HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-11, Page 23by about three miles.
McQuail said there was some
discussion of an old laneway from the
Thompson home that has direct ac-
cess to conc. 10.
Mrs. Thompson dictsay if her child
could not be accommodated on the
bus route, she would want the school
board to write to the ministry of
education to obtain an individual
home learning program for her
"I'm not so worried for now," said
Mrs. Thompson, "but when the
snowbanks are six feet deep."
Love Mom & Dad, Jean &
Lorne, Joan & Don, Lynne
& Syl, Kelly & Kara
Happy Anniversary
Mom & Dad
(Ed & Jude)
Love Karen & Kelly
September 11, 1985 Pogo 11A
First Huron Park
Ages 6-9
Thurs., Sept. 19
J.A.D. McCurdy School
Happy Birthday
Mildred & Phyllis
Guess who?
Stuart Eedy wishes to invite
relatives, friends and
neighbours, of his parents
Charlie & Doreen
to an
Open Dance
in celebration of their 25th
wedding anniversary to be
held at the
ilderton Community
Friday, Sept. 13
at 8:30 p.m.
Best wishes only, please
Friday, Sept. 13:
Music by
Dancing 9.00 p.m. - 1.00 a.m.
Saturday, Sept. 14:
Music by
Dancing 9.00 p.m. - 1.00 a.m.
No Blue Jeans, Please'
Group reservations welcome
• IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi1111i I11111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111tlllllµ
Pinery Flea Market
Open This Sunday
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
3 miles south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21
Closing for season September 29
Parkhill Merchants Barbeque and
Bargain Bonanza Now On ! ! !
for the kids with minimal purchase
With generous serving
of potato salad
Come on over and
enjoy good food,
good bargains and
good hospitality
Antiques, large flat to wall cupboard, approx. 35 bells, piano
clocks, collectibles, modern appliances, furniture, glassware,
riding lawnmower, etc.
to be held for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erb
and the Estate of Amos Gascho
at the Zurich Community Centre, Zurich Ontario
Saturday, September 21 at 10 a.m.
See next week's paper for full listing
AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb Cllnfon 482-7898
********* ********** *****
* Auction Sale
Of antiques, furniture, etc. For Mrs. Jennie Har-*
* tie, Concession 8McGillivrayTwp., 4 mi. N.W. of*
Ailsa Craig. *
Thurs. Eve. Sept. 19 - 5:30 sharp *
*China cabinet -side board combined, several wash stands, cup- *
* boards, small china cabinet, modern round pedestal table and*
* 4 chairs, ox yoke, iron kettle, blanket chest, square dining room *
* table, school bell, wash stand with wood pulls, dishes, stereo, *
* small tables, fire place, chesterfield and chairs, old clock, part
* of hanging lamp, dressers, day couch, coffee and end tables,
wooden bed, old wooden chairs, wooden bed and dressers, *
* humidifier, lamps, walking plow, dehorners, burdizzos , odd*
* dishes including some antiques., etc.
* TERMS: Cash sale night. Booth
* Hugh Filson
Tom Robson*
* 666-0833 666-1967*
* ******************* ****
Modern furniture and appliances to be held at Richard Lobb's
Auction Barn, Clinton Ont. for Mrs. Grace Duggan of Bayfield
Wed., September 18 at 6 p.m.
Inglis almond colour fridge, 5 yrs. old, 24 inch electric stove,
matching Inglis clothes washer and dryer nearly new, portable
sewing machine, humidifier, Kroehler chesterfield w/pullout
bed, chesterfield and chair, modern fruitwood drop leaf din-
ing table, w/3 leaves and 4 matching chairs, modern maple
hutch china cabinet, maple floor lamp, cedar chest, modern
maple double bed w/box spring and mattress, vanity dresser
and stool, Windsor style chair, wooden floor lamp, 2 matching
fancy end tables w/2 drawers each and carved fronts and legs.
2 matching table lamps, 2 oil paintings, books, pictures, oval
parlour table, fancy needle point stool, 2 upholstered chairs,
wooden smokers stand, pedestal TV stand, swivel chair, heat
lamp, 7 suit cases, binoculars, . walnut antique server w/bevel-
ed walnut on drawers, 3 little bells, continental double bed,
clothes hamper, 3 little sewing baskets, jewellery box, silver
water pitcher, 4 silver napkin rings, large silver sugar bowl
w/bird on lid, linens, bedding, 3 hand mode quilts, 2 electric
blankets, 2 floor lamps, crystal glasses, dishes and glassware
including antique pieces, pots and pans, toaster oven, lawn
chair, garden tools etc., step ladder. A good clean sale. Plan
to attend.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton
'�;°�� Estate Auction A`eilo.
po s
of the late Ray Wilhelm at 144 Victoria St. East,
on Sat., September 14, 1985 at 12:00 noon
VEHICLES: 1979 Dodge car, 1980 '/2 ton Ford pickup, both with
low mileage and selling certified.
FURNITURE: China cabinet, wood dining room set,end and cof-
fee tables, chesterfield and chair; chrome set, old wood
dressers, beds, rockers, cherry bedroom suite with mirror and
dresser, 2 side chests, chairs, mirrors, picnic table, lawn chairs,
pots, pans, dishes, silverware, radios, 8 piece dinner setting,
linens, pillows, quilts.
APPLIANCES: Hoover washer -spin dry, G.E. electric dryer,
refrigerator, Admiral color television, electric stove, 12 and 15
cubic foot freezers, vacuum, barbeque, electric bug killer.
ANTIQUES: Coal oil lamps, tin flower barrel, old wood filing
desk, picture frames, pine boxes, homemade soap, Blue glass
washboard, medicine cabinet, fishing rod, coal skuttle, crocks.
TRACTOR AND TOOLS A.C. 14 gas tractor, 3 furrow plow,
Hamilton auger snowblower, loader, 3 pt. h. blade trailer, MTD
roto tiller, lawnseeder, snowblower, 11/38 Flite riding
lownmower,air compressor, (all like new), cement mixer, wheel
barrows, paints, cement blocks, snow fence, elect. grinders,
aluminum ext. ladder, many sheets of presswood, firewood and
many other small items.
TERMS: Cash. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for ac-
cidents. Lunch booth
Auctioneer: John Finlay 236-4814
Auction Sale
Household furnishings and garden equipment
Saturday, September 28th 1:00 p.m.
For Mr. Eric K. Heywood, Y mile south of Exeter
on Highway No. 4
CARPENTER SHOP EQUIPMENT: 10" Radial Arm sow, 9" table
saw, floor model belt sander, band saw, '/, drill press 16 speed,
shop vac, 6" bench grinder, wood lathe 4'/,' bed, 1 set lathe
chisels, 14" chain saw, drill press stand, extension cords, 20
ft. aluminum ext. ladder, 4 ft. step ladder, clamps, buck saw,
cross -cut saw, many small tools, kerosene heater, electric
heater, 4800 watt construction heater etc. Carpenter power
machinery all purchased recently
GARDEN EQUIPMENT 826 John Deere snow blower elect. start,
68 John Deere riding lawn mower, garden tractor trailer 3' x
6' tree sprayers, elect. hedge clippers, power blower and vac,
Whipper Snippet' chipper shredder, lawn roller, garden tools,
shovels, rakes etc.
MISC Fence stretcher, 1 ton chain hoist, 6 ton jack, car rims,
car ramps, car stands, creeper, de-icing cables, sump pump,
boot controls, outdoor shuffleboard set, dartboard and darts,
car trailer 4' x 8', cement mixer, cement wheelbarrow, cement
tools, Martin house, bird feeder, bird baths, brooder heater,
chicken waterers, chicken screening, live animal trap, cast iron
stove, corn husker, apple grinder, apple cider press and peeler,
wine making equipment, Penny Farthing bicycle, girls bicycle,
typewriter, Christmas lighting and fixtures, conning sealers, etc.
Children's Encyclopedias, fish pond fountain pump.
white TVs, one 20" colour TV, telephone amplifier system,
refrigerator, washer, dryer, freezer, kitchen table, 14 cu. ft.
Admiral fridge, avocado, 4 burner 30" stove, avocado, studio
couch, Lazy Boy chair, 2 White arm chairs, 3 pc. stereo unit,
end tables, coffee tables, lamps, brass fireplace tool set,
bedroom curtains, living room drapes and sheers 17' x 9'. kit-
chen utensils, dishes and glass ware, bathroom stoles, used
purple wool shag carpet 17' x 12', white wrought iron patio
chairs and table with glass top, patio strawberry planter, grape
vine planters, Cower planters, outdoor furniture, portable bar,
gas barbeque, charcoal barbeque, rotisserie, Coleman stove,
Coleman lantern, Hibotchi, vacuum cleaner, car vac, etc.
GUNS: Savage 30-30, 12 gauge stir* auto, 22 semi auto with
scope, 410 single shot, Crossman air rifle. F.A.C. required. 22
Mosberg semi automatic with scope, 16 gauge ranger double
barrel Many other items 'too numerous to mention.
Terms cash sale day.
For further information call 473-3655
FIRST TIME — The congregation of Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle join in the first service to be held
in the new church.
Board won't deviate
to assist five-year-old
The Huron County board of educa-
tion will not deviate from its transpor-
tation routes for one little five-year-
old girl, even though that girl's
mother may pull her from school.
What was to be Tabatha Thomp-
son's first day of school at Nutlet Cen-
tral public school in the kindergarten
program turned out to be a morning
spent at home and an afternoon spent
at the school board office in Clinton.
Tabatha's mother, Christine, with
a four -month -old -baby in her arms
and a middle child as well as the
expected -to -be kindergarten child
showed up at the first school board
meeting of the 1985-86 school year.
"I want to lay a complaint", Mrs.
Thompson of RR Londesboro started
out when she faced the trustees and
school board administration.
Barely able to control tears, the
young mother says -she has to look
after her father who is confined to a
wheelchair and is unable to accom-
pany her daughter to the bus stop.
She estimated the bus stop about 60
rods from the end of the Thompson
laneway, but not visible from her
"I'd like the board to make an ex-
ception. If they cannot make an ex-
ception my daughter will not be atten-
ding school," she said.
, Exeter trustee Clarence McDonald
asked that transportation manager
R.L. Cunningham look at Mrs.
Thompson's request "with a little bit
of compassion."
However, an in -camera session at
the conclusion of the school board's
regular meeting resulted in a motion
being passed which says no special
consideration will be made for the
Thompson child.
"If we give in to one, there will be
more than one later," said school
board chairman Eugene Frayne.
He did say that kindergarten is not
mandatory and if Mrs. Thompson
wants to pull her child out of school
she can.
The chairman said that the
transportation manager had been out
to the Thompson home that morning
after the mother's initial complaint.
According to his measurements, the
Thompson gateway is one-eighth of a
mile from the bus stop.
The Thompson laneway leads out
onto to County Road 8 in Hullet
Township. The bus stops at the in-
tersection of County Road 8 and con.
Trustee Tony McQuail said the on-
ly other alternatives are to either turn
around in the Thompson laneway, an
alternative considered too dangerous,
or continue down the county road to
the next intersection. This second
idea would take the bus out of its way
i Happy 13th Trina
Love your Brothers
at Pinery
uction Barn
Hwy. 21, 3 miles south of Grand Bend
On Wednesday September 18 at 6:30 p.m.
We will be selling a large selection of restaurant equipment 1
and supplies plus chocolate and candy making equipment. Good 1
clean restaurant equipment is still being accepted for this 1
auction. 1
Auctioneer Pat Lyon 243-2713
riwrlr IMI•In III ONrell all NI IMP alNIa■SOINI MONINI Ell
Auction Sale
TAKE NOTICE THAT Pittao Homes Ltd. of 23 Northcrest Dr., Lon-
don, in the county of Middlesex, is indebted to A & K Service
Centre of the Township of Stephen, in the county of Huron in
the sum of $1200.00 for work done - mechanical and storage
made upon a 1980 Toyota Tercel, serial No. AL12051891 and
in that the said Pittao Homes Ltd. hos remained unpaid for more
than three months, pursuant to the Construction Lien Act, S.O.
1983, a sale of the said automobile will be had by public auc-
tion on the 26 day of Sept. 1985, at the hour of 7 o'clock in the
evening at A & K Service Centre Ltd. to be conducted by
Whiting's, Auctioneer Service.
The sale is subject to a reserve bid.
DATED at Centralia, Ontario this 10th day of September, 1985
A & K Service Centre Ltd.
R.R. 1
Centralia, Ontario
NOM 11(0
Antiques, furniture, appliance, guns, hunting bow, boot trailer,
truck rack, etc, to be held at Richard Lobb's Aucton Barn, Clin-
tonOnt. for the Estate of Viola Lampman, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Montgomery and two Hensall residents.
Sot., Sept. 14 at 10 a.m.
Nomad recurve hunting bow w/45 Ib. pull, aluminum arrows
w/field and broadhead tips, Mossberg heavy barrel .22 target
rifle w/9 shot clip and peep sights, Cooey .22 single shot rifle
all in good condition. Homemade single axle boat trailer 14 ft.
long, flat rack for pickup truck 7 - 8 ft. w/tongue and groove
treated floor, Jet 1 inch sander grinder, small wood lathe on
stand w/3" x 5" face plates, Ladies and mans 3 speed bikes
like new.
pedestal desk 48 x 32, matching oak credenza and letter troy,
oak swivel arm chair, oak blanket box, 2 wicker arm chairs,
wicker clothes basket, 2 childrens pressback chairs, childs cap-
tain style chair, curved bock chicken coop choir, large old cof-
fee table w/drower, small oak plant table w/twist legs, top for
flot to wall w/wooden doors, porch swing w/canopy, cobbler
bench coffee table, modern 30 inch corningwore top electric
stove, Admiral and Coldspot fridges, Kenmore dishwasher
reconditioned, Electrohome 26" solid state floor model colour
TV, Sanyo portable colour TV on pedestal stand, Admiral floor
model hi fi, w/8 track player, chesterfield and chair 1 yr. old,
modern maple round table w/large leaf and 4 matching choirs,
maple dresser w/mirror, Kroehler coffee table, oval chrome
table and 4 chairs, round chrome table and 4 chairs, maple end
, table, small china cabinet, artificial fireplace, old harvest type
table, small wardrobe w/drawers, '/. size continental bed, dou-
ble box spring and mattress, dresser, chests of drawers, hex-
agon end table, table lamps, Speed Queen wringer wosher, old
dryer, modern baby crib w/matching chest, leather harness
makers bench, rocking chair, crocks, pink and green depres-
sion glass, corn flower, good old wooden bed, nearly new
upholstered chair, oil lamp, Ointuplete spoons, 5 cups and
saucers, electric heaters, pots and pans, another large com-
plete offering. Plan to attend.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898
The regular meeting
Exeter Town Council
scheduled for
Monday, Sept. 16
has been postponed
Tuesday, Sept. 24