HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 164
Page 4A Times -Advocate, September 4, 1985
Dashwood considering giving up its fire department
Hay council studies Stephen proposal for joint fire board
:\ propos,{ submitted by Stephen
township for it tire hoard agreement
14) c4 )y41. Hay and Stephol townships
and the Police village of Dashwood
was examined in detail at the first
Ill -tidal' September session of Hay
council The agreement was dratted
alter Uashwex)d trustees approached
both municipalities and said the
village's tax base is not growing
quickly enough to provide the money
to continue to pay for the Dashwood
F'il'e. Denali client. '1'114 neighboring
municipalities had paid a yearly- re-
tainer ll'(' fur the life pl'O1ec11041 pro-
vided by the Uastiood department.
1)asliv.oud trustees are willing to
relingish their lire department, and
)e part c; the area covered by a joint
Hay -Stephen lire board. provided the
equipment is still based in the
1)ashwuu(1 fire hall. That provisions
is part of the proposed agreement.
111 response to at request for com-
ments. Hay will inform Stephen they
agree with most 01 the conditions, but
want to know where the initialing
municipality got the figures assigning
Hay Ib percent of the costs. and
Stephen (4 percent.
Hay wants any agreement based on
current assessment figures and ad-
justed annually; play d(x..s not concur
with Stephen limiting itself to never
paying more than 70 percent 111 lire
board costs. as in some future lime it
could enlarge its area and conse-
quently acquire a larger assessment.
Hay will suggest the audition 01 a
clause stipulating that anticipated
major capital expenses be orale
known to individual councils bt
January 1 so clerks could sit the null
rate accordingly.
The proposed board would have two
members from Hay and three from
Stephen. Three' member's would be
considered a quorum, as long as both
municipalities were represented.
All board decisions would come
before the two councils for approval.
The two municipalities will meet
soon to discuss the terms of the pro-
posed agreement.
:After attending an Exeter area lire
board meeting. -('ouncillor Murray
Keys brought up the question that it
a building inspector is responsible for
fire inspection on new buildings un-
til an occupancy permit is issued, who
BATTER UP - . Catcher Jim Hill and batter Bruce Rothwell wait for
a throw during one of the baseball games pitting dads against lads
at the Stanley Township Family Day. The other dads on the bench
await their turns at bat.
Paving Stones
driveways - patios
- walks - pools
landscaping accents
equipment rental for
- discounts available
on larger purchases
- delivery available
patio blocks
lawn edging
sidewalk blocks
park benches
picnic tables
aliewe etve trete
'wduced 4td.
2 Parkside Ave.
Zurich, Ontario
Phone 236-4305
(olden Yim Jei
Anew month, a new season, kids all
back in school, the trees are beginn-
ing to turn their hues and the
residents look forward to the bus rides
to view the beautiful fall colours.
On Wednesday afternoon, some of
our residents were guests of the
Maitland Manor residents in
Goderich. They enjoyed a musical
program which was followed t)y
refreshments. We appreciate Mr.
('halut making these arrangements
for them.
The sympathy of residents and stall
is extended to the family of the late
Mr. Sidney Baker.
Residents who were 001 during the
past week were R1r. Peter Reichert.
Mrs. Marie Hess, Mrs. Oriole
Westlake, Mr. Loftus 1)enomme, Mrs.
Matilda Tetreau, Mr. Stephen
Molnar. Mrs. Valeriaarmstrong,Mrs.
Maggie Campbell. N1rs. Genevieve
1)uchari te. Mrs. Violet Huntley and
Mr. Aaron Gingerich.
We regret that Mrs. Margaret Pial
is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon
(ton and Nit's. Alice !falterer is in St.
Joseph's I laspilal, London.
Bingo was played on Friday
:\ six'('ial tionk you 10 alt who have
provided fresh vegetables and fruit
from their gardens as special treats
for the residents.
Rev. Robert Matheson of 'Thames
Road 1 nitvd ('hurch was in charge o1
the Sunday evening chapel service.
Sesquicentennial Committee
of Stanley Township
invites entries to
"Logo/Slogan Contest
Help us celebrate our
Guide line - Logo, slogan should incorporate
the township crest
Closing date is September 20th
First Prize - $100 cash
Send entries to: Gordon Hill
Township Contest
RR 1 Varna
Phone 482-3307
is responsible in Hay where such per -
en 141.4 not issued.
R4eye 1.iunel r said there had
not been a lire inspection on a new
building for as long as he could
remember The owner made the deci-
sion to mote 111. and adherence to lire
regulations was up to the builder.
Deputy Reeve 'Irony Bedard added
Irons 1115 tears of experience' in con-
struction that lire safety regulations
were incorporated its the building
Clerk Joan Ducharnle wanted to
know who was authorized to issue a
building permit or carry out an in-
spection when the building inspector
was at a convention or on holidays
Wilder replied that IIS nu one else was
(tualified. people would have to wait
until Hay's 11)1411 was back on the job,
unless the township's building inspec-
tor made a reciprocal arrangement
with an inspector trot)) another
play and Zurich- councillors are
waiting to hear 11.0111 \It's. Anastasia
Martens alter a meeting to discuss a
40 -year lease on an additional live
acres to the west of the present joint
landfill site to provide a buffer zone
for • leachate.
Bedard presented a list from the
township hall caretaker of things that
were not put back in order after the
Beall Festival. ('hairs and tables were
left on the street. window curtains
were not lied back. three bags ol gar-
bage were lel( in the hall. ashtrays
had been locket) in the kitchen and
smokers had ground their butts out on
the floor. and the hall had not been
cleaned up after either the Bean
Festival or a previous Iuncli(11.
wilder said the ( )nlariu Beaus 1'1.0
ducers Marketing Board. who had
rented the hall on August 2-1. had
given the Zurich Minor Athletics
Association permission to USC it when
a drenching rain drove breakfast
customer, inside.
Wilder said he did not know who to
blame. Ile thought the Bean Festival
committee should be commended for
organizing the event. Ile speculated
one problem may have been not ar-
ranging tilt' an extra crew to move
tables and chairs in case of rain.
The municipal office received a
shipnlenl from Ontario Hydro con-
sisting 01 a weighty six -volume set 111
thick hinders containing every scrap
of information 01 the transmission
study being carried out by the utility.
Wilder said (roomy Council is to Ileal
with the matter 4t a power corridor
through Huron at its Thursday
meeting. platy councillors fear their
opposition to a proposed route
through the Township will be crushed
under the massive pressure Ontario
Hydro can muster.
\Vilder informed Council )hal 011 is
figuring into its costs the revenue it
would he receitiog it the line were in
operation. Ile does not think Ilial is a
valid calculation.
Oritario Hydro will open an infor-
mation centre in the Zurich Com-
mon -11 ('en1r4 on \\e(lnesday.
September' 11 from •!::;0 until :4:00
p.m. and again in the evening from
(4:311 until 4'.1N1.
In a discussion 111 the proposed
"spills- hills" pulling the onus o1
responsibility for transporting
dangerous substances on the owner
Stanley Township Council and
Recreation Commission had a busy
weekend. Council members and their
families served a delicious breakfast
on Saturday morning in the hall, and
over 40o attended the Recreation
'Commission's barbecue Sunday
afternoon and ate thre'v pigs each 140
lbs. (Tressed weight 4 and a large
smorgasbord of salads, desserts. etc.
A fourth barlx'ctied pig was donated
10 il(1l'OI1VI('w.
There were family ball games all
'afl(.rnoon 011 Sunday. wills th(' kids'
teams playing (heir parents. \Vhal
promised to be a good ladies' 18511)811
game between the Exeter Greys.
coached by Janet Graham and San -
(Ira's husband Sandra plays on the
leans and a Blanchard 't'ow'nship
team was cancelled because 01 an
electrical storm.
Dale reek is building an addition to
the barn on his property.
Bruce and Anna Keys had a
delightful trip to Sault Ste. Marie.
Agawa Canyon and \lac'kinac Island
a week ago.
Students entering high school from
(his area include Nancy Wehsler.
Shelley Hayter and Scott Kirton.
Sherri ('butter is entering (i1iversi-
ty of Waterloo to prepare for a career
as a recreational director. Lori
tlayter is in the pharmacy l'ou'se ;11
Western University. and her sister
Tracey is in hairdressing school in
Kitchener. '
1 wonder it our neighbours 14re try-
ing t) tell us something'' Several
years ago we ref tolled from holidays
to find a "For Sale.. sign 0n our house.
Last week a real estate "Sold" sign
was on il. The news sure got around
fast. Oh. the things that people in this
neighbourhood (lo (or tun'
Mr. Fred Reid. who has been slay
with his daughters this summer.
has take up residence in I luronview
.ferry and Jean Reid have purchas-
ed the restaurant and gas station in
Londesborough and are moving this
week. They have sold thew home to
Brenda Rhona. who is a sister ol
Helen Keys Brenda is employed al
the Youth Correctional ('entre near
.lean Reid won Inst prize in the crib
quilt class al Rayfield Fair with her
bunny quilt. She was second in the
large quilt glass.
even it he has not received (leliver\ .
Wilder said "this legislation stinks
The Federation ol Agriculture is urg-
ing all members to write their \It's
and have it changed.
('ouncillor Juhn Elder brought a
complaint from Bruce Phillips. Nor
elan Heights. about the extra ex
penses of $:3 to interest charges. plus
stamps, when his money order to pay
his taxes was delayed in the mail and
arrived at the municipal office atter
the deadline.
••Wlie re do we draw the line'' We
have to borrow the money that
doesn't come in". Wilder said. adding
there were a number 111 ways such as
postdated cheques or early mauling to
eliminate the problem.
The engine'er's report on the
Boersina drain will be read at 41":11
p.m when council meets 1o1' its se
conn] regular monthly session on
September 2:;.
Lake Huron
Ontario Hydro Transmission Study
Map of plan 7 with Recommended Routes and Sites
// r1kV1cel
Georgian Bay
ssa TS
• rMilton TS
lliddleport TS
Nanticoke GS
Plan 7
Study Area
Recommended Routes
Acceptable Alternative Routes
Lake Erie
A GS Generating Station
• TS Transformer Station
NPD Nuclear Power Development
Ontario Hydro is recommending
the expansion of transmission
facilities in southwestern Ontario'to
continue to provide a reliable and
economic supply of power to con-
sumers throughout the province
and to maintain adequate power
system flexibility.
The above map shows Hydro's
recommended routes and site for the
proposed transmission lines and
transformer station. Acceptable
alternative routes are also shown.
Monday, September 9
Holiday Inn
Highways 24 and 401
Tuesday, September 10
Town Hall
Thursday, September 12
Town Hall
Monday, September 16
East Williams
Township Hall
Wednesday, September 18
Thursday, September 19
Bruce Township
Community Centre
The recommended routes and site are
documented in an Environmental
Assessment which was submitted to
the Provincial Government on August 1,
1985, and will be the subject of public
hearings which will begin later this year.
By attending one of the public informa-
tion centres listed below, you can learn
more about the study and Hydro's rec-
ommendations. Hydro staff will be on
hand to answer questions. Maps and
other project related information will be
available for your review.
Public Information Centres
Monday, September, 9
Ripley -Huron
Community Centre
Wednesday, September 11
Oxford Centre
Community Hall
Oxford Centre
Tuesday, September 24
Waterford United Church Hall
Main Street
Wednesday, September 25
Vienna Community
Thursday, September 12
U.A.W. Lal 1520 Hall
Highway 401 and Highway 4
Tuesday, September 17
North Dufferin
Community Centre
Wednesday, September 18
Community Centre
Monday, September 23
Tuesday, September 24
'Ontario Hydro -Auditorium
Corner of College and
University Ave. Toronto
•Open from
11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Tuesday, September 10
Holiday Inn
Highway 403 and Park Drive
Wednesday, September 11
Commurr.ty Centre
Monday, September 16
Community Centre
Tuesday, September 17
Community Centre
Mount Brydges
Thursday, September 19
Monday, September 23
Tillsonburg Community Centre
Lion's Den, 45 Hardy Avenue
Wednesday, September 25
Jarvis Community Centre
Park Street (off Highway 3)
Please visit the centre of your convenience at any time between the hours of 2:30 pm
and 5:00 pm in the afternoon, and 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm in the evening (except
the Toronto centre).
Note: Since these are 'drop in' centres and there are no formal presentations, members
of the public are welcome to visit at any time during the periods noted.
If you are unable to attend one of these centres, but
would like more information, please write or phone:
Ontario Hydro
Community Relations Department, H8 -E6
700 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1X6
Phone (416) 592-7943 (collect)
between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday