HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-09-04, Page 14Page 2A Times -Advocate, September 4. 1985 Sharen indicates he won't run for reeve's post again Council under fire as merchants air concerns A widely advertised "Grand Bend and Area Merchants Meeting" was called Tuesday. by the Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce. The participants were invited lo "express their views and opinions on the issues concerning business during summer 1085". The issues were: Village by-laws. parking, noise. cleanliness (streets and beach; and general business alniosphere. About 55 people turned up to this summer sleeting and many were irate and vocal in complaining about most of the issues. The village eoun- cit, represented by Reeve Bob. Sharen, deputy -reeve Harold Green. and councillor Dennis Snider and Bruce Woodley were clearly on the receiving end of the complaints. As each item was introduced. statements of complaint such as "businesses are against it.. council makes two many laws" were made. The problem here is the $to tine levied for parking on Main Street beyond the two hour limit. Reeve Sharen pointed out the stiff fine was necessary to sul ficiently penalize a driver for all dad parking since pay lots were $-l: other- wise they would rather pay the fine than move the car. The question re- mains.. are tourists driven away because 01 a two hour limit on Main SI. and a $10 fine? Chairman of the meeting Gene Grenier had invited Tourism Counsellor l)an Murphy from the Ministry off ice in Windsor to attend the meeting and speak to the issues. Ile suggested that BIA grants could be feasible it restricted to the core area earlier council proposals for lila status had been turned down by the Chamber of Commerce). He also Grand Bend and district news Connie Keyser 238-2695 warned that parking would only become a greater problem in the future and that it "should he ap- proached some other way than taking dollars from the tourists". Reeve Sharen also had to re -assure some that the monies were designated to a special fund to be us- ed to acquire land lor parking lots as !I became available but al a fair market value. Noise abatement by-laws were another hot issue. During the sum- mer, council had received and in- vestigated several times. complaints about excessively loud music' on out- door patios ug drinking establishments. Finally a letter was sent on July 15 stating "if the pro- blems continue. council wilt have no alternative but to request the- L.('.B.(1. to reduce the hours of opera- tion for the patio areas to 11 p.m. 11 necessary. charges will be laid for ex- cessive noise." Subsequently, the 'I'r•ee !louse has been charged and they have elected to appear before a hearing on September I:t rather than pay the $103 tine. Some businesses interpreted this letter as either fact or harassment on the part of council. Attempts by some of those present at the meeting to encourage more co- operation and positive approaches in- stead of so much negative complain- ing were generally ignored: the chair also -dismissed a suggested motion put forward by one restaurant owner. having defended the many posi- tions council has had bo take with many facts. logic and calm resolve. Reeve Sharen then introduced an ar- ticle from the August 27 issue of the Toronto Star. in it, former Chamber Of Commerce president Nick Carter dismisses the Suichee Econoinic Development report as ..not worth the paper it's printed on" and that "it's the beach that brings people here. FINAL WORDS Just before boarding and heading out into the lake, racing chairman Richard Ander- son (centre with notebook) holds the Skippers meeting. Wind conditions and chosen course are discuss- ed and final instructions given. As soon as the group breaks, the excitement of the race is on. Weather- finaily -clears to assist . sailors' outing: J 'Cramer who sails the "Andromeda". Strategic 'mummers snob what give She inherited this precise and in) - the best position r the favoured end portant job from her- sister and has to cross the starting line and the c•om been doing it for both spring and tall petition suddenly turns serious. For seasons in 1981 and 1985. Between rat-- some skippers it's this women! on the ing seasons she was a Junior Ranger "cutting edge" of living and quick in Timmins for- the summer. and decisions that keep them rucing year whenever she can she's on her after year. Different personalities windsurfer. give each boat a distinctive al- Commador Dave Atkinson has a mosphere and style. recognizable hard 'working executive of six to run even from a distance. '1'o a man. the club of 30 rneinbe rs. Vice Com everyone agrees in This club that Bub mador Don Pearson (whose boat is .tones rSandpiper) has lh' lest sail - '•Night Music' ) is in charge 01 social ing record - anti is affectionately call - events such as the spring and fall ban- cd "the ICil Old Fox". quets where the winning first rgold 1, Just like any other spotI, some ol second 1redo and third 1blue► flags the best ;ailing is done after the are awarded. A sail past must he sloops are docked and every nautical quite a sight since some members mile uI the race is re-hashe(I. re have so many flags they couldn't • played and re -lived: display thein all. • On this Labour Day regatta. the Once out on the lake the paid- club marks the new season with the emoniunt breaks out as everyluIt traditional "garbage pail" party and scrambles to choose the right size harbeque supper/ What's the "gar sails. check the rigging for a quick baize pail" event'' Well. that's another change the spinnaker schen runri story about the river. not sailing. ing before the wind while skippers Winners for this weekend were: bark commands to the nimble crew Div. 1. "Sandpiper", Bud Jones: Div. ') "Va \loose' Judy and Finn Frederiksen: Div. ;t.'• Shark No. 7:11' John Fraser and 1)ave Atkinson. What time is the skipper's meeting'' When will the first race start 10'' or 11? What time do you have now? Let's synchronize watches' Is that Green- wich mean time or (:rand Bend tirne''- • Choosing a course suitable for the direction and velocity of the winds, Rear('onunander'Richard Anderson as racing chairman officially begins the fall racing season for the Grand Bend Yacht ('lub. Having had the summer months to relax and travel on sailing vacations. the members are eager and enthusiast is 10 gel back in- to racing form - the Lab our Day weekend regatta being the best three out of four races. After three weeks of dull and rainy weather the holiday weekend brought perfect sailing weather- good off- shore winds and no waves. More than 20 boats took park in the races. being classified into three divisions accor- ding 10 sire. Div. 1 - over 3o'. Div. 2 - 2T3ti . 1)iv. 3 - under 27'. Beth and Peter Whalntore ( past comma(tare: served on their boat "Stolen Moments" as the committee boat since they were not racing. They anchored off the pier beyond the orange buoy marker while Christine Cramer 1 from Southcoll Pines r of- ficially ran up the course flags. the starting time flags and then fired the starting gun signals. Christine is the: daughter of veteran sailor Ben 11 BRING THIS COUPON IN DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER and when you have your vehicle Rust Checked you will receive one can of RUST) CHECK Rust Check Touch -Up Absolutely FREE PERFORMS .the effervescent Kate Hennig of Blue Champagne fame treated Playhouse theatre- goers and all her fellow per- formers to a cabaret of music and songs last Monday night after the regular shows. Designer David Juby created a fabulous 'fruit salad' costume for Kate's late night romp. She demonstrated an versatile range -of singing styles from the mean and dirty blues of Bessie Smith, the Streisand belt - 'em -out d -emetics. to the serious and tender Kate Hennig ballads. It's time to talk business Valued at $5.95 one coupon per applicatio Specially formulated to. 1. Prevent door locks from freezing 2. Free rusty bolts and nuts 3. Penetrates and protects 4. Lubricates and frees rusty hinges. Exeter Motors Rust Check Centre Main St. N., Exeter 235-1100 IT REALLY WORKS STARTER With blank charges all laid out in readiness, Christine Cramer carefully times the War ning gun, signals at 10 minutes 5. then signals the start. At the some time• she is responsible for hoisting the flags telling the course to be token and the various coloured flogs telling the preparation times. 4NGL' rIRIa 41 Main St., Grand Bend 238.2161 Lk. under L,L.B.O. ea An FBDB representative will be in your area soon. Come and meet him or her. There is no obligation and no costs and your business can gain a lot from it. If you're looking for financial aid in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in your business, come and discuss it with us. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction to get government assistance, both federal and provin- cial, as well as other vital information. Foran advance appointment, call: BOB BOGDON (519) 271.5650 - Collect 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario NSA 6Z3 La Banque ollre ses services dans les deux gangues officielles. BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Federal Business Banque federate Development Bank de developpement C anal Boy meets girl. sex. drugs and rock and roll: that's been the secret to the success of this resort..." The Reeve on the other hand strongly supports the economic report which points to year-round businesses as the back- bone of the community and less em- phasis on the summer transient tourist trade. This picture of Grand fiend painted by the unfortunate quote of Mr. Carter has resulted in his resignation from the Chamber of ('onunerce 1e- ing tendered and accepted. President Grenier was openly critical of the Reeve for presenting the article at the meeting and stated "1 believe 1 have the wrong resignation... it should be the Reeve whe•should resign.'• The day after the meeting, the Reeve was interviewed on CB(' (' radio and CFPL '1'1' where he constantly re- itterated his belief in Grand Bend as an expanding year-round resort as well as permanent residential com- munity. 11e has also staled publleal- ly that alter 15 years of service he will not run for Reeve again in the November municipal election. August 29. Grand Bend Council issued a letter requesting that the Chander of ('ontmerce repudiate am suggestion 01 drugs being any part ill the success ol this resort. A follow-up article appeared on the front page of the Monday edition ol the London Free Press .Eneapltoned "Wild then there's swinger" several bikini -clad girls are pictured while the article tells how both the Reeve and the Chamber president want to have an all -year resort at Grand Bend.. The key point is that "Sharen and Grenier ix►ih agree the Chamber and village council need to work more closely together if (rand Bend is to achieve its potential... neither... can do it alone'-. i g3itooEgagoo I Chartered Accountants P O Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT r JOSEPH F. I)A1tLIN(. (-Y.HTIVIEI) ..ENRitAI. A((u(/NTAMr e1N-23/1-IIIII►N THE 011) TOWN HAL1. 122 MAIN NTH VET EXETRH, 0N -1•A H10 NOM I 16 AUCTIONEERS 6Hugh Tom\ FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provuulolly licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insur9 success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collet �ttbb-O$33 b66-1962} Ontario Auction Service Gel Action -Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers • RA "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Luton, Ont. (519) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227-4111 • INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C.s, h.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love R.R. 3 Parkhill, Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238-2641 REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow and save Centre Ltd. 149Downia)St „Stratford Closed Monday NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236-4914 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO pKirkton Sin ONalizinFARM TIRE SERVICE • Calcium Service • Tires • Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 WEDDINGS Let us help you with your wedding invitations Times - Advocate 235-1331 •