HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 18Page 6A Times -Advocate, September 4, 1985 WITH OUR NEW $5 SUPER AD! professional ad -visors ore at the office MonOur . to Fri. m. to give you personal ser- fvicece, howeveerr if 5 p• it is not convenient to talk to us then, call anyway, anytime. Our answering machine will take your message and we'll have your ad in thenext issue. Don't forget to leave your name, address and charge card number for automatic billing. Advertisers want one thing ... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of $5 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can (Private non-commercial ads only) take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Mon- day and well gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want. 1 Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers At No In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus Extra Charge! CAIIL U•S at 235 1331 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as -for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $3.75, 10c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. I04 per word. minimum $2.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $5.50 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $4.25 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.00 per insertion. BIRTHS ;20 words S3.75. 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements. Death Notices - 20 words $3.75, each addi- tional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS - $3.75 plus 204 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words 53.75. each additional word 104. Three inser- tions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 53.75. additional words 54 each. S0t DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY. MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline; for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 MW SKILLS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Presents A Registered HEALTH CARE AIDE PROGRAM In the London or.o beginning September 1985 No ••pen.nc. required This program provides comptet• tro.n,ny for o career os o Health rte,• A„ye Diplomas issued upon I•gistrot,on dote for the • Hr14 .1 r W.d..sdsy, S.p1. 4 From 12p.m.-$p.m. Registration and Glosses will be held ot Nel Gor Castle Nursing Home 1/2 46 Elmwood Ave. W.. London. No appointment necessary. Or enquire at: New Skills Vocational School, 2084 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ontario MIC 1.19. Colltl accepted of 1.416-421.0312 Only (Please do not contact nursing home) 34,35 classifications I Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock • 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, \•ch. 1 Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 \1usica1 Instruments 4 Appliance,, Television 5 Personat 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 \Vanted To Rent 24 Property \Vanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 3 Situations Wanted \\ \N 1 -\ N1(4111 (it; I2 Need a hah_s.ii- iet.' ('all a moan. 235-(621. Illin I \1111 R \\I)SONS PAIN 1IN(fool mg and eascslroughing. \and ss oils, rice !rimmingand ret u,\al: Free cstllllaIs- . Phone 228-631(1 19tfn \1(1111 R of tto till bahssil itnt\ home. .tii age. Phone _26_2-3134. 35 36c .\;1/\\ II 1 1N(, 1O UO housecleaning. Thune 41:1;111).;116•81:( l::ibt \111 1 BAB 3 or 4 sr. old. (los, to Worsen schools- Call 235-2158. .';',.- 4 a,, 4 Help Wanted I30Okk1 1 I'I R lo\\ork in local lurnuure store. Should h:nr espet icncc or O:uninc. 1ntlima:tsm is ;11)11(1.1mm beatisc the Loh in- \ohet sales also. -\ppls .it I)innc\ I ut- nmure 15:36; \I-\ I I RI 10\ I\(, II \II\ SI I I I R Io ... .11 I„r ., 9 111,1111111 old hall\. pall -111116 In our hnni, \epi. 1. 215.15(N). 35:16; \I 11) \I( IRI \IO\I 1 :' 5,11 our lumen product to tar niers. industrial nits I of lull details - `I, LI Ip,lii.tries. 14'6•\\:IIIa;e. ()Aortic. (r .:,r „ 1 (,I _2\ 2 imnheJiatc start. 36\ 11111111111U111111111111111111111111111111r1111111111111111L• CRAIGHOLME requires Head Housekeeper/Laundry Supervisor Responsible to the Ad- rninistrotor for all aspects of Housekeeping and Loundry in a Health Care Facility for Seniors including: staffing, scheduling, and per- sonnel supervision. Appli- cant must be prepared to fill Housekeeping and Laundry duties including weekend work. Reply in writing stating ex- perience and training to: The Administrator. P.O. Box 130 Ailsa Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 111111111111n1nlimimltlti1r11111111111111111111111111n 40 The South Huron Recreation Centre Invites applications for the following 1 Gymnastics Supervisor 4 Gymnastics Instructors For our youth gymnastics program at South Huron District High School. Please submit written applica- tion by Friday, September 13th, •1985 to: Lynne Farquhar Rec. Director South Huron Rec Centre Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 0 4 Help Wanted 1)1SSA I ISI -11-1):! I need 5 deadly serious seer Leight people to aid in e\pansion ot nutrition company. High dollars for those able to train and motitate. Call \Ir. Weston her tcen 9 and 1 p.m. 657-2538 or 236-4307. 31:32s33 -36e 1.1(111 I'I1-(1 sscckcnd da,t c band re- quires bass placer \tilh Locals. Phone 235-1958 after 9 p.m. 35:36 1-()R 1111 I -.GG I'ROOUCFR, 1:niot \corking on ibis ;lean \\ ell run poulti\ farm. Contains Targe quota and on farm. " feed facilities including deer. \lodern 4 bedroom home ss III1 nets garage. For more information, please call .lint 13earss at Culligan Real! state I td. 348-8355.35:36c ILII 1 1 I\I!: counter hostess, hunt he till- ing io ss or days. nights and weekends. \ppb inypcnon at 1ssins kcmluckFried Chicken. 36c I' -\R r 1 I\II- I3,\R1 F.NI)1 R. ApplS in ssriting 10 l ester Rmal Canadian Legion• I selves Ontario N(I\t ISO. 36:37c Al 1'SPI RSON - 1:s Ciel, Grand Bnd. \Iiichcll auras. Large company inuoduc- ing a nets product. \Iasi hate otn Iranspnrtarion. (ht1� sincere appli;ants need app'\ . Phone 482-9736. 36c PAR 1 1 1\II 111 1 I' needed in children's residence. (het 18 years preferred. ('all 235-2963 of is rue P.O. 13os 437, ELrier, • ()maim. N(1\I ISO. 3(„ 1 1J1 I -\NI) PAR 1 TI\IF employees tot local gas bei.Apply in %%riling 10 I3os 391', l 'etel 111110. •\dsoeate, Feeder. ()Iat. NOM 15(1. 3(1c I'FR5ON IO tail on Cables at Huron Restaurant. Apph Rt person. 3hc 13,\131 511 1 I R in 1-\etei for one and loin \car old. 5 da)s a geek from 6:3(1 lo 4. \lust he able to take 4 feat old lu nursed\ school 2 clans a heck. ('hone alter 4 pin 235-0496. 36c 111 1 ANI) I' -\R r 11\11 io Cork outside. Irontond (roll Club. I ester 235-1521. 36-39; NI F1)1-1): IURNII' IRI\1\11:R, es- perienccd. ('hone 228-6531. - 36:37, 1:\1'1 RII N(1 1) Iiah\ Sher to care lot Ito seat old in \out home. 8.5 \1011.-1 II. 237-3479. Commence Sept. 9. 36, 1101 STI.:1 !PIR 2(I hoods a .seek. \\ Luc lits 1990. 1 \eict. Om. \\•1 'RI- I3 -\(k and ne need Marl lime start. People Co taut on rabies. short order cook and tlhht,lshcl. \ppls nt person ro 1 he 4 \1:1\ IIIn. I \clot. 36c PI RSON 1()1\ORk in lam) \\ rooms of modern hog barn. 1 till -One cmplos- mem_ I'pedrence pietedted but is ill ttaln tehahlc Demon. (nils ttl;one to :look. Phone '1'159X behest 12 and I. 16c BAB 1SI111 R NI 11)1 I) mnmedi.tith part -rime in ( hand (tend ('hone 238-8762 36; 5 Business Opportunities 1l;(-11ON 8( 11001 1416 )car. 1.20(1 graduates. courses April. \ugll.l and December. \\rile.\\ester n ( amnia School of \uenonccnng Dos 68'. I acomhc. •\ It In( 151). Phone (4(11) -82 6215. 35s 1I&R 131 0( k IN( 0\11 1 -\\ It:utchist, 14' \I:un tl I \etc!. gross in I9`5 for season 5' percrtll. I'rtpt. icon dol 1986 season 60 percent. Reason lot selling - ossncr's hrallh (onlact lora liran(1. Hos 151, 1 oleo. Ont NON 110. Plc cscnutt_'s 2')4(1(,.11 or I tul,rs .1)itrnoon 235 1909 361in 111)811 1' \R I 1 58115. Homemaker. 1 scnone 11.1.1 hrisrnta• needs. Ihstlrhtmc ..brand name.' rite's• t,Ihlccloths, (piths. lo\s ( hrislnr,tsdecorations• sic. I sicllcnt c,nnmtes I'I.tit not lot 1.111. (604) aN, 2.525 1a\ ( ,ROU\ I) 1 I ()OR ()PP( )R I L\ 1 1 1 Rapid! csh.utdrng net eintpan\ Ill All .and \\ ecce Shniti:nlon .eek aggressl\t en Lrclaneur .15 polcnnal dealer (oi tis !min - product hnr 1'rolet:red herritories as tilahlr. Small inteslinrnl Please ;all (611) 283-8621 9 a in. to 4 p.m. or send resume lo: /mite. 1 realmeni S\ stems I Id. 2 (,Iadstone \\t•.. Snulh. I all,. Ontario k'.\ 1 R 1. 16s 5 Business Opportunities FRET (•-\RI-1 R GLIDE describes 200 learn -at-home correspondence Diploma (-ounce: ,\ccmunting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, ( jerk Typist, Secretor\, Journalism, 1 eke rasion Sen icing, 1 ra\el. (iranioti (SA 1. 263 Adelaide Si rcet 8 t'si, 1oronto. Call 1 -800 -2a -1121.46[f\ ( AS11 IN ON Income) a.. Earn \Ione,; 1 earn \lone\ -Sating tats tips M cor- respondence. L1 and R I:n Schools, 134' Pembina 11\.5. Winnipeg, \lan. R31 22136. for lice brochure. 35\ 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel • Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 361 . CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. I Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Ir tick 13O\Cs, Potable \Vekiing Wrought Trim Railings and Hog & (;tile Stabling 229-6542 SI PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 2�r ELECTRIC MOTORS Rescinding Repairs ' Sales & Srl\ice ' 1atm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC 111( 1 R \1 (()\IR\( IOR 229-8222 kIRk 10\ Davey Construction • Houses • Additions • Sheds • Siding • Roofing • Renovations • Free estimates A 1;t: Phone Keith Davey 235-1944 after 6 p.m. REDI-MIX CONCRETE CALL US FOR - All Types e} Centrists Work Redl•Mls Concrete end formwork • Pretest products dealer • Montan • slats • Steps • Curb MCCANN Rem -Mi: INN. Dashwood Exeter 237.3647 233.0338 Experienced Full Time Butcher Must have kill floor experience. Students for working on Delhi and cleaning cutting room. Student help for Bakery Dept. and carryout service. Apply in person to Jim Darling, Darling's' IGA Exeter 6 Services DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 I:REE ESTINIATES 16Un WALPER HOMECARE SERVICES • Remodelling * Additions * Roofing and Windows * Repairs to holm: and cottage FREE ESTIMATES Willis Wolper 237-3493 Dashwood 112-44. A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Custom Homes • Aluminum & Vinyl • Siding • Roofing 'Free estimates' • Additions Dashwood 237.3516 EXCAVATING • Weeping Beds • Footings • Basemen's 8 Generol Backhoe work Snow -Con Excavating Owned and operated by Jim Snow Phone 235-0642 after 6 p.m. Triebner's Machine Shop & Rental Service RR 1 Exeter Phone 237-3724 Open 6 days a week Custom Home BUILDING RENOVATIONS UFFI Removal • Aluminum Siding Soffits fascia Eavestroughs • Shutters • Awnings • Replacement windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. "linAlcan Cliff t Product_ 234-6711 4 - Ron 234-622. 6 Services Gene's signs Gene (-Feces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Dashwood Ont. NOM INO PHONE 238-8242 41 10 BUY ()R S1-1 I antique, and teal ier Mime contact Norm \Vhiling 235-1964.111 ROW,iElectric & Plumbing RR 1 Woodham • Rurol - Residential Commercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Rowe 235-0906 229-6284 Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work, Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 FIo.Rite Eavestroughing SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck available Also Easvestrough Screening - shingle starter Kon McCann Jack Glavin 234-6401 237-3707 BEFORE YOU BUY A packaged deal, inspect our Mini -Sheds Completely assembled, ready to use 2 x 4 frame construction, clad in prefinished steel, sturdy doors, various sizes. Ken McCann Crediton 234-6401 Triebner Electric * Backhoeing Trenching for Call 535-1756 anytime * water lines * drain the * under- ground wiring •