HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 24Page 12A Tunes -Advocate, September 4, 1985 Clubs meet again after summer break The Hensall Senior Citizens will meet on Toecday Sept ember -10 al the local hall at 6:30 p.m. for a pot luck supper. A good program is being ar- ranged. Plan to attend. Horticultural Society •The Hensall and Community Hor- ticultural Society will meet at the Hensall United Church on Wednes- day. September 11 at 8 p.m. Doug Ellison of the Travel Agency will be the speaker and there will be a plant exchange. Carmel Presbyterian Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ for the service of song. The P C.W. will meet on September 9 al 8 p.m. in the church. The roll call will be answered by a Biblical occupat ion. Mr. and Nlrs. 11'illiant Smith mov- ed to their new home in Exeter on Monday. They have been residents of Hensall for many .years and will be greatly missed. We wish them health and happiness in their new residence. Recent visitors with Ross and Don- na Corbett were Mrs. Barbara Preston and Anne Sundridge: Mrs Cora MacFarlane, Calling Lake Alberta. Mrs. Michelle Pilker, Mrs. Corina Cole and one-year old Chelsea Cole; Edmonton, Alberta. They also visited with Mrs. Ruth Taylor at the Blue Water Rest Ilorne. Zurich. and with other family and friends in the Clinton Area. (lueensw ay News Bingo on Monday afternoon was well attended with many prize win- ners. It is a popular game at (,Queensway. Rev. Stan McDonald led our wor- ship service on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Isobel Rogerson was the pianist. Mrs. Nan Britton and Mrs. Susan Purdy were on hand to assist with the services. Robert Gackstette. sang two solos in the service. We really -en- joyed his contribution. Several residents gathered for a sing -song on Wednesday. Lucille Jef- frey and Louise Mitchell treated us to two delightful duets. The high bowlers on Wednesday were Neil Regan with a score of •131 and Muriel Gunning with a score of 107. We had a great time back at Town and Country Bowling lanes in Zurich. The movie On 'Thursday kept us in Insall and district news Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 SCHOOL BAGS - Anita Phillips (left) and Melissa Masse show off the new school bags they brought for their first day in Grade two at Hensall Public School. Kippen couple home from western trip By Margaret Hoggarth Janice and Garry Alderdice have returned from a two-week vacation to Calgary. They ,stopped at Fort McMurray where they called in on Larry Wright. formerly of the Kippen area, and Greg McIntosh, Janice's brother. Other stops on their trip were Peace River, Jasper, Columbia Icefields. Lake Louise, Banfff and Southern British Columbia. Mike Dunham, from Waterdown 'Ontario, spent the weekend with Paul Hoggarth and family. Art, Karen and Jason.Lougheed.ot Markham and Lynn Alderdice of Grand Bend visited with Garry and Janice Alderdice for the Labour Day weekend. Garry and Delta Alderdice and family from Halifax, visited with Vern and Mona Alderdice last week and attended the Alderdice reunion on Sunday, September 1 at Vern's. Sixty- five Alderdice relatives from Grimsby. Toronto, Markham. Mississauga. Owen Sound, Meaford. Barrie, London, and Halifax. gathered for a get -acquainted after- noon and a bountiful picnic dinner. Kippen United Church Sunday school will begin next Sun- day, September 8. There will be choir practice after church. Any former members and new members who wish to join are welcome. The regular meeting of -United Church Women will be held Tuesday September 'Oat 8 p.m. in the Sunday School auditorium. All women of the community are cordially invited for study and fellowship. Other dates are worldwide commu- nion service on Sunday. October 6 and St. Andrew's Church, Kippen. an- niversary service on Sunday, October 20. Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit on Sunday, September 1. His sermon was based on Ephesians chapter 4. Ile examined and expound- ed on the Christian definition of suc- cess and greatness..lesus taught that whoever wished greatness must become a servant to others and will serve others in the spirit of the love of Christ. Such a person will be generous in many ways, have a hum- ble mind and spirit. .c. stitches "The Eyes Have It" was an old -silent film about a man with cross- ed eyes. We spent the afternoon on Friday doing some flower arranging.. We us- ed some artificial flowers to decorate our dining room tables. United Church Labour Day theme was carried out throughout the service at the United Church on Sunday morning when Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of "Work That Satisfies". He took his theme from Isaiah 55 and Luke 19:12-27 and spoke of how our work ethics have changed through the years. "We have lost the urgency of the Biblical admonition", he said. "Whatever your hand finds to do,.do it with all your might." Raye Jacobe greeted the cohgrega- lion and Bill Fuss, Tim Mann and Cecil Pepper were the ushers. The soloist was Belva Fuss with Jean Jacobe at the piano. Belva sang two beautiful solos. "Worthy" and "1 Ask the Lord". The congregation were reminded that Sunday Church School begins next Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and that Messengers and Explorers will have their •first meetings on . Monday. September 9. • Personals Mrs. Chester Earl of Atwood visited Dashwood seniors join mystery tour By MRS. IRVIN RADER A number of people from Dashwood ,vere on a mystery bus tour last Wednesday with some from Zurich and Hensall. The first stop was at the Kettle Creek Canvas Co. where a tour of the plant took place. This is head office for the cotton industry and is a big industry in a small village. Com- pleted garments are shipped all across Canada. Harry Hoffman was winner in a lucky draw. Following lunch in St. Thomas, a tour of the city took place with a stu- dent pointing out the places of business and houses. A visit•to Jum- bo, the elephant, was made and he is very lifelike. Later it was pointed out where Jumbo was killed a hundred years ago. A train ride from Port Stanley to Union and backwas made. Following supper at the Garage in London we arrived home. Annie Finkbeiner was winner in a draw on our ride home. Moving Away Mrs. Margaret Carroll, one of Dashwood's most active citizens, is moving to Chatham to be closer to members of her family. She belong- ed to the Senior Citizens, Dashwood Women's Institute and the UCW of Calvary United church. Calvary United church Women met Thursday evening for a social time and presented her with a gift of a Bible. Dashwood Women's Institute also presented her with a gift. Personals Miss Eleanor Salmon -has returned to Nigeria and her teaching after spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Esther Salmon. Weekend guests with Mrs. Jean Walper were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Slezak and Roy, London, 'Rob Cromarty. Winnipeg. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wurm, Exeter. Flowers in Zion Lutheran church Sunday were from the funeral of Mrs. Golda Tyler. Ilayter Reunion The Robert and Bertha - Hayter family held their sixth annual reunion at Jim and June's home in Goderich. A good time was had by all. Many games and contests were enjoyed by young and old alike. Family members gathered from Montreal, Novi, Mich.. Toronto. Grand Bend. Dashwood and Mississauga. Richard and Jeff Ilayter and friend. Toronto vacationed with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ilayter and David. Other visitors were Mr and Mrs. John Snyder. Brantford. Susan Baynham Oshawa. is spen- ding some time with her grand- mother, Mrs. Elda Koehler. 4.0 IN THE SWING Katie Rothwell, (left), Mary Anne MacDonald and Mefindd Hovius try out the swings at Hensoll Public School while waiting for the bell to begin the new school year. 71/E SdF yY 8'Ro OM, G9Fr;rOemtw 111e Are _Wen, &wa �, s w en, gaff: P srsRS WO/740r BawerQ detafreer SEND KO? NOW ANO .ePPAY5S W.' Sv4t 7N BAr4036 57Annw,4:7Z WPM MSw. 24'4' - awr ontarto hydro with her brother Rev. McDonald, at the Manse for a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bissett and girls of Diamond, Alberta, visited recent- ly with Mrs. Edith Bell and Pauline. Sgt. Doug Wein of the R.C.M.P.. Mrs. Wein and David returned to their home in Ottawa after holidaying with their parents Mrs. Wein, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neevel. Calgary: Mr: and Mrs. Ken Turner, Melissa and Ryan, Didsbury, Alber- ta; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neevel, Holland, have all returned home after spending the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Neevel and attend- ed the weddings of Betty Neevel and Clarence Toornstra and Karen Brand and Richard Neevel. BMX executive An executive to supervise the new BMX track built by volunteers behind the Hensall Community Centre was formed at a meeting Wednesday night. President is Andy Bilke, secretary Dick Packham and treasurer Andrew [manse. The track has been well patronized since it was opened. The layer of top- soil which is encouraging grass growth will be replaced in the spring. Signs with the pictograph meaning "bicycles only" have been installed at a number of strategic locations around the track. 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