HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 2120 Property For Rent Sr IAl.l. ONE II11)14(X)M apartment for rent. Lower level, suitable for one person. Apply to 1140. 4011 Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, l:\eier, Ont. NOM ISO. 36:37c KOOM - parking. cable, share kitchen and haiuuuut, furniture lcquired. Laundry, facilities. female met ened. SS0.00 per -week. Abel S:30 p.m. pl e 235-1998.36c NEW A1)L)I -I Iwo bedroom apt. clow 10 poll office and shopping, laundry and parking. 23S-1497. 36110 MOM -RN One hell stove. ('hone 23S-1497. a111.. Irid)e and int 1 SENIOR CITIZEN'S ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT at Sauble Court, Grand Bend Doreen Seguin 238-2261 Nancy Thomas 238-8695 ('O\11-OR1 \RI 1 1ultlutnnhed hedr hulue Not . 1 it) Alas 1. 11) luinulc% Bonn 1'.\elel. Phone 2j9-0185. i6 �17i I•AKM - 11011SI-. I Isvy- kW:uion, Ileal 1.ueaII. Plume 227-1787. 36 ()NI-. Ill I)KOO\I AI'AK 1 \II NI available 10 sublet' ai 1 Ii,ahilh ( null Apartment, in Newall. \lunlhI% lent or 52911.00 in:Iude,. 111if(u:. and .ahle. Available iimledianely. Plume 247.174(1.:1(x' 1)1119 1-\ 2_ 1,43 il+et:tl, newh - del:mated, ample paikiig. (inti glia village. Prince Albert Si. 455-9808.. if.. 2 ItI-I)KOO\I AI'AK I \II N1 in I Irian. Av:ailahlr ountttI IleI\. Plum.. 227-1017. tr„ 21 For Rent 1'1 \'\WOOI) f(1K\1S, wedge,. 1.01iable olein luisei, pow el 11Oacis. ttheelball.. etc. I•sei111 Ire, •lurked. (.;dl (.line; a Ken Os by 8:30 a.m. OI:altei 5 p 111. Weekday,, anytime Sal urday. 236-4954 /urk 11.1011 n 1111 "(11 1) 1I)\\'N IIAI I:' audoolhuu for rental, including tsmeeting.. hailtinet unuu, Ieclule,. e\hihiII4)II , lil'us, etc. Kitchen facilities, atailahle. (ontan lAli.on I is eI. 235-2000. 11114) 111)11.1)IN(i 1 OK K1 N1-; 354)1) q: -1L t+ittl offices. ample puking. ('till 235-21221. 141 I u: 1 WO ('1 IA I NSA\CS will' man. AI,o al ere maw. Phone 237-3204I'. i4.36r KOONiS AVAII Alit 1- in I ur(ut. Phone 227-4811. 23 Wanted To Rent 1 ANI11 1' w 1\N I S 2 or .1 hedrtaon boom: or Mobile home iui I siie1. l-wiel of Ilan sail- Phone 524-11569.- l:1611 AI'AR I \II -N.1-. 1- 012 heti .:\..0011 as po„iltle. i'Ium! 262-131(4after 4:4N) p.m. Work nights. - 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 11. \1:111: Ray Edison Wilhelm, 1►e:.amid All pct Irmo, hal lug .,I:ant, again,( illi e1{ane til Kay, 1 diwu \\ illlila, late of illi Village Irl ( ledilon, ( Dunn of l Iuiseu. wllu died on 01 ghoul III(' l 7111 tray 01 .1111( 1911+ are 1ettuiretltoIlls' pal 11:u1.11sofsanlrt(nh U11114:1' I). Hill. O.( Suh:itol . I' \rti 1.4 )u (:►rise, hs Iter 7th day of Septet I'el 1911' alien whirb dale Ow estate a ill h.• `tlisiiihuleil having 1egaid time 1(1 thirst; claim, 01 ti Inch ntilI:: ha, hien 1 Elmer D. Bell. Stiliiiltll-.Iii Ihi t'\r:111UI,, \ete1. (Inl:n io NIA) 1SI) 14. lc• 1r,c 28 Auction Sales VVA 1 -( 11 \ (h:uol:u, ,rt.nlh I'lodu.non Sale. s nulr, uoltl' 01 \ItlIru1 I ole,( 01, Ilightt:lt /.;tial. Sept. 1411. dotnel 2:IMI p.m..Salr 4 p 10. 44 head ,ell. ,how 4 hrt•tt and open hei{et. choke 334.3497. 111., On CBC September 11 Pinsent stars in Clinton family's story Times-Advocote. September 4, 1985 The story of the Sloman family of Clinton and the School on Wheels will be the basis for the new ('IU' -'I'\' drama starring Gordon Pinsent. And Miles To Go. \v►'itten and star- ring Pinsent will be telecast on Vednosday, September 11 al 9 p.m. as pari 01 Canada Week. • The pilot espislxk• is based on the true life experiences of Fred and ('eta Sloman and their leaching ex- periences in northern Ontario. For 39 years, starling in the 1920s. the late Mr. Sloman, his wife and live children, made their home and workplace in a converted CN1t railway coach, known as the School On Wheels. GORDON PINSENT Hydro in And Miles to Go. hits the road 'I'11(' 11441 N1'11 In'gttls in 4:4)114st uc\l w(ek as 0111:11.10 I Iy(Iro st:u•ts a series_ ol publi(• information sessions 111 ex- plain \ths it picked certain auras 111 Sotnh\yesler(t Onfano lir ils 111001 deSpisi'd 500,'011 roll I ra IiSntiSS100 limes am' lowers 11'114 sessions begin NIonday in Cam bridge and liiph' and by the time they wind u11 Sept. 25 in Jarvis and Vienna. 1h.s s'iIl h:IVa Iouched 114Wn 111'1((1\ 1,1 ,,•, communities. • I[Vltro r41►resl•nla11S wlit041li11c Ih/'ir pr(dl'rr41i route:mil i'(•aSOns for sel'cling 11 iligh Voltage lines :Ice 3 tlilririniirlirlltlittitiiIHrrri iiiiiilllnminnintuluin1111nun1niuiulululniu111111111111111. . LUCAN ANTIQUE AUCTION F. ▪ Sun., September 8 --1 p.m. Viewing at' 11 a.m. of Shillelagh Motor Hotel of north end of Lucan. Interesting auction of fine antique furniture and collectibles. _ A partial listing follows: Oak roll top desk, pine corner cupF. - _ board, oak hoosier cupboard, open pine cupboard, pine wor- drobe, pine chest of drawers. pine harvest table, pine jam cup- = board, 4 pine chairs..oak extension table, spinning wheel, but- ▪ ter. churn, ut- ter-churn, blanket box, oak china cabinet. pine china cabinet, • pine washstand, cherry washstand. rugs, oak flat top desk, E. dresser. gingerbread and mantle clocks. cherry chest of drawers, oak drop leof table, oak ice box, maple extension table, parlour tables, old quilts, cost iron bed. old wooden beds, • •old cabinet type sewing machine, wall telephone and brass 3, candlestick phone. 3 pce. oak bedroom suite. flowered crock, ▪ pressback chairs, pressback high chair, old oil lamps, old dishes, kitchen colt Nctables, 1843 Westley Richards black ▪ powder shotgun. pine drysink, dozens of small items of interest too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. cheque. To Consign phone: 227-4210 - Ontario Auction Service Auctioneer - Bud McIver 1IIIIIIII111IH IIIIIIIIIII11111111IIIIIIIIIIIn111111111111111111111111111111111111 I1111111f111I 1In111111Illllllllll nllllllllr • • ••••••• • • • • .• Open House at Sunshine Kids • • • • • • • • • • Preschool at EXETER UNITED CHURCH September 7 10:00 to 12 Noon Bring your child and spend `sorne time with us. Register now for September 1985 Program is 2-4 mornings a week for children aged 2') to 5 For more information cull 235-0137 or 229-6464 ''iii A /'1N 1 O1 1'OOR ( 11111,1)'` PRI ' ( I I( )( )1 • 1.\1'I Rip ti'( 1 (11.111) .1 ( r) -)f) A • • • • • • • • • • considered essential. according tot la r:io,i lydri, I o move electrical polder from the Bruce Nuclear 1'nvyer - Development near Kincardine to larger tertian centres. - The proposed route conk! 114)1 be built unlit alter a) decision by a-.loint (ward under the etnisolid tled Ili'ar ings Ad. ;\ preliminary hearing to set procedures is s(1 for Oct. 16 a1 11►e Ilnhday.lnn in (;uclph Ise be Iotll(1e(I by 1411111i1 hearings 4111 Il'(' pr 11)0Setl 1(111(' beginning Nov. 1.2 Gillian Bennett. a- spokesman lir Ontario I Iy(lro in London, said Toes day 1ha1 newsletters are going oil 10 27.1101 pl'4)pX•r•ty owners in the studs areas t4) explain the routes and invite participation at 1114 information s(•SSioIIS- I Ivdr'4)'s infurnlal1(11 packet sent hi area landowners indicates it experts a decision by mid summer 19Ut6 with 1)1111841y buying I4) start :1 Lew months later :Ind t (ist•itetlul 'Io 1x• under w•ay by Spring 4)i 1987. (11hcr upx•(11ung public inl4)r►naliun Sessions indIllcd: Sept 10. Brantford and 'I'eeswater; Sept. 11. I )xlur(I ('en Ire and Zurich: Sept. 12. Clinton and Tempo. Sept. 16 Elmwood and Nairn. Sept 17, Ifnneywoinl and Mount Itrydges: Sept 111, Markdale and AI► pin. Sept 19.1larrit'tsvillt• and t'ndcr wood: Sept. 23, Barrie and Tillson burg. Sept. 2.1. Walerlird and 'Forint 14) :111 sessions. except Il'(• one in Toronto. are open 11.4)111 2::111 p.m. to -+ p.m. and 6::111 p.m I4) 9 p.m. The Toronto session Is ripen. Iron) I I :1 111 In8p►111 The railway car, now based in Clin- ton, travelled a 148 mile line of tracks between Capreol and Foleyel bring- ing education to isolated northern familia;;. Children and adults alike sought education and friendship in the warmth of the Sloman family schoolhouse. Over 1,1NN1 children who came out of the bushlands graduated from the School on Wheels. • Today the School on Wheels has a permanent hotne in Clinton's Sloman Memorial Park. Extensive renova- tions are being made to the old railway coach to restore it to its original slate. Mrs. Sloman, who last year earned the Order of Canada award for her work in the education field asked that the ('BC '1'V series not use the Sloman narne in their prlkduction. A modest woman. Mrs. Sloman preli•rs to main- tain a. low profile. Ilowever, Pinsent has based much of his television production 00 the Sluwman story. Finsen( plays the part of Jack Mor- rissey. a disillusioned teacher whose methods are no longer welcome in the private school system. 1 le is forced to resign and decideS Io visit his chronically ill teenage daughter Neila, at a convalescent home north of Sudbury. While there, Jack realizes (hat he and Neila need to spend more time together. and he accepts it job that he really isn't interested in -= as a teacher of a probationary "school on wheels." The school is a refurbish- ed railway car, shunted up and down the rail line out of Sudbury , slopping "in (he middle of nowhere" for it few clays, serving whoever comes otll -4)1 (he bush to learn. The immigrants, trappers, natives. miners and railway workers in the isolated hush communities don't readily accept Mr. I\f4)rrissey. 'Then he begins to realize That teaching, (hese people and their• children is the ultimate challenge of his career - that he is their only hope of achieving an education. • Appearing with Gordon Pinsent in (he cast are Ken .lames, Ed McNamara. Helen Taylor and Elizabeth Itukavina. And Miles To Go was directed by Don Mcllrearly and produced by ,lames Swan. Gordon l'insenl is known to lelcvi- Sion viewer's and I heat•., goers across ('anada. Ile gained national attention in the 1960s ih his television role as Quentin I)urgens M.P. and in 'the popular lelt•vision series. A Gift to Last. ile is also bast known for his writing and Pilin Iea(I in the feature film. '1'he Itow'dyman; a story based on his Newfoundland 310111h. A novel based on-Ihe film was published in AT CONFERENCE 'I'hc alinu:ll in•ellog of Women Teachers' :\Ssociation (I ( Intarw. representing the :31.111111 %%Inllenn lcach(•'s in the Ontario (.lcnlcnlarj' public schools, w'.lS held in 'Toronto l'l'('eltt IS.. ;\l lending from Ibis area were Niary-t*IlcnWats!)and Ila Mal hersol 111c('tii l - Iluron • Hope school. ('hrystal .Iew•it1. Florence Keilla1' oI Huron Centennial st'houl: and Mary Moifatt, Education ('o -ordinator (►I the lio:u•tl 01 Education. 0‘.‘10%‘DRO STAKED THIS POWER ROUTE BEFORE 1fUBLIC HEARINGS?! t a PROTEST These signs hove gone up on Highway 83 and 84. However, the stakes are for on aerial survey. No OH personnel have entered private property. • •,.tis O, s c,06 ESTATE AUCTION of the late Ray Wilhelm at 144 Victoria St. E. Crediton on Sot., Sept. 14 at 12:00 noon 1979 DODGE CAR 1980 '.7 ton Ford pickup both with low mileage and selling certified. Furniture. appliances, antiques, tractor and tools: Complete listing in next weeks issue. Auctioneer John Finlay - - LARGE AUCTION SALE Car. modern appliances, antiques, household effects to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton Ont. for Mrs. Viola Nelson of Clinton and Cecil Wheeler Estate of Blyth. Sat., Sept. 7 at 10 a.m. 1968 Pontiac 2 door hardtop car, selling as is, Inglis automatic washer and dryer approx. 6 yrs. old, Candle colour -TV nearly new on stand, Inglis square model fridge, 6 yrs. old, Frigidaire fridge, Danby 24" electric stove, Philco 24" electric stove, chest freezer approx. 17 cu. ft., Apt. size freezer, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner 6 yrs. old. portable sewing machine, antique sectional bookcase, antique secretary desk. wicker fern stand, 2 blanket boxes, trunk, antique bonnet chest, Targe antique chest w porcelain pulls, 2 piece bedroom suite, ' d continental bed. old brass telescope, wooden rocker, iron boot jack. onti- que dresser, trunk, dresser top swing mirror, oval parlour table, buffet w mirror, 6 dining chairs, 4 leaves for table, square parlour table, library table. 3 piece bedroom suite, washstand. steel bed with box spring and mattress. good single mattress, bridge lamp, floor tamp, bedroom lamps, old chesterfield, day bed plus dishes, glassware, small appliances. bedding, tools and misc. items. TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Page 9A 1974, followed by a second novel. John of the RRlylh Festival by actor. Ted and the Missus, brought to the stage Johns. GODIRICH • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • FRi. -SAT• -SUN. ONLY • �aIArunsae • • • Box Office Opens at 7:30 p.m. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 • • • 'limy call themselves "Ihe Gooales!' • The secret caves. lite old lighthouse. • The lost map. The treacherous traps. • The hidden treasure. Aod Sloth... • • Join the adventure. • • ore • GLIICINIeS• • • litOmmal • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • LAST NIGHTS TO GET SLIMED! .m. THIS WEEK ONLY:9 DTs. PARENTAL GUIDANCE 1 • j vaunts • • • • • • •' • • • • • • • --- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wed. - Thurs. iouu�NCE THE SUPERNATURAL COMEDY. • • t p.m. 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 • mrrr fI!iGTEdl6lM Incredible auto stunts and motorised mayl ens mark Opening Day at Western Fair '85 P.M. World Series of.00 Ii*Thrills Auto Stunt Show EntertaMrnent begins with e roar when the Auto Stunt Shop: gets under wad on the Western Fair track The tram of sinkd professionals will demonstrate Rnely-honed timing and daredevil artistry ryIn their program of death -defying antics covering the Whole spectrum of speed and stunt Select your seal early at the her grandstand and 'sport to sit on Ns from edge throughout the est King performance! *FREE GRANDSTAND SHOWS! P.M. Al Slaggerl's t)emolIion Derby Carrym9 nut Ill.' Ihemr Irl "mrauy(ed mayhem' Al Sleggert's famous Demolition nrrhy Ines up 10 its name. while presenting an evening speuar le. °hen tailed I5, "world's biggest traffic et r dent" Bent lenders. distorted Wheels.. rushed lady notal, foaming radiant's and iduwn•out tires do prrvrnt the m.dermday gladiators hum matching their skill. a outage and Iron. Pp ,n the hallle Im smwvel FRII)AY. SEPT 4h d p m Awn Soon ,h,.. p m 117r4waNvn IY,M SATl1HIAV. 51111 7,11 2. 7 & 9 p m (,and. Moans. IMrrnsikmal tip w SIINI)AY. SI PI (ih J. S)0*epos (.any.N....h.r, Introurn nal t mu. MONDAY. Sl PT %I, 2 p m W'uda...r II.v....l and l.ampnd.nr M, 7IS9pm Jerry Nerd no .111 fur SI)AY 11 P1 1011, 2 p m W,LMr..er II.y.,..1 .,d Tun.p..nr. M1 7a pm .111.n M A.rwlt.w.... sa aa.... r.a.., .. . 1•I.r. Mr hard On ON. 11.enY.a.. r4)• r t (,H4)l1NI)S t►PI N Al IOAM 5(151/AY AT 11 14005 SDI! DINGS 0P) 5 AI 111 10 A M S1" I -'' 1 AI 12 111 VM 1 iom34'/A'fI'rr W'1 1)N1 11)AV 11 1'1 1111. 7 p en W',I,M,,..r I141,....1 and 1) Y r (. 1.1.. 14.1,,.,,. Spn. 1,t.m,. ha.a,... III( /HSI►A1' 11 PI 12,1 7 p.r. Wdd11,,..r IIs.,..1 and I,YY 1ed,Hn11.1..'.s 7 a 9 p m Nom Inn,, nut Halal .n 1 nos. •11 1 HIDA'. 51 PI 1:Nh 7 p n, W.LM...., I1a,,o..1 an.t 1 11.1' (...11r. 11.1,.... 7 pno. N\91-. SA 111NUA\ 111'1 14.1 1141101-7 p no M.a.. r.... Na. ,+ MA %am....n.l I.nnl 11'N11A' 11 PI 15111 1 10 p n'. W 41..1 \.sols 1,1.-,,, 1 4 pn. I.Wa. ti l l.nw. IMd.. tip o, 14n.sn.... S..ar at.......,. .477,M• N41* EXPO WIN A Natll)AY 1001* TO 1 )(P() 86 AND 11114011 01 7111 4. ANAUTAN 1(4)1,51) S' As ....so. .M Ywg ...d. r•'a a•a ..--e•- •• Selma a.d aepo. M Y pa. ••• nary.M Wean. 111 .. M.a.. 1 Ao.• sus w h. NY Ma Ihar..a7 p* Ira a, e WI N .w Sn.d., ,rp 1M. 1•45 aIJ� rr Yaw Yc.... p. b.e' ).nt«,11.,1.. son M yawn wan. ant as aww. apacYr .* Fano I,na.a . •••••• v...,.». and 0....41.0. .. Iwaea +r.• 17 moat , as ...r dM fI-sash part - -=*- AIR 'j54 • LONDON SEPT. 6-15 w (AM RA1 * A1)415511/5 SS Ht 711 (1 1) 10 S3 HI 11 MI I P M 44 HDAYS 051 ( 1111 1)1(1 N S 1(/ 12 11 (1N1)1 N 5' HS 1)t)1 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER MINISTRY OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES Project No. CS -FDP -231 B.I.L.D. CS -CM -28-85/86 • Tender No. 5742 DOOR CONTROL SYSTEM FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR SYSTEM LOCATION / BLUEWATER CENTRE FOR YOUNG OFFENDERS Highway 21 South P.O. Box 71 GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 3Y8 The Ministry of Correctional Services will receive tenders until 16:30 hours, September 26, 1985, at, The Tenders Office, 2001 Eglinton Avenue East, Scarborough, Ontario, MIL 4P1, Telephone (416) 750-3433. - Tender Documents will be made available to inter- ested contractors at a site meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 11, 1985, at 10:30 a.m. Contractors who do not attend this site meeting will not be eligible to tender on the work. All inquiries regarding the tendejing of this project should be addressed to: Mr. J. S. May, Chief Purchasing Officer, Ministry of Correctional Ser- vices, 2001 Eglinton Avenue East, Scarborough, Ontario, Mi L 4P1, Telephone (416) 750-3433. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Another job creation project from Ontario's $247 -million Accelerated Capital Works Program BILD ONTARIO R' Ministry of Correctional Services Robert Nixon. Treasurer Kenneth A Keyes. Minister