw, 11 South of
.•,t„W t Hwy M
*ed of /unt h
RR2, ZURICH PHONE 565 2122
Monday to Friday - 8 AM to 8 PM
Saturday - 8 AM to 5 PM
Closed Sundays
All we ask is that you make nominations of chil-
dren you feel ought to he rewarded for their eff-
orts. Nominees should he between ages of fi and
18. Nominations must he received before Oct-
ober 31, 1985. 'Twelve recipients will receive a
plaque, a cash prize, a family photo portrait
with the lieutenant Governor of Ontario and a
lapel pin.
Contact us today for complete details:
Jim Beckett at
Exeter Times Advocate
Exeter 235-1331
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