HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 28Page 16A Times -Advocate, September 4, 1985 ^ r
TRIP FUND RAISERS At the recent Zurich Bean Festival, the Zurich Has Beans hockey team operated
a bake sale booth to raise funds for a trip to Switzerland. From the left are Bob Johnston, Rick Schilbe,
Carol Johnston and Judy Watt. T -A photo
Visit cheese museum
Granton WI enjoy bus four
The Granton branch of the W.I.
sponsored a bus tour August 26. The
Murphy Bus which seated 49
passengers was full on leaving Grim-
-ton: Mrs Muriel Lewis acted as tour
guide and drew our attention to points
of interest en route.
Our first stop was Woodstock where
we Visited the lfarvey Woods outlet
and purchased some bargains, after
visiting a shopping mall. we had our
lunch and later toured the Woodstock
Museum which was the former City
Then we hoarded our bus and drove
to the S.S. munber :3 ,North Norwich
School Museum. then on toOltervitle
where .we visited the site of the Oc-
tagonal House which is now as a com-
munity center and a meeting place
for Senior Citizens.
We were shown a film on the history
of the ( Ic•tagonal Ilouse. Our next stop
was at ('ogles Factory Outlet at
Tillsonburg, where we all made pur-
chases of good things to eat, and
received some free samples. Next it
was a. visit to the Cheese Factory
Museum in Ingersoll. We stopped for
dinner in Ingersoll. then boarded the
bus for home.
Church News
At the Granton United Church the
Rev. Bruce Pierce was in charge of
the Sunday morning -worship and lrx►k
the Text for his sermon from the scrip-
ture lesson taken from Genesis 11:1-9
and entitled his message "Without
God we are all confused. We cannot
solve our problems without God. we
need His help. A Christian will say "I
.can do all things through Christ.
because he strengthens me.
In -the children's time the Rev.
Pierce asked them "How many of you
climb up on your Daddy's knee at
bedtime. when you do. i want you to
say "Jesus loves nie. • The important
thing is Jesus really does love you all.
said the Minister.
' At St. Thomas Anglican Church
Rev. Peter Derrick was the Celebrant
of the holy Eucharist assisted by
Roger Harmsworth. The Server was
John Jones and the Crucifer was
David Jones. The lessons were read
by Mrs. Percy Hpdgins and the
Rev. Derrick preached his sermon
from.Ephesians 6:1(1•'20 on the source
of our strength in obeying the laws ul
Following the Service a social hour
was enjoyed. when Rev. Derrick
presented John Herbert. on behalf of
the congregations burgundy leather
Thompson Chain Reference Study Bi-
ble. on his leaving to attend the
University of Waterloo. in a few
chosen words John thanked everyone
for remembering him with such a
special gift.
Rev. Elwood and Mrs. Morden of
Hamilton were guests at the Dixon-
Ilarloff wedding Friday evening and
stayed overnight with Mrs. Elmer
Cancel September
Centralia UCW event
There %% ill he no t V. meeting in
the t'niled. c'hur'ch in September as
the members are invited to Crediton
tonight. September 5. al 11 p.m.
The October meeting will be held on
Happy Gang
plays euchre
Ailsa Craig
The Happy Gang seniors mel
Wednesday afternoon al the Legion
hall. Euchre winners were Lorraine
Neil. Myrtle Dixon. Margaret Dores,
Gertie Ilodgins, Becky Ross and
Florence While.
Some of the seniors are planning to
attend the games tournament in St.
Marys and others planning to visit
Montrose. Michigan. seniors. late in
September. Plans are being made to
visit the Charlton's. Peterborough. in
early t)clober,
Mrs. Evelyn McNaughton, bliss
Margaret Wilson. Mrs. ,lack Rosser.
and Alice Dickers attended the Lon-
don area Women's • Institute
Tweedsmuir History Cu rator's
workshop August 13 at the new
Goderich township hall near
"Photography for Posterity" was
the topic enlarged upon by Mrs. Don
( Allison Lobb as speaker. The Ar-
chivist - Administrator at the
Stratford -Perth Archives. Mr. Jim
Anderson, spoke on care of pictures
while his assistants. Lutzen Riedslra.
researcher. gave information on farm
and family histories and house logs.
Susan Luckhardt, clerk secretary.
showed and told of acid -free paper
13111 Fong, a former resident, visited
here recently in town.
Recent visitors with Miss Margaret
Lcive were Dr. ,John Wilker, Mrs.
Wilker, Marcus. Kathleen and
Nicholas. West 11111.
Mr. .Ind Mrs. Langford Morgan
(Jean Tweddlel of Merlin visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
The Anglican church congregation
announce that Rev. Doug McKenzie
is their new minister. Meanwhile. the
United Church people welcome Rev.
Anne Beattie. back to the pulpit after
her recent holidays.
The Crigwiel Activity Centre com-
mittee is planning a "Music Night"
featuring a group of Sweet Adelines
on October 4
co help
October :i with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Smith of Exeter as guest speakers on
Alter what seemed to be a very
short summer the school buses are
back on the road again. Some new
pupils are entering kindergarten.
Jeanette Walker to J.A.D. McCurdy
and Douglas Rimmer to Mount
(tick Snelgrove lett Sunday for his
apar'Iinent in London where he will
enter Fanshawe College on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wilson oI
Arneliasburg spent the holiday
weekend with bir. and Mrs. Ken
'Mr. and Mrs Brent Caslick and
Gregory spent the holiday weekend
with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
George Becklerger of Cargill and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Caslick. Walkerton.
Tom and Mary Kooy were dinner
guests with Mrs. Mary Davis, 'Tues-
day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sim
I((x►Ix►I, 1lensall were visitors with the
Mrs. and Mrs. Lawrence- Hirt zei
spent a few days last week with their
daughter Margaret. granddaughter
Tracy and friend at a cottage near
Goderich and Sunday the Ilirtzel's
were guests at the home of their son
Nit-. and Mrs. Donald Ilitirel, Parkhill
"for a family birthday celebration.
when their great grandson and grand-
daughter Delphine Scheming and son
were celebrating birthdays.
Mts. Von Overholt stent Sunday
with her sister Mrs. 'Teresa Bedour in
mersteeg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Mommersteeg, ha's
recently graduated from Con-
estoga College of Applied Arts'
and Technology as an executive
secretary. She has accepted a
position with Poul Ross, Barrister
and Solicitor in Seaforth.
Many friends in •Granton were
visited by the former United Church
Minister and his wile the next day.
!tin and Mrs. John Stuart Kitchener
spent the weekend with John's
mother Mrs. Wilma Beaucage.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins,
Mrs. Lois Herbert and John attended
the Decoration Service -at St. James
Church Clandeboye on Sunday, and
later visited with Miss. Roan Hicky at
Chateau Gardens Nursing Home
Parkhill. they also visited Mfrs. Myr-
tle Rodd at South Huron. Hospital
Chad Anderson arrived home from
a month long -hitch -hiking holiday in
England. Sunday.
At Staffa
Visitor from Newfoundland
Mrs. Anthony Brait, St. John's,
Newfoundland visite overnight with
her mother. Mrs. O pha Norris and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris and fami-
ly, Bale'd Ufe, Quebec, visited this
,past week with Mrs. Ofpha Norris
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Norris and
Visiting on the weekend at the John
Templeman home were, Mrs. Jim
Neilso, Jennifer, Jessica and James.
St. Catharines, Ruth Templeman,
Stratford. Joanne Donovan, Milton.
Darlene Ellison, Goderich, Terry
Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Templeman and Lindsay, Mitchell,
Mrs. Hank Bertens, Kimberly and
Danny, Fullarton, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Parsons and Cassandra Jayne
Over 60 neighbours, friends.
relatives and family attended a sur-
prise party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rob Heckman RR 2 Mite'hell
Saturday afternoon and evening.
honouring Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris
on their a01h wedding anniversary.
Bob and Bernice have four
children. Patricia, Mrs. Jim Skinner.
RR 5 Stratford, Susan, Mrs. Rob
Heckman, RR 2 Mitchell. Jill and
Robert, at home.' and two grand-
children. Kristin a nd Courtney
Everyone enjoyed a roast pig
PULLING STRINGS Teachers Ruth Martin and Julie Hendrick are
helping Robert Elder and Lisa Clarke in a craft project Wednesday
at Vacation Bible School at Crediton United Church.
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Hamp!Duroc, York Landrace
boors & Fl York%Londroce gilts
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Come and take a look at our
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Delivery available
R.R. 1, Mitchell, Ont.
, 519-348-8043
You Can Deal With Confidence
When You Deliver Your
198; White Bean Crop to
Ken R. Campbell & Sons Ltd., Seaforth
Howson & Howson Ltd., Blyth, Ontario
Palmerston Elevators Ltd.
Bar' B - Dee Farms, RR 1 Bornholm
are also white bean receiving satellites for Thompson's
We want and appreciate your business
Hyland Augusta Seed Wheat
again the top yielder
Followed by Hyland Howser Seed Wheat
et F
Be sure you buy Blue Tag Seed Only
This assures you of "Certified" #1 Seed
for "Purity" - "Quality" and
"Top Yields.
Any other facsimile is not the same.
Available only at Thompson's or a Hyland Dealer
Also there is Cert. #1 Fredrick seed wheat. For larger growers
wishing Certified seed in Bulk we can supply. Please order ahead.
- Custom Fertilizer Spreading
- Soil Sampling Service
- Computerized Reports
- Recommendations from a Qualified Staff
p t� µc►'/
For purity,
top germination,
disease free
Sow only Certified Hyland Seed
Gran ton
Ailsa Craig
Port Albert