HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1985-08-21, Page 34Page 20A Times -Advocate. August 21. 1985 Fir IN SUMMERFEST PARADE - Participating in Saturday's Crediton Surnmerfest parade were Bi Tideswell, Chris Dinney, Amanda Dinney and Robert Mitchell. T -A photo Huron Hope to get 5350 On Saturday, August M. the Exeter Swim team went to Seaforth to tom- pete in the ICSA finals.'Theteam put forth a good effort and finished in se- cond place, a mere :32 points behind Clinton. The following Tuesday, August 1:1. the Exeter Pool Staff held a Swim-a- Thon from 1:00-2:00. The objective was to raise nioney for Huron Hope. Some 20 swimmers of all 'sizes and ages participated in the event and ap- proximately $350.10 was raised in pledges. Faye Skinner, director of Children's Services, says that the money raised will be used for hooks, puzzles and outdoor equipment... Some of the special needs children enrolled at the school were in attendance with their summer worker and enjoyed the time spent in the water. Saturday August 17, the Exeter Pool hosted the Sportsfest swim meet. Eight teams attended the meet in- cluding: Atwood, Clinton. Wiarton,. Seaforth, Kincardine. St. Marys. Chesley and Exeter. The meet was won by Clinton while Exeter placed second. Many participants and events made the day seem long but a good time was had by all. • The Sportsfest Youth Water Polo tournament was held Sunday, August_ 18. Chesley, Kincardine. Clinton and Exeter were the tour teams inyol rel in the competition. Clinton won -the champ plaque •and Exeter. doing quite well for their first competition claimed the 'IC champ plaque. Exeter Water -Polo coaches are Steve Batten and Dennis Murray. Exeter Pool will he holdiug.another leisure swim on Friday August :3o tram 2:1111 to: 3:30. Watch posters for further- details. An 1(1 4S(' Fitness :Ward will be -fered al the pool during the week til August 211-30 from I:on to 2:1111. The course is offered for children eleven years of age and older by instructor Deb Oke. The cost will be $11► and registration is tx•ing taken at the pool. Sportsfest keeps policemen busy Exeter police report a busy time in relation to Sportsfest. Many warnings were issued for li- quor violations at the temporary campsite but otherwise the campers were generally orderly: The only reported crime in relation to the activities was the theft of two lawn chairs from the residence of Bill Berends.-Victoria St. Two collisions were investigated during the week. the first occurring on Wednesday at the Zip Car Wash.. A vehicle owned by Ruby G. Gilfillan, RR 3 Exeter, was struck shy an unknown vehicle while parked on the lot. it sustained damage of $3(111. The other crash was on Friday zinc' involved three vehicles. Drivers were James Fleming, KK 8 Parkhill: - Suzanne Hyde. Southampton: and R.J. Scott Cooper. KI( 3 Kipper. Fleming was stopped waiting to slake a left turn on Hain St. N. and the liyde vehicle had slopped behind when Inc latter.twas struck from behind by the Cowper vehicle. Total damage was listed at $4,525 aa.d ('ooper .was charged with follow- ing too closely. Police are continuing their • in- vestigation into a breakin at Oscar's Video. Thames Road E., that occur- red early in.:he morning hours Monday. Nothing was taken. but pro- perty dainage was estimated at $250. postings N w for IotaI OPP e -- McInnes Mong---with his—wife local- detachment- are- Constables Theresa and children Brian 10 and e Christie eight years of age will be tak ing up residence in f xeler• in the near future. - His off-duty interests include par ticipating in slopilch and curling. Two other recent additions to the The new head -of the -Exeter detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police is Sergeant Don Mc limes. A native of the Shelbourne area. Sergeant McInnes spent the last five years with the Sehringville detach- • ment following a dozen years in Parry Sound. Dianne McCuaig and John Kelsall. I'he Exeter postings are the first for both since graduating from the On- tario Police ('ollege. - Constable McCuaig, the first female officer to be stationed here is a native of Oro Station and Con- stable Kelsall hails tram MonIreaL SGT. McINNES lti'1'FSTN1F.NTS 53 wesT ST., r,0OIRICH 1-800-265.5503 I1r•INII Decoration Day Potted silk plants Outdoor wreaths to Qpwp't DLAR 1t(WIS1S � IM1a1n St., Exeter _ 1 345 235-022 \ tartan t ounta7,nrgeSt fie:ek 1i) CONSTABLE McCUAIG CONSTABLE KELSAII Positive rec meetin A recent meeting between representatives from Exeter. Ilay. Stephen and Ushorne regarding recreation cost sharing was describ- ed as "very positive" by Exeter Coun- cillor Gaylen .Josephson. one of two Exeter council members to attend the session. . "Very gond things carne out of rt. ' he said in reference to the session an August 2. adding that there xtas open- ness and trust displayed al the session_ ile said representatives of all the Ido problems in department An inspection 01 the i•..xeter• police department by the 1tntario Police Commission has found no major pro blink at the present 1ime.i-- The inspection was ec•nnducUed by. L C. Alexander on .Julw 4 and his rei>11rt detailed some 4)1 111e changes being trade by. next ('hie( Larry eta rdy to an interview (with members 01 the force, Alexander said any pro- blems being experienced w ith the Inn plernentation of new shall Schedules were r IMO' .'and oral Wei iSted heca us . some members were sonlew nal resistant to change'. Members of the force indicated they were prepared to assist the new ('hie( and Alexander reported that morale. al present. is assessed as average. . "Member: were articulate. per son.'tble and I was impressed 1)y their candour." he reported municipalities are aw:ur of 1he rising costs in recreation and will meet again to look at the costs oI programs that are shared in the arca. Stephen 'Township. which had in (hated its desire to withdraw Irani the agreenlc•nt surrounding the South Ilut•on rec centre hoard. indicated through a letter on .August 1:3 that the would acknowledge -the old agree- ment by leiising a Iln.'mler on the board. 1lowrwer.Step11e1 asked Ihal 1•;x tiler take steps to draft up :i nett agreenlenl Tor rirculalion to IN. municipalities • No discussion was held by council regarding the request for :a new agreemenl Reader writes Should adhere to rules Myself and four other friends par- tic•iapted in Grand Bend's Sandcastle Days held on Saturday, August 10. 1985 Alter the completion of thecon- test and the awards ceremony. we ►►'ere discussing with another team entered in the competition, about some aspects of the contest that just weren't right. On the rules and regulations for this contest. it is stipulated that there is 10 be three categories: .1. King of the Castle, 2. Castles of Your Mind, and 3. Individual Competition. It also states that there is to he 1st prize of $500. 2nd prize of $3uo. and :3rd prize of $lex). in each category. However, when the prizes were awarded. only two of the three categories received prizes. The ''King of the Castle.' category and the -Castles of Your Mind' category ap-- parently were incorporated into one category. This lett the remaining category of ':Individual Compel ition.'• What myself and various other par ticipants and non -participants would like to know is what happened to the. three categories previously advertis- ed. and what happened to the remain- ing $900! ! $900 was awarded in the "individual Competition" category and $900 was awarded in the other "newly created" category. So what became of the remaining $900! ! In the Wednesday, August -7. 1985 edition of The Advance, a newspaper serving the Grand Bend and surroun- ding communities, on page 6, is an ar- ticle on sandcastle days- It specifical- ly states that there will be three categories and what each of these three categories represents. Mr. Nick Carter, Vice-president of the Grand Bend Chamber of. Commerce, is • quoted as saying "...there will be cash prizes totalling $2,701. and businesses . are helping sponsor the event with merchandise prizes from their stores." During the distribution of the prizes, there was no menton of any merchandise prizes from any stores. There were also ads for the Sand- castle Days in The Advance and in The Sun. both newspapers Serving the Lake Huron and Grand Bend area. Two ads which appear in The Sun Ix)th advertise (hal (here will he $27110 cash plus merchandise prizes for the winners of the Sandcastle Building competition. In The Advance. they advertise "prizes of cash and mer- chandise totalling over 5:31110 to be a►wa r•ded... Does the lirand fiend Chamber ot Commerce and the sponsors of Sand - caste! Days thunk that no oile trill notice any of this' There are also some other points that -Acted-- la be Mentioned. It stipulates in the rules and regulations under rule No. 4. that "tools allowed will be limited to common garden and househoM implements." This is all fine and dandy. except !hal one gruop had the use of a gas generated sump . pump to bring water up from the lake to their designated plot Since when is a gas generated sump pump con sidered a coinnlon garden unple inenl'' it also stales in rule No.li that sand is to be used from your designated plot. Well. "here were the judges ►then one group well up 'towards 1he cottages te) gather the ".liner sand" for use on their project'.' it semis to ole that when the rules are stipulated. that they should be ad- hered to or your are disqualified from winning. Shouldn't the judges have been around Irom 12 sewn to 4:1111 p.m Battle over pop bottles Exeter council will jurat in the cur- rent battle over the tyle of containers allowed for• use by ( )ntario's soft drink industry. In broaching the subject. ('ouncillor I)on Winter said he had no desire to stipulate whether steel—aluminum. glass or plastic 15)11 les were allowed. but said that whichever tyle is chosen. they should carry a heavy deposit so consumers will be en- couraged to return thein to the source of purchase. Winter said the main intent was to ensure that containers did not end up in the garbage to add to the land till costs. At his suggestion. council agreed In write the rninisle•r of the environment to urge that soft drink bottles carry a large rota"' SO they "-att.( he discarded. Ile said some western provinces have sizeable refunds for soft drink containers and they encourage con- sumers or others to return the con- tainers Ior re -use or recycling. Ile scoffed al a suggestion by a Lon- don bottler on a TV interview that containers should be non -deposit, recyclable. %%l llet• said that was a total contradiction as non -deposit con- tainers would simply end up in the garbage and not in recycling. TOSS SHOES - Lloyd Venner. left, and Harold Pridharn display the form that carried them to the Sportsfest horseshoe team title. and not _just for the judging'! Also, London's CKSL 141 radio sta- tion was involved during the awards ceremony. Perhaps they should have checked out the rules and regulations before they became involved. One other comment l would like to slake is, should one person lie allow- ed to be involved with more than one entry? The person who won the "In- dividual Competition" category, also helped to work on the entry that won in fhe "newly erealed" category . Surely this is not fair" Lt's really too bad that a very good idea for a very fun day should be ruin- ed like it wills. People should be aware of what w'mst on. Do we want the same thing to happen next year? NO!!! This situation should be serious'' looked into, to ensure that it does not happen again. Next year will be too late to ask questions. We should all be asking then now! Sincerely Kelly. D. ('asc•adden PEACHES *Peers *Pleas *Apples *Blueberries *Frozen Fruits •cherries regr►«rles -wild blueberries -gooseberries -roil currents •bl.dr currents -elderberries OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Kock Oar Ina 3arars Ltd. Located on Rock Glen Rd. 1-8284100 Arkona, Ont. ftonsioll,G100' 23)nEDG TV, ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC Nryi�� Omuf_h Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 ( WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. . J CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. I)ARLiN(.. ('ERTIF1 D a.ENE UA1, AC('UUNTANT TEI a BIN-II96-eII(►N THE OLI) TOWN HA 1.1. 122 MAIN NTREET EXETHR, ONTARIO NOM 100 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0633 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get Action Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraiser' RA "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan. Ont. (519) 227-4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227.4111 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G>,I.C.s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love R.R. 3 Parkhill. Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grond Bend 238.2644 REPAIRS Sewing Machin• Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952' Sow and Save Centres Ltd. 149Downtest.,Stretford Closed Monday Ph • no 71-9-0 ,__,1 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SiZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF JF FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO ppKirkton Sin ONFARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs 6 Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-89542 WEDDINGS Let us help you with your wedding invitations Times - Advocate 235-1331 1