HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 17( 1 PUTTING PORK ON THE -FORK - Richard Erb (left) and Don Taylor slice up one of four pigs cooked for the annual Stanley Township Family,Day while Clarence Rou digs out the dressing. The pigs were donated by Bev Hill, Howard Armstrong, Jack Coleman and Don McGregor and stuffed with 60 loaves of bread, celery, onions, applesauce and butter by Richard Erb, who also built the barbecue spits. --_,,„,„„os- •mow New Dashwood -Zurich minister For United Church minister Bob Sinasec and his wife Doris the ap- pointment to succeed Rev. Barbara Laing in the Dashwood -Zurich charge was like coning home. Doris ( nee Steckle) grew up in the Zurich area. Sinasec, the son of a farm equipment dealer, was raised on a farm at Kilworth west of London. Many local names were already familiar to him because of his father's business and his wife's background. "We received a royal -welcome. The people have been so good. even shar- ing their gardens. The manse is in lovely condition; I told the pastoral relations committee they obviously wanted to attract a minister". Sinasec remarked: Sinasec said he is very aware of the work done by his predecessor. which has prepared the way for his ministry. "We will pick up where Bar- bara Laing left off", he promised. Sinasec noted that Rev. Laing had divided the pastoral charge among the elders. and he intends to go with the elders to meet each member of the congregation. "In the home or in the barn." Sinasec added with a smile, explaining he is no stranger to the latter. His father had bought his farm "to keep the boys out of trou- ble". and one of Sinasec's daily tasks as a youngster was milking the fami- ly cow. In fact, at one time Sinasec's future seemed headed toward agriculture rather than the -ministry. While attending Western Universi- ty, Sinasec had become involved with the radical student movement which caused such ferment on campuses in the '60s. Becoming disillusioned with "the system", he.dropped out in 1970 without graduating and began work-. ing for Commonwealth Holiday inns as an internal auditor. During that time. Sinasec began at- tending Hope Lutheran church in Kit- chener after being contacted through a visitation program initiated by Rev. - Ken Zorn ( who coincidently once pastored the Lutheran Church in Dashwood ). Under Zorn's ministry. Sinasec had what he calls "a conversion ex- perience" in 1971. "Though 1 had gone to church for years. 1 was not a Christian". Sinasec explained. "Now 1 knew 1 was." The following year. Sinasec return- ed to university to complete his degree. and received his B.A. with a history major in 1973. Ily then. he fell a strong call to the ministry. but resisted. "I didn't want to be a w'ishy-washy- preacher behind the pulpit with nothing' to say. 1 had heard some ministers. and people didn't unders- tand what they Twere talking about. Teens are leaving many churches because the..) feel there's nothing there for thcm. And 1 wanted to be ab- solutely sure the ministry was what God wanted". Sinasec offered as reasons for enrolling at Guelph. and graduating with a B.Sc.- in agricultural economics in 1976. - Sinasec received a number of at- tractive agriculture -related job of- fers. but turned -them all down. ••I wanted to be where God wanted me to be", he said. Sinesac had married Doris that year. The couple accepted a job as house parents in a group home for criminal teenagers a few doors from St. Joseph's Hospital in London. The home was operated by the ministry of correctional services as one step before a half -way house or back under the parental roof. They left, emo- tionally exhausted. two years later. Sinasec worked at a number of odd jobs - managing a hike shop. short - term assignments for the ministry of correctional services. work on the home fare) - while actively seeking God's will. Ile finally told his wife he knew he was called to the ministry. NOTICE TO Exeter Public Utilities Commission Water Consumers Please be advised that restrictions for watering of lawns and gardens have been cancelled. The Commission wishes to thank the customers for their co-operation. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION H.L. Davis, Manager .y ors �4: !iti,.y� LDignan Lan ds('aping Sod Supply Coll 236.4437 of 238 8454 R.R. 2 Hensoll, Ontario LANDSCAPING Your key to year round beauty • Take odvontoge.of our complete professional landscape design service. • Phone and our landscape designer will make an appointment to call on you and produce o detailed drawing. • Paving prick • Fertilising • Ground Work • Sodding • Seeding • Railway Ties • Design Servlco • Nursery stock planting � Order your nursery stock now...or the work '11l can be done by our i' landscaping specialists. All nursery stock guaranteed 236.4437 235.1434 VtiZ quality Is first In our business and she agreed with his decision. - It was back to school for -the ministerial candidate. He attended Huron College. London in 1979 and 1980. and was student pastor during that time at Kerwood United Church. Ile received his M. Div. from Ern-- manual rn-manual College, Toronto and was or- dained in 1983. Sinasec was at Brownville near Tillsonburg tor two years before.com- ing to Dashwood -Zurich. Despite a background that includes Roman Catholic. -Baptist and Lutheran affiliations. Sinasec feels he was guided to the -United Church: "I am an.evangelical in philosphy and expression. and the United . Church has received me very well. I am happy to be a member;" Sinasec said. Sinasec sees his ministry from God as preaching the -Bible from the pulpit, visiting- those in his charge. and empowering the laity to do the, work of the church. "We need leadership in the church. Christians need to grow. to be discipl- ed, and then reach out to those Who feel they don't belong. That's the challenge today", Sinesac said. Sinasec is also sure of his priorities: God first. family of wile and children -Esther-Lynn, eight, Robbie, six. Jonathon. three and Cherith, two. next. and congregation third. Ile believes a minister sets an example for his congregation within the con- fines of his own family. Sinasec's goals for his Dashwood and Zurich charges include renewal within individual hearts and cor- porately in the congregation, a strong Sunday School, and an enthusiastic Bible study class. "If Christianity doesn't meet one's daily needs. it's not Christianity". Sinasec concluded. Gradual integration of Ecole Ste. Marie Fifteen grade one, seven and eight pupils from Ecole Ste. Marie began classes at St. Boniface on Tuesday. leaving 34 students in grades two to six 10 attend the school at St. Joseph for one more yer until the two schools are integrated under one 1 oof in Zurich in September 1986. 1 Three Ecole Ste. Marie pupils have accepted the Huron -Perth Separate School Board's offer of daily transportation to the French immersion program in (;oderich. l Gary Birmingham will Ix' principal of both schools. • French language instruction will be increased each year al SL Boniface. French instruction for grade fours will double from 20 minutes a day lo 40 m1986. and grade lives will receive 40 minutes each day in 1987. The board's ac•c•onunodal ion review committee is still examining requirements for meeting the needs of an expanded enrolment al SI. Boniface. and is a week or two away from leaking a final relommendatioti to the hoard. according to committee member Jack Lane. superintendent of business and finance. The Board in turn will be governed by how much money is made available from the ministry of education to assist the necessary expansion In order to properly accommodate the extra pupils. and provide needed facilities, Lane believes St. Boniface should have three extra classrooms plus a special education resource room. a library. change rooms and additional vvashr(xnns. •'11 were going to (lo it. now'', the time." Lane said. going onto explain 1llat the size and scope of the addi- tional space and facilities to house the tta student -bodies will be determin- ed by the amount of financial assistance provided by the province Ile expects the decision will he made in October. About people you know This past Sunday on Labor Day weekend the Stantons hosted their an- nual end -of -the -summer corn roast. with several friends coming from 1 Andhra and Det roil. 1)aId 1 RIC harine of Windsor spent a few days with his aunt. Mrs. Ther- sa Hartman this past week. (;ora and Jeanne Ilay attended the wedding of their nephew Dave 10 Brenna Wein at Exeter United Church on Saturday with dinner an(1 recepl ion held al I he rec centre. Also attending from town were relatives Erla and Eric Smale and Kay Hay. Vicky Ducharme with children Sara and Jeffrey spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Rirs. fiord I lay, while her sister Peggy Hay returned home with them to't%VOhn- ing for a few days. Times -Advocate, September 4, 1985 Seniors enjoy On Wednesday September 28, 4.4 seniors from Zurich. Dashwood, Hen- sall, and Exeter left on a mystery trip. Our first stop was at Port Stanley, where we were given a tour of the Kettle Creek Canvas Cotnpany. Harry Hoffman won the door prize. We were then treated to a train ride on the Germinan rail -line tolinion Station and back. Next stop was at the St. Thomas Rendezvous Restaurant where we had lunch, after which we were given a guided tour of St. Thomas and saw Jumbo the world famous elephant. Shopping was enjoyed at White Oaks Mall London, with dinner follow- ing at the Garage. Everyone reported it was an excellent trip. Thanks lo Gen Doyle for organizing it. - The Golden Agers will meet Wednesday September 11 at 5:30 at the Town and Country Bowling Lanes Zurich, for a dinner meeting. GertieFleischauerspent the week- end in Palmerston, with her daughter and son-in-law Bill and Ruth Ann Mills. Religious studies course On Thursday, September 3 there will be a meeting for all high school students and their parents at St. Boniface School at 7:30 p.m. to talk about a 'Religious Studies - Credit Course j Baptism Bradley Lionel Vermunt, son of Walter and Brenda, was baptized on Sunday. September 1 at St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph by Fr. Bensette with godparents being Rick and Marg Gingerich. 25th'anui'ersary Congratulations to Michael and Yvonne Hartman who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on August 27 and took a trip to Prince Edward Island. Newlyweds Congratulations to Gary Regier and Betty Pennings who were married on Saturday. August :11 al St. Boniface Church with Fr. Mooney officiating. Dinner and reception was held in Hensall. . The groom is the son of Joe and Rose Regier and the bride is the daughter of Harry and Wilma Penn- ings of the Zurich area. Following a honeymoon trip to Quebec the couple will live at RR 2 Zurich. Special speaker Blessings Unlimited is having a special speaker. Mr. Roman Delicart from Kitchener coming on Friday. September 13 at the Zurich Public School at 8:00 p.m. He will explain the - types of work that organizations such as Blessings Unlimited are doing. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. Reunions A good time was had by all at the Corriveau family reunior held on Sun- day at Springbank Park in London. Those attending from town were Mrs. Nora Corriveau and daughter. Julie and Mozart Gelinas Jr. and family. Fun add -games were had by all, and a delicious pot -luck supper was served. The annual Ducharme family mu- . pion was held on Sunday at the Dashwood Community Centre with approximately 100 descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme at- tending from Windsor, Sarnia. Peter- borough. London and Zurich areas. Various games and prizes were won. Personals Earl and Anne Flaxbard spent from last Tuesday to Thursday in London with their daughter. Ruth -Ann Flax - hard. who is home convales 'ing after an operation.. On location or Studio Bart DeVrie�° PHOTOGRAPHY ( OMMIR( IM WEDDINGS PORTRAITS - GROUPS PUBLICITY Telephone 21S-1298 - 1 i7 Thames Rd., East, Exeter, OnI. We Now Have The FirePlaces By Vermont Castings Whether you're planning to add the magic of a fireplace to the decorating scheme of your home, or looking for America's best airtight heater, the FirbPlaces by Vermont Castings are what you wont. And we're the place to find them. The Defiant' , the Vigilant' , the Resolute' , and the Intrepid.' give you the elegance of fine furniture combined with the efficiency of America's ;best airtight. Come in and see the FirePlaces. We can discuss your installation needs and give you an estimate. T & TERRACE Located at the oto SCHOOL HOUSE HIGHWAY 4 M BIRR 10 ml. north of London) 666-0382 Open Tues. -Set. • tote 'to 530 rre:bye tote 1111100 .eleemeer We enjoyed a long holiday weekend at Point ('lark. On Friday, August 30 1 was treated to a delicious birthday supper in Kincardine at the Erie Belle. and on returning to the cottage was surprised with a lovely decorated cake and presents We look in the Saturday Summer March with the Kincardine Pipe Band. Eva South from Florida and Reama Leigh and Don Denomme of London were Monday visitors with their sister-in-law. Mrs. Florence Denomme. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Flaxbard and two children of Kitchener spent the Labor Day weekend with his parents Earl and Anne Flaxbard. tour Poge 5A Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey spent the weekend with their son. Brian Geoffrey in Detroit. Lester and Arlene Denoimne and twit: boys of Trucho. Alberta. recent- ly visited with his mother, Florence Denomme for a few days and while here a family reunion was held on August 24 at the cottage 01 his sister. Dolores and Joe Stanton. The family of Adeline Denomy held a reunion in honour of her birthday on Saturday, August 24 al the Thorndale Community Centre with her children - and grandchildren from Kitchener. Chesley, Toronto, Thorndale and Lon- don to celebrate. 'Thirty -live adults and 28 children presented her wit') wishes and lovely gifts. Huron Apothecary Ltd. J T WILSON PHARMACIST PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST.. EXETER. ONT. PRESCRIPTIONS We accept most major drug plans Blue Cross, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc. Hours Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. An exceptional record;, An exceptional opportunity. That's Industrial American Fund, a portfolio of prime U.S. and international stocks traded in New York—The Big Apple. Take a look at what Industrial American has achieved, then call or write for more information. Since inception 5 years _ 3 years 1 year industrial American Fund 21.2", S & P 500 8.2% 11.3% 19.2% 25.9% Dow Jones Industrials 4.8% 9.1% 17.1% . 19.1% Offer made only by prospectus. All figures average annual returns to May 31,1985. Dividends reinvested for Industrial American. Date of inception: October 1975. INDUSTRIAL AMERICAN FUND ❑ Please send me information on .Industrial American Fund. Name Address City Province Postal Code Phone L (Residential) (Business) Dominion . Securities Gary C. 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