HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 23BiRTHS — BECKER — The Becker Brothers Four. Jeremy, Jason, Joshua and Janie are pleased to announce that ' Jenna Leanne" has arrived. She made her debut on August 29, 1985 al Victoria Hospital. Londun weighing 7 Ib. 21 01. Proud parents are John and Mary. Jenna is also welcomed by grandparents Ed and Barb (learn. Exeter. Valentine and Verna Becker, Dashwood and great grandmother Ikirothy Dyson. St. Thotnas. 36c SIMPSON- - 11'ayne and .Judi Simpson. London are proud to announce the birth of "Jeanette Anne on ,July 25. 1985. a sister Jur !Whine :0i DEATHS — I3AKEIt - At the Blue Water (test Jtome. Zurich 00 \luuday. September 2, 1985. Sydney. Baker. age 81 years Beloved hus- band oI Edith Guenther 1 Baker ul Dashwood. Dear father of ,Jackie, predeceased 1939. Also survived by one sister Loreen Smith of Windsor. Predeceased by three sisters Della. Verda and Florence loved by 0 number of nieces and nephews. Rested al the T. Harry 1lolI- ma0 and Sons Funeral Hume. Dashwood. Funeral service on Wednesday, September 4, at 2 p.m. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Rev. R. Sinasac officiated- Mr. Baker was band member for over 60 years. Memorial donations to the !fear( and Stroke Founda- tion or Calvary L'.('. Organ Fund. would be -_appreciated. 36c BAR'I'1101.0l1EPI — At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Wednesday. August 28, 1985, Alexander Bartholomew of Grand Cove Estates. Grand Bend, in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Leona (Gibbs) Bar- tholomew. Dear father of Alex of Thunder Bay, David of Kitchener. and Len of Lon- don. Also loved by :3 grandchildren. Predeceased by one sister Mrs. Jane Shaw. No visitation. Funeral service at St. John's By The Lake Anglican Church. Grand Bend. on Friday. August 30 at 11 a.m. Reverend J. Sutton. officiated. Cremation. Memorials to the Cancer Socie- ty would be appreciated by the family and can be arranged for al the funeral home. (T. (Harry- Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood. 237-3532.) 36c BROCK — At University hospital, London. on Friday. August :30. 1985, Norman W. Brock of Exeter, beloved husband of Myr- tle ( Earl) Brock, in his 73rd year. Father of Mrs. Burton Morgan 1 Marion) of Kit- chener. Mrs. William Spence (Doris) of RR 6, St. Marys, Mrs. Witham Strong (Doreen) of Seaforth. Mrs. Grant Skinner (Margaret) of London, and William Brock of Exeter. Also surviving are 14 grand- children and 1 great-grandson. Rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral home. William Street, Exeter; where the funeral service was held on Monday. September 2 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Richard Hawley of- ficiated. interment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the heart and Stroke Foun- dation or the Alzheimer Society would be appreciated by the Brock family. :36c DEATHS — TYLER --- At University- Hospital, London, on Monday. August 26. 1985. Golda •Wells Tyler of Iluronview Home. Clinton and formerly. of Dashwood. in her 79th year. Beloved wife of the late Albert Tyler (1961). Dear mother of Leonard of Edmon- ton and Joan ol Fox -Creek. Alberta Lov- ed sister of Verdun i Mrs. Jake Linden - held ). Ernest (liap, %Veils. Nelson ( Punch) Wells. all of Exeter Predeceas- ed by two brothers and one sister. Also lov ed by nine grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren. Rested at the '1'. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral }Home, Dashwood. with public visitation Wednes- day afternoon and evening. Private fami- ly service on Thursday. August 29. 1985 In- terment Grand Bend Cemetery Memorials to the Cancer Society would be appreciated by the fancily- :36c CARDS OF THANKS— Thank HANKS— Thank y OU ierniS like such a small word to say to Mr Itlsi and his stall of the Blue Water Rest Home for all they did tor mother's 100th birthday Sunday 25, and to all who came to congratulate her. 11 was deeply appreciated. and especially the beautiful birthday cake that was made at the home and also the ladies' Auxiliary members who served the beverages and cake. \fang thanks to Cathy Shantz and the resident choir, Harry Hoffman and the Band, Martha and Earl Heywood and to alt who took part in- the program. Many - thanks to Hilda McAdams for decorating the cake, and Mel' and J Restaurant Jur serving a delicious turkey dinner in the evening in Crediton, which was fill deeply appreciated. :16 Harry McAdmas, 'Tillie 'retreat; Again we wish to thank our family. friends and neighbours for their kindness and support at the time 01 the recent and sudden loss of our dear brother Alike Fallon. :36c Gus and Gerry. Gregus The family of the late Gulch' Tyler wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, floral tributes, memorial dona- tions, cards and food sent in, in the loss of a dear sister, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Rev. Jim Sutton. Hoff- man Funeral Home and the pallbearers and Lulu Floody who looked after the lunch. :36 • The Wells Family I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, visits. gifts and flowers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. 36c• Brent McDonald Sincere thanks to everyone who helped in my recent emergency and others for tokens of kindness and cards. Special thanks to Hoffman Ambulance for last et- ficient service. Also congregational prayers, Dr. Brown, Dr. Lan and nursing staff of University Hospital. 36c Ken Alc•('rae Calvary United Church of Canada Doshwood Minister REV. 6013 SINASAC Organist Miss (dello Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday. September 8 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter REV. ABRAM BLAAK Minister Sunday. September 8 10:00 o.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Come and Worship with us Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV. KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday. September 8 9 00 a.m. Morning Worship 900 a m. Sunday School All Grades Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Doshwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, September 8 9:30 o.m. Sunday School and Bible Study 11 00 Worship Service Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV. B.N. DE JONGE Sunday. September 8 1000 a.m. - Worship Sunday School - (Preschoolers) 2 30 p.m Worship Nursery Available listen to The Back to God Hour CKNX Dial 920 - 10 30 a.m Television Forth 20 Global 6 (cable 3) Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister: Rev. Richard W. Hawley. B.A. M.Div. Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, September 8 9:00 o.m. - 10:30 a.m. "Family Brunch" 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship with The Rev. Richard W. Hawley 11:00 o.m. Church School Courtesy Car for September Mr. Elliott McRoberts 235-1260 Nursery Facilities Available EVERYONE WELCOME The Trivitt Memorial Church (Anglican) Main at Gidley. Exeter the REV. J.W. SUTTON Rector 235-2335 Sunday, September 8 Anniversary Sunday 11 15 o.m. Anniversary Service Celebrating 126 years Church School registration Nursery Everyone Welcome Emmanuel Baptist Church 187 Huron St. W.. Exeter Sunday, September 8 9 45 o.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Worship Services Wednesday 8 p.m. - Bible Study Romans 1 17-20 'A rumor goes in one ear and out many mouths". Peace Lutheran Church - 94 Andrew Street North Exeter REV. JOHN OBEDA Pastor Sunday. September 8 10 30 a.m. Worship Service 9 30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Study Welcome Exeter Bible Fellowship Sunday. September 8 9 45 a.m- Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 11 00 o m Family Bible Hour Speaker - Jim Wilson 6 00 p.m. Communion Tuesday 8 p m. Bible Study All Services held at Usborne Central School Huron S' East Everyone Welcome CARDS OF THANKS — W e w ish to extend our sincere thanks to all our relatives, neighhours and friends for their messages ol sympathy. floral tributes. memorial donations. acts of kind- ness we received (ollolwing the loss ol a dear husband. father and grandfather Special thanks to the doctors and stall ut St Marys Memorial Hospital and the am- bulance service for their care and kind- ness Ow appnriat1011 IS extended to Rev J Varch for his comforting words, the fluplx'r-1lockey Funeral Home and the United Church Women lir the luncheon Your thoughtfulness was very iiiuch ap- preciated and will never be forgotten 3fic• Alyrtle Willis, Dan and Mary Wagler. Mike and Leola Freeman, Marweoed and Gertrude Willis Many thanks to my fancily, relatives. Iriends Mucha 'Temple and Order of the Eastern Star and Rev Hawley of Exeter United Church for their visits and gilts while l was a patient in 5l Joseph's Hospital and since returning hone. 36c Bill Bell IN MEMORIAM - 1 'I-'i'E 1(5 In loving memory of our dear 51111, John who ttas taken so suddenly one year ago September 8 as a result of an accident 11 is buI one %ear ago today Since God called you away. would -give the world- just to say - I love you. John, in the same old way 1t teardrops were 0 staircase. and memories a lane. I'd climb right up to Heaven, John, and bring you home again. 1t broke MY heart to lose you, but you didn't go alone, Because part of me went with you The day God called you home. Loved lorewer and sadly. missed by Moni and Dad. 36 PETERS - In loving memory ol a dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle who, passed away 1 year ago. 'One year today our.brother was called •'I'o his eternal rest: Gone where the angels sing so sweet. And taken when God knew best, - 11-c nils him here so very much. (lis presence oft seems nigh. But we all hope in Heaven to meet Where no one says good-bye. • Sadly missed by Steve and Donna, Nor- man and Tracy, Wayne and Lisa, Danny. Melissa. Heather and Alex. 36 PETERS — In loving memory of a very special nephew and cousin John Peters who passed away Septetnber 8, 1984. Your presence we miss: your memory we treasure, Loving you always: forgetting you never. Lovingly remembered by Aunt ()ota. Ed, Sandy and I1ike 36c NOIRIO' — In loving memory of a dear sister. Carrie Norry, who passed away 2 years ago. September 8, 198:1. I had a sister with a heart of gold. _ Who was more to me than anyone -knows Without farewell she fell asleep. With only memories for me to keep. Always a smile instead of a frown, Always a hand when 1 was down, Always true, thoughtful and kind, But wonderful memories she left behind. Although her smile is gone forever, And her hand 1 cannot touch. But still 1 have so many memories. Of the one 1 loved so much. But I think of -you in silence. And 'uften speak your name. But all I have arc memories. And your picture in a frame. A little tribute small and tender. ,lust to show we still remember. Sadly missed and alwa\s will be remembered by sister Dorothy and Karl 1)hmayer 36 Coming Events BINGO — Every Tuesday evening at Vanastra ('entre, RR 5 Clinton. 8 p.m. First regular card 51.00. 15 regular games of 520 each. 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot 5200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. • :32lfne HURON C'OU'NTRY PLAYilOU'SE -- presents "The Sound of Music" August 20 --September 7 Phone 2:38-8451. 34k' BLYTH FESTIVAL -- Garrison's Garage: September 4. 5 ( matinee and evening), 6, 7 (matinee and evening, 9. 10. 11, 12 ( matinee and evening ) Evening perfor- mances at it 3o p.m., matinees at 2 p.m For tickets. call Box Office 523-9:3011/9225. ('ar Rally Saturday. September 14. star- ting from Blyth Menmrial Hall, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. A "funrun" through iluron County with trick questions. check points, prizes, etc. Registration 55. /car ball 523.9300/9225 for details 36c HURON ('1)1'N'TY HEALTH UNIT in• vites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health 1'nit office, South Ifuron Ifospital. Exeter on Monday. September 9. 1985 from 9::30 11:30 a m for: 1) llealth Surveillance. 2) Anaemia Screening: 3 ) immunization. 41 Fluoride Adult im- munization will also be offered at this clinic. :3(K' RELATIVES. SCI1001, MATES ANi) FRIENDS _ are invited to a wedding reception for Sharon Morenz and Joe Eberhardt Friday. September 6 ladies please bring lunch For further inform: tion call 234-6723 or 237-3317 34,35',36n%c BACIMSCHOOL DAVS • • •••••• • •• • • • 0 • • •• • • 0 • •••••••••• ••• 9 0111.1.111.1k• •••••• • • e Entertainment Sept. 5, 6, 7 12 Gauge SOUTH 111'RON HOSPITAL AUXILIARi' PM Luck Luncheon meeting, Tuesday. September 17 12:30 p m in Auxiliary. Room. Note change of date and time. Speaker: Bob i)own. 36' THE HURON PERTH CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH — are pleased to invite you to hear 1)r. M. L. Simndr, Psychologist. University of Western On- tario speaking on Prediction and Preven- tion of Early School Failure at the Annual meeting of the ('entres Wednesday, September 18. 1985 7:30 p.m. at the ('lin- ton Town Ilall, Albert Street. Clinton 36,37c -BLESSINGS t'NLiMITED - invites you to the Zurich Public School on Friday even- ing. September 13 al 8:0) p rn Roman Dchcarte from Kitchener will he explain- ing the lupe of work that organizations like Blessings Unlimited are involved in Come and join us for an informative evening :tier (►1.n FASHIONED PANCAKE Bruce' tisk; F'urehall, September 14 from 7 0 n1 - 1 p m Adults 53 :10. children 6 1252 on Preschoolers free' R1'('KSKINNEIH'S ('AMI' September 7. 8. 11-5 p m featuring tomohawk throws. competition hlackpolsder shoots, basket making. interpreters wearing hide clothing. and drying hides. try our chili from an open fire 1,anibton Heritage Museum. Hwy 21 5 (;rand Bend 24:3.260( 6e • 0 • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• sat2id Rs ON THE BEACH (Dining Lounge d. Tavern Open Daily Lunch and Dinner Fine dining overlooking Lake Huron Theatre Specials 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Patio Bar Grand Bend 238-2251 Dashwood 237-3753 Open 7 days a week 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Specials Take outs Huron County Family Planning Services Invites you to attend 'Family Planning Clinic Every Tuesday from 6:30-9p.m. CLOSED Month of August Reopening Sept. 3 HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For information CaII 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday Evenings Everyone welcome Buck & Doe for John Bilcke and Jenny Kinsman Sat., Sept. 7 Entertainment Lunch provided For information 262-2107 5 Cr>,n(Jrafrr .afion3 t0 Cy & Eleanor Blommaert celebrating their 25th Anniversary on Sept. 7. Relatives, friends and neighbours please ac- cept this invitation to join us on this date. Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad Love Julie and Alan Further information call 235-0720 Times-Advocotg, September 4, 1985 . Page 1 1 A Exeter Figure Skating Club Registration for Figure Skating Wed., September 11 — 7 - 9 p.m. Sat., September 14 — 9 a.m. - 12 South Huron Rec Centre Pros will be available Wednesday night only Skate exchange available • BARN DANCE Friday, Sept. 6th: SINGLES DANCE Music by LEE DAVIDSON AND SAGEBRUSH Dncing 9:00 p.m. - 1100 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7th: Music by MISTY RIVER Dancing 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. No Blue Jeans, Please! 349-2678 Group reservations welcome Bible Stories and Exciting Activities for 3- 4-, and 5 -year-olds. J.A.D. McCurdy School Library Huron- Park Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. Starts Sept. 25 - Registration: Call Nell 235-1723 • at Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. N. Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Starts September 25. Registration: Call Yvonne 235-0769 Are Your Children Wafer Wise? There were 162 drownings last year in Ontario Rock Glen has the answer to help prevent these statistics. Be safe, register your children in The Rock Glen Recreation Centre Learn to Swim Program Registration Sept. 16 & 17 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Classes Begin September 24 Register in Moms and Tots for children 6 months and up. Taught in an 85° heated shallow pool. For more information call 828-3456 1 "LET'S CELEBRATE THE FAMILY" Community Bible Church welcomes parents to participate in a special conference THEME: ESSENTIALS FOR AN EFFECTIVE FAA i'IL Y! ,GUEST SPEAKER: Bob Johnston, Michigan Saturday, Sept. 7,-1985 10 a.m. Genuine Love & Contntihnent 12 Noon Lunch 1 p.m. Communication & Consistency Sunday, September 8, 1985 10 a.m. Child Rearing in the 80's 11 a.m. Setting the Example LOCATION: #7 hwy. at Adelaide St. N. 1 mile East of Elginfield ET II fT 14 (' t 11 (1 f, 1t 11 11 11 11 11 1I 11 11 F) 11 1T ET ET 11 IT If 11 1 7 F1 11 11 1T FT FT FT 11 1, f 1 1 1 1 1,11 fT 11 f1 ( 1 11 Ft 11 ET ET ET ET ET ET 23 Day CALIFORNIA LOOK OUT CALIFORNIA, HERE WE-COMEI Fettes Tours and Travel will whisk you away for 23 days to beautiful CALIFORNIA. Deluxe motorcoach transportation across the states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah and Nevado to Califor- nia. See the splendor of the Pacific Ocean, visit Universal Studios. Disneyland, the Hearst Castle, Hoover Dom, the Petrified Forest. the Arch in St. Louis. the Grand Canyon and the pointed Desert • Tour Salt Lake City, Son Francisco, famous for Fisherman's Wharf and Chinatown, plus the harbour city of Son Diego and los Angeles. So much to see including the gambling cities of Reno and Las Vegas. This is an ideal time of year to visit California. Join us in 1985. Tour departs on October 19th, 1985 and returns on November 10th, 1985. - ASK FOR OUR FREE BROCHURE FREE PICK UP TO JOIN THE TOUR FALL COLOUR TOURS 5 DAY AGAWA CANYON TOURS Featuring a tour of Soo Locks, Agowo Canyon Train, and over- night stay on beautiful Mackinac Island. Always a very popular tour. Price p.p. 2 to room - 5365.00 Departs: Sept. 16, 21. 23, 28, Oct. 3 4 DAY OTTAWA / ALGONQUiN Deports: Sept. 27 and Oct. 4 3 DAY LAKE PLACID Deports: Oct. 01 2 DAY PETERBOROUGH Departs. Oct. 03 4 DAY ELGIN HOUSE RESORT Including all meals and activities Departs: Oct. 06 4 DAY BETHLEHEM FEATURING 5 meals. Star of Bethlehem Christmas light display. Koziar Christmas Village, tour of Olde Historic Bethlehem, Christmas shopping, at Rending Outlets and Lehigh Volley Mall. DEPARTING ON DECEMBER 6 or 13 85 Price from 530900 p.p 4 to room 9 DAY NEW ORLEANS ANO THE DEEP SOUTH FEATURING MEMPHIS NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE. ALABAMA DEPARTING ON NOV 02nd Includes a tour of New Orleans visit to Bellingroth Gardens and Home. Mississippi and Bayou Cruise. Priced right FREE BROCHRES FREE PICKUP IN EXETER Call 1-800-265-7022 Local Number HUM Crows 934-2000 ET (1 11 E1 11 ET ET E1 ET ET ET E1 ET ET f' ' I ET ET ET F1 11 11 11 11 ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET tt ET FT ET ET ET ET ET ET EAT f